Anne Catherine Emmerich
by Anne Catherine Emmerich
In the first part the visionary provides details of the lives of 59 saints, among them Agatha, Anthony of Padua, Thomas Aquinas, Augustine, Benedict and Scholastica, Catherine, Dionysius the Areopagite, Francis and Clare of Assisi, Ignatius of Loyola (and Aloysius), Justina and Cyprian, Nicholas of Fluë, Perpetua and Felicity, and Paul and Thekla. Part two gives examples of Anne Catherine’s gift of recognizing relics and other blessed objects, leading into deep insights regarding those to whom they relate. Part three presents the fascinating story of two individuals unknown to history: Datula (along with her princely husband Pontianus) and the mysterious Judith of Africa, a Jewess living in a region called the Mountains of the Moon. The closing reflection is on Mary of Agreda.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 248 pages
Also available in hardcover on request (additional cost)
by Bl Anne Catherine Emmerich
Book I offers the visionary’s account of St. Joseph, the three kings, and John the Baptist and his parents (and their Essene ancestry). There follow compilations on the lives of the apostles Andrew, Simon Peter, James the Greater, and John of Zebedee, including extensive episodes from their travels and missions in the years following the Passion.
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 288 pages
Also available in hardcover on request (additional cost)
by Anne Catherine Emmerich
Mysteries of the Old Testament commences with an account of Joseph and his wife Asenath in Egypt, with special focus on “The Mystery of the Promise”—perhaps the most unique and powerful theme running through all these volumes. Fresh perspectives are offered on Moses, Samson and Delilah, the Nazirites, Elijah and Elisha, Tobias, Ezra, Zoroaster, the Holy Book of Ctesiphon, and the final prophet, Malachi. The second part is thrilling, passing through several stages of the Ark of the Covenant, which reaches its consummation, in its fourth and final form, in the Virgin Mary herself.
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 184 pages
Also available in hardcover on request (additional cost)
by Anne Catherine Emmerich
First Beginnings commences with the visionary’s account of Creation, the Fall of the Angels, the formation of the Earth and Paradise, and the mysterious Mountain of the Prophets. The second part presents Adam and Eve, the Trees of Life and Knowledge, the Fall of Humankind, the Promise of the Redeemer, Cain and Abel, the Children of God, the Giants, Enoch, Noah, the Tower of Babel, and such ancient figures as Hom, Jamshid, Nimrod, Derketo, Semiramis, and Melchizedek, concluding with Job. The third part offers fascinating new insights into the lives and missions of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 192 pages
Also available in hardcover on request (additional cost)
by Rev. Patrick O'Connell and Fr. Charles Mortimer Carty
A fascinating study of the Winding Sheet Our Lord was wrapped in (now in Turin, Italy) with a comparison from the visions of four famous mystics:
Booklet, size 7" x 4.5", 63 pages
In the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich
by Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich was one of the most privileged and gifted mystics in Church history. Throughout much suffering and sacrifice, she received in holy ecstasies miraculous visions of the lives of Our Lord, Our Lady, and the saints.
One of the personages in these visions is, of course, Mary Magdalen, central as she was to much of the Gospel story. She is considered less often than others, yet Blessed Anne Catherine's visions are extremely telling about the significance of this prototype of all penitents, considered by the Church the "apostle to the apostles" (since she announced the Resurrection of Our Lord).
Mary Magdalen in the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich reveals not only the Biblical account of Mary Magdalen's interactions with Our Lord, Lazarus and Mary, and the disciples, but also her early life. Contained in these pages are her fall to sin at the age of 9, her attempts at repentance, and far more than visionary has ever reported of her. Let the visions of the holy mystic Anne Catherine Emmerich guide you to a deep, fruitful relationship with Mary Magdalen, the patron saint of all penitents—and therefore of all of us. Impr.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 160 pages
From the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
“But there are also many other things which Jesus did which, if they were written every one, the world itself, I think, would not be able to contain the books that should be written.” (John 21:25).
Did you know that the revelations as told in The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ inspired and provided many of the powerful images and scenes in the film The Passion of the Christ?
