Preserving Christian Publications

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$64.00  Inc Tax
Liber Hebdomadae Sanctae Cantus Gregoriani
$32.00  Inc Tax
A Complete Catholic Prayer Book
$72.00  Inc Tax
Considerations on the Eternal Maxims [The Ascetical Works vol. 1]
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$40.00  Inc Tax
$76.00  Inc Tax
$152.00  Inc Tax
Designed to Aid Parish Priests in the Regular Exercise of the Pastoral Ministry
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$152.00  Inc Tax
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$300.00  Inc Tax
Douay-Rheims Bible (Red)
Douay-Rheims Bible (Red)
Preserving Christian Publications

Since 1609 the Douay-Rheims Bible had been the longest standard Catholic text used in public readings as well as for private reflection.

This reprinted edition is the classic John Murphy Co - P. J. Kenedy and Sons 1914 edition which is based off the 1899 Douay-Rheims text. This reprint is affordable and not too elaborate, yet durable so that it can be used regularly, or purchased as gifts without being too expensive.

Features of this bible:
  • Sewn hardcover, imitation leather (Skivertex) available in Black and Red
  • Durable end sheets (Permalex) to provide the Bible with a long life without the cover separating from the pages.
  • The use of Bible paper makes the book less bulky and more compact.
  • Family Record section between the two Testaments.
  • An attractive cover with a golden border surrounding the Cross.

Hardcover, size 8.25" x 5.75", 1392 pages
$64.00  Inc Tax
Holy Week Gregorian Chant
The most important week for any Catholic is Holy Week. During that time, the Church wants us to reflect upon one of the greatest mysteries of our faith: the passion and death of our Blessed Lord. The Church over the centuries has assembled some of the greatest prayers and ceremonies to commemorate this great act of love of Jesus. And these prayers and ceremonies are all accompanied by beautiful psalms tones and sublime Gregorian chant that normally are only heard during that mournful week. The new Gregorian Chant Holy Week Book was made by taking out those parts from the 1962 Liber Usualis that pertain to the entire week, beginning with the restored Palm Sunday ceremonies up to and including the Easter Vigil. Thus, parishes with those interested in doing the offices of the Sacred Triduum, for example, can find this book most valuable in singing those offices on the last 3 days of Holy Week. And all the other sung ceremonies can be found in this book as well. Sewn and bound with a hard cover durable binding. One ribbon marker was inserted in the book as a speedy reference locator. All the music is in Gregorian notation with the rubrics in English.
Liber Hebdomadae Sanctae Cantus Gregoriani
$32.00  Inc Tax
Blessed Be God
Blessed Be God
A Complete Catholic Prayer Book
by O P Callan, Fr Charls J, Fr John A McHugh

Blessed Be God has been the most popular Catholic prayer book in America for generations. Newly reprinted in a deluxe pocket-size edition that closely resembles the original specifications.

This edition includes hi-quality features such as a bonded leather softcover, rounded corners, sewn binding, gilded page edges, a marking ribbon and more. Along with the usual array of traditional morning and evening prayers, litanies, novenas, Stations of the Cross, prayers for the sick and dying. It also includes rare devotions for Holy Days, Special Feasts, Holy Week, Paschaltide, Ember Days, Rogation Days, Days of the Week, Seasons of the Year, and Months of the Year. In addition, an entire collection of prayers for Eucharistic Devotion have been included such as a Holy Hour and the famous Forty Hours' Adoration once practiced in every parish church!

This reprint is current with the traditional 1962 Missale Romanum with a Table of Moveable Feasts good through 2041.

Leather Softcover, size 6" x 3.25", 754 pages
A Complete Catholic Prayer Book
$72.00  Inc Tax
The Sources of Catholic Dogma
The Sources of Catholic Dogma
by Fr Heinrich Denzinger

In this age of doctrinal latitude and speculative innovation there is a pressing need for a comprehensive source book on authentic Catholic dogma that is magisterially anchored while at the same time both practical and non-voluminous.

It is this English translation of Fr. Heinrich Denzinger’s Enchiridion Symbolorum et Definitionum. Since it was first published a century and a half ago, this handbook or collection (enchiridion) of articles (symbols in Latin) of faith and morals has enjoyed universal appeal and approbation since the pontificate of Blessed Pope Pius IX.

The Enchiridion has been updated periodically; this edition is that issued in 1957. The collection includes all articles and creeds of the Catholic Faith beginning with that of the twelve apostles, all dogmatic definitions stamped with the Petrine authority of the apostolic See (ex cathedra), decrees of the solemn magisterium, papal bulls, encyclicals and letters, as well as some of the more weighty decisions of the Holy Office prior to 1957. Although not every entry in this 653 page compendium (with an additional 67 pages of indexes) of Church teaching is definitional (i.e., ex cathedra) it still should be considered the "locutus est" for every wayfaring Catholic whose patria, this side of heaven, is Rome.

