Lepanto Press

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$56.00  Inc Tax
$56.00  Inc Tax
Talks to Boys and Girls
$44.00  Inc Tax
The Story of Sister Maria Teresa Quevedo
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$60.00  Inc Tax
The Kind That Never Grow Old
$44.00  Inc Tax
Grisly Grisell
$56.00  Inc Tax
$56.00  Inc Tax
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$48.00  Inc Tax
$56.00  Inc Tax
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$56.00  Inc Tax
$44.00  Inc Tax
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$56.00  Inc Tax
Living for Triumph Text
Book 7
$48.00  Inc Tax
The Story of St Maximillian Kolbe
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$44.00  Inc Tax
$56.00  Inc Tax
Living in God\'s Grace text
Book 3
$48.00  Inc Tax
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Our Quest for Happiness Series Book One
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Our Quest for Happiness Series Book Four
Our Quest for Happiness Series Book Two
Our Quest for Happiness Series Book Three
$55.00  Inc Tax
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Living for Holiness (Unit Self-Test Answer Key)
Living for Holiness
Unit Self-Test Answer Key

Answer Key for the Unit tests in the Living for Holiness religion text book.

Booklet, size 11" x 8.5", 12 pages
$6.00  Inc Tax
Living for Holiness (Syllabus and Teacher's Manual)

Living for Holiness
Syllabus and Teacher's Manual

Living for Holiness Syllabus & Teacher’s Manual includes many helpful tips and teaching guides for the home schooling parent.

Living for Holiness text is sold separately. Answer key is also available.

Booklet, size 11" x 5.5", 52 pages

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$12.00  Inc Tax
Outlaws Of Ravenhurst
Outlaws of Ravenhurst
by Sr Mary Imelda Wallace, S.L.

For generations Ravenhurst had been the stronghold of Scottish chiefs who led Clan Gordon to battle for God and Our lady! It was filled with memories of persecution. It was the scene of the last stand of the great Earl, Sir Angus. Back against the altar and outnumbered twenty to one, the giant Angus grasped his two-handed longsword and laid the sacrilegious enemies of his God around his feet like sproutings clipped from a hedgerow.

The setting is 17th century Scotland and the characters are strong Catholics, outlaws remaining true to their Faith, even if it means drawing their swords and fighting (and possibly dying) for that Faith. This classic adventure is a favorite of young and old alike sure to be a story that most will want to read and read again!

Hardcover, size 8.25" x 5.75", 233 pages
Out of Stock
$56.00  Inc Tax
Lances of Lynwood
Lances of Lynwood
by Charlotte M. Yonge

Eustace is the younger brother of Sir Reginald, the lord of Lynwood castle and its surrounding lands. One heroic act on the battlefield gains him the favor of the Prince of Wales, who raises young Eustace to the level of Knighthood; but with that honour comes responsibility. There is one in the kingdom who also holds high favour with the Prince; one who wants to see the demise of the Lynwoods, and through a deceitful plan, tries to end the life of the rightful heir to the estates. The youthful Sir Eustace is hurled into the world of men and must now defend his castle, his orphaned nephew, and if he survives, his honour.

To defend a castle under siege is no small task, especially when there are traitors within the walls and only a handful of men to defend it. But the gallant Sir Eustace, with the help of his brave squire, and the remaining lances of Lynwood, are up to the desperate task. In the end, he is to be hailed a brave, stout-hearted young Knight, for above all, he has true Charity.

Hardcover, 8.25" x 5.75", 264 pages
$56.00  Inc Tax
Heaven's Treasures
Heaven's Treasures
Talks to Boys and Girls
by Fr. Winfrid Herbst, S.D.S.

These talks were given by the great storyteller, Fr. Winfrid Herbst, in the early part of the 20th century. So well-received were these talks that it was decided to put them in print so that all Catholic children across America could benefit from them. Parents and teachers alike will also find them useful as fools for teaching the Faith or as a read-aloud.

Contained in this work are talks about Virtues, the Holy Family, the Liturgical Year (and how to observe the different seasons properly), Angels, School Days, and many certain truths found within our Catholic Faith.From each and every story, the child should be able to draw good thoughts, from which they will be directed to make good resolves. Thus these stories will have a salutary influence on the lives of children and help them to grow in goodness; to become model Catholic boys and girls.

