St Pius X

St Pius X (Pope, Confessor) - feast day 3rd September
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Saint Pius X
The Farm Boy who Became Pope
$26.00  Inc Tax
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$24.00  Inc Tax
Flame of White
Life of St Pius X
$56.00  Inc Tax
Sitxty-three Saints of the Western Church from the First to the Twentieth Century
$32.00  Inc Tax
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$30.00  Inc Tax
Modern Saints
Their Lives and Faces
$47.00  Inc Tax
$10.50  Inc Tax
St Pius X
$9.00  Inc Tax
Memories of Pope Pius X
Memories of Pope Pius X
by Cardinal Merry Del Val

“His look, his word, his whole being  express three things: goodness, firmness, faith. Goodness was the man himself; firmness was the leader; faith was the Christian,  the priest, the pontiff, the man of God.” —Chapter VII, “Characteristics of Pius X”

Memories of Pope Pius X is a charming eye-witness account of a great Pope in action. It provides a fascinating behind-thescenes look at the Vatican and a portrait of papal authority when exercised by a saint.

St. Pius X was a paragon of principle in an age of compromise. He championed sacred tradition against modernist encroachment and vigorously confronted emerging threats to the Faith. However, he did so with humility, gentleness, and care for souls. His legacy is one of supernatural courage blended with charity—firmness anchored in goodness. This remarkable Pope truly lived the words of his motto, “To restore all things in Christ.” His heroic example still inspires today.

“Give me souls and take everything else.” —Cardinal Merry del Val

Hardcover, size 6.75" x 4.75", 140 pages
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Saint Pius X: Restorer of the Church
Saint Pius X: Restorer of the Church
by Yves Chiron

Saint Pius X is the first pope in modern history to be canonized since Saint Pius V in 1712. The Church canonized him because of the heroic virtues he practiced in his private life and also in the performance of his ecclesiastical duties: Assistant Priest, Pastor, Canon, Episcopal Chancellor, seminary spiritual director, Bishop, Cardinal Patriarch of Venice, and Pope from 1903 to 1914.

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 352 pages
$44.00  Inc Tax
Saint Pius X
Saint Pius X
Saint Pius X
The Farm Boy who Became Pope
by Fr. Walter Diethelm, O.S.B.

This is a true story of St. Pius X. Young readers will be inspired by the life of this holy man--from his youthful days of hard work and prayer to receive the eduction he needed to his years as country priest, encouraging his people to holiness.

Age: 9-12

Paperback, 163 pages
The Farm Boy who Became Pope
$26.00  Inc Tax
Pope St Pius X
Pope St. Pius the X
by F. A. Forbes

Few men have had the nigh unimaginable privilege and definitely unconscionable weight of duty as those who have occupied the Throne of St. Peter as the Supreme Pontiff and Pastor of the Universal Church; even fewer have exercised that office in so tremendous and saintly a manner as Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto, the son of poor peasants who became one of the most formidable occupants of the papal office of all time. Born in 1835 to a village postman and his wife, Giuseppe worked hard to gain an education in Latin and basic liberal arts. In 1850, he was given tonsure by the Bishop of Treviso; he was ordained priest in 1858. After becoming a parochial vicar and arch priest and later various other offices in the diocese, he was named Bishop of Mantua. In 1893, Leo XIII made him Cardinal-Patriarch of Venice. In 1903, at last he arose to the vocation God had had in mind for him from the beginning: he was elected Pope of Rome.

His pontificate was as immense as his personal holiness impelled it to be; he chose as his motto to "Restore all things in Christ." To this end, he promoted various liturgical reforms, such as lowering the typical age for First Communion to seven, the age of reason, and reforming the Liturgical calendar to allow more Sundays to take precedence over Saint days. In addition, he commissioned a revision of the Breviary and promoted the restored use of Gregorian Chant. Of greatest importance, however, was his doctrinal crusade against Modernism, which he aptly labeled the "synthesis of all heresies." He opposed it on all fronts, making it his personal mission to root out the error of errors that has since led to perdition. If only Catholics had heeded his calls for reform earlier!

