St Augustine Academy Press
by St Augustine Acadamy Press
Bible Stories for Baby Hands is our new collection of board books that bring the beauty of traditional religious art to a format that the littlest ones can benefit from. If you are tired of blobby cartoon characters and mushy stories, now you can put something inspiring into their hands.
The colour lithographs on each page are based on engravings by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld for his 1860 Bible in Pictures. Each one is meant to dramatically encapsulate the story it represents, so that by simply pointing to elements in the picture, an adult can easily tell the story to the child. Therefore, for the youngest children, the pictures alone suffice.
However, we have not neglected to add text. Beneath each illustration is a quote from scripture that pertains to the story that is depicted above. Then, as the child gets older, the full story behind each picture is provided.
For the New Testament books, we chose to take the text directly from scripture. Sometimes this required paraphrasing portions in order to fit the full story. We smoothed the vocabulary and syntax in a few places, only where necessary to make it understandable for younger ears; otherwise we allowed the power of the original text to shine through.
For the Old Testament books, the original scripture passages were usually far too long, so we did our best to write them in language that fit with the others; however, we tried to include quotes and phraseology from scripture where possible. Many of these Old Testament stories include prefigurements of Christ, so we wove this into the text, mentioning how these characters tell us something about Jesus.
Book 4 is New Testament Stories: Jesus Teaches Us. This includes Jesus among the Doctors in the Temple, Nicodemus, Jesus blessing the little children, the parables of the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son, and the Sermon on the Mount.
Suggested Age Range:0-8
Board Book, size 7" x 7", 10 pages
by St Augustine Acadamy Press
Bible Stories for Baby Hands is our new collection of board books that bring the beauty of traditional religious art to a format that the littlest ones can benefit from. If you are tired of blobby cartoon characters and mushy stories, now you can put something inspiring into their hands.
The colour lithographs on each page are based on engravings by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld for his 1860 Bible in Pictures. Each one is meant to dramatically encapsulate the story it represents, so that by simply pointing to elements in the picture, an adult can easily tell the story to the child. Therefore, for the youngest children, the pictures alone suffice.
However, we have not neglected to add text. Beneath each illustration is a quote from scripture that pertains to the story that is depicted above. Then, as the child gets older, the full story behind each picture is provided.
For the New Testament books, we chose to take the text directly from scripture. Sometimes this required paraphrasing portions in order to fit the full story. We smoothed the vocabulary and syntax in a few places, only where necessary to make it understandable for younger ears; otherwise we allowed the power of the original text to shine through.
For the Old Testament books, the original scripture passages were usually far too long, so we did our best to write them in language that fit with the others; however, we tried to include quotes and phraseology from scripture where possible. Many of these Old Testament stories include prefigurements of Christ, so we wove this into the text, mentioning how these characters tell us something about Jesus.
Book 1 is Old Testament Stories from the Pentateuch. This includes the stories of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, the Sacrifice of Isaac, Jacob wrestling with the Angel, Moses and the Israelites overcoming the Amalekites, and the Brazen Serpent.
Suggested Age Range:0-8
Board Book, size 7" x 7", 10 pages
The Wonder Series #3
by Marion Ames Taggart
This sweet book for children is just one of a set of four by the same author, which has been lovingly restored from the 1920s originals. Intended for little hands, they all have large, thick, durable pages (not quite a board book, but a step up) and lots of full color illustrations.
Thick card, size 8.5" x 11", 16 pages
by A Sister of Notre Dame
This collection of First Communion day stories has remained popular among children ever since they were first published in the early 1920s. They have stood the test of time for two simple reasons: they are wonderful stories, and they are all true. Even those that are sad have the power to inspire young and old with renewed love for our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
Originally published as two separate books, True Stories for First Communicants and First Communion Days, they were reprinted in 1949 with new illustrations by Rosemary de Souza. Years later, in 2003, this 1949 impression was brought back into print by Neumann Press. We have gone back to the original books, combined both sets of stories under one cover, and have restored the original black and white illustrations by Wilfrid Pippet.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 198 pages
by Mother Mary Loyola
The King of the Golden City is an allegorical tale which has stood the test of time because of the beauty of its symbolism and the richness of its spiritual advice. Written for children yet beloved by all, the only complaint lodged against it has been that its main character is female, leaving many boys to feel that this tale is better suited for girls.