Paperback, size 8.25" x 5.75", 206 pages.
Talks to Boys and Girls
$44.00  Inc Tax
Mary was Her Life
Mary was Her Life
The Story of Sister Maria Teresa Quevedo
by Sr Mary Pierre, R.S.M.

The Story of a Nun. Venerable Maria Teresa Quevedo 1930-1950. Maria Teresa Quevedo was a lively modern girl-a talented dancer, an expert swimmer, an outstanding tennis player, who devoted herself to generous works of sacrifice. Her life can be summed up by her own motto, "May all who look at me see you, O Mary."

This book is the first full-length biography of Maria Teresa Quevedo that has been written in English. Teresita, as she was called by her friends and family, was a Spanish girl who was born in 1930 and who died in 1950 at the age of twenty. Throughout her life, Teresita was an inspiration and a delight to everyone around her as she calmly strove to exemplify Christian virtue in her everyday life.

Teresita tried to do everything perfectly. As a girl living with her parents, she was an obedient child. With her friends, she was not only respected but popular. As a sodalist, she gave evidence as being a born leader for Mary. As a tennis player, she was an expert. As captain of her basketball team, she consistently led the group to victory. At any young people's gathering which she attended, she was the life of the party. When Teresita entered the Congregation of the Carmelite Sisters of Charity, she did so because she desired to become a saint and to devote all her life to Jesus and Mary. But, in her own words, she wished to become a "little saint, for I cannot do big things." Teresita's cause for canonization is now under examination in the Sacred Congregation of Rites.

Hardcover, size 8.25" x 5.75", 250 pages
The Story of Sister Maria Teresa Quevedo
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$60.00  Inc Tax
Just Stories
Just Stories
The Kind That Never Grow Old
by Winfrid Herbst, S.D.S

This is a charming volume of short stories for Catholic children. There are 48 stories designed to teach morals and the truths of the faith.
  • The Little Girl Who Was Not Afraid
  • The New Children Innocents
  • Honesty Rewarded
  • A Letter to St. Joseph
  • Truly Wonderful
  • What a Reproach!
  • I'm Not Afraid!
  • What Sister Told Me
  • and many more stories.

Hardcover, size 7.25" x 5.25", 192 pages
The Kind That Never Grow Old
$44.00  Inc Tax
A Tale of the Wars of the Roses
A Tale of the Wars of the Roses
Grisly Grisell
by Charlotte M. Yonge

A curious title, indeed, but one of the most touching stories of courage, love and devotion ever written! The Wars of the Roses was a time of civil strife in 15th century England - a time when the House of York and the House of Lancaster battled for the crown. Caught in the middle were two proud families and a boy and a girl - promised in marriage from early childhood.

Little Grisell, however, is involved in a tragic accident that leaves her once beautiful face disfigured. Through terrible humiliation and the horrors of war between one-time friends, Grisell emerges a shining example of true love and devotion for all the countryside.

Swift battles and numerous displays of true virtue make this heartwarming tale of perseverance a book that you will read again and again.

Hardcover, 8.25" x 5.75", 300 pages
Grisly Grisell
$56.00  Inc Tax
Where Valor Lies
Where Valor Lies
by Adele and Cateau De Leeuw

As he heard the shouts of the men around him, Richard hardly dared to believe that he was a Crusader about to enter his first battle. Only two years ago he had been a poor Parisian apprentice listening to a monk preach the Crusade of saintly King Louis IX. Here was a chance to see a new world, a chance to fight with others who had taken the Cross for a holy cause, a chance to join the thousands of knights and common men who would rescue the city of Jerusalem from the Saracens. Now only a short stretch of water separated him from the enemy, and the bright banner rallied the King's troops to face the onrush of Saracens assembled on the Egyptian shore.

Little did Richard know the challenges that lay ahead for a raw young recruit . . . bitter fighting, death, disease and starvation. But there were older men to help him, like Aimar, who taught him the secrets of warfare. And there were others, like light-fingered Vincent, who lived well through thievery and tempted Richard to do the same.

With colour and vigor, Adele and Cateau De Leeuw capture the spirit of the Crusades in the exciting story of one boy's experience as he is swept into the drama of a great historical movement.

