St Dominic

St Dominic (1170-1221) - feast day 4th August
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The Life of St Dominic
$14.00  Inc Tax
$12.00  Inc Tax
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$25.00  Inc Tax
$32.00  Inc Tax
The Lives of Over 300 Famous Dominicans
$78.00  Inc Tax
Sitxty-three Saints of the Western Church from the First to the Twentieth Century
$32.00  Inc Tax
$29.00  Inc Tax
Story of St Dominic
$12.00  Inc Tax
Saint Dominic
Preacher of the Hail Mary and Founder of the Dominican Order
$21.00  Inc Tax
As the morning Star
As the morning Star
The Life of St Dominic
by Rev. Jerome Wilms, O.P.

St Dominic was a man of action. He realized the need of the age and chose as his particular lifework the preaching of the Gospel. He established an Order, dedicated entirely to the salvation of souls by means of teaching and preaching the Word of God. With this foundation St Dominic introduced an entirely new element into the history of religious orders. He retained the community life and solemn choral prayer of the Augustinian canons and adopted many austerities from the old monastic orders, but added to all this the stipulation that the particular task of his followers would be the salvation of their fellow men. For that purpose he obliged his disciples to devote themselves, rain or shine, to study and preaching.

Paperback, size 8" x 5", 168 pages
The Life of St Dominic
$14.00  Inc Tax
Picture Book of Saints #04
Picture Book of Saints #04
by Fr Lawrence G. Lovasik

St. Joseph Picture Book Series, Part 4 of 12 books on the "Super-Heroes of God"--commonly known as Saints--by beloved author Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D. introduces Catholic children to 15 of the most well-known Saints. Among the features of this book are:

  • a full-color illustration of each Saint
  • short, easy-to-understand lives of the Saints that offer a window on what made them so special in the eyes of God
  • the feast day for each Saint in accordance with the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church

Saints included in this edition are:

St. Sebastian of RomeSt. John of GodSt. Angela MericiSt. Cyril and Methodius
St. Louise de MarillacSt. John NepomuceneSt. Rita of CasciaSt. Joachim
St. BonifaceSt. Alphonsus LiguoriSt. John VianneySt. Dominic
St. HelenSt. BarbaraSt. Nicholas of Myra

Paperback, size 7" x 5", 32 pages
$4.00  Inc Tax
The Saints Chronicles Vol 4
The Saints Chronicles Vol 4
by Kevin West

The Saints Chronicles bring vividly to life the stories of courageous Christians from the earliest days of Christianity to modern times. All five volumes of this Graphic Novel Series are packed with engaging texts and dramatic images that captivate and inspire readers of all ages.

In this fourth volume, you'll dive into the life of Christianity's boldest heroes of the Faith, including:
  • St. Willibrord, the bold and fearless missionary priest who converted the people of the Netherlands despite the murderous threats of a hostile pagan king;
  • St. Margaret of Scotland, the young noblewoman forced to flee her own country, who found refuge in Scotland, where she became a wise queen devoted to service of the poor;
  • St. Stanislaus of Cracow, the beloved Polish bishop who publicly condemned the vicious actions of his king and was killed for his bold stand against evil;
  • St. Rose of Lima, the young girl, admired for her striking beauty, who rejected her parents' demand that she marry and dedicated herself instead to a life of prayer and service;
  • St. Dominic, the brave priest who was staunchly committed to combating dangerous heresies and eventually founded one of the most influential religious orders within the Church.

The stirring adventures of these brave Christian souls remind us that God has in mind for each of us a unique mission, worthy of all our imagination and all our daring.

Appealing to readers of all ages, these five Graphic Novels will enhance literacy and promote content retention while introducing Catholic saints in a form that can be enjoyed again and again.

Paperback, size 10.25" x 6.5", 120 pages
A First Book of Saints
A First Book of Saints
by Fr. Gales

10 short, captivating stories about well-known saints:
St. Gabriel the Archangel, St. Joseph, St. Agnes of Rome, St. Patrick, St. Benedict, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Dominic, St. Margaret Mary, St. Therese, and St. Michael the Archangel.

A great introduction for little children! Beautiful illustrations on every page! 

Ages: 2-10

Paperback,  size 7" x 4.25", 32 pages
$12.00  Inc Tax
The Life of St. Dominic
The Life of St. Dominic
by Sr. Augusta Theodosia Drane

The best biography of St. Dominic in English we have seen. Covers his preaching, miracles, founding of the Dominicans, the Rosary, the incredible fruit of his life, and the miraculous growth of the Dominicans.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 256 pages
Out of Stock
Dominican Saints
Dominican Saints
by Dominican Novices, St. Catherine of Siena

The Order of Preachers, purveyors of the Rosary, Hounds of the Lord—the Dominican order is one of the greatest jewels in the treasury of the Church. Such an illustrious band has produced numerous saints: confessors, nuns, popes, martyrs, preachers, mystics, and more.

