Blessed Virgin Mary
Roman Joseph's Studio
True to Joseph's Studio style and beauty this wall plaque is a lovely Mother's Day, house warming, or any occasion gift for that special mother, daughter or grandmother.
Inscription: "Mother Mary, in heaven above shine light upon us and bless us with love. May the food we make and the love we share bring joy to all who gather here."
Material: Resin, Stone Mix
Dimensions: 9.25"H x 0.88"W x 5.38"L
God's Christmas Gift to Man
by Fr Raymond, O.C.S.O
Fr. Raymond shares his reflections on the beautiful mysteries of Christmastide. God Himself calls out to us at Christmas, greeting us with the gift of His own Son, Jesus, the Saviour of men.
Taking the word S-A-V-I-O-U-R, Fr. Raymond fashions a chapter for each letter, each representing an event of the Christmas season. He probes and proves God's love for each and every one of us. In meditations on various mysteries from the Annunciation to the Hidden Life, he draws lessons for daily living that are timely and touching.
A book bursting with the boundless joy God wills for those who love Him, Fr. Raymond demonstrates that we cannot "put Christ back into Christmas" unless we put the Mass back in ChristMASS, for it is by the Mass that Christ actually became our Saviour. Love Does Such Things is the perfect book for Christmas and for every day of the year.
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 136 pages
by Fr Raymond, O.C.S.O
Man was made to share in the glory of God in this life as well as in the next. With this thought as his theme, Fr. Raymond presents this book on the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary, completing a trilogy that includes Love Does Such Things on the Joyful Mysteries, and God, a Woman, and the Way on the seven sorrows of Mary. Fr. Raymond explains why every minute of life should be glorious. Minutely examining each of the Mysteries, he cites references from the Scriptures, the Fathers of the Church, and the Councils to show that we who have been baptized live by, in, and through the Resurrected Christ. Therefore, the Resurrection is ours today as well as tomorrow.
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 242 pages
by Fr Raymond O.C.S.O
With time a precious commodity at Gethsemani Monastery in Kentucky, Fr. Raymond found that “a Trappist author must resolve when each day breaks to use the pieces in bringing his message of peace to the noise and commotion beyond his cloistering walls.” How well he used these fragments of time can be judged by the esteem he has won among the thousands who have read his books: The Family That Overtook Christ, The Man Who Got Even With God, The Less Traveled Road, God Goes to Murderer’s Row, Burnt Out Incense, and others.
In everything he wrote, this doctrine was illustrated. He claimed that it was not only the heart of theology but the only satisfying explanation of life, since it gives man his true dignity, his destiny, and points out his duty.
Nowhere is this more evident than in God, a Woman, and the Way where he often repeats that “We are His members; she is our Mother”—the Mediatrix of all grace who is the hope of our times. This book follows the footsteps of Our Lady on her seven sorrows during her sojourn on this earth. Fr Raymond provides us with his illustrated, meditative approach to understand the sufferings of Mary as Our Mother, Mediator and Medatrix.
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 184 pages
by Caryll Houselander
First published over half a century ago, The Reed of God is a spiritual classic that deserves to be rediscovered by a whole new generation of readers. Houselander's beautiful and profound mediation depicts the intimately human side of Mary, Mother of God, as an empty reed waiting for God's music to be played through her. She shares her insightful and beautiful vision of Mary on earth, Mary among us, Mary as a confused but trusting teenager whose holiness flowered with her eternal "Yes."
Confronting the static, surreal “Madonna of the Christmas card,” Houselander provides instead an intuitive, warmly human, and approachable image of the Mother of God. Through the central image of a reed that is played for music, Houselander demonstrates how Mary chose to make herself an instrument for the divine plan, giving her inmost being to the proclamation of God’s greatness. In sharing her distinctive vision of Mary, Houselander offers the Mother of God as a model for all people seeking to be instruments of the Divine.
The essays and poems in The Reed of God also reflect on the mysteries of Mary’s life and her impact on salvation history. In the book’s four parts, Houselander explores key events of Mary’s life, including her fiat, finding Jesus in the Temple, and the Assumption, as well as the themes of fruitful emptiness and the eternal search for union with God.
Paperback, size 7" x 5", 187 pages
by Bishop Jacques-Benigne Bossuet
Spiritual meditation is the surest way to grow in holiness, and Our Lady is truly an example of perfection. This combination makes Meditations on Mary a spiritual powerhouse that will lift your soul to God and help you along the path to heaven.