Hardcover with dust jacket, size 8.25" x 5.75", 186 pages
$56.00  Inc Tax
by Sir Walter Scott

A fascinating tale of the young noble, Ivanhoe, returned home from the Crusades to claim his inheritance and the love of his childhood friend, Princess Rowena. But nothing good comes without struggle. Ivanhoe becomes involved in the struggle for the crown, takes part in the heart-pounding tournament at Ashyby-de-la-Zouche, befriends a fellow by the name of Robin Hood and his merry men, and is forced to trial by combat with the fierce Knight Templar, Sir Brian.

This tale takes place after the Norman Conquest, at a time when pure Saxon blood still existed in England, at a time when people truly believed that the Will of God was the final authority among men.

For Sir Walter Scott the age of chivalry was a beautiful and fantastic piece of frost work, which has dissolved in the beams of the sun. In Ivanhoe, he recreates that age.

Hardcover, size 8.25" x 5.75", 539 pages
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$48.00  Inc Tax
The Boy Knight of Reims
The Boy Knight of Reims
by Eloisle Lownsbery

Jean D'Orbais was born under the shadow of Reims Cathedral. From his earliest childhood he sees it growing in beauty through the efforts of the master craftsmen who are at work on it. When he is ten years old, he is apprenticed to a goldsmith, and begins his education in the arts. The story of his career, his escapades, his ambitions, and his final success, is enthralling. But it is not Jean alone who interests us. Through his eyes the child sees the bustling town of Reims in the fourteenth century, with its crafts and guilds, its merchants and its beggars, its nobles and its soldiers. He hears too of the Maid of Orleans, and her fight for France.

Miss Lownsbery combines historic truth and accuracy with an interesting and living story. No textbook would give a child so vivid a picture as this does, and few other stories will so completely capture their imagination.

Hardcover, size 8.25" x 5.75",
$56.00  Inc Tax
Little Therese
Little Therese
by Fr. by Pere Carbonel, S.J.

"Children, this book is for you." Written by Pere Carbonel, S.J., "all of the details herein were given to him by the Sisters of Therese. It will tell you about the life of a child like yourselves who became very dear to Our Lord, and who has been placed by the Church in the ranks of Saints."

Truly, a child to set as ones inspirational role model, St. Therese will help and encourage you to be patient, to bear your troubles bravely as she did, and to trust in Our Lord. 

Hardcover, size 8.25" x 5.75", 196 pages
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$56.00  Inc Tax
by Msg. Robert Hugh Benson

Who was young Sir Neville Fanning? Why did he call himself a Catholic, and at the same time, lament that he wasn't a very good one? He was convinced that there was something deeper than conventional religion. Denying the cross again and again, he couldn't bear to suffer - even though at every turn Our Lord called him to Himself. He simply could not see the point in submitting to the Divine Will. His "initiation" is a beautiful story of how the surrender was asked - and then won in the end!

Hardcover, size 8.25" x 5.75", 447 pages
$44.00  Inc Tax
All for the Love of Mothers
All for the Love of Mothers
Memoirs of a Catholi Midwife
by Lisbeth Burger

The author lived as a midwife in Catholic Germany before, during, and after World War I. She had a key insight into the intimate lives of a generation being revolutionized, and the reality is that her experiences are priceless in understanding modern man.

The primary interest of this work is not historical, it is educational and moral. It contains dozens of short stories of personal, first hand experiences from the author's life regarding courtship, marriage, and raising children.

This book of experience will have the advantage of spurring on parents to prepare their children for the great lessons of life, and of giving to these same young people living examples to illustrate these lessons, hopefully sparing them the cost of irreversible consequences.
Easy to read and immediately captivating, you might read this book faster than any other you've read, and yet, you may just as easily read little bits of it between long intervals. In any case, may at least the great life lesson remain: namely that mankind can, and will only, be happy on this earth as long as he faithfully respects the order established by his Divine Creator and His most precious natural gift, Human Life.

Hardcover, size 8.25" x 5.75", 305 pages
$60.00  Inc Tax
Men of Iron
Men of Iron
by Howard Pyle

This is a story of the days of chivalry in England and of young Myles Falworth, son of a lord unjustly disgraced for treason, who was forced to make his fortune as best he might in the days when men seemed made of iron. How he entered the service of a powerful lord, rose to knighthood, defeated his father's old enemy in a thrilling combat, and at last won the friendship of the King, this tale is told against a background of the dangerous times of the 14th century that makes them live again.

