St Anthony of Padua

St Anthony of Padua (15 August 1195 – 13 June 1231) feast day 13th June
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$26.00  Inc Tax
$4.00  Inc Tax
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$4.00  Inc Tax
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A Book for Little Catholics to Colour and Keep
$8.00  Inc Tax
A Novel Based on the Life of Saint Anthony of Padua
$50.00  Inc Tax
The Wonderworker of Padua
$21.00  Inc Tax
Sitxty-three Saints of the Western Church from the First to the Twentieth Century
$32.00  Inc Tax
$5.50  Inc Tax
St Anthony Medal
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$0.60  Inc Tax
St Anthony Chaplet
St Anthony Chaplet
Hand made Chaplets
8mm Smokey Topaz Tiffany Glass beads
Saint Anthony and the Christ Child
Saint Anthony and the Christ Child
by Helen Walker Homan

Helen Walker Homan contributes her third volume to the Vision Books series of saints for youth in this story of the life of the greatly beloved St. Anthony of Padua.

Homan covers many of the important and exciting events in Friar Anthony's life including a voyage to the Mohammedan land of Morocco, a shipwreck, and the meeting in Assisi with St. Francis and all of the Friars Minor. From his days as a youth to the dramatic accounts of his powerful preaching and working miracles as a follower of St. Francis, Homan presents a fascinating account of St. Anthony that youth, and all ages, will find enthralling.

Ages: 10+

Paperback, size 8" x 5.2", 174 pages
Out of Stock
$26.00  Inc Tax
Scenes from the Lives of the Saints
Scenes from the Lives of the Saints
by Anne Catherine Emmerich

In the first part the visionary provides details of the lives of 59 saints, among them Agatha, Anthony of Padua, Thomas Aquinas, Augustine, Benedict and Scholastica, Catherine, Dionysius the Areopagite, Francis and Clare of Assisi, Ignatius of Loyola (and Aloysius), Justina and Cyprian, Nicholas of Fluë, Perpetua and Felicity, and Paul and Thekla. Part two gives examples of Anne Catherine’s gift of recognizing relics and other blessed objects, leading into deep insights regarding those to whom they relate. Part three presents the fascinating story of two individuals unknown to history: Datula (along with her princely husband Pontianus) and the mysterious Judith of Africa, a Jewess living in a region called the Mountains of the Moon. The closing reflection is on Mary of Agreda.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 248 pages

Also available in hardcover on request (additional cost)
Saint Anthony of Padua
Saint Anthony of Padua
by Fr Lawrence G. Lovasik

This book introduces children to Saint Anthony of Padua, the world's best loved Saint, who especially loved and cared for the poor.

Paperback, size 7.2" x 5.3", 32 pages, full colour illustrations
$4.00  Inc Tax
Picture Book of Saints #01
Picture Book of Saints #01
by Fr Lawrence G. Lovasik

St. Joseph Picture Book Series, Part 1 of 12 books on the "Super-Heroes of God"--commonly known as Saints--by beloved author Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D. introduces Catholic children to 15 of the most well-known Saints. Among the features of this book are:

  • a full-color illustration of each Saint
  • short, easy-to-understand lives of the Saints that offer a window on what made them so special in the eyes of God
  • the feast day for each Saint in accordance with the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church
  • a concluding prayer
Saints included in this edition are:

St. Elizabeth Ann SetonSt. John BoscoSt. PatrickSt. John Baptist de la Salle
St. Anthony of PaduaSt. Thomas MoreSt. AnneSt. Lawrence
St. Pius XSt. Peter ClaverSt. Vincent de PaulSt. Teresa of Avila
St. Margaret Mary AlacoqueSt. Isaac JoguesSt. Stephen

Paperback, 32 pages
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$4.00  Inc Tax
The Saints Chronicles Vol 3
The Saints Chronicles Vol 3
by Dan Davis, Edgar Salazar, Gordon Purcell, Jason Millet, Kevin West, Mark McNabb, Terry Pallot, Tod Smith, Ulises Arreola Palmera

The Saints Chronicles bring vividly to life the stories of courageous Christians from the earliest days of Christianity to modern times. All five volumes of this Graphic Novel Series are packed with engaging texts and dramatic images that captivate and inspire readers of all ages.

In this third volume, you'll dive into the life of Christianity's boldest heroes of the Faith, including:
  • St. Anthony of Padua, the brilliant young Franciscan friar whose deepest desire was to be a martyr for Christ.
  • St. Ava of Denain, the young girl born blind, whose great faith in the Lord led Him to restore her vision.
  • St. Samson of York, the humble monk who, legend claims, slew a fierce dragon, saving the people of Wales from destruction.
  • St. Bernadette, the fourteen-year-old girl whose 19th-century visions of the Blessed Mother in Lourdes, France, continue to inspire pilgrimages and devotions to this day.
  • St. Charles Lwanga, the African courtier who, for the sake of the Faith, defied his wicked king, knowing it would cost him his life.

The stirring adventures of these brave Christian souls remind us that God has in mind for each of us a unique mission, worthy of all our imagination and all our daring.