Meditations on Mary features twenty-four of the most powerful and moving meditations written by 17th Century Bishop Jacques-Benigne Bossuet —considered to be one of the best homilists in the history of the Church. Author of Meditations for Lent and Meditations for Advent, Bishop Bossuet has been admired for his piety and eloquence for over three hundred years. Now his meditations on Our Lady are available to you in English — for the very first time!
Although we know Our Lady serves as a perfect example of how a Christian should live and bear witness to Our Lord, Scripture contains only a few glimpses of her life, leaving our knowledge limited and our imagination wanting.
In these pages, Bishop Bossuet takes you on a stunning pilgrimage through the principal mysteries of Our Lady's life. He masterfully blends what he's learned from Sacred Scripture with the spiritual traditions rooted in the heart of the Church, and illuminates it with his own theological reflections.
He'll bring you to a deeper understanding of Our Lady's compassion, her suffering during Christ's Passion, and the loneliness she felt after his Ascension to heaven. Bishop Bossuet will show you how Jesus brings honor to himself by honoring his mother, and how Our Lady is extraordinary solely because of her alliance with Jesus.
Mary teaches us how to let God direct our steps, how to remain humble in commanding and obeying, and how to seek holiness through our daily work. She shows us how to pray with humility and perseverance, to advance in perfection, and, by doing all these things, to conform ourselves to the holy will of God. Each short meditation is worthy of your contemplation, because each contains a lesson directly from the Blessed Mother to sinners like you and me.
Paperback, size 7" x 5", 145 pages
by Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Fulton J. Sheen turned his voice and pen to many subjects during the course of a long and remarkable apostolate. But nothing was closer to the heart of his message than bringing the words of Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother to bear on the problems of modern life and the modern world. In this book, Archbishop Sheen explores the connection between the seven words spoken by Mary in the Gospels, and the seven last words of Jesus on the Cross. Fulton Sheen was unparalleled in his ability to combine theology, devotion, and the profoundest reflections on the central events of the Christian narrative. Displayed here in full are the literary and rhetorical skills of one of the greatest preachers of the 20th century. Sheen’s meditations will slake the spiritual thirst of all who desire a fuller understanding of the Gospels and seek to draw closer to Christ and Mary.
Paperback, size 7.9" x 5.1", 80 pages
Also available in Hardcover on request (additional cost)
The Story of St Maximillian Kolbe
by Maria Winowska
Almost everyone has heard of him, but few know the real history of his life. In this excellent work, A Twice Crowned Knight, you will learn the full story of this modern hero of the Faith, St. Maximilian Kolbe. This friar with an overwhelming love of the Blessed Virgin Mary, considered a foolish dreamer by many of his contemporaries, built an army for his Queen. His cities of the Immaculate were sources of immense conversion as he sought to draft the entire world into his Militia Immaculatae.
“Men of today cannot disavow this son of St. Francis of Assisi under the pretext that he sanctified himself in a medieval frame-work; for with the exception of its sins, he loved all of the modern world and he conscripted for God the printing press, the radio, the airplane. And he knew all of its miseries too: tuberculosis, bombings, enemy occupation, prison camps, the concentration camp of Auschwitz . . . The story of his death with which this book ends is at once one of the most dreadful and sublime that a book from a human pen could yield.” Bruno de Solages
Includes 30 pages in the Appendix on how to become a Knight of Our Lady. Preface by Fr. Karl Stehlin.
Hardcover, size 8.75" x 5.8", 200 pages
An Explanation of the Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Seat of Wisdom Series #2
by Mother Mary St Peter
An Explanation of the Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Do you know the story of Our Lady of Mount Carmel? Can you point to Lepanto on a map? Have you ever heard about the miraculous August snow that signified where Mary’s basilica was to be built in Rome? Learn these and many other stories in this sequel to Mary the Queen. The second book in our Seat of Wisdom Series by Mother Mary St. Peter, this volume may surprise you with many tales you may not have known about Our Lady. Packed with beautiful black and white illustrations of Our Lady.
If you enjoy the work of Mother Mary Loyola, we think you will be thrilled to discover the work of Mother Mary St. Peter!