Encouraged by the original French translators of this book, who created parallel editions for boys and girls, we have now remedied this single fault!
In this brand new edition adapted especially for boys, readers will find the tale of Dilectus and his friends every bit as charming and instructive as before--and now boys as well as girls will find it easy to become the hero of the story and make it their own!
Softcover, size 8.5" x 5.5", 130 pages
Talks before Confirmation
by Mother Mary Loyola
Any book on the sacrament of Confirmation can explain what Confirmation is, but this is the only book that explains, in the most original and engaging manner, what Confirmation does. It is both a dialogue and a travelogue, taking the reader on a journey from the Crusades to the Crimea; from medieval ceremonies of Knighthood to early modern methods of warfare.What does it mean to be a Soldier of Christ? For the true child of God, life is a daily battle against a well-concealed foe--that is, our own flaws and failings--and Mother Mary Loyola proposes to arm young recruits adequately for this task, leaving no stone unturned in her quest to root out this 'enemy at home'. This is the sort of basic training no young Catholic should be without.
Please note: this is considered a revised edition due to the correction of errors in the original text, the addition of selected footnotes, and minor clarifications in punctuation or phrasing. No material has been removed or rewritten.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 354 pages
by Rev. William R. Kelly
Instructions in Story Form for Use in the Primary Grades
Follow Tom and Ann as they learn about the Sacraments from their Uncle John. What is grace, and how do we get it? And how do the Sacraments help us? What are the outward signs of each Sacrament? Find the answers to these questions and more in Our Sacraments.
Paperback, size 8" x 5.25", 130 pages
by Fr Raymond J O'Brien
Midget is used to being on his own: after an accident took the lives of his mother and two sisters, neither his father nor his aunt has had much time for him. Left to his own devices, he has managed to develop quite a talent for petty theft. But when his father is killed by a rival gang while secretly delivering beer to speakeasies, his thoughts are filled only with getting revenge at all costs. Will Speed and the boys from St. Leo's be able to save him from himself.
The second book in an action-packed series written by a Chicago priest who was chaplain at the County Jail in the 1930s, boys will love the story of Midget and his friends at the Catholic school who are not willing to turn their backs on him.
Suggested Age Range:9-15
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 194 pages
by Rev P. Henry Matimore
The purpose of this beautiful book is to acquaint our children with biographies that will have some particular influence on the development of their characters. Each story has been planned as a real character training project, not merely as a reading lesson, to inspire admiration for faith and religious heroism.
"To accomplish this purpose, we have endeavored to stimulate interest in each saint by presenting him or her as a real human being who lived in a real world among real people and not as a super-being surrounded by miraculous wonders. We have tried to make the saints human, admirable, and lovable, and therefore imitate-able." (from the Foreword). Questions and Things to Do are found at the end of each story.
St Cecilia | St Sebastian of Rome | St Agnes of Rome | St Monica | St Patrick |
St Columba | St Boniface | St Thomas of Canterbury | St Francis of Assisi | St Hedwig |
St Hyacinth | St Louis IX | St Gertrude | St John Nepomucene | St Joan of Arc |
St Thomas More | St Franis Xavier | St Aloysius | St Vincent de Paul | St Issac Jogues |
St Gerard Majella | The Cure of Ars | St Theophane Venard | St Damien of Molokai | St Therese of Lisieux |
Ages: 9 - 12
Paperback, size 8.2" x 5.8", 302 pages
Saints and Festivals
A Cycle of the Year for Young People
by Mother Mary Salome
Mother Mary Salome wrote a volume of meditations called The Feasts of Mother Church in 1904, covering many of the most important feasts of the Liturgical Year. In 1913, she followed up with Saints and Festivals, adapting portions of her earlier work for a younger audience.
In addition to Christmas, Easter and the stories of well-beloved saints, children will also discover the stories of lesser-known heroes of the Church such as St. Chad, St. Serapion, St. John the Dwarf and St. Hilda of Whitby. Even St. John Cantius finds a home in these pages. Peppered throughout with the imaginative illustrations of Gabriel Pippet, this volume makes a wonderful resource for children to take part in the yearly cycle of the Church.
