St John Mary Baptiste Vianney (Cure of Ars)
by Rev P. Henry Matimore
The purpose of this beautiful book is to acquaint our children with biographies that will have some particular influence on the development of their characters. Each story has been planned as a real character training project, not merely as a reading lesson, to inspire admiration for faith and religious heroism.
"To accomplish this purpose, we have endeavored to stimulate interest in each saint by presenting him or her as a real human being who lived in a real world among real people and not as a super-being surrounded by miraculous wonders. We have tried to make the saints human, admirable, and lovable, and therefore imitate-able." (from the Foreword). Questions and Things to Do are found at the end of each story.
St Cecilia | St Sebastian of Rome | St Agnes of Rome | St Monica | St Patrick |
St Columba | St Boniface | St Thomas of Canterbury | St Francis of Assisi | St Hedwig |
St Hyacinth | St Louis IX | St Gertrude | St John Nepomucene | St Joan of Arc |
St Thomas More | St Franis Xavier | St Aloysius | St Vincent de Paul | St Issac Jogues |
St Gerard Majella | The Cure of Ars | St Theophane Venard | St Damien of Molokai | St Therese of Lisieux |
Ages: 9 - 12
Paperback, size 8.2" x 5.8", 302 pages
Patron Saint of Parish Priests
by Rev. Fr. Bartholomew J. O'Brien
At the time of his death in 1859, over 100,000 people a year visited the little village of Ars, northwest of Lyons, France, and its beloved parish priest, St. John Vianney—known everywhere as the "Curé of Ars." Today over 500,000 people a year visit this simple farming town in the middle of France, where they come to see the incorrupt body of one of the greatest saints in the history of the Church and to visit in prayerful meditation the simple parish church where the holy Curé converted thousands and reconciled to Jesus Christ and His Church tens of thousands of souls.
Yet this is a most improbable story, for here is a saint who, with only two years' formal education before entering upon his priestly studies, had the greatest difficulty passing his examinations and becoming a priest. He had enormous troubles with Latin, as well as other subjects, and he at one time was obliged to give up priestly studies as a result of being drafted for military service (his brother at length volunteered in his stead). And even when he was ordained, he was given one of the poorest, most remote, and most run-down parishes in all of France. But within a few short years, he had reformed his parish and his town, in the process establishing such a reputation that the world began to seek him out to confess to him, witness his preaching, and hear his Masses. Finally they beat a path to his door, coming from all over France and even other nations. He heard confessions 16 to 18 hours a day, healed the sick, divined knowledge of the past and future, and mortified himself to an inhuman degree. The Devil himself once revealed to St. John Vianney that if there were three men like him alive at one time, the diabolical kingdom would be destroyed. Just four years after his canonization in 1925, Pope Pius XI named him "Patron Saint of Parish Priests."
Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 144 pages
Selected Passages from the Writings of The Cure of Ars
by St John Vianney
Catholic wisdom stated in a simple, sublime, penetrating way. St. Jean-Marie Vianney's sage counsel on 36 important topics, including the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Virgin, Prayer, Suffering, Hope, Envy, Grace, and Paradise.
Probably the most persuasive exhortation ever urging us to renounce sin. Highly recommended for every Catholic!
Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 184 pages
Evidence of Satan in the Modern World
by Msgr Leon Cristiani
Terrible noises, screeching voices, objects moving inexplicably, and the sense of a presence lurking, though there is no one to be seen.
Modern man tends to fall into two traps when considering Satan: many either ignore his existence or become enthralled with demonology. This classic book, heralded as one of the best ever written on demonic possession, offers chilling accounts of possessions, both dated and recent, and exorcisms that are strikingly similar, whether conducted in France, Italy, Vietnam, or elsewhere.
You will discover the signs of possession and how they differ from those of obsession and psychological illnesses. You will also learn the variety of evil spirits and how our minds are maliciously influenced through the media, eroticism, and “art.”
In these fascinating pages, you will also learn:
- How a young mother nearly died due to possession — and the remedy that cured her
- How dabbling in the occult, sorcery, spells, “healers,” and spiritualism could lead to possession
- The ways in which collective possession manifests itself (e.g., in atrocities under Nazism and communism)
- Techniques for arming yourself against the wiles of the devil and his manifold devices
You will read about the gripping case of a young boy who, once freed from evil, was cured of deafness - and how his brother was delivered from possession through the intercession of the Immaculate Conception.
You will learn how the Evil One attacked St. John Vianney - a master in prayer and one of the holiest confessors in Church history - with temptations and demonic infestations. Many witnessed his presbytery shake and heard horrifying sounds, especially when he would hear the confession of a great sinner the following day.
Amid our current crisis of truth, the Father of Lies is at work promoting various forms of atheism, which all lead to death. But Christ came to defeat the devil, wielding a crushing authority over evil spirits that is employed by His exorcists to this day.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 304 pages
Sermons of the Cure of Ars
For the Sundays and Feasts of the Year
by St John Vianney
Reprint of the 1901 edition of St. John Vianney’s Sermons! These sermons cover all the Sundays of the Year and all the principal feasts, combined with a few of the greater saints. It is almost 400 pages and unabridged from the original.