Please note: The text has been modified in places in order to render it more accessible to modern readers; this was done with great care and sensitivity toward the age of the material, in order to maintain respect for the era in which it was written, as well as to preserve the original writer’s voice. Though the wording has been thus modified, very little of the content itself has been changed in any way, except to add select footnotes, expand certain chapters with omitted details, and add the story of Our Lady of Fatima.
Suggested Age Range:5-12
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 154 pages
A Life of the Blessed Mother for Her Little Ones
Seat of Wisdom Series #1
by Mother Mary St Peter
Did you know that the Virgin Mary died and was buried before she was Assumed into Heaven? Or that she was raised in the Temple Precinct, along with other Jewish maidens--called Almas--until she reached marriageable age? Learn more about the life of the Mother of Jesus in this book written especially for children.
Mary the Queen is the first of a series of 8 books on Christian Doctrine written in the early 20th century by a religious of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus, which we have named The Seat of Wisdom Series, in honor of Our Lady. These books seek to teach the child not merely the catechetical truths of our Faith, but also the crucial importance of Apostolic Tradition, and how it informs the practice of our Catholic faith in ways we might not expect.
If you enjoy the work of Mother Mary Loyola, we think you will be thrilled to discover the work of Mother Mary St. Peter!
Please note: The text has been modified in places in order to render it more accessible to modern readers; this was done with great care and sensitivity toward the age of the material, in order to maintain respect for the era in which it was written, as well as to preserve the original writer’s voice. Though the wording has been thus modified, the content itself has not been changed in any way, except to add select footnotes and a reference to Our Lady of Fatima.
Suggested Age Range:5-12
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 122 pages
by Pierre and Germaine Noury
The first in a trilogy of stories of the saints by the husband and wife duo of Pierre and Germaine Noury, this sweet illustrated tale of the life of the Blessed Virgin is truly a treasure. From her conception to her glorious Assumption and crowning as Queen of Heaven, here is an opportunity to learn to love our dear Mother more than ever before.
It is difficult to describe this book better than Dom Paul Séjourné did in his preface:
“This, then, is the Gospel of Mary. But it is even more: it brings to life the fullness of the Christian faith. Using the plain words of sacred scripture, it weaves a jeweled tapestry. For though the Gospels tell us little of Christ’s mother, we need not deprive ourselves of this poetry simply because those teachings are here enriched by the many beautiful things that have been related by the Fathers of the Church, or by saintly souls to whom Our Lady has revealed her secrets.”
“In weaving together the accounts of Mary’s role in her son’s life as found in the gospels, I hope you will find here all the tenderness and love of Mary’s own heart speaking to you.”
Other titles in this series include: Saint Nicholas: Patron Saint of Children and Saint Francis of Assisi: the Little Poor Man.
Hardcover, size 8.5" x 11", 40 pages
by Thomas à Kempis
The Imitation of Mary is an excellent companion volume to the beloved and highly esteemed The Imitation of Christ. In this book, culled from the deeply spiritual works of Thomas à Kempis, the reader is treated to beautiful writings about Our Lady set forth in the style of The Imitation of Christ. He offers the reader a splendid way to grow in following Jesus through imitating His Blessed Mother. With an attractive gold-stamped, blue cloth cover and stained edges, this 160-page book is a profoundly spiritual road map for readers who wish to travel with Mary and Jesus and grow in devotion to Mary.
Hardcover, size 6.5" x 4.2", 160 pages
Including Prayers and Promises of the Seven Sorrows of Mary
by The Benedictine Convent of Clyde
“Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, 'Behold, this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be contradicted (and you yourself a sword will pierce) so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.'” (Luke 1:34-35).
The beautiful and spiritually enriching practice of devotion to the Sorrowful Mother will be illuminated for you in this powerfully written, pocket-sized booklet.
Although many Catholics today have forgotten about the great sorrows of Our Lady, her role as sorrowing mother grows ever more important with the increasing evils of the modern world. This booklet explains more about Our Lady’s sorrows than most Catholics will ever know. It shows you that being devoted to Mary is to grow in love for her and to obtain many special blessings for ourselves in this life and in the next—particularly, the graces that will be bestowed at the hour of our death, as we pray in the Hail Mary every day.