Age range: 9 - 15
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 264 pages
by Fr Raymond J O'Brien
Frank "Red" Devlin is the best fighter in town--trouble is, he's always getting into scraps over something or other. He just can't stand being teased. He even bristles when his friend, Lieutenant Carroll, spots him smoking and playing craps with Clyde White and Bert Stone, and takes him to task for it. Red wants to be good, honest, but events just always seem to conspire against him. Will he learn to hold his own in the face of peer pressure, or will he give in and go along, even when he knows it's wrong?
From the author of Brass Knuckles and Midget comes this third novel, Nice Going, Red, a coming-of-age drama about a boy who has what it takes to make a great young man...but when it comes to his fear of looking foolish, he always seems to give in and take the easy road.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 290 pages
By Father Charles J. Carmody
This 1961 classic contains all the valuable information that a young man needs in order to learn how to serve the traditional Latin Mass--yet it is so much more than just "nuts and bolts." After reading this book, boys will come away not only with an understanding of the parts of the Mass and the role they must fulfill; they will also have a true sense of the privilege with which they will be entrusted, and the ways in which they must advance in order to be worthy of that honour.
Each of these 25 illustrated lessons therefore begins with a discussion of the character and responsibilities of those who assist at the altar. This done, a portion of the Latin responses are taught in phonetic form, and after this rubrics are introduced. Each chapter then ends with review questions.Useful in a classroom setting or for independent study, Learning to Serve is an indispensable resource for all prospective altar servers and those who are charged with their instruction.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 146 pages
An Explanation of the Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Seat of Wisdom Series #2
by Mother Mary St Peter
An Explanation of the Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Do you know the story of Our Lady of Mount Carmel? Can you point to Lepanto on a map? Have you ever heard about the miraculous August snow that signified where Mary’s basilica was to be built in Rome? Learn these and many other stories in this sequel to Mary the Queen. The second book in our Seat of Wisdom Series by Mother Mary St. Peter, this volume may surprise you with many tales you may not have known about Our Lady. Packed with beautiful black and white illustrations of Our Lady.
If you enjoy the work of Mother Mary Loyola, we think you will be thrilled to discover the work of Mother Mary St. Peter!
Please note: The text has been modified in places in order to render it more accessible to modern readers; this was done with great care and sensitivity toward the age of the material, in order to maintain respect for the era in which it was written, as well as to preserve the original writer’s voice. Though the wording has been thus modified, very little of the content itself has been changed in any way, except to add select footnotes, expand certain chapters with omitted details, and add the story of Our Lady of Fatima.
Suggested Age Range:5-12
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 154 pages
A Life of the Blessed Mother for Her Little Ones
Seat of Wisdom Series #1
by Mother Mary St Peter
Did you know that the Virgin Mary died and was buried before she was Assumed into Heaven? Or that she was raised in the Temple Precinct, along with other Jewish maidens--called Almas--until she reached marriageable age? Learn more about the life of the Mother of Jesus in this book written especially for children.
Mary the Queen is the first of a series of 8 books on Christian Doctrine written in the early 20th century by a religious of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus, which we have named The Seat of Wisdom Series, in honor of Our Lady. These books seek to teach the child not merely the catechetical truths of our Faith, but also the crucial importance of Apostolic Tradition, and how it informs the practice of our Catholic faith in ways we might not expect.
If you enjoy the work of Mother Mary Loyola, we think you will be thrilled to discover the work of Mother Mary St. Peter!
Please note: The text has been modified in places in order to render it more accessible to modern readers; this was done with great care and sensitivity toward the age of the material, in order to maintain respect for the era in which it was written, as well as to preserve the original writer’s voice. Though the wording has been thus modified, the content itself has not been changed in any way, except to add select footnotes and a reference to Our Lady of Fatima.
Suggested Age Range:5-12
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 122 pages
by Fr Raymond J O'Brien
Speed Austin never meant to get in trouble, but it seems to follow him wherever he goes. Yet, even though he’s part of the playground gang of toughs, the boys from St. Leo’s are desperate for a shortstop to take the place of Bud Philips—and Speed is the best candidate they can find. Speed jumps at the chance to get away from the fast life, but the gang wants him back, and they’re out to show him what happens to members that try to “quit.” Will Jack and the other Catholic school boys manage to help save him, or is it too late?
Written in 1930 by a Chicago Priest who served as chaplain at the County Jail and knew the difficulties faced by boys growing up in the big city, this thrilling story is newly illustrated by Erin Bartholomew.
