Saints - A, B


St Adauctus
St Adelaide (Alice) of Burgundy
St Aelred of Rievaulx
St Agnes of Assisi
St Agnes of Rome
St Agatha
St Aiden
St Albert the Great
St Aloysius Gonzaga
St Alphonsus Liguori
St Ambrose
St Andrew Avellino
St Andrew, Apostle
St Angela Merici
St Anne
St Anne Line
Bl Anne Catherine Emmerich
St Anselm
St Anthony Mary Claret
St Anthony of the Desert
St Anthony of Padua
St Antoine Daniel
St Apollonia
St Athansius of Alexandria
St Audrey
St Augustine of Canterbury
St Augustine of Hippo
St Ava of Denain

St Barbara
St Barnabas
St Bartholomew, Apostle
St Basil the Great
St Bede the Venerable
St Benedict
St Benedict Joseph Labre
St Benedict the Black
St Benno of Meissen
St Bernadette Soubirous
St Bernadine of Siena
St Bernard of Clairvaux
St Blaise of Sebate
St Bonaventure
St Boniface
St Brendan
St Bridget of Sweden
St Brigid of Ireland
St Bruno

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$26.00  Inc Tax
Face In The Flames
A Story of Saint Bridget of Sweden
$20.00  Inc Tax
Oracle of the 12th Century
$32.00  Inc Tax
Hide The Children
A Story of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
$17.00  Inc Tax
Story of St Agatha
$14.00  Inc Tax
Story of St Angela Merici
$12.00  Inc Tax
Saint Bruno - The Cathusian
Saint Bruno
The Cathusian
by Fr Andre Revier, S.J.

St Bruno was born in Cologne around 1030. He studied at the university in Rheims, where he later taught, and was Rector of Studies for nearly twenty years. Chosen in 1080 as the new Archbishop, Bruno had other plans ̶ he had decided to follow Christ to the desert ̶ and with six of his companions settled in a mountainous and uninhabited spot in the lower Alps, in a place named Chartreuse, under the guidance of the young bishop of Grenoble, Hugh Châteauneuf. They built an oratory with small individual cells at a distance from each other where they lived isolated and in poverty, entirely occupied in prayer and study.

For six years, Bruno was able to enjoy the life he had chosen with his brothers, but early in 1090, he was summoned to Rome by a former pupil, Pope Urban II, to help him in the reform of the Church. The Pope would only countenance his longed-for return to the eremitic life, if he would establish his hermitage closer to the papal court. Bruno chose a forested valley in Calabria for his foundation, and he died there on October 6th 1101. He wrote two letters full of tender love which have been inspiring Carthusians, as his followers are called, for nine centuries.

Paperback, size 8" x 5.5", 198 pages
Saint Aelred of Rievaulx
Saint Aelfed Of Rievaulx
by Paul Diemer, OCSO

Here we have a beautifully re-told life of the remarkable saintly St Aelred, the great Cistercian who died in 1167. Young and old still learn joyfully from him today.

Ages 12+

Booklet, size 8.5" x 5.5", 40 pages, Illustrations
Saint Brigid and the Cows
Saint Brigid and the Cows
by Eva K. Betz

How many things can charity impact? An inspirational story for children, Saint Brigid and the Cows brings to life a young Irish maiden whose life touches everyone, even the animals she tends in the fields. As the story unfolds, all are impacted by her virtues—it is as if even the cows she tends see how pleased God is by her obedience and charity.

Saint Brigid and the Cows is part of Eva K. Betz’s Saints and Friendly Beasts series, entertaining and educating children of all ages. Every book is fully illustrated and displays Charles Vukovich’s artwork on each page of these stories about the saints. 

Ages 5 to 10

Hardcover, size 8.25" x 6.7", 48 pages
$26.00  Inc Tax
Face In The Flames
Face In The Flames
Face In The Flames
A Story of Saint Bridget of Sweden
by Brother Roberto, C.S.C.

Born in the early 1300's this Catholic was destined for great things. One of her daughters also became a saint as well. She was known to be generous to the poor.