Based on Sacred Scripture, Holy Tradition, and the writings of the saints, this booklet outlines the four special favors promised to those who meditate on Our Lady’s tears and sorrows. Included to enrich your prayer life and deepen your devotion are many relevant prayers:
- The Stabat Mater
- The Litany of the Sorrowful Mother
- Seven prayers for the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin
- And many more!
Booklet, size 6" x 3.75", 80 pages
by St. Alphonsus Liguori
St. Alphonsus Liguori, the Prince of Moral Theologians, was one of the greatest preachers in Church history. A religious founder, far-reaching theologian, and holy man of God, St. Alphonsus never fails to utter a stirring word that draws out a lively penitence and redoubled dedication to the work of God from his audience. He was also a great mariologist and a devout son of Our Lady (his congregation eventually gained custody of the icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help). One of the great doctors of the Church, in The Glories of Mary, he assembled the finest information on Our Lady from the many writings of the saints, holy authors, and Sacred Scripture.
The Glories of Mary is five complete books in one volume. The first book examines the words of the Salve Regina and shows how God has given Mary to mankind to be the Gate of Heaven. The second book explains Our Lady's principal feasts and reveals fresh truths about these mysteries. The third book explains the Seven Sorrows of Mary and why Our Lady's martyrdom was longer and greater than that of all other martyrs. The fourth book describes ten different virtues of Our Lady, and the fifth book provides dozens of famous prayers, meditations, and devotions to her.
Included are the theological proofs for the Immaculate Conception, explanations of the invocations in the Litany of Loreto, and a description of Our Lady's death. The Glories of Maryis the greatest compendium of nearly eighteen centuries of teaching on Our Lady and seeks to lead many souls to a greater love of Jesus through a more intimate knowledge of Mary and her exalted role in our salvation. To this end, St. Alphonsus quotes many Fathers and Doctors of the Church, including St. Bonaventure, who wrote, "No one can enter Heaven unless by Mary, as though through a door." St. Alphonsus explains that Mary is the Gate of Heaven, the portal through which mankind meets the Divine in Jesus Christ.
"Out of the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaketh," and St. Alphonsus's heart was only filled to the brim with genuine desire for innocence and purity of heart in all his spiritual children, most especially through devotion to the Blessed Mother. Writing to defend her against impious attacks and diminishments of Marian devotion, St. Alphonsus shows that devotion to Our Lady is a most certain mark of eternal salvation. His words gives profound encouragement and firm hope for eternal victory through Mary; the Mother of God—who can obtain from her Divine Son anything she asks.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 672 pages
The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Baronius Press
This is the first ever edition that includes the complete Gregorian Chant for the Little Office – in traditional four stave notation! The music for the Little Office has never before been gathered together in one volume. For many people the Gregorian chant of the Little Office offers an introduction to the beauty of the Church's traditional liturgical heritage. This volume will help you sing all the Hours of the Little Office.
Our edition includes a commentary on the rubrics and ceremonial by "A Master of Novices" (which was first published in the early twentieth century), and also includes a description of the indulgences with which the recitation of the Little Office has been enriched by Holy Mother Church.
The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a shorter form of the Divine Office in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It has long been the Church's daily liturgical prayer to Our Lady, and these hours of praise have been used by Priests, religious and the laity throughout the centuries. Lay people used to flock to the great Cathedrals to publicly recite The Little Office during the Middle Ages, and during the great persecution, when the practice of the Catholic Faith was illegal in Great Britain, Bishop Challoner commended The Little Office to his flock.
Through its psalms, antiphons, readings, responsorials, and prayers the Little Office stresses the role Our Lady played in salvation history, and how through her fiat the divine Word took flesh in her womb and achieved salvation for us all; and how Our Lord granted her the first fruits of the general resurrection in her holy and glorious assumption.
All Catholics are called to a consistent prayer life. For those who do not feel called to recite the Divine Office, but still wish to participate in the liturgical prayer of the Church, or for those who have a particular devotion to the holy Mother of God, there is no finer form of prayer than the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Features include:
- Based on an edition published just after the Reform Act in 1850 (allowing English Catholics to openly practice the Faith).
- English translation uses traditional language – with scripture taken from Bishop Challoner's version of the Douay-Rheims Bible.
- Fully updated to comply with the editio typica of the Breviary (1961).
- The first ever edition to include the complete Gregorian chants for the Little Office.
- Meditations before each hour from the mediaeval Mirror of Our Lady.
- Latin-English, red and black text.
