Saints - N, O, P

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St Peter Claver (1581-1654)
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$5.50  Inc Tax
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$21.00  Inc Tax
A Life of Blessed Peter Favre, First Companion of St. Ignatius
$31.00  Inc Tax
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Patron and Protector of Switzerland 1417-1487
$11.00  Inc Tax
Story of St Peregrine
$12.00  Inc Tax
A Saint in the Slave Trade
A Saint in the Slave Trade
St Peter Claver (1581-1654)
by Arnold Lunn

Captured and separated from all he loved, fettered down in a ship amid relentless waves and disease, he lived at the mercy of his captors. Water and food were scarce, prisoners were tortured and tormented, and the heat and decrepitude were intolerable. Many succumbed to death, while others committed suicide or were killed. 

This is the desperate situation into which St. Peter Claver (1581–1684) voluntarily entered. Author Arnold Lunn reflects that St. Peter, a learned and gifted priest, became the “slave of the slaves” in order to become a father to the fatherless. He lived in the slave ships of the West Indies to care for the sick and bring the gospel and the sacraments to the hopeless.

In A Saint in the Slave Trade, Lunn reveals how, from the early days of Christianity, the Church has worked to uphold the dignity, rights, and freedom of slaves and that many of the same struggles to overcome injustice and affirm the value of human life are apparent today. 

Reflecting on humanistic outrages from Roman times to recent years, A Saint in the Slave Trade offers philosophical and spiritual insights on how the power of Christian charity revolutionizes and liberates souls in the direst situations. Embark on a spiritual voyage with St. Peter Claver and let him guide you in:

  • fostering your prayer life and union with God through Ignatian spirituality
  • growing in docility and obedience to God's will
  • overcoming injustice by sharing God's love, person to person
  • cultivating virtues by following St. Peter Claver's example of heroic charity
  • offering sacrifices for souls and finding happiness amid suffering

A Saint in the Slave Trade powerfully attests that all lives matter. Our personal witness of sanctity is a “creative force” that will help lead other souls to God.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 208 pages

St Peter Claver (1581-1654)
The Cancer Saint
The Cancer Saint
by Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik

May the story of St. Peregrine, the "Cancer Saint," give faith to those fearing or suffering from cancer or any form of running sores. May they turn in earnest prayer to him who has rightly been named by the Church as Patron of those suffering from Running Sores and Cancer. More effective than any earthly cure is PRAYER! Prayer enlists the support of God's almighty power.

Booklet, size 8" x 5", 24 pages
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$5.50  Inc Tax
The Life of Little Saint Placid

The Life of Little Saint Placid
by Mother G. Gallois

Mother Gallois began life as a violently anti-clerical artist in turn-of-the-century Paris, but after a spiritual crisis, she entered a Benedictine convent and dedicated her life to prayer and religious art.  In her latter years, she began to write, and her most well-known book remains The Life of Little Saint Placid.  Referred to affectionately as a comic book for contemplatives and a profound picture treatise on prayer, there is a depth of wisdom imparted amidst the bold linework of her art.  One comes away from the pages of this book with less a feeling that one has learned of the life of this saint, and more with the feeling that one has gained true and lasting insight into the spiritual life.

Paperbck, size 6" x 9", 114 pages

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$21.00  Inc Tax
To the Other Towns
To the Other Towns
A Life of Blessed Peter Favre, First Companion of St. Ignatius
by William V. Bangert, S.J.

While it is well remembered that St. Francis Xavier was an original companion of St. Ignatius at the beginning of Jesuit Order, it has too often been forgotten that there was a very important third person who made up the original trio that were the foundation stones upon which Ignatius built the Society of Jesus. That third person was Blessed Peter Favre, the quiet, gentle and congenial companion of Francis Xavier and Ignatius who labored tirelessly to preach the Gospel with ceaseless travel through Italy, Portugal, Germany and the Netherlands, going wherever he was ordered by Ignatius to lay Jesuit foundations and win souls for Christ.

This is the life of Peter Favre, first companion of St. Ignatius, a holy and energetic missionary who, as a young college student had met Ignatius and Francis Xavier at the University of Paris in 1525, and there began the origins of the great Society of Jesus. In this inspiring biography, Fr. William Bangert, S.J., has drawn on many essential historical sources and consulted various experts and documents to present a detailed, moving portrait of this prayerful, humble and zealous Jesuit who spent himself for the cause of Christ, packing into the last seven years of his forty years on earth an incredible program of travel and work that kept him always on the move "to the other towns" to proclaim the Kingdom of God.

Paperback, size 8" x 5.5", 346 pages
A Life of Blessed Peter Favre, First Companion of St. Ignatius
$31.00  Inc Tax
St Norbert and His Order
St Norbert and His Order
by A Norbertine Father

St. Norbert and His Order is a book divided into three parts, on the life of St. Norbert, on the history of the of Prémontré, and the third part on a number of Norbertine saints. This work is simple, easy to read and a beautiful testimony of the jewel that is the order of the White Canons.

Paperback, size 8" x 5", 116 pages
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St Nicholas
St Nicholas
Patron and Protector of Switzerland 1417-1487

This great 15th century saint is a burning torch still giving light to his countrymen and to the entire Church. His life reminds us that holiness can be pursued in every vocation. Saint Nicholas of Flue was a soldier, a farmer, a magistrate, a husband, the father of a large family, and a hermit for the last 20 years of his life.

He was very devoted to our Lady and the Holy Eucharist. Separate investigations of the religious and civil authorities of the day attest to Saint Nicholas's eating nothing besides daily Communion for years.Forty years before Martin Luther kicked off the "reformation," Saint Nicholas warned his people not to be deceived by the coming apostasy. "An unfortunate time of revolt and dissension in the Church of Jesus Christ is on the way. O my children, do not let yourselves be misled by any innovations! Stay together and hold fast. Stay on the same way, the same paths as your pious ancestors. That is how you will resist the attacks, tempests, and storms that are going to rise up with violence.

"If that isn't incredible enough, God also showed him a great apostasy which will sound all too familiar to traditional Catholics. Saint Nicholas warned, "The Church will be punished, for the majority of its members, great and small, will become very perverted. The Church will sink deeper and deeper until it finally seems to have been destroyed, and the Succession of Peter and the other Apostles will seem to have ended. But after that, it will be triumphantly exalted in the sight of all doubters."

Pocket size, a joy to read, abundantly illustrated.

Booklet, size 8.5" x 5.5", 78 pages, Illustrated
Patron and Protector of Switzerland 1417-1487
$11.00  Inc Tax
Story of St Peregrine
Story of St Peregrine
A Story of St Peregrine
by Brother Ernerst, C.S.C.

Born in 1260 this wealthy young man headed down the wrong road before returning to God. He had a sore on his leg that the doctors realized they could not cure so they decided to cut his leg off to save his life. Peregrine prayed to Our Lord and was healed that night.

Level 1

Paperback, size 8" x 6", 30 pages
$12.00  Inc Tax
Story of Blessed Pauline von Mallinckrodt
Story of Blessed Pauline von Mallinckrodt
A Story of Blessed Pauline von Mallinckrodt
by Brother Ernest, C.S.C.

As a young girl Pauline lost her mother and one of her brothers to typhoid. To lose your mother at an early age is very difficult indeed! But through the grace of God she helped her father and later she founded the Sisters of Christian Charity to care for the blind and needy.

Level 1

Paperback, size 8" x 6", 30 pages
$12.00  Inc Tax
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