This month is dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 St Benedict the Black St Isidore of Seville (C) Bl Francisco Marto | 5 St Vincent Ferrer |
6 | 7 St John Baptist de la Salle | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 St Leo I, the Great (PCD) St Gemma Galgani (V) St Stanislaus of Cracow | 12 | 13 St Hermenegild (M) | 14 St Justin (M) Sts Tiburitius, Valerian & Maximus (M) St Lydwine of Schiedam (Mystic) | 15 |
16 St Benedict Joseph Labre (C) St Bernadette Soubirous (V) | 17 St Anicetus (PM) St Kateri Tekakwitha (V) | 18 | 19 Pope St Leo IX | 20 |
21 St Anselm (BCD) | 22 Sts Soter & Caius (PM) | 23 St George (M) | 24 St Fidelis of Sigmaringen (M) | 25 St Mark, Evangelist |
26 Sts Cletus & Marcellinus (PM) | 27 St Peter Canisius (CD) St Zita of Lucca (V) | 28 St Louis de Montfort (C) St Paul of the Cross (C) St Gianna Molla | 29 St Peter of Verona (M) St Ava of Denain | 30 St Catherine of Siena (V) Bl Pauline von Mallinckrodt St Marie of the Incarnation |
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