- Psalms from the Vulgate.
- Flexible leather cover with stitched edge, gold gilding, 2 ribbons.
Flexible cover (Blue Leather), size 6" x 4", 236 pages
compiled from Traditional Sources
Prayers within include:
- How to pray the Rosary
- How to practice the First Saturday Devotion
- Rosary meditations of St. L. De Montfort
- Seven Sorrows of Our Lady
- Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help
- Litany to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Christmas Prayer
- The powerful Thirty Days Prayer
- Fatima Prayers
- The Rosary in Latin
- Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary
- And so much more!
The perfect size to carry always, its daily use will aid your devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is the perfect gift for those faithful with a lifelong devotion to Mary, as well as for those who are just beginning to ask the Blessed Virgin to intercede on their behalf.
Booklet, size 6" x 3.75", 73 pages
The Mother of Sorrows is the woman of the interior life who leads us to the Master of the interior life, the Man of Sorrows. There is no better way to contemplate the passion of Christ than through the eyes of Mary, she who loved Him above everything, she who loved Him with a mother’s heart, and she who stood firmly when everyone else fled.
Hardcover, size 7.25" x 5.25", 162 pages
by Cardinal John Henry Newman
Mary: The Second Eve is a short booklet composed of excerpts from St. John Henry Newman's masterful writings on one of his favorite subjects: Our Lady. His erudition as a scholar, citing Church Fathers and Doctors, and his devotion to the Blessed Mother are unparalleled. The truth of devotion to Our Lady in the Catholic Faith is here most exquisitely upheld, in particular over and against Protestant accusations. No English Catholic pen is better than St. John Henry Newman's, and here he is at his finest.
Booklet, size 8.5" x 5.5", 62 pages
Revelations of St. Bridget
on the Life and Passion of Our Lord and the Life of His Blessed Mother
by St. Bridget of Sweden
Saint Bridget of Sweden was one of the most privileged mystics in the history of the Church. Born to a wealthy family, she was given in marriage to a pious and good-hearted nobleman, with whom she raised eight children, including the future Saint Catherine of Sweden. When her husband died, Bridget founded an order of nuns, the Order of the Most Holy Savior, more commonly called the Bridgettines. She laboured until her death to spread her order and boost morality and devotion in the decadent 14th century Church. She also labored to bring the papacy back to Rome from Avignon. In all her efforts, she was wise, charitable, and outstanding in sanctity.
Devout from a young age, Saint Bridget also received numerous visions of Our Lord and Our Lady, including intimate details of Our Lady's early life, the Holy Family in Nazareth, and the Passion, first recorded in 1492. Revelations of St. Bridget provides excerpts from these eye-opening visions, which bring into focus many unknown facets of the hidden life of Our Lord and His Mother. These visions have been approved as orthodox and worthy of pious belief by the Holy See. The insights received by Saint Bridget are matched by very few other mystics', showing her privileges before the Throne of God. This volume also includes the famous 15 Prayers attributed to her, popular devotions in the late Middle Ages and our own era.
Do not miss these stirring and vivid accounts from one of the greatest foundresses of the Church's history. Imbued throughout her visions is the undeniable spirit of piety, devotion, and saintliness that characterized St. Bridget's earthly life—and by which she merited to become privy to such sublime mysteries.
Paperback, size 6" x 4", 96 pages
by Ven. Mary of Agreda
A highly successful abridgment of the monumental 2,676-page, 4-volume life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as seen in mystic vision by Ven. Mary of Agreda (1602-1665), a Spanish Franciscan nun.
Overflows with enthralling information: Our Lady never appeared older than 33; she ate fruit, vegetables and fish, but no meat, though she prepared it for St. Joseph; her clothes never became soiled or worn; clothes she made for the Christ Child grew with Him; the very presence of the Christ Child cured the sick and exorcised demons and much more. Acclaimed by Popes, cardinals and theologians.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 624, Impr.
by Venerable Mary of Agreda
This book is composed of four volumes that summarize the life of Our Lady: the Conception, Incarnation, Transfixion, and Coronation. This magnificent narrative takes the reader through the various stages of the life of the Blessed Mother while revealing all sorts of interesting facts about salvation history.
This set includes beautiful hardcover binding with elegant gold-foil details. The interior is reproduced at 100% of the size in the original book and is printed from the original negatives for complete fidelity.