Written to inspire an increased love for God, this book details the visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, the renowned 19th century German nun who was a visionary, mystic, stigmatist, and victim soul. Blessed Anne’s visions give accounts of many more of the unknown details of the Passion, providing our imaginations rich food to further contemplate Our Lord’s great suffering on our behalf, and thereby grow our love for Him by meditating upon His most sacred and dolorous Passion.
Every Catholic should meditate frequently upon the Passion of Our Lord; with this book in hand you will be able to meditate on the narrative of the Passion in a new, vivid, and especially spiritually enriching way. Edifying, inspiring, surprising, and heart-rending, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich's descriptions of our Lord's Passion will melt a heart of stone.
The content of her visions includes:
- The Blessed Mother’s role in the Passion and in our redemption
- The details of the insults hurled at Jesus
- Jesus’s conversations with His disciples and with the two thieves
- The reactions and fear of the people all throughout Jerusalem
- An account of the descent into Hell
- And much more…
Also included is a biography of the author, which explains the details of her holy life and how different members of the hierarchy of the Church have promoted her visions as credible.
Easily the best and most complete meditation on the Passion, this book is a must-have Lenten read, as well as a year-round way of fostering a spirit repentance and love of our suffering Lord.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 382 pages
From the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich
by Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
After that of Our Lord, there has never been a more glorious, more sacred, more humble, more pure life than Our Lady's—and there has never been one extolled more often either. Our Lady stands as the pinnacle of Creation, the most glorious and all-holy Ever-Virgin Mother of God, and her life was most the perfect imitation of Our Lord's there ever could be.
In The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary: From the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich demonstrates the riches of this life she was privileged to know more intimately than perhaps any other besides St. Joseph and Our Lord Himself. For in these pages are told the wondrous and miraculous elements of Our Lady's time on this Earth, all the way from her birth and consecration, through her miraculous conception and pregnancy, through her suffering at the foot of the Cross of Our Lord, to her last days and ultimate Dormition and Assumption.
Witness like never before the glory of the Mother of God in what will prove one of the most important books in your life of meditation you will ever encounter. May the visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich bring you into deeper communion with Our Blessed Mother, who in turn does nothing other than bring us into the deepest intimacy with her Divine Son.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 400 pages
by Bl Anne Catherine Emmerich
The first part of Inner Life and Worlds of Soul & Spirit casts light on the nature of visionary experience, prayer, the rosary, the amen, and ways of healing.
Part two presents both well-known parables and fascinating new teachings, including an allegory of marriage and of stars at birth.
Part three is occupied with heaven and hell, work for “poor souls” in purgatory, the habitations of the heavenly Jerusalem, John’s Book of Revelations, the “Octangular Church,” and the Churches Triumphant and Militant.
Part four focuses on such places as the spring at Matarea, the pool of Bethesda, the holy sepulcher, the praetorium, and the way of the cross in Ephesus.
Part five considers Egyptian star wisdom, the star of the Magi, Jacob’s ladder, the writing of the New Testament, the chalice of the Last Supper, the “twelve new apostles,” dragons, and Satan. The final section presents themes related to Jesus, including his two genealogial trees, baptism, voice, shoulder wound, the cloth used to lower him from the cross, Veronica’s scarf, his mantle, and apparitions upon his death.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 256 pages
Also available in hardcover on request (additional cost)
by Bl Anne Catherine Emmerich
Book III covers the primary non-apostolic disciples of Jesus, among them: Barnabas, Joseph Barsabbas, Cleophas (of Emmaus), Luke (including his life as painter and healer), Mark, Martialis (the youth of Nain), three Nathaniels (including the bridegroom of Cana), Saturnin (an important early disciple of both John the Baptist and Jesus unknown to history), Simeon, Stephen, and others. The second part documents an extraordinary conversation between Jesus and Eliud the Essene shortly before the baptism in the Jordan, then gives accounts of many lesser-known disciples organized in four categories: civic leaders; pagan officials (including the historically unknown centurion Abenadar, one of the most fascinating figures in the visions); merchants; and other officials. The final selection covers King Abgar and the famous letter that passed between him and Jesus, still a matter of scholarly dispute.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 256 pages
Also available in hardcover on request (additional cost)
by Bl Anne Catherine Emmerich
Book V is specifically devoted to the many women disciples and supporters of Jesus, many also unknown to history. An initial overview sets the stage regarding the primary holy women, who are presented in detail in the second part. Among these are: Mary Heli (elder sister of the Virgin Mary), Mary Cleophas (mother, or stepmother, of five of the apostles), Mary Salome (mother of John and James the Greater), Martha and her sister Mary Magdalene, Maroni (the widow of Nain), Veronica, Susanna and Salome, Mary Mark, Dinah (the Samaritan woman), and Mara the Suphanite. There follows a study of the holy women present at Christ’s death and resurrection. The third, fourth, and fifth parts present other major and minor women disciples of Jesus, as well as his female relations. Perhaps most fascinating of all is Silent Mary, a historically unknown sister of Lazarus, Martha, and Magdalene, with whom Jesus communes immediately before his baptism.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 274 pages
Also available in hardcover on request (additional cost)
From the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
This is third volume in a set that records the visions of the famous 19th-century Catholic mystic, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, a nun who was privileged by God to behold innumerable events of biblical times, going back all the way to the creation of the world. She witnessed the fall of the Angels; the sin of Adam; Noah and the Flood; and the lives of St. John the Baptist, St. Anne, St. Joseph, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and St. Mary Magdalen. In these accounts, what shines through most is the indelible, infinite love of God for all mankind.