Appealing to readers of all ages, these five Graphic Novels will enhance literacy and promote content retention while introducing Catholic saints in a form that can be enjoyed again and again.

Paperback, size 10.25" x 6.5", 120 pages
St Anthony 10 inch Statue
10" St. Anthony
by Joseph's Studio Figurines

  • Material: Resin, Stone Mix
  • Dimensions: 10"H
  • Boxed
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Story of St Anthony of Padua
Story of St Anthony of Padua
Story of St Anthony of Padua
by Br Ernest, CSC

Saint Anthony of Padua, born in 1195, is one of the most well-known of the Franciscan saints. Reading this story about Saint Anthony can help us see that happiness is not found by doing what we want to do, but by doing what God wants us to do!

Level 1

Paperback, size 8" x 6", 30 pages
$14.00  Inc Tax
The Legend of St. Anthony, the Fishes and the Mule
The Legend of St. Anthony, the Fishes and the Mule
A Book for Little Catholics to Colour and Keep
by a Sister of Maryknoll

Most pages have a beautiful line drawing and story on same page. Story of how St. Anthony showed the townspeople the love of God by preaching to the fishes and a mule!

Paperback, size 11” x 8.5”, 32 pages
A Book for Little Catholics to Colour and Keep
$8.00  Inc Tax
A Rich Young Man
A Rich Young Man
A Novel Based on the Life of Saint Anthony of Padua
by John Edward Beahn

St. Anthony of Padua has been a friend to millions of Catholics asking his help to recover lost objects. But few seem to know much about his remarkable life. The son of a knight in the court of Portugal's king, he renounced his heritage of wealth and power to become a Franciscan priest. In the years to come, he earned international fame as a preacher, reformer, miracle worker, champion of the poor, and Doctor of the Church.

The tale unfolds in the epic setting of medieval Europe of the thirteenth century. Monarchs, courtiers, churchmen, knights, nobles and serfs manoeuver like chess pieces in an elaborate game of alliances and conflicts between Church and state, Christian and Muslim, Catholic and heretic. Anthony's story takes us from North Africa where divine providence saved the young friar from his mistaken zeal for martyrdom to Italy and France, where his extraordinary gifts and heroic passion for God blazed a path to the rescue and conversion of countless souls.

This novel paints a rich, fascinating portrait of an astonishing saint who turned the medieval Christian world upside down.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 348 pages
A Novel Based on the Life of Saint Anthony of Padua
$50.00  Inc Tax
Saint Anthony
Saint Anthony
The Wonderworker of Padua
by Charles Warren Stoddard

A beautiful, popular life of the Patron of Lost Objects, a powerful intercessor, and the favorite saint of Catholics. He was the greatest preacher of the middle ages and one of the finest orators of all time. Find out why he is called the Wonder-Worker and the Hammer of Heretics! Includes the famous stories of St. Anthony and the Christ Child, St. Anthony and the Mule, preaching to the fishes, and more.

Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 126 pages
The Wonderworker of Padua
$21.00  Inc Tax
The Young People's Book of Saints
The Young People's Book of Saints
Sitxty-three Saints of the Western Church from the First to the Twentieth Century
by Hugh Ross Williamson

Sixty-three Saints of the Western Church from the 1st to the 20th Century Saints are the men and women who best love Christ and His Church.

They may be kings or queens, statesmen or soldiers, scholars, visionaries, workmen or beggars. They teach us the real meaning of human history, and they show us how to live in any walk of life or set of circumstances. 

Many of these saints were martyrs, killed in periods of persecution. Others died trying to bring the knowledge of Christ to pagan tribes. Yet others built up the Church through their example and their teaching, but were never called upon to shed their blood.

St James the GreaterSt DenisSt HelenSt Ambrose of MilanSt Germain
St PatrickSt GenevieveSt Brigid of IrelandSt BenedictSt Gregory the Great
St Columba of IonaSt HermengildSt Isidore of SevilleSt AidenSt Audry (Etheldreda)
St Cuthbert of LindisfarneSt GilesSt BonifaceSt Eulogius of CordovaSt Swithun
St WenceslausSt WolfgangSts Henry & CunegundSt Edward the ConfessorSt Benno of Meissen
St Gregory VIISt NorbertSt Bernard of ClairvauxSt Thomas of CanterburySt Hildegard
St Hugh of LincolnSt Francis of AssisiSt DominicSt Anthony of PaduaSt Elizabeth of Hungary
St WilleboldSt Louis IXSt Albert the GreatSt Thomas AquinasBl Ramon Lull
St Elizabeth the PeacemakerSt Catherine of SienaSt John NepomuceneSt Bernadine of SienaSt Joan of Arc
St Jerome EmilianiSt Thomas MoreSt Ignatius LoyolaSt John of GodSt Francis Xavier
St Teresa of AvilaSt Peter CanisiusBl Edmund CampionSt Camillus de LellisSt Vincent de Paul
St Alphonsus LiguoriSt Benedict Joseph LabreThe Cure d'ArsSt BernadetteSt John Bosco
St Therese of LisieuxSt Pius XSt Frances Xavier Cabrini

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 239 pages
Sitxty-three Saints of the Western Church from the First to the Twentieth Century
$32.00  Inc Tax
St Anthony 6"

St Anthony 6"
by Joseph's Studio

The St Anthony Figure from the acclaimed Joseph's Studio Renaissance Collection is meticulously crafted by master artisans with great attention to color and detail. It is a fantastic addition to any home or devotion area.