In Dominican Saints, readers will find biographies of 14 of the most illustrious members of St. Dominic's lineage:

St DominicSt Peter the MartyrSt HyacinthSt Thomas Aquinas
St Raymond of PennafortSt Agnes of MontepulcianoSt Catherine of SienaSt Vincent Ferrer
St AntoniusSt Pius VSt John of CologneSt Louis Bertrand
St Catherine de RicciSt Rose of Lima

Pious tradition relates the story of St. Dominic's vision of the future of his order. One night, deep in prayer, he was granted a vision of the heavenly court, and the walls of Eternity parted to reveal Our Lord and Our Lady.

Suddenly, Dominic began to weep.

When the Lord asked him why he could be so sorrowful, St. Dominic replied that, although he could see so many members of other orders in heaven, he could find not one Dominican. Ever mirthful, Our Lord then indicated his Mother, saying that the order was in her care. At this, Our Lady raised her mantle and spread it wide, revealing a host of Dominicans so vast it seemed to fill the entire heavenly court. Here, come to know these holy men and women of one of the most privileged groups in history.

Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 452 pages
$25.00  Inc Tax
St. Dominic
St. Dominic
by Sr. Mary Jean Dorcy, OP

Before the birth of her son St. Dominic of Guzman, Joanna of Aza (later beatified herself) had a dream that she gave birth to a dog with a torch in its mouth. This dog ran over the whole world and set it on fire. This dream, perhaps legendary, was an apt description of her son's destiny, since he and his "hounds of the Lord" ("Domini-canes") would set the world ablaze with the Divine Charity of Christ. Indeed, among the founders of religious orders, no man stands as tall as Dominic for preaching against heresy and creating an order in just 5 years that utterly transformed the Church and world.

Born in Spain in 1170, Dominic was of noble lineage, and so he acquired an excellent education at a monastery and schools in Palencia; even in youth, he was generous, as he sold his books to give to the starving during a period of famine. Ordained a priest at 24, he became a canon of the Cathedral of Osma and spent a decade in obscurity, growing in holiness. After two missions to Denmark with the Bishop of Osma (to acquire a princess for the prince of the realm), Dominic was overcome by the horrors of the Albigensian heresy, a form of Gnosticism and neo-Manichaeism. At first only able to preach largely on his own, he did manage to establish some female contemplative convents, which would later prove the basis of his preaching's success. After serving as a chaplain (and dispenser of mercy and mitigator of abuses) during a crusade against the Albigensians, Dominic did found a small diocesan congregation, though it was far from what he hoped. All the while, his reputation of sanctity and miracle-working grew, and he had to refuse three times offers of episcopal consecration. Finally, in 1216, he founded the male branch of the Order of Preachers with papal approbation, and thereafter the order flourished, receiving great privileges from the Holy See to preach in all corners of Christendom—from Portugal to Poland. He went about establishing orders and converting heretics, especially by means of the Holy Rosary, a devotion he received directly from Our Lady in his earlier years. Finally, he died at age 50 in 1221.

In this short but substantive biography, discover the life of a truly apostolic confessor of the Faith who converted hundreds of thousands and a miracle-worker who raised the dead, multiplied bread and wine, and who received visions of Our Lady and Lord. Let St. Dominic light a fire in your heart, and follow him to preach the Word of God throughout the earth.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 176 pages
$32.00  Inc Tax
St Dominic's Family
St Dominic's Family
The Lives of Over 300 Famous Dominicans
by Sr. Mary Jean Dorcy, OP

Some 335 biographies of the most famous people of the Dominican Order--priests, nuns and Third Order members--from St. Dominic himself (1170-1221) to Gerald Vann (1906-1963). Arranged century by century. Impr.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 631 pages
The Lives of Over 300 Famous Dominicans
$78.00  Inc Tax
The Young People's Book of Saints
The Young People's Book of Saints
Sitxty-three Saints of the Western Church from the First to the Twentieth Century
by Hugh Ross Williamson

Sixty-three Saints of the Western Church from the 1st to the 20th Century Saints are the men and women who best love Christ and His Church.

They may be kings or queens, statesmen or soldiers, scholars, visionaries, workmen or beggars. They teach us the real meaning of human history, and they show us how to live in any walk of life or set of circumstances. 

Many of these saints were martyrs, killed in periods of persecution. Others died trying to bring the knowledge of Christ to pagan tribes. Yet others built up the Church through their example and their teaching, but were never called upon to shed their blood.

St James the GreaterSt DenisSt HelenSt Ambrose of MilanSt Germain
St PatrickSt GenevieveSt Brigid of IrelandSt BenedictSt Gregory the Great
St Columba of IonaSt HermengildSt Isidore of SevilleSt AidenSt Audry (Etheldreda)
St Cuthbert of LindisfarneSt GilesSt BonifaceSt Eulogius of CordovaSt Swithun
St WenceslausSt WolfgangSts Henry & CunegundSt Edward the ConfessorSt Benno of Meissen
St Gregory VIISt NorbertSt Bernard of ClairvauxSt Thomas of CanterburySt Hildegard
St Hugh of LincolnSt Francis of AssisiSt DominicSt Anthony of PaduaSt Elizabeth of Hungary
St WilleboldSt Louis IXSt Albert the GreatSt Thomas AquinasBl Ramon Lull
St Elizabeth the PeacemakerSt Catherine of SienaSt John NepomuceneSt Bernadine of SienaSt Joan of Arc
St Jerome EmilianiSt Thomas MoreSt Ignatius LoyolaSt John of GodSt Francis Xavier
St Teresa of AvilaSt Peter CanisiusBl Edmund CampionSt Camillus de LellisSt Vincent de Paul
St Alphonsus LiguoriSt Benedict Joseph LabreThe Cure d'ArsSt BernadetteSt John Bosco
St Therese of LisieuxSt Pius XSt Frances Xavier Cabrini