Suggested Age Range:9-15
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 188 pages
by Amy Steedman
The stories of saints and sinners alike populate the pages of this unique book for children. Under the author's loving touch, these enchanting tales come alive with scenes of old Italy, from the poor but generous Saint Zita in her native Lucca to the captive Turkish Princess Stellante and her beloved Bartolo in prosperous Venice. Each of these widely varied characters must face their own struggle against the selfish desires of this world in order to achieve true happiness, both here and in the hereafter.
The water-colors by Katharine Cameron add infinite charm, and new illustrations enhance the captivating history of these legends and stories.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 175 pages
A Story of Kentucky
by Rev. Henry S. Spalding, S.J.
From the discovery of a secret cave to the winning of a David-and-Goliath shooting match, there is no lack of action in The Cave by the Beech Fork, as we follow Owen Howard and Martin Cooper through their exploits in early 19th century Kentucky. But there is so much more to this story than history and adventure. A true depth of Catholic character animates these boys and their families, as well as that inspiring patriotism that galvanized the hearts of the early Pioneers.
If you love this story, be sure to follow Owen and Martin in their journey down the Mississippi in The Sheriff of the Beech Fork!
Suggested Age Range:9-15
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 242 pages
Collection of Short Works
by Mother Mary Loyola
This long-awaited anthology of all the minor works by Mother Mary Loyola is the fruit of many years of seeking. The relatively small size of the many booklets she wrote, mostly for the Catholic Truth Society, seems to have led over the years to the loss of most copies. Therefore it was no mean feat to assemble the most complete collection possible, including 13 of her 14 known pamphlets, as well as a bonus selection: a short essay published in a school magazine during the last year of Mother Loyola’s life. From her early How to Help the Sick and Dying to her biographical preface for the Maxims of Mary Ward, they can all be found in this volume. We hope that this will preserve them to future generations.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 522 pages
A Story of Kentucky
by Rev. Henry S. Spalding, S.J.
The Sheriff of the Beech Fork continues the adventures of 15-year-old Owen Howard and Martin Cooper in the early 19th century Kentucky wilderness, as begun in The Cave by the Beech Fork. Having befriended the deputy sheriff, Richard Lane (better known as Coon-Hollow Jim), they are invited to accompany him on a hand-hewn raft of poplar beams to New Orleans. Here, in a portion of the United States only recently purchased from the French and defended from the invading British, they hoped to deliver the produce of the Bardstown farmers to market. Along the way they encounter many adventures that test not only their courage but also their wisdom and their trust in God.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 232 pages
The Voyage of the Pax
An Allegory
by Dom Bede Camm, O.S.B.
In writing this allegory to help explain the religious life to the boy oblates in his charge, Dom Bede drew upon the struggles he experienced during his conversion, as well as an experience from his Oxford years, when shipwrecked off the coast of Spain. Left clinging to the wreckage along with his fellow passengers for 17 hours, upon being rescued, he decided to consecrate his life to the service of God in thanksgiving.
The Voyage of the PAX, then, is a thrilling seafaring allegory portraying the journey of life, with its many threats to our souls, as a voyage of several young men, crossing the high seas to reach their home in the Golden City. They must work hard and make difficult decisions in order to pass the straits of Mors and enter into the haven of Æternitas.
This story is a perfect follow-up for those who loved Mother Mary Loyola's The King of the Golden City.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 72 pages
by Mother Margaret Bolton
In this life, all of us invariably meet with obstacles and problems. To overcome these difficulties can seem like an impossible task, especially if one has not developed habits of self-discipline, positive thinking and perseverance in faith.
Written during the early years of World War II, as a way to give hope to a world overshadowed with despair and uncertainty, this book seeks to anchor the reader in time-tested methods of self-discipline rooted in scripture and prayer.
Written by the author of The Spiritual Way, and filled with good advice and reflections, this little booklet is an ideal introduction to the spiritual life for young people as well as adults.
Paperback, size 8" x 5.25", 126 pages
by Mother Margaret Bolton
After creating the Spiritual Way series, Mother Bolton created a series meant to prepare children for that series, as well as for First Confession and First Communion. This series, called "A Little Child’s First Communion” was carefully based on Psychological principles as well as Catholic Doctrine.