  • Dimensions: 6.25"H x 2.5"W x 2"D
  • Materials: Resin/Stone Mix

Joseph's Studio collection offers the highest quality and most intricately designed religious figurines, statues, busts and more. They are each hand-painted and made of the best materials.

The 35 Doctors of the Church
The 35 Doctors of the Church
by Fr. Christopher Rengers OFMCap, Matthew E. Bunson, PhD

The 35 Doctors of the Church presents the most comprehensive and fascinating collection available anywhere on the lives and labors of the saints who have been declared the Church’s Doctors.

From St. Athanasius (c. 297–373) to St. Thérèse of Lisieux (1873–1897), you’ll find the amazing stories of 35 extraordinary men and women who are honored both for their holiness and for the eminence of their teachings about the Faith.

Their work and witness are truly timeless; their lives and wisdom show us how to be holy in our own lives, how to confront the challenges of today, and how to proclaim the Gospel to a modern world hungering for Jesus Christ.

St AthanasiusSt EphremSt Cyril of JerusalemSt Hilary of PoitiersSt Gregory NazianzenSt Basil the Great
St Ambrose of MilanSt JeromeSt John ChrysostomSt Augustine of HippoSt Cyril of AlexandriaPope St Leo the Great
St Peter ChrysologusPope St Gregory the GreatSt Isidore of SevilleSt Bede the VenerableSt John DamasceneSt Peter Damian
St AnselmSt Bernard of ClairvauxSt Hildegard of BingenSt Anthony of PaduaSt Albert the GreatSt Bonaventure
St Thomas AquinasSt Catherine of SienaSt John of AvilaSt Teresa of AvilaSt Peter CanisiusSt Robert Bellarmine
St John of the CrossSt Lawrence of BrindisiSt Francis de SalesSt Alphonsus LiguoriSt Therese of Lisieux

Originally published as The 33 Doctors of the Church by Fr. Christopher Rengers, O.F.M.Cap., the 35 Doctors of the Church has been updated by Matthew E. Bunson, PhD, to include two new chapters about recently proclaimed Doctors, St. John of Ávila and St. Hildegard of Bingen. The revised edition also includes a new introduction with a detailed explanation of how the Church proclaims Doctors and their meaning for today. 

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 730 pages
$70.00  Inc Tax
St Anthony Novena
St Anthony Novena
by Fr Daniel A. Lord

Beautifully Illustrated Novena Book of Prayer & Devotion

Booklet, size 3.75" x 6", 24 pages
$5.50  Inc Tax
Cord Kit Dog Tag Chaplet St Anthony
Cord Kit Dog Tag Chaplet St Anthony

This kit will make ONE St Anthony's Chaplet out of durable, colourful, nylon cord. The finished chaplet is approximately 14" long and is great for carrying in your pocket, your backpack, or your purse. It also makes an excellent project for Catholic teens and adults!Each kit comes with pre-cut brown nylon cord, St. Anthony dog tag, rosary tool, clear instructions, directions for praying, and a short synopsis of the history and importance of this chaplet.

NOTE: This kit is easy enough for a NOVICE cord rosary maker to make and does not require any previous knotting experience.

Recommended for ages 13 and up.
$18.50  Inc Tax
St Anthony Medal
St Anthony Medal
1" Oval Medal - Die-cast Italian Silver Oxidized
Out of Stock
$0.60  Inc Tax
St Anthony of Padua 15.4x12cm Beaded Embroidery Kit
St Anthony of Padua Beaded Embroider Kit

Size: ___________________6" x 4.7" (15.4 x 12cm);
Quantity of colours:________11;
Types of stitches:__________half cross stitch;

- Fabric with printed background;
- Preciosa beads;
- embroidery thread;
- embroidery needle.

If your beadwork is needed to be washed after finishing please care instructions:
- Hand wash only, warm 90°F (30°C).
- Do not wring out.
- Allow to dry on a flat surface.
- Iron from the back side.

This kit includes everything you need to stitch as soon as you open it! Create your own masterpiece - an original painting, embroidered with beads. The image printed with waterproof ink on a natural art canvas exactly conveys all the elements of painting, which has been the basis of the scheme. Beads are shining and sparkle creating a 3D effect on a picture. Your masterpiece created by your own hands will be a great decoration of any interior or a great and original gift for your friends and relatives!
St Anthony of Padua Pocket Notebook
St Anthony of Padua Pocket Notebook

96 Pages. 70 gsm Paper. 7mm ruled.
$1.20  Inc Tax
St Anthony Of Padua 4 inch statue

4" St Anthony Of Padua 
by Josephs Studio

  • Material: Resin
  • Dimensions: 4"H x 1.5"W
  • Gift boxed statue and holy card
$31.00  Inc Tax
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