4 volumes Hardcover, size 8.5" x 5.5", 2676 pages
From the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich
by Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
After that of Our Lord, there has never been a more glorious, more sacred, more humble, more pure life than Our Lady's—and there has never been one extolled more often either. Our Lady stands as the pinnacle of Creation, the most glorious and all-holy Ever-Virgin Mother of God, and her life was most the perfect imitation of Our Lord's there ever could be.
In The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary: From the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich demonstrates the riches of this life she was privileged to know more intimately than perhaps any other besides St. Joseph and Our Lord Himself. For in these pages are told the wondrous and miraculous elements of Our Lady's time on this Earth, all the way from her birth and consecration, through her miraculous conception and pregnancy, through her suffering at the foot of the Cross of Our Lord, to her last days and ultimate Dormition and Assumption.
Witness like never before the glory of the Mother of God in what will prove one of the most important books in your life of meditation you will ever encounter. May the visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich bring you into deeper communion with Our Blessed Mother, who in turn does nothing other than bring us into the deepest intimacy with her Divine Son.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 400 pages
Handcrafted by the Sisters of Daughters of Mary
Add a touch of faith to your morning routine with a full-color Blessed Mother mug. This ceramic mug features three lovely images of Mary and serves as a reminder of Mary's constant intercession and love for us.
Product Details
- Mug 4.5" (H) x 3.4" (W)
- 425 ml (15 oz.)
- Microwaveable and dishwasher safe
*Colors may vary slightly.
Our Lady Book
compiled by Fr Francis Xavier Lasance
This book was Fr. Lasance's effort to "cultivate among the faithful a tender and practical devotion to Our Lady."
Part I, Reflections, consists of meditations of her life, mediations for the month of May, and meditations also for every day of the year.
Part II, Prayers and Devotions, includes Mass devotions for Our Lady, Litanies, Stations of the Cross, devotions for Communion, Confession, Vespers, and a wealth of other devotions to the Blessed Mother.
Hardcover, size 6.1" x 4", 711 pages
by Raphael Brown
Generations of devout Catholics, including many learned theologians and writers, have derived great spiritual benefits from a careful reading of the private revelations here compiled, those of Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich and Ven. Mary of Agreda, primarily, along with those of St. Bridget of Sweden and St. Elizabeth of Schoenau. From the birth of Mary to her Coronation in Heaven, this book provides the reader with remarkable insights into the life of Our Lady, and an unmatched depth of understanding of the Holy Family.
What is also shown with utmost clarity is that Mary is a model of the interior life, and an example of perfect submission to the will of God. "As we read," writes Dom Prosper Gueranger, "our heart slowly takes fire, our soul feels desires for virtue which it had not hitherto experienced, the mysteries of faith appear more luminous to us, bit by bit the world and its hopes vanish, and the longing for the good things of Heaven, which seemed to have been dozing within us, awakens with new fervor."
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 232 pages
Also available in hardcover on request (additional cost)
Handcrafted by the Sisters of Daughters of Mary
This beautiful, frosted tumbler features an Ave Maria monogram and a stunning image of the Blessed Mother. This 450ml tumbler has a gradient blue design on the glass which adds a touch of class.
- 1 Glass Bottle - 5½" H (Includes lid), 3" Diameter
- 1 Bamboo Lid
- 1 Glass Straw - 7¾ " H
Other designs available - Padre Pio Frosted Yellow Tumbler
The Original and Best 1863 Translation from the French by Reverend Frederick William Faber, D.D.
Two Books in One
- True Devotion to Mary and
- 33-Day Preparation for Total Consecration -
A Classic Masterpiece of Marian Theology, True Devotion to Mary is considered the greatest book on the Blessed Virgin Mary ever written and has been recommended and practiced by eight Popes. "When we praise her, love her, honour her or give anything to her, it is God who is praised, God who is loved, God who is glorified, and it is to God that we give, through Mary and in Mary."
Hardcover, 194 pages
Set of 4 Ave Maria Monogram Coasters
Handcrafted by the Sisters of Daughters of Mary
These coasters portray a variety of elegant Ave Maria monogram designs.