This manual, written to accompany that series, seeks to provide a broad spectrum of material on which the teacher may rely to enrich his or her own knowledge and understanding of the subject. Drawing from the Catechism, Scripture and the Church Fathers, this book provides an ample basis for the catechist in this crucial task.
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 240 pages
The Story of His Life Written for Children
by Mother Mary Loyola
James Cardinal Gibbons was Archbishop of Baltimore when he asked Mother Loyola to write this story of the Life of our Lord. As a revered author himself, and considering the number of such stories available even then, we can only imagine the admiration he must have held for Mother Loyola's rare talent for narrative. She does not disappoint in this story, for as always, she brings to life the most vivid images of our Lord, such that the children who read it will feel almost as if they were following the dusty paths our Saviour trod.
Now enhanced with an abundance of contemporary engravings and lithographs, this newly typeset edition is an invaluable means of impressing upon the minds of young children the reality of our God become Man.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 460 pages
by Mother Margaret Bolton
Mother Margaret Bolton began her career in 1892 as a public school teacher in New York City before entering the Convent of the Cenacle of St. Regis in 1913, where she soon became Director of Religion. To prepare younger children for the series, while also readying them for reception of the sacraments, she developed this series of six booklets called "A Little Child's First Communion."
Book One: God is Love
Book Two: God Loves Truth
Book Three: God Sent His Own Beloved Son
Book Four: The Holy Way, The Straight Way
Book Five: Temples of the Living God
Book Six: Come, Lord Jesus
All six booklets are included in this one volume.
Intended to be used either in parochial schools or in parish catechesis programs, this series involves the parents in their child's formation through stories and activities. When paired with its manual, called Foundational Principles for Catholic Doctrinal Action, the parent or teacher is supplied with an overview of the didactic methods as well as the basis for each of the concepts taught in the series, including quotes from Scripture, the Catechism and the Church Fathers.
Paperback, size 9.25" x 7.5", 256 pages
by Sister Mary Ambrose, OP
Additional text by Mother Mary Loyola & Rev Aloysius Heeg
A Child's True Story of Jesus is not merely a coloring book, or the usual activity book with mazes, word searches and other puzzles. This is an activity book in the truest sense of the word.
First created in 1928 by Sister Mary Ambrose, a Dominican Sister who was a Demonstration Teacher at the Loyola University Model School in the 20's and 30s's, this workbook found its genesis in the Montessorian principle of learning by doing. Here, rather than merely hearing each lesson, the child is encouraged to reinforce what he or she has learned, first by using a picture to repeat the lesson in his or her own words, then by coloring, cutting and assembling the lesson to be finally pasted in the book.
In this newly edited version, we have enhanced the activity portion of this book with lesson material for the teacher which the original lacked. Text supplied for the 57 lessons within has been adapted from works by Mother Mary Loyola (author of The King of the Golden City) and Rev. Joseph A. Dunney. These begin with the Life of Christ and His Sacrifice on Calvary, then proceed to Confession and Communion, and finally cover the parts of the Mass. All of these attributes make A Child's True Story of Jesus an ideal resource in preparation for the sacraments of First Confession and First Communion.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 11", 268 pages
by Sister Mary Ambrose, OP
Additional text by Mother Mary Loyola & Rev Aloysius Heeg
A Child's True Story of Jesus is more than just a coloring book—the lessons and activities found within are designed to help children learn their basic prayers and the Mysteries of the Rosary, all within the context of the Gospels and the Mass.
First created in 1928 by Sister Mary Ambrose, a Dominican Sister who was a Demonstration Teacher at the Loyola University Model School in the 20’s and 30s’s, this workbook found its genesis in the Montessorian principle of learning by doing. Here, rather than merely hearing each lesson, the child is encouraged to reinforce what he or she has learned, first by using a picture to repeat the lesson in his or her own words, then by coloring the pictures, and by cutting and assembling the prayers to be pasted in the book.
In this newly edited version, we have enhanced the activity portion of this book by adding cutting and pasting activities that help the child to learn each of the prayers, starting with the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be, before moving on to simplified versions of the Prayer Before a Crucifix, Spiritual Communion, and Acts of Faith, Hope and Love. These help the child to see that there are many ways of talking with God throughout each day, and by making prayer a habit, they can bring Him more closely into their lives.