Hardcover, 8.25" x 5.75", 328 pages
Out of Stock
$56.00  Inc Tax
Living for Triumph Text
Living for Triumph
Living for Triumph
Book 7
by Lepanto Press

Explained and correlated with Bible and Church history, this traditional catechism program was reproduced from the 1940's edition with no revisions. Based upon the questions and answers of the Baltimore Catechism, these books provide a complete, integrated, and basic course in religion for grades kindergarten through eight. The purpose is to see to it that the pupil has a clear and adequate knowledge of his holy Faith. 

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 312 pages.
Book 7
$48.00  Inc Tax
A Twice-Crowned Knight
A Twice-Crowned Knight
The Story of St Maximillian Kolbe
by Maria Winowska

Almost everyone has heard of him, but few know the real history of his life. In this excellent work, A Twice Crowned Knight, you will learn the full story of this modern hero of the Faith, St. Maximilian Kolbe. This friar with an overwhelming love of the Blessed Virgin Mary, considered a foolish dreamer by many of his contemporaries, built an army for his Queen. His cities of the Immaculate were sources of immense conversion as he sought to draft the entire world into his Militia Immaculatae.

“Men of today cannot disavow this son of St. Francis of Assisi under the pretext that he sanctified himself in a medieval frame-work; for with the exception of its sins, he loved all of the modern world and he conscripted for God the printing press, the radio, the airplane. And he knew all of its miseries too: tuberculosis, bombings, enemy occupation, prison camps, the concentration camp of Auschwitz . . . The story of his death with which this book ends is at once one of the most dreadful and sublime that a book from a human pen could yield.” Bruno de Solages

Includes 30 pages in the Appendix on how to become a Knight of Our Lady. Preface by Fr. Karl Stehlin.

Hardcover, size 8.75" x 5.8", 200 pages
The Story of St Maximillian Kolbe
Out of Stock
$44.00  Inc Tax
The Little Duke

The Little Duke
by Charlotte M. Yonge

This is the exciting tale of the boy who would become King Richard the Fearless. After suddenly losing his father, King William of the Long Sword, a very young Richard experiences many hardships and sorrows. However, with the help of his loyal friends, Richard overcomes capture and many other obstacles in his quest to succeed his father.

The Little Duke is an inspiring story for all Catholic youth, and therefore, an excellent addition to any family library. Along with Outlaws of Ravenhurst and Men of Iron, The Little Duke ranks among younger readers as one of the best ever.

Hardcover, size 8.25" x 5.75", 240 pages

The Gauntlet

The Gauntlet
by Ronald Welch

One misty summer afternoon, Peter Staunton was wandering near the ruined castle of Carreg Cennen in the hill country of the Welsh border. He stumbles across a rusted metal gauntlet and idly slips it on his hand. This is the start of an adventure that takes him back in time to the 14th century, when his Norman ancestors held the castle.

Now, as Peter de Blois, he is plunged into a bewildering medieval world of chivalry and honor, of archery and falconry, of grand feasts and castles, but most of all, of heart pounding jousting tournaments. But all these rousing pastimes ominously give way to a rebellion among the Welsh tribes, culminating in a fierce assault on the castle fortress and its Norman defenders. Surrounded and outnumbered, the Normans must get word of the attack to the nearest castle. The only way out is down an immense cliff wall. Can Peter make the climb in time?

A finely authentic picture of life in the 14th century. These rousing pastimes give way to ominous rebellion. Suddenly besieged in their castle, surrounded and outnumbered, these Normans are in peril. Will Peter now be the only one who can save the day?

Hardcover, size 8.25" x 5.75", 248 pages

$56.00  Inc Tax
Living in God\'s Grace text
Living in God's Grace
Living in God's Grace
Book 3
by Lepanto Press

Explained and correlated with Bible and Church history, this traditional catechism program was reproduced from the 1940's edition with no revisions. Based upon the questions and answers of the Baltimore Catechism, these books provide a complete, integrated, and basic course in religion for grades kindergarten through eight. The purpose is to see to it that the pupil has a clear and adequate knowledge of his holy Faith. 