In addition to a general index there is a scriptural index plus an invaluable systematic or topical index making for very easy reference. Note, too, this edition (reprinted for a 2nd time in 2020) comes with the 16 corrections that PCP, Inc. inserted into the text and that must be applied to errors (usually omissions) that escaped the eyes of editors in previous editions. Freshly reprinted on fine natural-colored paper and handsomely hardbound in a navy blue cloth cover with silver embossing on the cover and spine, this important theological reference book makes a great addition to any bookshelf, always ready for referral.

Hadcover, size 9" x 6", 720 pages
$64.00  Inc Tax
Preparation for Death
Preparation for Death
or, Considerations on the Eternal Maxims (The Ascetical Works, Volume 1)
by St Alphonsus Liguori

Covers the shortness of life, the certainty of death, the uncertainty of the hour of death, how with death all ends, the importance of salvation, the value of time, the eternity of Hell, the pains of Hell, the remorse of the damned, and the anguish of the sinner at death. Plus: the happy life of the virtuous, their peaceful and victorious death, the glories and happiness and eternity of Heaven, etc. Preparation for Death is a complete program for saving our souls that understands this life is principally the means for attaining our salvation.

Hardcover, 7 1/2" x 4 3/4", 473 pages
Considerations on the Eternal Maxims [The Ascetical Works vol. 1]
Out of Stock
$40.00  Inc Tax
Douay-Rheims Bible (black)
Douay-Rheims Bible (Black)
Preserving Christian Publications

Since 1609 the Douay-Rheims Bible had been the longest standard Catholic text used in public readings as well as for private reflection.

This reprinted edition is the classic John Murphy Co - P. J. Kenedy and Sons 1914 edition which is based off the 1899 Douay-Rheims text. This reprint is affordable and not too elaborate, yet durable so that it can be used regularly, or purchased as gifts without being too expensive.

Features of this bible:
  • Sewn hardcover, imitation leather (Skivertex) available in Black and Red
  • Durable end sheets (Permalex) to provide the Bible with a long life without the cover separating from the pages.
  • The use of Bible paper makes the book less bulky and more compact.
  • Family Record section between the two Testaments.
  • An attractive cover with a golden border surrounding the Cross.

Hardcover, size 8.25" x 5.75", 1392 pages
$64.00  Inc Tax
Christmas Begins with C
Christmas Begins with C
by E. Mary Christie

Advent is a time to prepare for the Incarnation of our Blessed Lord and Savior. 
Christmas Begins with C takes your child’s natural wonder and excitement for the holidays and directs it to an anticipation of Baby Jesus.

Beautifully illustrated on every other page opposite a charming verse.

Paperback, size 6" x 6", 
28 pages
God Made All Things
God Made All Things
by E. Mary Christie

This concise and warmly illustrated book tells the story of Creation, Original Sin, and the coming of the Redeemer.

Age range: 3 - 8 years

size 9" x 6", 20 pages
The Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary

The Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary
by E. Mary Christie

This is the story of Mary's life with the Child Jesus, presented in a format your child will love and treasure.

Each mystery is narrated as a poem and accompanied by a hand-painted illustration.

A prayer to Mary, asking for a virtue, concludes each mystery.

Paperback, size 6" x 6", 26 pages

Liber Brevior
Liber Brevior

Everyone familiar with singing Gregorian Chant knows about the big book called the Liber Usualis. It has been the standard book for chant since around 1904 when it first came out. It contains almost everything one would need to sing the Divine Office as well as the daily and Sunday Masses. But it is a very large and heavy book. Certainly this book is a must for those who chant the Divine Office in choir. But what about the average traditional choirs in churches, chapels and schools? Enter the Liber Brevior.

In response to the demand of some for a book that would include the ordinary sung portions of the Mass (Kyrie, Gloria, etc.) as well as the daily changing parts (the propers), the Desclée publishing house in Belgium and the Gregorian Institute of America in 1954 came out with the Liber Brevior to meet the needs of those who wished to sing Gregorian Chant, but did not need those parts pertaining to the Divine Office.

The publishers have reprinted this book to the closest specifications of the original as possible. As a matter of fact, even the two ribbons are the same color as the original edition. The size and cover texture match the original to such a degree that it would be hard to tell the difference between an original Liber Brevior and this reprinted version. In this reprinting however, the book has white round edges instead of red edges as the original had.

This reprinted edition has a supplement with five Masses that were not included in the 1954 edition
   St. Joseph the Worker, the Queenship of Mary, St. Pius X, the North American Martyrs & Our Lady of Guadalupe. Also we added a supplement to the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary for those who want to use it as a votive Mass during Paschal time. The moveable feast chart has been updated to the year 2051.