Nothing, however, can take away from the life of this saintly Successor of Peter. It is undoubted that he is one of the greatest; Pope Saint Pius X will show you why. His odor of sanctity has never waned in the intervening years since his passing into eternal beatitude. Even in death, the Pious Pope remains a Rock of the Faith, a Servant of the Servants of God, a Holy Father to us all.

Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 184 pages
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$24.00  Inc Tax
Flame of White
Flame of White
Flame of White
Life of St Pius X
by William Hunterman

A biography of St. Pius X for ages 12 and up. The lessons given us by the life of the only Saint-Pope in over 500 years are in his poverty, charity and burning zeal for souls that should animate all of us. The purpose of this biography is to widen the circle of boys and girls, men and women who know him better and love him more.

Hardcover, size 8.25" x 5.75", 269 pages
Life of St Pius X
$56.00  Inc Tax
The Young People's Book of Saints
The Young People's Book of Saints
Sitxty-three Saints of the Western Church from the First to the Twentieth Century
by Hugh Ross Williamson

Sixty-three Saints of the Western Church from the 1st to the 20th Century Saints are the men and women who best love Christ and His Church.

They may be kings or queens, statesmen or soldiers, scholars, visionaries, workmen or beggars. They teach us the real meaning of human history, and they show us how to live in any walk of life or set of circumstances. 

Many of these saints were martyrs, killed in periods of persecution. Others died trying to bring the knowledge of Christ to pagan tribes. Yet others built up the Church through their example and their teaching, but were never called upon to shed their blood.

St James the GreaterSt DenisSt HelenSt Ambrose of MilanSt Germain
St PatrickSt GenevieveSt Brigid of IrelandSt BenedictSt Gregory the Great
St Columba of IonaSt HermengildSt Isidore of SevilleSt AidenSt Audry (Etheldreda)
St Cuthbert of LindisfarneSt GilesSt BonifaceSt Eulogius of CordovaSt Swithun
St WenceslausSt WolfgangSts Henry & CunegundSt Edward the ConfessorSt Benno of Meissen
St Gregory VIISt NorbertSt Bernard of ClairvauxSt Thomas of CanterburySt Hildegard
St Hugh of LincolnSt Francis of AssisiSt DominicSt Anthony of PaduaSt Elizabeth of Hungary
St WilleboldSt Louis IXSt Albert the GreatSt Thomas AquinasBl Ramon Lull
St Elizabeth the PeacemakerSt Catherine of SienaSt John NepomuceneSt Bernadine of SienaSt Joan of Arc
St Jerome EmilianiSt Thomas MoreSt Ignatius LoyolaSt John of GodSt Francis Xavier
St Teresa of AvilaSt Peter CanisiusBl Edmund CampionSt Camillus de LellisSt Vincent de Paul
St Alphonsus LiguoriSt Benedict Joseph LabreThe Cure d'ArsSt BernadetteSt John Bosco
St Therese of LisieuxSt Pius XSt Frances Xavier Cabrini

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 239 pages
Sitxty-three Saints of the Western Church from the First to the Twentieth Century
$32.00  Inc Tax
Saint Pius X
Saint Pius X
by Father Hieronymo Dal-Gal

In this wonderful biography, Father Hieronymo Dal-Gal, one of the defenders of the Causes of Beatification and Canonization of Pius X, gives a beautiful and detailed account of the life of Giuseppe Sarto, from his humble beginnings as son of the Cursore of Riese to the Throne of Saint Peter. His sources are of the highest authenticity: the Diocesan and Apostolic Processes for the Beatification and Canonization Causes, the Acts of Pius X and the pastoral and private letters of Giuseppe Sarto as Bishop of Mantua and Cardinal of Venice, among others.

The result is an astounding portrait of a great man and a heroically virtuous and holy priest, bishop and Pope whose “Pontificate was supernaturally directed according to a loving and redeeming plan to prepare souls to face our own struggles and to ensure our victories and the victories of future generations” (Pope Pius XII, Beatification sermon, 1951.)

Paperback, size 8" x 5.25", 414 pages
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The Catechism of Pope Saint Pius X
The Catechism of Pope Saint Pius X
by Pope St Pius X

Pope Saint Pius X desired to fill the need for a simple Catechism that could be easily understood and that would be uniform throughout the world. For priests, parents, teachers, and children. Provides the student with a Catholic vision of faith, prayer, Commandments, the Sacraments, and virtue. Beautiful in its simplicity.