Also available Ave Maria Coasters - Blue Stars
Set of 4 assorted coasters, size 3.75" x 3.75"
by Abbé Berlioux
In May we run with excitement to endow Mary’s altars with boughs of flowers that vie with nature’s splendor, and spiritual offerings as well as good works to pay homage to the most generous of queens. To more fully live the spirit of the season, we must enter into the very spirit of the Mother of God. As the preface states: “She is a spiritual universe.” There is nothing in our path toward heaven, which she cannot supply, if we but study her soul and apply her works in our lives.
The subjects, containing two short points each day, range from Our Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Conception, her holy name, her motherhood, each of her shining virtues, her devotion to Holy Communion, and other subjects.
It was originally written in the 19th century by the Abbé Berlioux, who was a priest in the diocese of Grenoble in 1872 and was the Curé, or parish priest, of the church of St. Bruno. The devotional enjoyed ten editions of popularity in the French language before being translated and printed in English in 1884. Each chapter contains the whole day’s reading, prayer, and a fitting example for the reading, usually taken from the author’s personal knowledge or some other historical example. This is what gives the book a unique atmosphere. As each of the thirty-one days of May progresses, the subjects cover every possible facet of the known life of Mary, historical tradition, apparitions and the life of the Church surrounding this ancient devotion, solidifying for the devotee a rich theological truth and piety.
The author uses literary tools in his writings so as to awaken his reader from a spiritual slumber. Particular emphasis in this book is derived from the daily repetition of the phrase “Children of Mary”, addressing the reader affectionately and with a personal effect that cannot be ignored. It is as though the very voice of our heavenly mother is calling out to the reader, as a mother calls her children to her, and should we all not come running? Come, Children of Mary, come to the safety of your mother’s mantle.
In this book you will find:
- An organized 31 days of devotions to the Blessed Mother for the complete month of May
- Daily spiritual reading on the life, virtues, and traditions surrounding the Blessed Virgin
- Daily prayers to Mary
- Daily examples of true-life stories that draw out the truths within each day’s reading.
- Various ways of consecrating oneself to Mary
- Various ways of praying the Holy Rosary and a unique Marian way to attend Mass.
The book is most excellent for the original purpose, to devote one’s life to the practices of the May altar, but it is also an excellent choice during the time of Lent, when the entire Christian world is tuned in so singularly to the deep sorrows and grief of Our Blessed Mother; and Advent, at which time we contemplate Our Blessed Mother’s expectation of her Divine Child.
Paperback, size 8" x 5", 198 pages
Also available in Hardback (with dust jacket) on request (additional cost)
by Fr Manuel Sousa Pereira
In Volume II, Fr. Manuel Sousa Pereira recounts many more apparitions and favors from Our Lady of Good Success to Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres during the years 1610-1635. The prophecies specific to our times describe an enormous apostasy in the Church, the general corruption of the clergy and Prelates, heresies, the abandonment of the rules in convents and monasteries, and the culpability of high ecclesiastical authorities. Our Lady predicted that at the moment when the abuse of those authorities would reach an apex and the situation would seem lost, she would intervene and restore the Catholic Church to her proper splendor.
Volume II also includes how the statue was made and miraculously completed; the story of Fr. Pereira's conversion; Mother Mariana's last testament, her death and the first miracles; and many startline, accurate prophesies about our times.
Translated by Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.
Paperback, size 8.25" x 5.25", 360 pages
by Fr Lawrence G. Lovasik
Biography of Mary, the Mother of God and our Heavenly Mother.
Paperback, 32 pages, full colour illustrations
Set of 4 Ave Maria Monogram Coasters
Handcrafted by the Sisters of Daughters of Mary
These coasters portray a variety of elegant Ave Maria monogram designs.
Also available Ave Maria Coasters - Crown
Set of 4 assorted coasters, size 3.75" x 3.75"
Prayer for Numerous Occasions Seeking the Intercession of the Mother of God.
Edited by Rev. James J. Cashman, C.M.
True devotion to the Blessed Virgin is interior. It must be based upon the high esteem that we have of the Blessed Virgin. It must flow from out understanding of her excellence. It must be inspired by love which we bear for her in our hearts. We need never fear to cast our cares upon Mary, all powerful Mother of God. She is our tender Mother whose great desire is to assist us, to mitigate our sorrows, and to bring us into a closer union with Jesus Christ. This small book will help in that devotion.
Paperback, size 5" x 3.6", 94 pages, Impr, 1942.
