Saints - C, D
AB | CD | EF | GH | IJK | LM | NOP | QRS | TUV | WXYZ |
by Eva K. Betz
St. Columba of Iona was born in Ireland and lived during the 500s A.D. This Celtic saint spent most of his ministry in Scotland, where he founded a church and a monastery, of which he was the first Abbot, on the Isle of Iona. St. Colum so loved God’s creation in nature that one of the defining characteristics of monasticism at his Abbey was a deep appreciation for nature and the Holy Spirit’s presence in it. There are many tales of St. Colum interacting with and caring for the animals around him. St. Colum and the Crane is one of the best examples of his unending care for animals, especially birds.
Through this story, your children will learn the importance of caring for God’s creation as seen in the life of St. Colum.
Saint Colum and the Crane is part of Eva K. Betz’s Saints and Friendly Beasts series, entertaining and educating children of all ages. Every book is fully illustrated and displays Charles Vukovich’s artwork on each page of these stories about the saints.
Ages 5 to 10
Hardcover, size 8.25" x 6.7", 48 pages
by St Catherine of Genoa & Don Cattereo Marabotto (her Confessor)
The Spiritual Doctrine of St. Catherine of Genoa is one of the most unusual Catholic books ever written. The subject of this book explains what the spirit of Christ opposed to the spirit of the world can mean in the life of a soul. St. Catherine of Genoa, a member of an illustrious Italian noble family, was married but had no children. She and her husband worked in a hospital in Genoa, of which she later became director.
This volume contains three separate works: The Life and Doctrine of St. Catherine of Genoa, the Spiritual Dialogue and the Treatise on Purgatory. The latter alone is worth the price of the entire book and sets the theme for all three writings. St. Catherine sees the entire Christian life as one of purgation. If the cleansing of the soul in this life is not completed it is simply continued in the next. The Treatise on Purgatory explains the attitude of the Poor Souls, their sufferings of Purgatory and those of Hell.
The Spiritual Doctrine of St. Catherine of Genoa teaches us that the only truly important progress made in this life is the development of the human soul and that all else is insignificant in comparison. St. Catherine demonstrates that what we do with our precious allotment of time will determine what we shall be for all eternity.
Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 328 pages
One of the Greatest Saints of Our Time
by Anonymous
St. Charbel (1828 - 98), a Maronite Rite Catholic religious, priest and hermit of Bekaa-Kafra, Lebanon, is considered by many to be the masculine counterpart of the Little Flower of Lisieux and one of the greatest saints of our times. He led a hidden life of profound virtue, humble labour and ardent fervour for the Holy Eucharist.
He left home at the age of twenty-three to follow the examples of two uncles by entering the monastic life of the Lebanese Maronite Order (a religious order within the Catholic Maronite Rite that includes most Catholics in Lebanon). He was profoundly devoted to the Holy Rosary and to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which he said daily at 11:00AM. Why so late? Because he knelt before the Blessed Sacrament from midnight the night before (yes, eleven hours!) to prepare for Mass!
His obedience was absolutely perfect, going even so far as to obey the lay labourers at the monastery. His fasting and penances were severe. He separated himself from the world entirely, from his first entrance to the novitiate. His only contact with the outside world was at the request of his superiors, orders which he followed without question. His entire life, without the slightest exception, was completely supernatural. The stories of his heroic virtues, told by many who knew him, are fascinating enough especially since they take place in a land that Catholics are not much accustomed to thinking of as Catholic - Lebanon. It is even more interesting as he was a miracle worker in life and in death - the miracles were practically non - stop.
Fr. Charbel suffered a stroke on December 16, 1898, during the Offertory of the Liturgy...the high point of his day - his entire life was an offertory. He was reciting the prayer of the Holy Liturgy of the Maronite Rite: "Father of Truth, behold Your Son, a sacrifice pleasing to You. Accept this offering of Him who died for me..." As he fell to the floor, he kept his hands safely clasped around the Holy Eucharist. His companion, Fr. Makarios Al-Mishmeshani the Hermit, and some other monks helped him to his cell, where he continued to repeat that prayer until his death on Christmas Eve, 1898.
From April 22-August 14, 1950, exactly 350 miracles were recorded at his tomb...20 of the cured were Moslems. MANY, MANY more were recorded as his body remained perfectly intact (supple skin, flexible joints, no odour) for over 75 years after his death and exuded a miraculous liquid that healed a great number of crippled and sick people and converted many others, including Moslems to the True Faith. His casket rotted, he did not. The author of the book warns that the miraculous events surrounding the Saint's life are so great, that it is easy to lose sight of the essential - his holiness.