Anne Catherine's visions also included the birth, life, public ministry, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, as well as the founding of His Church. Besides describing persons, places, events, and traditions in intimate detail, Anne Catherine Emmerich also sets forth the mystical significance of these visible realities. Here is the infinite love of God incarnate and made manifest for all to see, made all the more striking and vivid by the accounts Blessed Anne has relayed.
The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations: From the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich is beyond doubt one of the most extraordinary books ever published, simply because it is the story of the Bible and the Gospels, but elucidated in the most vivid manner since the Four Evangelists themselves. May it bring much fruit to your meditation.
This is Volume 3 of the 4-volume set, Impr. 2,623 pages
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 616 pages
From the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
This is first volume in a set that records the visions of the famous 19th-century Catholic mystic, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, a nun who was privileged by God to behold innumerable events of biblical times, going back all the way to the creation of the world. She witnessed the fall of the Angels; the sin of Adam; Noah and the Flood; and the lives of St. John the Baptist, St. Anne, St. Joseph, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and St. Mary Magdalen. In these accounts, what shines through most is the indelible, infinite love of God for all mankind.
Anne Catherine's visions also included the birth, life, public ministry, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, as well as the founding of His Church. Besides describing persons, places, events, and traditions in intimate detail, Anne Catherine Emmerich also sets forth the mystical significance of these visible realities. Here is the infinite love of God incarnate and made manifest for all to see, made all the more striking and vivid by the accounts Blessed Anne has relayed.
The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations: From the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich is beyond doubt one of the most extraordinary books ever published, simply because it is the story of the Bible and the Gospels, but elucidated in the most vivid manner since the Four Evangelists themselves. May it bring much fruit to your meditation.
This is Volume 1 of the 4-volume set, Impr. 2,623 pages
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 528 pages
From the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
This is fourth volume in a set that records the visions of the famous 19th-century Catholic mystic, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, a nun who was privileged by God to behold innumerable events of biblical times, going back all the way to the creation of the world. She witnessed the fall of the Angels; the sin of Adam; Noah and the Flood; and the lives of St. John the Baptist, St. Anne, St. Joseph, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and St. Mary Magdalen. In these accounts, what shines through most is the indelible, infinite love of God for all mankind.
Anne Catherine's visions also included the birth, life, public ministry, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, as well as the founding of His Church. Besides describing persons, places, events, and traditions in intimate detail, Anne Catherine Emmerich also sets forth the mystical significance of these visible realities. Here is the infinite love of God incarnate and made manifest for all to see, made all the more striking and vivid by the accounts Blessed Anne has relayed.
The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations: From the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich is beyond doubt one of the most extraordinary books ever published, simply because it is the story of the Bible and the Gospels, but elucidated in the most vivid manner since the Four Evangelists themselves. May it bring much fruit to your meditation.
