St Catherine of Siena
by St Catherine of Siena
St. Catherine of Siena's Dialogue describes the entire spiritual life through a series of conversations between God and the soul, represented by Catherine herself. Readers of The Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Siena will find her revelations from God as informative—and formative—as those who recognized her sanctity during her life.
The universally applicable yet intimately personal messages she received from God are as much for us as they were for Catherine. We can read God's communications to His beloved daughter with detached awe, or we can receive His messages to us through her writings.
Do you long for certainty that Divine Providence exists in the midst of our chaotic world? Does your prayer seem too dry, or too routine? Have you sought guidance for the challenges of your life from unhelpful people or things? Or has pride kept you from humble obedience to the Church? If so, St. Catherine's Dialogue will provide consolation, encouragement, and hope.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 215 pages
by Amy Steedman
Engaging stories for children of:
Ages: 9+
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 162 pages, attractively illustrated
by Fr Lawrence G. Lovasik
St. Joseph Picture Book Series, Part 6 of 12 books on the "Super-Heroes of God"--commonly known as Saints--by beloved author Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D. introduces Catholic children to 15 of the most well-known Saints. Among the features of this book are:
- a full-color illustration of each Saint
- short, easy-to-understand lives of the Saints that offer a window on what made them so special in the eyes of God
- the feast day for each Saint in accordance with the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church
- a concluding prayer
Saints included in this edition are:
St. Edward the Confessor | St. John Neumann | St. Benedict Labre | St. Catherine of Siena |
St. Barnabas | St. Bonaventure | St. Maximilian Kolbe | St. Gabriel the Archangel |
St. Jerome | St. Francis of Assisi | St. Ignatius of Antioch | St. Anthony Mary Claret |
St. Pius V | St. Martin of Tours | St. Ambrose of Milan |
Paperback, size 7" x 5", 32 pages
The Lives of Over 300 Famous Dominicans
by Sr. Mary Jean Dorcy, OP
Some 335 biographies of the most famous people of the Dominican Order--priests, nuns and Third Order members--from St. Dominic himself (1170-1221) to Gerald Vann (1906-1963). Arranged century by century. Impr.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 631 pages
by Alice Curtayne
"This one is a wise virgin, and one from the number of the prudent." —Introit for the Mass of a Virgin not a Martyress
The life of Saint Catherine of Siena makes one forget for a moment that the other saints are saints; for her life is of such astoundingly glorious sanctity that even the great saints seem to pale in comparison to her magnificence. Truly one of the wise virgins, she was born to a merchant family in Siena in 1347 on the Feast of the Annunciation and dedicated her virginity to God at the age of 7, at which time she had also had a vision of Christ in majesty crowned like the pope. This latter element would influence her intense devotion to the papacy; indeed, it was perhaps largely by her efforts that the Barque of Peter persevered through tumultuous and difficult times. In her difficult teenage years, her desired path forward in steadfast religious devotion and stringent fasting was opposed by her family. Her solution was advice she later gave her confessor: "Build a cell inside your mind, from which you can never flee." Eventually, she joined a group of devout laywomen. At 21, she experienced a mystical marriage with Christ, and soon received the stigmata as well—though out of her humility, she prayed it be kept invisible; it was.
She labored in the Italian political turmoil of the 14th century, attempting to negotiate peace between Florence, Siena, and the Papal States. At a time when it seemed all things temporal and spiritual were under great distress, Catherine made it her goal to save the papacy from crumbling; to this end, she induced Pope Gregory XI to return from Avignon to Rome, thus ending the Avignon captivity. After miraculously learning to write and founding a monastery, she engaged in the writing of extraordinary tracts, the seraphic wisdom and mystical doctrines of which made her centuries later declared a Doctor of the Church. One last time, however, she was summoned to Rome to defend the papacy when the Great Western Schism broke out in 1378; it seems that her blessed soul was the only thing supporting the Chair of Peter in this devastating period. And after all that, she died in 1380, worn down by her enormous stringencies—only 33 years old.