- Easy to read layouts with large font;
- Beautiful dropcaps and floral effects
- Balanced margins that provides an easy reading experience
This edition has all 85 of the extant sermons of St. John Vianney, and several additional sermons distributed to cover all the Sundays of the Year as well as the principal feasts (as they were in 1901). There is a lot more here to find spiritual nourishment.
This wonderful work by the patron of parish priests should be in every home!
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 424 pages
Also available in Hardcover upon request (additional cost)
The Story of Saint John Vianney, Patron Saint of Parish Priests
by Mary Fabyan Windeatt
"So you've decided to give in to the Devil", said the parish priest. John started back in dismay. "Oh no, Father!" "But you just told me you were giving up your studies for the priesthood", responded Father Balley. This book tells what took place next, plus the many adventures that met young St. John Vianney when he set out to become a priest and ended up one of the Church's most famous saints. Impr.
Ages 9-15
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 211 pages, 38 Illus
by Abbe Francis Trochu
Around 1830, the village of Ars began attracting huge crowds of visitors each day. Why did thousands of pilgrims come daily to this small village? The pilgrims had no other purpose than to meet its parish priest and especially to have him hear their confession. For this, they waited for hours, sometimes all night! His exceptional holiness and numerous miracles irresistibly attracted men and women of all ages and walks of life in search of the truth. This priest was Jean-Marie-Baptiste Vianney. He lived in extreme austerity and he made his village a fervent and exemplary community. Long before his death in 1859 he was the most famous priest in France. He is now considered the Patron and exemplar of priests worldwide.This classic and comprehensive biography written by Abbé Francis Trochu reveals how Jean-Marie-Baptiste Vianney overcame numerous obstacles to becoming a priest. He exercised intense simplicity, humility and pastoral zeal to help him transform a miserable village disaffected with religion into a town attracting thousands of pilgrims a year. Canonized in 1925 by Pope Pius XI, during the 150th anniversary of his death in 2009, The Year of the Priest was launched by Pope Benedict XVI to renew priestly sanctity all over the world.This edition has been re-typeset using the text of the 1927 edition originally published by Burns and Oates Ltd, London, with an Imprimatur by Edm. Canon Surmont, Vicar General, Westminster, 5th September 1927.
Leather Hardcover, size 8.5" x 5.5", 584 pages
Modern Saints II
Their Lives and Faces
by Ann Ball
Saints are not phenomena of the past; they are with us in all eras of the Church's life, for God does not leave His Church bereft of holy witnesses. In this second volume of Modern Saints: Their Lives and Faces, Ann Ball provides brief but substantive biographies on 45 saints, blesseds, and other holy men and women from the past two centuries. Included for each is a portrait, typically an actual photograph—a true blessing for Catholics of our time. This volume contains the lives and faces of saints including:
St Elizabeth Seton | St Joan Antida Thouret | Bl Magdalen of Canossa | St Andrew Kim & Companions | St Vincent Mary Strambi |
St Vincent Pallotti | Mother Theodore Guerin | St John Vianney | Ven Pauline Jaricot | St Joseph Cafasso |
St Madeleine Sophie Barat | St Euphrasia Pelletier | Fr John Joseph Lataste | Bl Mary of Providence | St Catherine Laboure |
Bl Maria of Jesus Crucified | Cornelia Connelly | Bl Jeanne Jugan | St Mary Joseph Rossello | Bl Pauline von Mallinckrodt |
St Paula Frassinetti | St Therese Couderc | St Vicenta Lopez | St Therese of Lisieux | Bl Maria Assunta |
Bl Elizabeth of the Trinity | Pope St Pius X | Bl Bro Mucian of Malonne | Mother Marianne of Molokai | Francisco Marto & Jacinta Marto |
Bl Mary Theresa Ledochowska | Dom Columba Marmion | Sr Josefa Menendez | Fr Louis Variara | Ven Matt Talbot |
Bl Bartolo Longo | Eve Lavalliere | Concepcion Cabrera de Armida | Fr Felix Rougier | Edel Quinn |
Ven Mother Josephine Bakhita | Artemide Zatti | Bl Katharine Drexel | Fr Mateo Crawley-Boevey | Therese Neumann |
Let these holy men and women, so close to us in time, bring guidance and encouragement on your earthly sojourn, as we wait to join them in Heaven with God and all of his elect from throughout the ages. Impr.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 510 pages, 177 Illus
With a Study of the Saint by G.K. Chesterton
by Henri Gheon
St. John Vianney, also known as the Cure of Ars, was a priest in France who became internationally notable (even without modern communications) for his priestly and pastoral work in his parish because of the radical spiritual transformation of the community and its surroundings. The devil tempted him by assuming the form of a person. That chapter in the book is so exciting it makes the entire book worth while! On 4 August 1859, St. Vianney died at age 73. The bishop presided over his funeral with 300 priests and more than 6,000 people in attendance! What a priest! May God send us more like him! Impr.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 217 pages
Sitxty-three Saints of the Western Church from the First to the Twentieth Century
by Hugh Ross Williamson
Sixty-three Saints of the Western Church from the 1st to the 20th Century Saints are the men and women who best love Christ and His Church.