The Sacred Scriptures tell us that war is a punishment for sin. Consequently, sanctity is the ultimate solution to war. While the Middle East and specifically St. Charbel's beloved Lebanon has recently been torn asunder, let us all invoke him as we earnestly pray for peace and the conversion of non-believers...intentions dear to the heart of St. Charbel.
Paperback, size 5" x 3", 96 pages
by Brother Ernest, C.S.C.
Saint Charles Borromeo, born in 1538, was a great figure of the Counter-Reformation. Reading this story of Saint Charles can help see that we are called to be holy and to spend every moment we can for God!
Level 1
Paperback, size 8" x 6", 30 pages
A Story of the King of Israel
by Brother Evan Schmid, C.S.C.
This young shepherd was annointed by Samuel to be the successor to King Saul. He is well known for killing Goliath using a sling and a stone. As king he tried his best to please God, however, he fell into sin. After acknowledging his sinfulness he repented and loved God with all his heart.
Level 2
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 96 pages
A Heart for Europe
The lives of Emperor Charles and Empress Zita of Austria-Hungary
by James and Joanna Bogle
The First World War began with the shooting of Archduke Franz Ferdinard at Sarajevo. The shape of Europe for the rest of the century was decided by the four years of fighting from 1914-1918, and the decisions made by the victors in the aftermath of the war. Yet what of the man who tried to make peace - the young ‘Peace Emperor’ Charles of Austria. It is impossible to comprehend the story of those momentous years, without understanding this remarkable man.
A Heart for Europe tells the tragic story of this brave ruler, who died in exile in 1922.
Paperback, size 9.25" x 6.1", 176 pages
by Rev. Joseph I. Dirvin
The Miraculous Medal is one of the most popular devotional sacramentals in all of the Church, with millions wearing it. Not as many people as wear the Miraculous Medal know about the one to whom Our Lady gave it: St. Catherine Labouré, a saint among the holiest of the holy.
Zoe Labouré was born in 1806 to French farmers. When she was nine, her mother died, and she is said to have then dedicated her life to Our Lady. Her intention was from early on to join a religious order; she dreamed of St. Vincent de Paul, who directed her to join his Society. Eventually, she did, at 24, in Paris. Within the year, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to her, entrusting to her a sacred image, meant to be worn by the faithful, with the slogan "O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee." When she told her confessor of the visions and Mary's request, he investigated her for two years, then petitioned the archbishop for permission to have medals made (without revealing that it was Catherine who had received it from Our Lady). The devotion caught on with extraordinary popularity, and it contributed to the proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception in 1854. Catherine herself spent the rest of her life caring for the sick, old, and weak while maintaining a humble silence and austerity. A few decades after her death, she was found incorrupt; her canonization occurred in 1947.
From this excellent popular biography, read the definitive life of this pure and holy virgin of God. Included are also 61 pictures and photographs to edify readers' piety and devotion to this holy advocate of our causes before Our Lady and Our Lord.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 264 pages
by Monsignor Gaume
Advocate of God and consoler of Mary, this is the story of the first thief, whose wonderful eleventh hour conversion and defense of the holy Kingship of Christ on Calvary, merited him the everlasting title, The Good Thief.
Monsignor Gaume opens his book with a graphic, even ugly, description of the true face of a highway brigand in the days of the Caesars. He presents the first meeting of our Egyptian thief and the Son of God in the idolatrous land of the Pharaohs on the occasion of the flight of the impoverished Holy Family away from the sword of Herod. The rest of this profoundly inspiring account begins on the Mount of the Skull. It is the story of the Passion as seen through this most unlikely of characters. Meet Dismas; a dying man whose only request from his Lord was but a remembrance in His Kingdom! Rejoice for a man who was the first to be with Christ in Paradise.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 208 pages
Love Is a Radiant Light
The Life and Words of St Charbel
by Hanna Skandar
“A man who prays lives out the mystery of existence, and a man who does not pray scarcely exists.” Thus writes St. Charbel Makhlouf (1828–1898), a Maronite monk and priest from Lebanon whose reputation for sanctity spread widely during his life, and whose heavenly intercession has worked countless miracles after his death. St. Charbel’s homilies and proverbs are reminiscent of the sayings of the Desert Fathers: simple, homespun, and direct, yet shining and profound.
This holy monk speaks from a reservoir of silence about the fundamentals of the Faith and targets the temptations facing all Christians today: the flight from suffering, excessive attachment to comforts, pride over accomplishments, complacency, factiousness, substituting talk for action, fear of proclaiming the truth in an age of hostile unbelief. Alert to the reality of spiritual warfare, St. Charbel calls each one of us to hold fast to the Cross, “the center of the universe and the key to heaven,” and defy the devil who seeks our ruin. This collection of some of the most beautiful words spoken by St. Charbel is augmented by a short biography that will bring him to the attention of those who have not yet made his acquaintance or profited from his wisdom.