In this captivating and substantial biography, meet the saint who saved the papacy and married Christ, who bore His wounds and did not eat except His Sacred Flesh. In short, meet the saint among saints, surely a wise virgin.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 306 pages
by Various
Young women need the elevating example of Catholic heroines throughout history. It is an essential element of Catholic character development, especially in the modern world.
This easy-to-read compilation of moving short stories will inspire the girls of today to be the saints that inspire others tomorrow.
Lives of Saints include:
St. Agnes | St. Angela Merici | St. Anne | St. Bridget of Sweden |
St. Catherine of Siena | St. Cecilia | St. Elizabeth of Hungary | St. Frances of Rome |
St. Genevieve | St. Helena, Empress | St. Jane Frances de Chantal | St. Margaret of Scotland |
St. Matilda | St. Rose of Lima |
Paperback, size 6" x 4", 248 pages
by Margaret Roberts
The Holy Father, forced to leave Rome, battled rebel forces, killing thousands, splitting Christendom, and spawninganti-Popes who joined the rebel alliance, brazenly challenging the authority of God's Vicar on earth.
Into this corrupt, brutal, turbulent world was born Catherine, the daughter of a modest Siennese cloth dyer. Now famed as the great St. Catherine of Siena who changed the course of the Church and of European history, this child was early noted for her simple goodness, her great intelligence, and her remarkable courage –even in the face of the dangers and atrocities that characterized those dark times.
St. Catherine of Siena and Her Times tells the moving tale of Catherine, whose call to live a cloistered life of prayer and penance was trumped not only by the poverty and plagues of her day, but by the explicit orders of the Pope, who, hearing of her remarkable powers of reconciliation of enemies, called her out of obscurity to mediate between the warring parties, sometimes even at the risk to her life.
Catherine used her access to the Pope to encourage him to expunge from the Church the vices and luxuries that in those days had corrupted it at all levels. She also demanded that he return from the security of exile in France to his proper place in Rome, where the blood of martyrs had consecrated the soil.
From letters Catherine sent to popes and politicians, cardinals and kings, as well as from the written accounts of many friends of Catherine, author Margaret Roberts has crafted the moving tale of this holy 14th Century woman who rivaled in stature and influence the storied prophets of the Old Testament – and whose life serves as a noble example for Christians in our own turbulent times.
For Christians, our times are getting tougher as aggressive secularism dominates ever more aspects of our society. Rather than letting discouragement overtake you, turn for inspiration to this moving biography of St. Catherine of Siena, one of history's greatest political figures and one of the greatest saints of all times.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 320 pages
by Raphael Brown
"How lovely is Thy Dwelling-Place, O Lord God of Hosts!" —Psalm 83 (84)
To gaze upon and speak with Our Lady is one of the tenderest longings of the pious Christian soul. Our Lord could not have conceived of a greater human creature than His own Mother, and so it is one of the most sublime graces to be granted a vision of that Heavenly Garden, the True Eden and New Eve. It is no wonder, then, that those most blessed souls who have loved Christ most have merited to see her, who only leads us deeper into His love.
Saints Who Saw Mary recounts the stories of 17 canonized saints who kept company with the Ark of the New Covenant, the Mother of God. Their stories are profound, enlightening, inspiring, and tantalizing. Learn of Our Lady's dealings with such luminaries of the sanctoral patrimony as:
- Gertrude the Great
- Francis of Assisi
- Bridget of Sweden
- Catherine of Siena
- Teresa of Avila
- John of the Cross
It is no coincidence that Our Lady appeared to these who are among the greatest saints in the history of the Church. For anyone who does not love His Mother, who bore God, can merit to bear Christ and His glorious resurrection. Let these accounts move you not only to longing for the sight of the Mother of God and her Son, but, what is far more important, to a deeper love and longing to be united to Him through her who is most blessed.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 160 pages
by Mary E Mannix
Learn about the interesting lives of some of your favorite female saints, some of the great things they accomplished, and how they became saints!