In the back section of the book there is another set of Graduals, Alleluias and Tracts in a simpler Gregorian Chant tone arrangement of the same music. 

Hardcover, size 7.5" x 4.8", 6oo + pages
$76.00  Inc Tax
Liber Usualis
Liber Usualis

This reprinting that we brought out was the last printing of the Liber Usualis before the changes in the liturgy took place a few years after the Second Vatican Council. Our reprinted edition is from 1963 with the 1962 rubrics which are in English and not in Latin, as some of the more recent printings have been. We have kept the original Gregorian notation for the chant.

This reprinted edition is sewn with a hardback cloth black binding, This binding is reinforced at the hinges of the book and includes durable end sheets for long lasting use.  This book shouldn’t fall apart, in other words, after a year or two of constant or daily use. The spine and the cover are stamped with the name of the book in a Gothic script.  Six colored ribbon markers are included in this edition as well as red edges to avoid unsightly finger print marks to show up after being used for a while.

The actual paper is a cream white color so as to hide the back side of the page that may cause excessive shadows of notes from the other side to show through. This book is printed on thin paper so as to reduce the size or bulk of the book and real ink is used in the printing of it.

The publisher has added on the last pages of this edition a supplement for the “Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary” (celebrated on the 22nd of August); that is, we have added the tract to be said during Septuagesima season & Lent; and we have added the extra Alleluia to be said during the Easter season in place of the gradual. This addition was made at the request of those who use this Mass as a votive Mass during the liturgical year since these additions are not in the original Liber Usualis.

An updated table of moveable feasts is current to the year 2051.

Otherwise, this edition is an exact reprint of the original.

Hardcover, size 7.5" x 4.75", 1800+ pages
$152.00  Inc Tax
Parish Ritual
Parish Ritual
Designed to Aid Parish Priests in the Regular Exercise of the Pastoral Ministry

This liturgical book is a new version of the Ritual that is similar to what was called the Collectio Rituum, having most of the features of that book. This Latin/English Ritual will certainly be a benefit for all priests who wish to have a useful travel-size book.

This book is designed and printed in the traditional way: real ink, sewn signatures, 2 ribbons, imitation flex black leather, front & back stampings, round & gilt edges, durable end sheets; 314 pages + 16* appendix. 

Table of Contents
  • Baptism: 1-104
  • Confirmation of the Sick & Danger of Death: 105-109
  • Sacrament of Penance: 109-120
  • Administration of Holy Communion outside of Mass: 121-124
  • Forty Hours: 125-138
  • Benediction: 139-140
  • Extreme Unction: 141-149
  • Communion of the Sick: 150-155
  • Visitation and Care of the Sick: 156-165
  • Manner of Assisting of the Dying: 166-184
  • The Funeral Rite: 185-220
  • Celebration of Marriage; Silver or Golden Wedding Anniversary, etc.: 221-250
  • Blessings (most common & frequently used): 251-296
  • Litanies: 297-308
  • Prayer for the Church & Civil Authorities: 309-310
  • Index: 311-314
  • Appendix 1: Hymns
  • Appendix 2: Blessing of St Benedict Medal, Solemn Blessing of the Cross, longer act of Consecration of the Sacred Heart: 1*-16*
Designed to Aid Parish Priests in the Regular Exercise of the Pastoral Ministry
Out of Stock
$152.00  Inc Tax
The Roman Ritual
The Roman Ritual

In Latin & English with Rubrics and Plainchant Notation
Vol 1: The Sacraments & Processions;
Vol 2: Christian Burial, Exorcism, Reserved Blessings, etc.;
Vol 3: The Blessings

An exact reprint of 1945-1952 imprimatur edition.

This traditional ritual is unique since it is in Latin with an English translation. Moreover, there is an extensive commentary on many of the sacraments and ceremonies. The actual texts for the prayers are printed in black and the rubrics are red. A ribbon is included in each of the volumes. The sturdy hardback binding should last for many years of use by members of the clergy when administering the sacraments or performing the ceremonies involved. These are liturgical books, in that sense. The books are printed with real ink, properly sewn so that the pages do not come out and they are bound in imitation leather, each volume is a different color. We did add a supplement in volume 2 since it did not include the “Litany of the Precious Blood.” The other official litanies are included, but this last litany was promulgated in 1960 so it didn’t find its way into the original printing.

Hardcover, size 8.6" x 5.5", Vol. 1: The Sacraments & Processions 607 pages (red binding); Vol 2: Christian Burial, Exorcism, Reserved Blessings, etc. 480 pages (black binding); Vol 3: The Blessings 498 pages (green binding)
Out of Stock
$300.00  Inc Tax
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