Saints - I, J, K

St Ignatius of Antioch
St Ignatius of Loyola
St Ildephonsus of Toledo
St Imelda Lambertini
St Isaac Jogues
St Isidora
St Isidore of Seville
St Isidore the Farmer


St Jacinta Marto
St James the Greater, Apostle
St James the Lesser, Apostle
St Jane Frances de Chantel
St Jerome
St Jerome Emiliani
St Joachim
St Joan of Arc
St John Baptist de la Salle
St John Berchmans
St John Bosco
St John Cafasso
St John Cantius
St John Capistran
St John Chrysostom
St John Damascene
St John de Brebeuf
St John Eudes
St John Fisher
St John Gualbert
St John Mary Baptiste Vianney (Cure of Ars)
St John Masias
St John Nepomucene
St John Neumann
St John of Avila
St John of God
St John of the Cross
St John Ogilvie
St John the Baptist
St John, Apostle
St Joseph
St Joseph Cafasso
St Joseph of Cupertino
St Juan Diego
St Jude Thaddeus, Apostle
St Juliana of Falconieri
St Justina (and Cyprian) (M)

St Kateri Tekakwitha
St Kentigern
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A Story of Blessed Imelda
A Story of Blessed Imelda
by Brother Ernerst, C.S.C.

Imelda was born in 1322. Even before she was five she desired to receive Jesus in Holy Communion. However at that time the Church ruled that a child had to be at least twelve to receive Jesus for the first time. She prayed hard and asked others to pray with her so that the rule would be changed. To be closer to God she joined the Dominican Sisters so that she could be closer to Jesus in the tabernacle. One day while she knelt in the chapel praying for her special intention one of the Sisters saw a Host come from the closed door of the tabernacle and by Itself came to the place where Imelda knelt. Reading this story can encourage us to follow in the footsteps of Blessed Imelda as we realize what a special gift we receive every time we receive Our Lord, Jesus in Holy Communion.

Level 1

Paperback, size 8" x 6", 30 pages
The Life of St. Joseph Cafasso
The Life of St. Joseph Cafasso
Priest of the Gallows
by St John Bosco

The life of St. John Bosco's spiritual mentor and model in the priesthood, told by St. John Bosco himself. Called the "Priest of the Gallows" because he converted so many criminals on "death row" (and promised them immediate entrance into Heaven). Great stories show how he did it. Also, stories of how he taught young St. John Bosco to put God first. Impr.

Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 89 pages
Priest of the Gallows
$15.50  Inc Tax
Selected Letters of St. Jane Frances de Chantal
Selected Letters of St. Jane Frances de Chantal

We are all so apt to idealise the Saints whom we love to study and honour, and strive to imitate, that we are in danger of forgetting that they possessed a human nature like our own, subject to many trials, weaknesses and frailties. They had to struggle as we have to struggle. In the case of some of the Saints we are able to come nearer to the reality by reading the letters which have been preserved, in which in their own handwriting they have set down, without thought of those who in later days might read their words, the details of their daily life and struggle. Thus in the few selected Letters of the holy foundress of the Visitation which are now being published in an English translation we get glimpses of her real character and spiritual growth which may be more helpful to us than many pages of formal biography.

Paperback, size 8" x 5", 255 pages, Impr 1917.
St John Fisher

St John Fisher
by Fr Vincent McNabb, O.P.

“DEAR reader! you are about to take part in perhaps the greatest tragedy of an age that wrote Hamlet and Macbeth. Greater even than the writer’s part will be yours, the reader’s and hearer’s part. Only your hearing ear and your seeing eye will bring the tragedy to its own. But your seeing eye and hearing ear must first recognise that a greater than Hamlet or Macbeth is here. They are but splendid fiction. But the tragedy of the first and only Cardinal to receive the martyr’s crown is as real as the Yorkshire moors where John Fisher was born, or as Tower Hill where the Cardinal Bishop of Rochester was beheaded. Do not expect anything melodramatic or miraculous in this tragedy of tragedies: all on the hero’s side is as sober in colouring as the heather on a Yorkshire moor. All is as normal as the steadiness of the hills or the falling of flakes of snow.

Search as you may in the plain tale of this Yorkshireman who was spokesman of England’s faith and chivalry, you will find no gesture, no stir, no noise, but only a humble self-distrusting quest of the best. But, dear reader, in this outwardly emotionless love of God and men to see a tragedy beyond all telling or seeing will call from you the best of your mind and heart.”

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 129 pages

$14.00  Inc Tax
Jeremiah the Prophet
Jeremiah the Prophet
by Brother Anthony Blasi, C.S.C.

Jeremiah lived about 600 years before the birth of Jesus. He lived at a time when God was punishing the Jewish nation and allowing them to be conquered by foreign armies. God inspired the prophet Jeremiah and gave him words to speak to the Jewish leaders. Jeremiah knew that the message he had to give would be unpopular. He could face punishment and even death if he dared to speak it. Reading this story can encourage us to follow in the footsteps of Jeremiah the prophet, who had the courage and conviction to speak out against the evils of his day and to tell the truth about God’s plan for his people.

Level 3

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 135 pages
$19.00  Inc Tax
A Story of St John Gualbert
A Story of St John Gualbert
by Brother Ernest, C.S.C.

John was born in the late 900's in Florence, Italy. His parents were wealthy and they had their children (John and Hugo) taught at home by a teacher hired by their father. After his brother was murdered he sought to find the killer and get revenge for his murder. It was through God's grace that when John found this man and he pleaded for his life that John realized this was not what God wanted of him. On his way home he stopped at a monastery to give thanks for God's grace and beg forgiveness for his own sins. Reading this story can encourage us to follow in the footsteps of Saint John Gualbert by remembering to grant forgiveness and also beg for forgiveness ourselves, as we pray for God's grace as this is most important in all our lives.

Level 1

Paperback, size 8" x 6", 30 pages
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