Paperback, 179 pages
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$30.00  Inc Tax
Modern Saints
Modern Saints II

Modern Saints II
Their Lives and Faces
by Ann Ball

Saints are not phenomena of the past; they are with us in all eras of the Church's life, for God does not leave His Church bereft of holy witnesses. In this second volume of Modern Saints: Their Lives and Faces, Ann Ball provides brief but substantive biographies on 45 saints, blesseds, and other holy men and women from the past two centuries. Included for each is a portrait, typically an actual photograph—a true blessing for Catholics of our time. This volume contains the lives and faces of saints including:

St Elizabeth SetonSt Joan Antida ThouretBl Magdalen of CanossaSt Andrew Kim & CompanionsSt Vincent Mary Strambi
St Vincent PallottiMother Theodore GuerinSt John VianneyVen Pauline JaricotSt Joseph Cafasso
St Madeleine Sophie BaratSt Euphrasia PelletierFr John Joseph LatasteBl Mary of ProvidenceSt Catherine Laboure
Bl Maria of Jesus CrucifiedCornelia ConnellyBl Jeanne JuganSt Mary Joseph RosselloBl Pauline von Mallinckrodt
St Paula FrassinettiSt Therese CoudercSt Vicenta LopezSt Therese of LisieuxBl Maria Assunta
Bl Elizabeth of the TrinityPope St Pius XBl Bro Mucian of MalonneMother Marianne of MolokaiFrancisco Marto & Jacinta Marto
Bl Mary Theresa LedochowskaDom Columba MarmionSr Josefa MenendezFr Louis VariaraVen Matt Talbot
Bl Bartolo LongoEve LavalliereConcepcion Cabrera de ArmidaFr Felix RougierEdel Quinn
Ven Mother Josephine BakhitaArtemide ZattiBl Katharine DrexelFr Mateo Crawley-BoeveyTherese Neumann

Let these holy men and women, so close to us in time, bring guidance and encouragement on your earthly sojourn, as we wait to join them in Heaven with God and all of his elect from throughout the ages. Impr.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 510 pages, 177 Illus

Their Lives and Faces
$47.00  Inc Tax
Picture Book of Saints #01
Picture Book of Saints #01
by Fr Lawrence G. Lovasik

St. Joseph Picture Book Series, Part 1 of 12 books on the "Super-Heroes of God"--commonly known as Saints--by beloved author Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D. introduces Catholic children to 15 of the most well-known Saints. Among the features of this book are:

  • a full-color illustration of each Saint
  • short, easy-to-understand lives of the Saints that offer a window on what made them so special in the eyes of God
  • the feast day for each Saint in accordance with the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church
  • a concluding prayer
Saints included in this edition are:

St. Elizabeth Ann SetonSt. John BoscoSt. PatrickSt. John Baptist de la Salle
St. Anthony of PaduaSt. Thomas MoreSt. AnneSt. Lawrence
St. Pius XSt. Peter ClaverSt. Vincent de PaulSt. Teresa of Avila
St. Margaret Mary AlacoqueSt. Isaac JoguesSt. Stephen

Paperback, 32 pages
$4.00  Inc Tax
A Novena to Pope Pius X
A Novena to Pope Pius X
by Father Lovasik.

First printed with Imprimatur in 1954. This booklet is written to further devotion to one of the greatest of modern saints, Saint Pius X. Even in his lifetime he was called Il Santo - the Saint, and Pope Pius XII justly calls him “The Providential Saint of Our Times.” There is a very close relationship of spirit between these two glorious Pontiffs of the Church. Hence the reflections used in the Novena are taken from the writings of both. These writings beautifully portray the great heart of Saint Pius X.

Booklet, 40 pages
$10.50  Inc Tax
St Pius X
St Pius X
St Pius X
by Mary Fabyan Windeatt

The story of Joey Sarto, the poor farm boy who became pope and allowed little children to receive Holy Communion. Tells about his boyhood and gives many wonderful anecdotes. 

Colouring book, paperback, 33 pages
$9.00  Inc Tax
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