This is Volume 4 of the 4-volume set, Impr. 2,623 pages
Paperback, size 8.5" x5.5", 496 pages
From the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
This is second volume in a set that records the visions of the famous 19th-century Catholic mystic, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, a nun who was privileged by God to behold innumerable events of biblical times, going back all the way to the creation of the world. She witnessed the fall of the Angels; the sin of Adam; Noah and the Flood; and the lives of St. John the Baptist, St. Anne, St. Joseph, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and St. Mary Magdalen. In these accounts, what shines through most is the indelible, infinite love of God for all mankind.
Anne Catherine's visions also included the birth, life, public ministry, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, as well as the founding of His Church. Besides describing persons, places, events, and traditions in intimate detail, Anne Catherine Emmerich also sets forth the mystical significance of these visible realities. Here is the infinite love of God incarnate and made manifest for all to see, made all the more striking and vivid by the accounts Blessed Anne has relayed.
The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations: From the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich is beyond doubt one of the most extraordinary books ever published, simply because it is the story of the Bible and the Gospels, but elucidated in the most vivid manner since the Four Evangelists themselves. May it bring much fruit to your meditation.
This is Volume 2 of the 4-volume set, Impr. 2,623 pages
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 504 pages
by Fr. K. E. Schmoger, CSsR
Definitive life of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824), a German Augustinian nun-mystic, stigmatist, visionary, prophet, victim soul. Prophecies and amazing revelations on every aspect of the Faith. Extremely edifying, makes the Gospels come alive with details you never knew before!
Note: This is the 1st volume in a 2-volume series of The Life and Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich.
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 576 pages
by Fr. K. E. Schmoger, CSsR
Definitive life of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824), a German Augustinian nun-mystic, stigmatist, visionary, prophet, victim soul. Prophecies and amazing revelations on every aspect of the Faith. Extremely edifying, makes the Gospels come alive with details you never knew before!
Note: This is the 2nd volume in a 2-volume set of The Life and Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich.
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 576 pages
Life of Jesus Christ hardcover 4 vol set
by Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich
This four-volume set records the visions of the famous 19th-century Catholic mystic, Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich, a nun who was privileged to behold innumerable events of biblical times, going back all the way to the creation of the world. She witnessed the fall of the Angels, the sin of Adam, Noah and the Flood, the lives of St. John the Baptist, St. Anne, St. Joseph, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and St. Mary Magdalen.
Also includes the birth, life, public ministry, Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, as well as the founding of His Church. Besides describing persons, places, events and traditions in intimate detail, Anne Catherine Emmerich also sets forth the mystical significance of these visible realities.
Hardcover, 2144 pages
By Anne Catherine Emmerich
In parts one and two of Spiritual Works and Journeys, the visionary speaks of “action in vision” in the “nuptial house” and “vineyard,” whereby she labors for souls.
Parts three and four continue this theme in a wider framework, such as the “two churches,” “planetary influences,” St. Michael and spiritual warfare, and the Church Militant.
Part five recounts fascinating spiritual journeys on behalf of the well-being of the souls of others.
Paperback, 244 pages
Also available in hardcover on request (additional cost)
By Anne Catherine Emmerich
Book IV covers the early friends and minor disciples of Jesus (many unknown to history), among them: Ananias, Jonadab, Parmenas, Joel, Jonah, Jonathan, Manasseh, Simon of Cyrene, Simon Zabulon, and Zadoch. There follow summaries of the temporal sequence of the calling of the disciples, and of their geographical and familial origins. The third part covers Jesus’s historically unknown journey to Cyprus. The fourth details the likewise unknown journey of Jesus to the East some months before his crucifixion to visit the two of the Three Kings still living. The final part offers a summary of the opponents of Jesus, including much on the little-known sect of the Herodians.
Paperback, 254 pages
Also available in hardcover on request (additional cost)
By Anne Catherine Emmerich
Book II presents nine apostles: Philip, Bartholomew, James the Less, Thomas, Judas Iscariot, Matthew, Judas Thaddeus, Simon, and Matthias, followed by Paul and several disciples connected with him. Descriptions of apostolic journeys following the Passion are given here also, especially in the case of Thomas’s journeys to the East. The second part, entitled Lazarus and His Friends (The Secret Disciples), covers Lazarus (including his later life in France), the close friends Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea, Simeon of the Temple and his sons, Simon of Bethany, John Mark, and Amandor (son of Veroncia), among others.
Paperback, 258 pages
Also available in hardcover on request (additional cost)
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