Includes in lives of:
St Anne | St Agnes | St Teresa of Avila | St Rose of Lima | St Cecilia |
St Helena | St Bridget of Ireland | St Catherine of Siena | St Elizabeth of Hungary | St Margaret of Scotland |
10 different saints and a short story averaging 24 pages per saint.
Paperback, size 5.8" x 4.15", 240 pages
The Classic on Her Life and Accomplishments as Recorded by Her Spiritual Director
by Blessed Raymond of Capua, OP
This is the classic life of St Catherine by her spiritual director. He only tells of her what he experienced firsthand, or of what he learned from her mother, her sisters, her family members and friends.
An incredible life, told simply and straightforwardly, without embellishment and without dodging her many miracles, and miraculous conversions. This book puts you squarely in the presence of one of Holy Mother Church's greatest saints.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 368 pages
by F. A. Forbes
Saint Catherine of Siena's life was of such astoundingly glorious sanctity that even the great saints seem to pale in comparison to her magnificence. She was born to a merchant family in Siena in 1347 and dedicated her virginity to God at 7. Around then she also began to have visions of Christ in majesty. In her difficult teenage years, her desired path forward in steadfast religious devotion and stringent fasting was opposed by her family. To her mother's chagrin, she cut her hair to avoid suitors, following her own advice to "build a cell inside [the] mind, from which [one] can never flee." At 21, she experienced a mystical marriage with Christ and soon received the stigmata as well.
Catherine attempted to negotiate peace between Florence, Siena, and the Papal States; she made it her goal to save the papacy from crumbling, inducing the pope to return from Avignon to Rome. In addition, she wrote heavenly tracts, the seraphic wisdom and mystical doctrines of which made her centuries later declared a Doctor of the Church. In her last years, she was summoned to Rome to defend the papacy again when the Great Western Schism broke out. After all that, she died, worn down by her enormous stringencies, at only 33 years old.
In this short, popular biography for young and old alike, meet the saint who saved the papacy and married Christ, who bore His wounds and survived on His Eucharist. In short, meet the saint among saints, surely a "wise virgin of the number of the prudent."
Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 110 pages, 6 Illustrations,
Heroines of Christ
edited by Fr Joseph Husslein, S.J.
For centuries the Catholic Church has upheld and celebrated her saints among the great holy women of history. Even from the moment of the Fall of Man, God promised a Redeemer Whose power would conquer sin and reopen to us our heavenly home; and in that moment He also promised us a mother who would be so powerful as to crush the head of Satan and cooperate with her Divine Son in reopening those gates of paradise. Womankind finds in Christ’s own Virgin Mother the perfect imitation of Christ, and in her is found all the treasures of virtue wanting in every woman. Fittingly, God’s women saints imitate and copy Our Lady’s greatness through His omnipotent power. Unlike pagan and Moslem cultures that often demean the female as something more akin to an animal, due to a naturalistic attitude of prizing the superiority of physical strength over spiritual strength, our Holy Mother, the Catholic Church has not hidden those loving sisters of Christ. She has, conversely, sought to proclaim God’s glory and will through the artful hands of women, knowing full well God’s plan for them as capable of great spiritual strength, and even miraculous physical strength beyond comprehension. All the while, the holy women in the life of the Church do not overshadow the great men, but rather compliment them beautifully in all their varied rôles.
