
This month is dedicated to the Holy Cross.

1   St Giles (Aegidius) (Ab)
     Twelve Holy Brothers (M)
2   St Stephen, King (C)3   St Pius X (PC)4   St Hermione (VM)
     St Cuthbert (C)
5 St Lawrence Justinian (BC)
67   St Cloud, (Ab)8   Nativity of the BVM9   St Peter Claver (C)
     St Gorgonius (M)
10 St Nicholas Tolentino (C)
11 Sts Protus & Hyacinth (M)12 The Holy Name of Mary1314 Exaltation of the Holy Cross15 The Seven Sorrows of the BVM
     St Catherine of Genoa (V)
16 Sts Cornelius (PM) & Cyprian (BM)
     Sts Euphemia, Lucy & Geminianus (M)
     St John Masias (C)
17 Stigmata of St Francis of Assisi (C)
     St Hildegard of Bingen (V)
18 St Joseph Cupertino (C)19 St Januarius (B) & Compan. (M)20 St Eustace & Compan. (M)
21 St Matthew (Apos, Evan)22 St Thomas of Villanova (BC)
     St Maurice & Compan. (M)
23 St Linus (PM)
     St Thecla (VM)
     St Padre Pio (C)
24 Our Lady of Ransom25 
26 St John de Brebeuf, St Isaac Jogues & Compan. (M)
     Sts Cyprian & Justina (M)
27 Sts Cosmas & Damian (M)
     St Vincent de Paul (C)
28 St Wenceslaus, Duke (M)
     St Lorenzo Ruiz (M)
29 St Michael, Archangel30 St Jerome, Priest (CD)
     St Francis Borgia (C)
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