Saints - T, U, V
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A Modern Martyr
A Modern Martyr
The Life of St Theophane Venard
by St Theophane Venard
A Martyr for Our Times
"I like Theophane Venard even more than Saint Louis de Gonzaga, because the life of Saint Louis de Gonzaga was extraordinary and Theophane Venard's was quite soul is like his. He is the one who has best lived my way of spiritual childhood." -St. Therese of Lisieux
Theophane Venard's example, particularly his way of accepting his martyrdom, was a valuable aid to Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, especially his words before martyrdom: "I do not rely on my own strength, but on the strength of Him who defeated the power of Hell and of the world through the Cross."
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 186 pages
The Life of St Theophane Venard
The Hour Of The Dragon
The Hour Of The Dragon
A Story of Saint Theophane Venard
by Genard Greene, C.S.C.
Theophane Venard was an obedient child that accepted work as an everyday obligation. His parents, devout Catholics, carefully instructed their children in their obligations toward God and their Savior Jesus. The Mass, the Rosary and prayer became most important in their daily lives. After being ordained a priest he was sent to China as a missionary. He suffered greatly and was eventually put to death for his faith. Reading this story can encourage us to follow in the footsteps of Saint Theophane Venard by praying to receive grace to face suffering of everyday life bravely, offering all to God and asking to receive death calmly and heroically.
Level 2
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 96 pages
A Story of Saint Theophane Venard
by Genard Greene, C.S.C.
Theophane Venard was an obedient child that accepted work as an everyday obligation. His parents, devout Catholics, carefully instructed their children in their obligations toward God and their Savior Jesus. The Mass, the Rosary and prayer became most important in their daily lives. After being ordained a priest he was sent to China as a missionary. He suffered greatly and was eventually put to death for his faith. Reading this story can encourage us to follow in the footsteps of Saint Theophane Venard by praying to receive grace to face suffering of everyday life bravely, offering all to God and asking to receive death calmly and heroically.
Level 2
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 96 pages
A Story of Saint Theophane Venard
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