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 239 pages
Sitxty-three Saints of the Western Church from the First to the Twentieth Century
$32.00  Inc Tax
St Dominic 3.5"
St Dominic 3.5"
by Joseph's Studio
  • Material: Resin
  • Dimensions: 3.75"H x 1.75"W
  • Gift boxed with Holy Card
$29.00  Inc Tax
The Dominican Revival in the Nineteenth Century
The Dominican Revival in the Nineteenth Century
by Fr Raymund Devas, OP

The wars and upheavals of the 17th and 18th centuries had created a situation where by the 19th century, political control was exercised over the Church not only in England and Germany but even in Catholic countries such as Austria, France, and Spain. The new ideas of Febronianism, Jacobism, and the French Revolutionary ideologies spread throughout Europe had done their utmost to bring discredit on the old asceticism and its principal representatives in the mendicant orders, such as the Dominicans. Cardinal Newman thought that the Dominican Order was a “great idea, now extinct.”

Fortunately, not long afterward, the great Jean-Baptiste Henri Lacordaire sought to revive the ancient spirit of St. Dominic in France. Nor was he alone; for when Fr. Jandel (whom Lacordaire inspired to become a Dominican) received his commission from Pope Pius IX to restore the old discipline and abolish the customary relaxation of the day, then new life began to reverberate through the order, and the primitive fervor of its holy founder was brought back to life.

“The Dominican Revival in the Nineteenth Century” vividly recounts the career of Fr. Alexander Vincent Jandel, from his days as a secular priest to a Dominican and then the 23rd Master General of the Order. Then it continues on the subsequent activity of the good Father, the cooperation he met with from his brethren and the splendid success that crowned his efforts and which had brought the order of St. Dominic once more to the forefront as a defender of the interests of Jesus Christ, and His Church.

This edition has been beautifully re-typeset while preserving the original text with exactitude. A great resource for the Church in general, and the Dominicans in particular during the troubled days of the 19th century.

Paperback, size 8" x 5", 176 pages

Story of St Dominic
Story of St Dominic
Story of St Dominic
by Br Ernest, CSC

Dominic de Guzman was born in a big castle where he lived with his parents and 2 brothers. Both of his brothers also became priests. This saint was ordained as a priest in 1195 and wanted to become a missionary. But God had other plans for him. Through St Dominic we received the devotion we now call the Rosary!

Level 1

Paperback, size 8" x 6", 30 pages
$12.00  Inc Tax
Saint Dominic
Saint Dominic
Saint Dominic
Preacher of the Hail Mary and Founder of the Dominican Order
by Mary Fabyan Windeatt

The incredible story for children 10 and up of the man who received the Rosary from Our Lady, defeated the Albigensian Heresy, raised the dead, triumphed over the devil, founded the Dominican Order and worked countless miracles. Impr.

Paperback, 156 pgs 19 Illus
Preacher of the Hail Mary and Founder of the Dominican Order
$21.00  Inc Tax
Saint Dominic and the Rosary
Saint Dominic and the Rosary
Saint Dominic and the Rosary
by Catherine Beebe

St. Dominic led a life of excitement and adventure. As a boy he sold his books to feed the poor and offered himself as ransom for a prisoner. His greatest adventures came when he walked from town to town and stood fearlessly in the market to preach.

Ages: 9-15

Paperback, 161 pages
$26.00  Inc Tax
Dominican Life
Dominican Life
by Fr Ferdinand Joret, O.P.

Dominican Life, by the French Dominican Joret, is a masterful treatise for Dominican Tertiaries or anyone who with an affinity for St. Dominic and his sons to seek union with the Divine Will through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The Children of this family of St. Dominic, forming themselves on the traditions and examples of seven centuries, are bound together within God’s Church by ties that transcend differences of race and language and are more enduring than the bonds of earthly kinship.

This book is intended as a guide and manual to teach the spirit of St. Dominic so that the reader might learn more about the Dominican Order and absorb its spirit. Although it was written for lay Dominicans, it will prove instructive and useful to all members of the Dominican Order as well as any laity interested in finding the character and spiritual charism of St. Dominic.

Tracing the nature of the Dominican Tertiary’s profession, Joret then goes on to consider solidarity with the order, Christ and the Blessed Virgin, the Mass and Breviary, Prayer life, conforming life to Christ through the order, and the significance of the colors of the Dominican habit.

This new edition has been completely re-typeset in full agreement with the original. English spelling of words has been maintained from the original.

Paperback, 304 pages

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