The book was first published in 1939 and is an anthology of essays by Jesuits, retelling the brilliant histories of fifteen women saints throughout the course of the Catholic Church. Starting with Saint Agnes in ancient Rome, and finishing with St. Thérèse in the twentieth century, the subjects covered are varietal. Many geographical locations are visited, and almost every era of the Church and station in life are the setting for the accounts. In storybook fashion, the various authors give inspiring and often dramatic accounts of these saints’ lives. As the preface is forward in stating, the authors had sought to dramatize the events vividly to give the stories life and color. They do this very well, giving the reader a sense of truly having lived among these women. One can imagine easily each saint’s various trials and can have, therefore, a greater appreciation of their victories. This writing is a tool that greatly inspires, because when these true-life stories are laid out in this fashion, one gets a sense of the reality of sainthood and how attainable heroic virtue can be. After all, many of the same battles fought daily by modern-day women who aspire to holiness are no different than those battles also endured by yesterday’s holy-women
A common theme echoes in each story, which is that each chapter details for the reader the extraordinary love with which these ladies lived their daily lives. While it is not a surprising reality that men and women who want to increase God’s glory on earth will have in common this great love, it appears obvious that this collection of stories was intended to make a march along this theme. Heroines of Christ accomplishes well that to love Christ is to do all, lose all, and gain all for Him.
Among these pages, learn how the unwavering love and faithfulness to Christ are qualities which made the difference between any one soul and the souls of the saints. It is through the example of the female saints that we come to the knowledge of what is truly necessary in the female soul. If modern woman is to counteract and win the battle over liberalism and feminist philosophies, she must first be armed with the knowledge of the past champions of true femininity. In their souls flames forth an unwavering constancy to the Christian Faith, and a wholesome obsessive love for Christ. At first glance, there is nothing more extraordinary in the women saints of God than what is in any other woman’s capability, but due to their virtues, miraculous events and triumphs over the impossible mark their legacies.
The book is unique in that it not only instructs by giving a historical account, like some school-day lecture. Heroines of Christ also entertains through the literary methods of artistic narration that is vivid in its images and sprinkled with probable dialogue. Like any good work of historical fiction, the book certainly does give an excellent account of the lives of each saint while keeping the mind of the reader rapt in wonder. Written in this way, the mind is sure to remember the new exciting details as never before when reading a lives of the saints collection which contains only brief summaries of historical fact.
- Be inspired in your daily life by the attainable marvels that have been the lives of women saints since the time of the early Roman martyrs even until more recent times.
- Be strengthened by these women’s constancy and victorious battles over daily sufferings and the powers of hell.
- Look on as beautiful ladies choose their bridegroom to be Christ rather than highly eligible earthly suitors.
- Wonder as common and obscure folk rise to the great heights of such fame as to be known even among non-Catholics.
- Delight as little girls of no consequence bravely confound great rulers.
This true strength of woman gleams from among the pages of history, through the omnipotent power of Christ and His living Church. We stand strengthened that so triumphant an army looks down upon us and intercedes for us to do the same, knowing full-well our weaknesses and needs, having had lived them before in greater or lesser degrees. In reading Heroines of Christ, travel back in time with those women who would one day become saints, and walk with them along the road of this present earth toward sanctity and the reward of heaven.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 210 pages
Also available in Hardback with dust jacket upon request (additional cost)
by Dominican Novices, St. Catherine of Siena
The Order of Preachers, purveyors of the Rosary, Hounds of the Lord—the Dominican order is one of the greatest jewels in the treasury of the Church. Such an illustrious band has produced numerous saints: confessors, nuns, popes, martyrs, preachers, mystics, and more.
In Dominican Saints, readers will find biographies of 14 of the most illustrious members of St. Dominic's lineage:
St Dominic | St Peter the Martyr | St Hyacinth | St Thomas Aquinas |
St Raymond of Pennafort | St Agnes of Montepulciano | St Catherine of Siena | St Vincent Ferrer |
St Antonius | St Pius V | St John of Cologne | St Louis Bertrand |
St Catherine de Ricci | St Rose of Lima |
Pious tradition relates the story of St. Dominic's vision of the future of his order. One night, deep in prayer, he was granted a vision of the heavenly court, and the walls of Eternity parted to reveal Our Lord and Our Lady.