Paperback, size 11" x 8.5", 152 pages
by Rev. Jerome D. Hannan
Encouraged by the success of his first volume of stories for teaching children in the first grade, Fr. Jerome Hannan went on to create a second volume of similar stories for second grade. While the theme of this volume is centered upon the importance and necessity of prayer, beginning with a comprehensive explanation of the articles of the Apostle's Creed, this very exploration in fact presents to the child the principal mysteries of our faith in story and example.
Paperback, size 8" x 5.25", 352 pages
by Rev. Jerome D. Hannan
This volume contains a wealth of stories for teachers and parents of children in their first year of formal schooling, whether that is First Grade or Kindergarten. Beginning with stories intended to help them make the transition from the freedom of play to the discipline of study, these little ones are carried through a daily diet of tales that begin to form their understanding of prayer, the Trinity, the Life of Christ, Confession and Holy Communion.
Paperback, size 8" x 5.25" 276 pages
Character Calendar
by Sr Mary Fidelis & Sr Mary Charitas
This pocket-size volume contains a wealth of spiritual guidance through daily devotions to the saint or feast of the day. Originally written in 1931 for upper grade school children by a pair of Notre Dame School Sisters, this book was later updated to align with the General Roman Calendar of 1954.
Beginning with a brief introduction to the saint of the day, augmented by excerpts from the Imitation of Christ and from the Mass for the day, as well as an ideal to ponder and an "action item", this is a wonderful way to focus on the virtues of each of the saints, and thereby to make our lives an imitation of theirs.
Paperback, size 7" x 4.37", 288 pages
The Month of St Joseph
by Rev M. de Langalerie
St. Teresa of Avila tells us, “I took for my advocate and lord the glorious Saint Joseph and commended myself earnestly to him...he gave me greater blessings than I could ask of him. I do not remember even now that I have ever asked anything of him which he has failed to grant.”
This hidden saint, the blessed foster-father of our Lord and protector of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is a powerful intercessor for us, as well as a model of perfect virtue. The bible records not a single word of his, yet we know that in the holy house at Nazareth, the young Jesus—the Word made Flesh—was subject to him. Through this series of daily meditations for the month of March, we may increase our devotion to this great saint while also making a fruitful use of the days of Lent.
As patron not only of fathers and of the worker, but of the universal church, all of us—men and women, old and young—would do well to look to him in our every need.
Paperback, size 7" x 4.37", 214 pages
by E.T.W. Branscombe
Come along on a journey toward our Heavenly Home as we learn about God and His Church, how to talk to Him in Prayer, and how to receive His graces for the journey through the Sacraments.
Why did God make us?
Why is it sometimes hard to be good?
What can we do when we have hurt our best friend Jesus through sin?
Find the answers to these questions and more in Heavenward Bound.
Paperback, size 7.5" x 9.25", 96 pages
by Matthew Alderman
Why should little ones enjoy all the coloring fun? Whether you've been wishing for a good challenge or just want something really worthwhile, here's the coloring book you've been waiting for! A Feast of Saints contains 23 original fine art images of the Saints by artist Matthew Alderman, varying in complexity from relatively simple to incredibly ornate.
Paperback, size 11" x 8.5", 46 pages
by Matthew Alderman
Celebrate the Feasts of the Church with these magnificent coloring pages by artist Matthew Alderman. These 23 images include many episodes from the life of Our Lord and Our Lady, from the Immaculate Conception to Our Lord's glorious Ascension into Heaven.
Paperback, size 11" x 8.5", 46 pages
The Life of Little Saint Placid
by Mother G. Gallois, O.S.B.
Mother Gallois began life as a violently anti-clerical artist in turn-of-the-century Paris, but after a spiritual crisis, she entered a Benedictine convent and dedicated her life to prayer and religious art.
In her latter years, she began to write, and her most well-known book remains The Life of Little Saint Placid. Referred to affectionately as a comic book for contemplatives and a profound picture treatise on prayer, there is a depth of wisdom imparted amidst the bold linework of her art. One comes away from the pages of this book with less a feeling that one has learned of the life of this saint, and more with the feeling that one has gained true and lasting insight into the spiritual life.
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 114 pages
by Rev. Henry S. Spalding, S.J.
When the doctor declares that Florian Bell’s health is in serious danger, he is sent from his home in Milwaukee to stay with his cousins Hunter and Leo on the banks of Withrose Creek in Kentucky. There he learns how to fish, hunt, and lay snares…but the boys’ favorite pastime is trying to unravel the mystery of the old mill...what will its secrets unfold? What is Bob Lindon hiding there? And will the mysterious night riders manage to make good their threats against the Bell farm? Only time will tell...