They may be kings or queens, statesmen or soldiers, scholars, visionaries, workmen or beggars. They teach us the real meaning of human history, and they show us how to live in any walk of life or set of circumstances.
Many of these saints were martyrs, killed in periods of persecution. Others died trying to bring the knowledge of Christ to pagan tribes. Yet others built up the Church through their example and their teaching, but were never called upon to shed their blood.
St James the Greater | St Denis | St Helen | St Ambrose of Milan | St Germain |
St Patrick | St Genevieve | St Brigid of Ireland | St Benedict | St Gregory the Great |
St Columba of Iona | St Hermengild | St Isidore of Seville | St Aiden | St Audry (Etheldreda) |
St Cuthbert of Lindisfarne | St Giles | St Boniface | St Eulogius of Cordova | St Swithun |
St Wenceslaus | St Wolfgang | Sts Henry & Cunegund | St Edward the Confessor | St Benno of Meissen |
St Gregory VII | St Norbert | St Bernard of Clairvaux | St Thomas of Canterbury | St Hildegard |
St Hugh of Lincoln | St Francis of Assisi | St Dominic | St Anthony of Padua | St Elizabeth of Hungary |
St Willebold | St Louis IX | St Albert the Great | St Thomas Aquinas | Bl Ramon Lull |
St Elizabeth the Peacemaker | St Catherine of Siena | St John Nepomucene | St Bernadine of Siena | St Joan of Arc |
St Jerome Emiliani | St Thomas More | St Ignatius Loyola | St John of God | St Francis Xavier |
St Teresa of Avila | St Peter Canisius | Bl Edmund Campion | St Camillus de Lellis | St Vincent de Paul |
St Alphonsus Liguori | St Benedict Joseph Labre | The Cure d'Ars | St Bernadette | St John Bosco |
St Therese of Lisieux | St Pius X | St Frances Xavier Cabrini |
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 239 pages
St John Vianney 3.75"
by Joseph's Studio
- Material: Resin
- Dimensions: 3.75"H x 1.5"W
- Gift box with Holy Card
by St John Vianney
Composed when he was a young priest, The Sermons of the Cure of Ars constitutes one of the most powerful Saints' writings in the literature of the Church. Covering a wide range of vital moral and doctrinal issues for the average layman, St. John Vianney addresses the duties of parents, of the mother, of the pregnant woman, Annual Confessions, How death will reveal thieves, It is necessary to be converted, You no longer control them (your children), The sewer of Hell, Bad company, etc., etc. No one will read this book without realizing that his own moral subterfuges have been laid bare and that he needs to address the camouflaged sins and weaknesses lying buried in his inmost heart. Impr.
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 195 pages
The Priest Who Out-Talked the Devil
by Milton Lomask
This story of the greatly beloved Cure of Ars, Jean-Marie Vianney, a farm boy born during the French Revolution, longed to become a priest. But he could not learn Latin, and it seemed as if the humble, lovable, slow-thinking Jean-Marie would never be ordained. He did at last become a priest, and such a holy one that St. Jean-Marie Vianney is invoked as the patron saint and model of parish priests everywhere. To many he is known, not by name, but simply as "the Cure of Ars," the parish priest who devoted his life to the little village of Ars and so successfully led his people to sanctity that he became a prime target of the devil.
Ages 9-15
Paperback, size 8" x 5.25", 148 pages
by unknown
The Thoughts of the Cure D'Ars is the most beautiful, simple, and inspiring statement of practical Catholic wisdom that most of us will likely ever read. Consisting of short, profound sayings, almost comparable to the proverbs in the Bible, this little book reflects perfectly its simple but holy author, St. John Vianney.
Jean-Marie Baptiste Vianney (1786-1859) was popularly known as the Cure of Ars, or the parish priest of Ars, which is a small farmer's village north of Lyons, France. Though of poor education, the Cure of Ars was very intelligent and well versed in the Faith. He rose to great sanctity, converted thousands of souls to Christ, became famous throughout the Catholic world, and in 1929 Pope Pius XI proclaimed him "Patron Saint of Parish Priests" worldwide! This little book is a sample of his sanctity and wisdom.
Booklet, size 6" x 3.75", 80 pages
by Brother Ernest, C.S.C.
The hero of A Story of St. John Vianney is usually called the Cure of Ars. His life story is extremely fascinating. As a young man he was a very poor student. For quite some time it was thought that he would not learn enough to be ordained, but since God wanted him to become a priest, things worked out well for him. And what he did for God after he was ordained is admired by all who know about him. He was canonized a saint in 1934 and his great sermons are still being published in books around the world. In a great church built in Ars in his honor, thousands of people come to pay honor to the great saint. Let your children learn to love this humble man, and teach them about his life in this beautifully illustrated title.
Hardcover, size 8" x 6", 32 pages
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