Saints and Blesseds
By Fr. Jean C. J. d'Elbée
The key to happiness from one who found it in joyful abundance: St. Thérèse of Lisieux.
This spiritual classic has long been beloved by Catholics for its wondrous distillation of the teaching of St. Thérèse of Lisieux into a reader-friendly set of meditations. It's perfect as a personal retreat when you have only a few moments to spare each day - and for spiritual reading anytime and anywhere.
Fr. Jean C. J. d'Elbée, a French priest deeply imbued with St. Thérèse's spirit, brings you St. Thérèse's teachings on God's love and the confidence in Him that it should inspire in your soul; humility, peace, and fraternal charity; the apostolate; the Cross; and what it means truly to abandon yourself to Divine Providence. I Believe in Love has helped countless souls embark on the way to the Father. It will help you focus on Him throughout each day, rest in Him amid your troubles, and live joyfully with Him at every moment!
You'll learn:
How you can (and must) have confidence in God, not in spite of your sufferings, but because of them!
The secret that makes sense of the pain and trouble in your life - no matter how great
One thing you must cherish in your soul, or you'll never learn to love as Jesus loves
God's love for you personally: are you really aware of its reality in every moment of your life? How you can see it at work
The spiritual goldmine that is at your fingertips now - if you know where to find it
What you must do before you speak about the Faith, or your words will be useless
Crosses: why you can't avoid them - and why you should love the ones God sends you
How to deal with failures, reversals, and difficult moments of all kinds - without losing your spiritual or emotional equilibrium
The Fall of Adam and Eve: how even it shows God's abiding love for every soul
The sin that destroys countless souls - since few know how to recognize and fight it
Do you wish you had the love of God that the saints have - but are discouraged by your weaknesses? Why you should take heart
Are you drawing on all the treasures of the Eucharist and the saints? How you can be sure
The comforting reason why our Lord at times chooses not to deliver you from trials
Much more that will show you how to live in the glorious love of God at each moment!
Paperback, 304 pages
Paperback, 273 pages
“This book is about those who gave their life for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, saints who were outlawed, mocked and hated by the ruling elite of their times. Their great conflict was played out in prison, in torture chambers and on the scaffold. They gained victory by witnessing to the Catholic dogma of the Mass as a bloodless sacrifice and Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharist. Most of them were priests, fugitive in their homeland, who were caught by the pursuivants while saying Mass. Others were lay men and women attending the banned Catholic worship or hiding hunted priests. Some of them were bishops who first fell into schism with Henry VIII due to their cowardice but redeemed themselves during the reign of Edward VI and Elizabeth I by standing up for Catholic dogmas, especially for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. May the example of these saintly English heroes increase our devotion to the Holy Sacrifice of the Altar in our troubled times plagued by disbelief in the sacrificial nature of the Mass and irreverence towards the Blessed Eucharist.” -J.K. Wittbrodt, Author’s Note
This stunning book is a fascinating and essential read for all Catholics of today. Much is to be learned from these heroes who not only kept the Faith but spread it in spite of an anti-catholic government who sought their destruction at all times and at every turn. A must-have for every catholic library.
The Angels and the Demons
by Dom Bernard-Marie Maréchaux
“Let us open our eyes to recognize our friends and our enemies. Let us win over the favor of the good angels and keep ourselves on guard against the wicked one. Resist him, Saint James cries out to us, and he will fly from you.” (Dom Bernard-Marie Maréchaux)
Is there a spiritual world around us? If so, who are the beings that make up this world? What is their nature? What is their place in creation? How do they interact among themselves and with us? How are the good spirits our friends, and the bad spirits our foes?
Dom Bernard-Marie Maréchaux asks and answers all these questions in this short but complete tour of the angelic world.
The extraordinary role of these “sublime creatures more imperceptible than the wind and swifter than lightning” will perhaps astonish us. We will realize how “we live immersed in the invisible world, caught up in a double angelic and diabolic current, the object of a bitter struggle for influence between angels and demons.”
Paperback, 94 pages
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