Level 2

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 96 pages
A Story of Saint Bridget of Sweden
$20.00  Inc Tax
St Bernard of Clairvaux

St Bernard of Clairvaux
Oracle of the 12th Century
by Fr. Theodore Ratisbonne, NDS

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux is not as well-known as he should be. He is a saint who dominated his times and era with extraordinary accomplishments. Born in 1091 to a noble family in France, he was educated well. When his mother died shortly after he turned 19, he thought at last of retiring from the world to the life of solitude and prayer. He joined the Benedictine community of Cîteaux, which was intending to return to a strict following of the Rule of St. Benedict. Later he was sent to found a monastery at Vallée d'Absinthe, renamed by Bernard "Claire Vallée," which later became "Clairvaux." Bernard became abbot and soon was founding other monasteries. His rule was so austere that his own health deteriorated, and many monks became discouraged and mournful, but by humble inspiration, Bernard was induced to lighten the burden somewhat. 

Bernard was invited to guide multiple councils, starting with the Council of Troyes, where he wrote the rule of the Knights Templar. He supported the true pope, Innocent II, during a schism that arose after the death of Honorius II, traversing Europe to secure secular and religious support for the true successor of Peter. He refused the Archbishopric of Milan, preferring the cloister, and wrote numerous illustrious works that would gain him in later history the title of "Mellifluous" Doctor. Continuing to administer at councils, he put down the errors of Peter Abelard and others, founded 163 monasteries over all Western Europe, and preached the Second Crusade. He drove out demons and prophesied, acquiring many miracles to his name. Above all, St. Bernard wished to be holy, united to God through Mary; his writings on her were chief reasons for his becoming a Doctor of the Church.

In this short biography, find the tale of a man who had power and influence on more matters than most can dream of yet who took no joy in the world or pride in successes, ever longing rather to return to his cell. Here is truly a story to make you weep.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 464 pages

Oracle of the 12th Century
$32.00  Inc Tax
Hide The Children
Hide The Children
Hide The Children
A Story of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
by Brother Roberto, C.S.C.

Born in 1090 near Dijon, France, Bernard's parents believed God had special plans for their son. As a Cistercian monk, St. Bernard helped to inspire other to seek holiness through solitude, poverty, prayer, and work.

Level 2

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 96 pages
A Story of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
$17.00  Inc Tax
Meditations on the Holy Angels
Meditations on the Holy Angels
by St Aloysius Gonzaga

“O my soul, contemplate the surpassing beauty of these citizens of paradise! They shine like a vast constellation of radiant stars, or even like the sun itself, in the splendid city of God.” —St. Aloysius Gonzaga

In the history of the Church, there are few saints who wrote with such angelic purity and devotion on the subject of angels as Saint Aloysius Gonzaga. Much has been written on this Jesuit novice who died at the young age of twenty-three while caring for plague victims, but little has been available on his actual writings—that is, until now. For the first time in English, Meditations on the Holy Angels, Saint Aloysius Gonzaga’s longest and most significant work is offered to readers. Discover this great saint’s love for the holy angels, no doubt a powerful inspiration for his own angelic purity. Those who read this inspiring work will fall more deeply in love with God and His holy angels. Learn about our angelic companions’ excellence, nobility, and glorious order. Contemplate the powerful roles of Saints Gabriel, Raphael, and Michael through the eyes of one of the Church’s great Jesuit saints.

Included in this volume are two important versions of the life of Saint Aloysius. The first is from the Office of the saint, first published in 1737, and subsequently incorporated into the Roman BreviaryThe other version, published in 1699, is somewhat longer and offers further beautiful details of his sanctity, piety, and ardent charity.

As the patron saint of youth and students, Saint Aloysius Gonzaga’s writings and life reveal that one cannot live an angelic life without angelic help. Here is a saint who sought his guardian angel’s help three times a day. Here is a book that will enflame the hearts of both young and old to love our angelic friends—messengers from heaven—with even greater fervor.

Hardcover, size 7" x 5", 91 pages
Story of St Agatha
Story of St Agatha
Story of St Agatha
by Brother Ernest, C.S.C

This story of Saint Agatha is set in the year 251 during a great persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire.Reading this story about Saint Agatha can help us see that the most important thing we can do is to live for God-even if we must die to the things of the world!

Level 1

Paperback, size 8" x 6", 30 pages
$14.00  Inc Tax
Story of St Angela Merici
Story of St Angela Merici
Story of St Angela Merici
by Br Ernest, CSC

Angela Merici was born around 1474 in Italy. When she was a teenager her parents and sister died. Despite her great sorrow, Angela decided to trust in God. Through a vision she discerned that God was calling her to do with her life. She founded the Ursulines, a religious teaching Order devoted to educating girls. Reading this story can encourage us to follow in the footsteps of St Angela, who trusted God and did something that no one had ever done before-founded the first religious teaching Order for girls.

Level 1

Paperback, size 8" x 6", 30 pages
$12.00  Inc Tax
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