Suddenly, Dominic began to weep.
When the Lord asked him why he could be so sorrowful, St. Dominic replied that, although he could see so many members of other orders in heaven, he could find not one Dominican. Ever mirthful, Our Lord then indicated his Mother, saying that the order was in her care. At this, Our Lady raised her mantle and spread it wide, revealing a host of Dominicans so vast it seemed to fill the entire heavenly court. Here, come to know these holy men and women of one of the most privileged groups in history.
Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 452 pagesby Fr. Christopher Rengers OFMCap, Matthew E. Bunson, PhD
The 35 Doctors of the Church presents the most comprehensive and fascinating collection available anywhere on the lives and labors of the saints who have been declared the Church’s Doctors.
From St. Athanasius (c. 297–373) to St. Thérèse of Lisieux (1873–1897), you’ll find the amazing stories of 35 extraordinary men and women who are honored both for their holiness and for the eminence of their teachings about the Faith.
Their work and witness are truly timeless; their lives and wisdom show us how to be holy in our own lives, how to confront the challenges of today, and how to proclaim the Gospel to a modern world hungering for Jesus Christ.
St Athanasius | St Ephrem | St Cyril of Jerusalem | St Hilary of Poitiers | St Gregory Nazianzen | St Basil the Great |
St Ambrose of Milan | St Jerome | St John Chrysostom | St Augustine of Hippo | St Cyril of Alexandria | Pope St Leo the Great |
St Peter Chrysologus | Pope St Gregory the Great | St Isidore of Seville | St Bede the Venerable | St John Damascene | St Peter Damian |
St Anselm | St Bernard of Clairvaux | St Hildegard of Bingen | St Anthony of Padua | St Albert the Great | St Bonaventure |
St Thomas Aquinas | St Catherine of Siena | St John of Avila | St Teresa of Avila | St Peter Canisius | St Robert Bellarmine |
St John of the Cross | St Lawrence of Brindisi | St Francis de Sales | St Alphonsus Liguori | St Therese of Lisieux |
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 730 pages
by St Catherine of Siena
St. Catherine of Siena is recognized as one of the most remarkable mystical theologians of the Middle Ages. She was also a stigmatist, counsellor of popes and is one of only three women to be made a Doctor of the Church.The Dialogue of St. Catherine of Siena treats of the whole spiritual life of man in the form of a series of colloquies between the Eternal Father and the human soul (represented by Catherine herself). The structure of the Dialogue is unusual: the saint makes four petitions to God – for herself, for the Church, for the whole world, and for the assurance of God's providence in all things. The rest of the book is devoted to God's response to these four petitions.
Leather Hardcover, 272 pages
St Catherine Of Siena 3.75"
by Joseph's Studio
- Material: Resin
- Dimensions: 3.75"H x 1.75"W
- Gift boxed with Holy Card
The Story of the Girl Who Saw Saints in the Sky
by Mary Fabyan Windeatt
Why does God work in mysterious ways? One of the greatest saints ever to live, Catherine of Siena is mostly known for inspiring the pope to return to Rome from France, but her story begins as a young woman who thinks she is called to be a hermit! How did God turn this aspiring hermitess into someone who was called to argue with the pope himself and his whole entire court? See how little Catherine learns to love God and achieve great sanctity through loving the people she cares for along the way.
Paperback, 65 pages, 13 Illus
A Treasury of Quotations on the Spiritual Life from St Catherine of Siena
compiled by John McClernon
This deluxe book contains a collection of hundreds of direct quotes and short sayings of St. Catherine of Siena, carefully arranged by the major virtues of the Christian life. The quotes are arranged and classified by the virtues represented in the 15 decades of the Rosary. The Rosary mysteries provide us a mosaic of virtues for the spiritual life, a ladder for advancing in holiness and in the love of God.
Hardcover, 188 pages
- 1