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 347 pages
Book 3
$48.00  Inc Tax
The Children's Garden
The Children's Garden
by Jane Spencer

A delightful story about a little boy who lived in a small white house in the country. To him it was the most beautiful home in the world. Every morning he would fling open the window and breathe deeply, thinking to himself as he looked out: "I am King of my Castle!" But change is in store for the boy and his family, and he must find the courage to spread the beauty of his home everywhere he goes.

Hardcover, size 4.25" x 4.25", 57 pages
Out of Stock
Our Goals and Our Guides
Our Goals and Our Guides
Our Quest for Happiness Series Book One
by Lepanto Press

This highly acclaimed, doctrinally sound high school religion book, has been reprinted with no revisions to the original 1950's edition.

The book is refreshing to study compared to the books and ideas so prevalent in today's society and insures a complete presentation to our Holy Faith. The book is based on the most important doctrines of Christianity as found in the Scriptures and in the Apostles Creed: the Unity and Trinity of God; the Incarnation and Redemption; sanctification by the Holy Spirit through the Church, and "life everlasting." The book gives our young Catholics the principles they need to build a better world.

Hardcover, size 8.75" x 5.75", 480 pages
Our Quest for Happiness Series Book One
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Toward the Eternal Commencement
Toward the Eternal Commencement
Our Quest for Happiness Series Book Four
by Lepanto Press

This highly acclaimed, doctrinally sound high school religion book, has been reprinted with no revisions to the original 1950’s edition.

The book is refreshing to study compared to the books and ideas so prevalent in today’s society and insures a complete presentation to our Holy Faith. The book is based on the most important doctrines of Christianity as found in the Scriptures and in the Apostles Creed: the Unity and Trinity of God; the Incarnation and Redemption; sanctification by the Holy Spirit through the Church, and “life everlasting.” The book gives our young Catholics the principles they need to build a better world.

Hardcover, size 8.75" x 5.75", 574 pages
Our Quest for Happiness Series Book Four
Through Christ Our Lord
Through Christ Our Lord
Our Quest for Happiness Series Book Two
by Lepanto Press

This highly acclaimed, doctrinally sound high school religion book, has been reprinted with no revisions to the original 1950’s edition.

The book is refreshing to study compared to the books and ideas so prevalent in today’s society and insures a complete presentation to our Holy Faith. The book is based on the most important doctrines of Christianity as found in the Scriptures and in the Apostles Creed: the Unity and Trinity of God; the Incarnation and Redemption; sanctification by the Holy Spirit through the Church, and “life everlasting.” The book gives our young Catholics the principles they need to build a better world.

Hardcover, size 8.75" x 5.75", 591 pages
Our Quest for Happiness Series Book Two
The Ark and the Dove
The Ark and the Dove
Our Quest for Happiness Series Book Three
by Lepanto Press

This highly acclaimed, doctrinally sound high school religion book, has been reprinted with no revisions to the original 1950’s edition.

The book is refreshing to study compared to the books and ideas so prevalent in today’s society and insures a complete presentation to our Holy Faith. The book is based on the most important doctrines of Christianity as found in the Scriptures and in the Apostles Creed: the Unity and Trinity of God; the Incarnation and Redemption; sanctification by the Holy Spirit through the Church, and “life everlasting.” The book gives our young Catholics the principles they need to build a better world.

Hardcover, size 8.75" x 5.75", 616 pages.
Our Quest for Happiness Series Book Three
$55.00  Inc Tax
Saint Eulalia
Saint Eulalia
by Abbe Dom Prosper Gueranger

Dom Gueranger notes in his Liturgical Year that St Eulalia is one of the five virgin saints whose feast are prominent during Advent, the others being St Bibiana, St Barbara, St Lucy, and St Odilia.

This little book brings to life the courageous martyrdom of St Eulalia with beautiful watercolour illustrations by Jane Spencer.  Written by Prudentius in the 4th century, the hymn was included in the traditional Mazarabic liturgy of Spain.

Enjoy gathering your children around you every 10th December and read this heroic story of the valiant maiden of Christ.

Booklet, size 8" x 4.75", 30 pages
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