Suggested Age Range:9-15
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 200 pages
by Mother Mary Loyola
This beautiful, newly illustrated hardcover edition of the classic 1911 title by Mother Mary Loyola is the perfect gift for a First Communicant!
This little 4" x 6" pocket gem contains more than just daily prayers: Two different sets of meditations for the Mass are accompanied by illustrations showing what the priest is doing at each stage. Add Mother Loyola's excellent examination of conscience, geared especially for children, devotional stories that foster a loving obedience, and the gorgeous full-color illustrations, and you'll be wishing you had such a book as a child!
Hardcover, size 6.25" x 4.5", 144 pages
by Pierre and Germaine Noury
Second in the series of illustrated books by Pierre and Germaine Noury is the tale of a saint who is so widely popular that almost no one knows his true story…because they know him only as Santa Claus.
But long before he was known as the Christmas gift-bringer, St. Nicholas was greatly beloved--in life, for his kindness and generosity--and afterward, for his great miracles, which soon gained him the title Nicholas the Wonderworker. Once nearly every seaport in Christendom featured a church dedicated to him, and he remains one of the most revered saints in the Eastern Church. And did you know that even to this day, a miraculous fluid called manna still flows from his bones???
Now in this wonderfully illustrated book your family can learn some of the stories of the amazing miracles attributed to the great St Nick!
Other titles in this series include: The Blessed Virgin: Mary our Mother and Saint Francis of Assisi: the Little Poor Man.
Hardcover, size 8.5" x 11", 36 pages
by Pierre and Germaine Noury
The first in a trilogy of stories of the saints by the husband and wife duo of Pierre and Germaine Noury, this sweet illustrated tale of the life of the Blessed Virgin is truly a treasure. From her conception to her glorious Assumption and crowning as Queen of Heaven, here is an opportunity to learn to love our dear Mother more than ever before.
It is difficult to describe this book better than Dom Paul Séjourné did in his preface:
“This, then, is the Gospel of Mary. But it is even more: it brings to life the fullness of the Christian faith. Using the plain words of sacred scripture, it weaves a jeweled tapestry. For though the Gospels tell us little of Christ’s mother, we need not deprive ourselves of this poetry simply because those teachings are here enriched by the many beautiful things that have been related by the Fathers of the Church, or by saintly souls to whom Our Lady has revealed her secrets.”
“In weaving together the accounts of Mary’s role in her son’s life as found in the gospels, I hope you will find here all the tenderness and love of Mary’s own heart speaking to you.”
Other titles in this series include: Saint Nicholas: Patron Saint of Children and Saint Francis of Assisi: the Little Poor Man.
Hardcover, size 8.5" x 11", 40 pages
by Pierre and Germaine Noury
Last but not least in this trilogy of illustrated books about the saints, this wonderful retelling of the life of St. Francis has surprising depth for a children’s book. The story of St. Francis is full of inspiration for both young and old, for in his life, we see the triumph that the Holy Spirit can achieve through us when we say yes despite the weakness of our human nature.
When Francis was born, a mysterious visitor predicted that he would become one of the greatest men in the world. His father expected that this would be a worldly greatness, but God had a different plan. If Francis Bernardone had been merely a great merchant, we would likely have never heard of him. Instead, today he is among the most beloved of saints…all because he first said yes to God in little things, and this led to ever greater things.
Other titles in this series include: The Blessed Virgin: Mary our Mother and Saint Nicholas Patron Saint of Children.
Hardcover, size 11" x 8.5", 36 pages
by Katharine Tynan
“…in lively recitative ballad verse, Katharine Tynan tells the entire story of St. Patrick, without missing a single incident of any significance or importance. The book consists of thirty-two large folio pages, where 'a rivulet' of large, opulent type 'meanders through a meadow of margin,' set off by artistic illustrations. If Blessed Patrick and sweet St. Bride only respond to the prayer of the Envoy, and 'Bless this book and scatter it wide,' old and young may easily acquire and retain a comprehensive, if not complete, knowledge of all that is to be known of Ireland’s patron saint." -- from a review in The Catholic World, December 1907
Hardcover, size 11" x 8.5", 32 pages