Paperback, size 8" x 5", 103 pages
Translated by W. Patrick Donnelly, S.J.
Cyprian’s treatise is an integral part of our Catholic heritage from the earliest days of the infant Church - a real gem which has been too long neglected. In addition to being the earliest, the best, the simplest, and the most complete exposition of the Our Father which we possess, Cyprian’s dogmatic and devotional treatise also carries us back, in a sympathetic realization of union, to the very first days of our Catholic forebears.
Paperback, size 8" x 5", 94 page book, Impr 1953.
A Holy Emperor And His Legacy
by Charles A. Coulombe
October 3, 2004 saw what appeared to many to be a very strange thing: Emperor-King Charles of Austria-Hungary, last Habsburg to rule in Central Europe and wartime foe of the United States, was raised to the altars of the Church as a Blessed by Pope John Paul II. But odd as this appeared, the real story of the “Peace Emperor” and his just as remarkable wife reads like a combination of a suspense thriller, Greek tragedy, and hagiography.
The inheritor of a tradition of Catholic monarchy dating back to the Roman Empire, Bl. Charles struggled to update it sufficiently to survive in the modern world. A brave soldier coming to the throne during a war whose start he had no part in, he risked everything to bring the bloody conflict to an end. Betrayed on all sides by allies, enemies, and subjects, his deep devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, the Sacred Heart, and the Virgin Mary helped him to avoid hating those who wronged him.
Devoted to his wife and children, Charles succeeded, with the help of his loving Empress, in leading a good Catholic family life despite everything. In a life filled with signs and miracles before and after his death, Bl. Charles managed to combine a life of deep piety with intense practicality. After his death, his wife and children continued his work—her cause for beatification is now being considered.
In these pages, prolific Catholic author Charles Coulombe brings to bear his vast erudition, affection for Catholic monarchy, and assorted contacts close to the Hapsburg family, through his residence in Austria in the production of a biography of a man whose thrilling and event-filled life story deserves to be better known.
Hardcover, size 8.5" x 5.5", 264 pages
Saint Cloud of Gaul
The Prince who traded kingdoms
by Susan Peek
A horrific act of treachery. A hairbreadth escape. A decade of desperate hiding. And an encounter with Christ that changes it all!
When young Prince Cloud, grandson of the mighty King Clovis and heir to the Kingdom of Orleans, is suspiciously summoned to his uncle's castle, little does he know his world is about to implode. Hurled into a life of danger, where his royal identity must remain hidden at all costs, Cloud eventually stumbles upon the only Kingdom worth fighting for.
Nearly everyone has heard of St. Cloud, Minnesota, but few know the story of the inspiring saint whose name it bears. The time has come for Saint Cloud of Gaul to blaze forth from hiding!
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 188 pages
A Story of Daniel The Prophet
by Brother Edward Overstreet, C.S.C.
Daniel was born more than 600 years before the birth of Jesus. When he was a teenager, the Jewish nation was conquered by King Nebuchadnezzar, and Daniel was taken to Babylon as a hostage. Because of his wisdom, he was selected to become an advisor to the King of Babylon. Daniel put God first in his life, and was obedient and faithful to God’s laws—even when doing so put his own life in danger. When the king had Daniel thrown into a lions’ den, God saved Daniel. Reading this story can encourage us to follow in the footsteps of Daniel the prophet, who trusted in God and showed great courage when he placed the laws of God above the demands of an earthly ruler.
Level 3
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 145 pages
by Brother Ernest, C.S.C
Cyprian was born in Africa around the year 200. His excellence at public speaking allowed him to become a very successful lawyer.But fame and fortune did not make him happy.After learning about Jesus he was batized into the Catholic faith. Cyprian became a priest and then became the Bishop f Carthage. Reading this story can encourage us to follow in the footsteps of St Cyprian who spoke out for th epoor and encouraged all to remain true to the faith.
Level 1
Paperback, size 8" x 6", 30 pages
by Brother Flavius, C.S.C.
Catherine was born into a noble family in Egypt around the year 292. When Catherine grew up and was considering marriage, she had a wonderful dream in which the Blessed Mother presented Jesus to her. Catherine fell in love with Jesus and wanted to be His spouse, but He refused because she was not baptized. Reading this story can encourage us to follow in the footsteps of St Catherine who loved Jesus above all others and tried her best to please Him.
Level 1
Paperback, size 8" x 6", 30 pages
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