Mary, Mother of Sorrows
Suffering with Glorious Purpose
by E. Mary Christie
How do you pull virtue from sorrow? The Blessed Virgin Mary is our preeminent example.
This book features meditations on the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary, but it is more than that.
This little, easy-to-read book incorporates reflections on specific virtues as well. Deepen your spiritual life with these meditations.
Booklet, size 6" x 6", 129 pages
by Sr. Marianna Gildea, R.S.M
The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the liturgical treasures of the Catholic Church. With a history of over one thousand years, it has been prayed by clerics and faithful alike. Living the Little Office provides a guide, explanation, and aid to understanding and praying the Little Office.
This book is intended primarily for those who want a simple explanation of the Psalms along with practical meditations. It follows the order of the Office itself and guides one through the prayers as they are prayed. The Scriptural commentary is thorough, yet not overwhelming.
Let Living the Little Office lead you to a more profound devotion to Our Lady and adoration of the Divine Majesty.
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 177 pages
by Fr. Patrick Troadec
"The sublime attitude of Our Lady at the height of suffering is central to the mystery of Our Lady of Compassion. The dignity of Our Lady in the most overwhelming suffering fills us with astonished admiration and furthermore is capable of touching the most hardened of hearts." - Fr. Patrick Troadec
Contemplate Our Lady's sufferings as she stood beside her Son at the foot of the cross. Reflect on her sorrow and deepen your appreciation for her powerful intercession on our behalf.
Summary of Contents
- The Savior and His love for us: Jesus the Priest, Jesus the Victim, The Sufferings of Jesus in His Passion, The Virtues of Jesus in His Passion, The Effects of the Passion, The Application of the Merits of the Passion
- Our Lady of Compassion: The Nature of Our Lady's Compassion, Our Lady's Immolation, The Virtues of Our Lady of Compassion, The Effects of Our Lady's Compassion
- Devotion to Our Lady of Compassion: Nature of this Devotion, Our Lady of Compassion and the Immaculate Heart, History of this Devotion, Some Devotional Practices
- Prayers: Stabat Mater, Litany of Our Lady of Sorrows, Prayer for Priests, Prayer to the Sorrowful Heart of Mary.
Paperback, size 7" x 4", 128 pages
by Sr Mary Lelia
This is a beautifully illustrated book for teachers and parents who want to teach their children true and solid devotion to Mary.
This Marian program has but one purpose, to imbue the little ones with a genuine devotion to Mary. Therefore, it is not intended as a pious practice for May or Octoer. It is rather a copying of Mary- a way of life.
It is the De Montfort Method simplified for young minds.
Paperback, 96 pages, illustrated
Learn True Marian Devotion from one of the Greatest Marian Saints of All Time!
By St Maximilian Kolbe
Everyone has heard of St. Maximilian Kolbe, but few know who he really is. Offering his life for another was simply the crowning end to a life lived in service of the Immaculate, and in this short collection of his words, he teaches us how to truly desire and obtain that same love which burned in his heart.
Pulling from numerous sources, all taken from St. Maximilian Kolbe's own words, this little book considers:
- Prayer
- The Mediation of Mary
- Our Lives as an Instrument in Her Hands
- The Divine Will and Our Own Will
- Obedience
- The Practice of Marian Devotion
- Overcoming Discouragement
- Peace of Soul
- Childlike Devotion to Mary
- Becoming Mary
- Missionary Zeal
If you are looking for a source of meditation on Mary, and a book that will help you to become closer to her Immaculate Heart, then this is it. You will return to this book again and again to help bring a Marian focus to your daily life, using the words of this saint to truly fall in love with Mary, and to take up her standard as your own. The modern world finds Mary and devotion to Mary to be uncomfortable. St. Maximilian Kolbe, in this short collection, shows that there is no other way to please God but through this total devotion to Mary.
Paperback, 69 pages
With an introduction and 13-day preparation according to St Maximilian Kolbe
by Fr Karl Stehlin
In this brief work you will find everything you need to prepare and consecrate yourself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Includes practical instructions, daily preparatory prayers and meditations and readings for the 13 days.
Also covered are the ceremonies of Reception into the Militia Immaculata according to St. Maximilian Kolbe.
There is simply no easier way to full Our Lady's wishes as given to the three children at Fatima.
Booklet, 40 pages
Consecration to Mary
according to the method of St Louis de Montfort
by Fr Helmuts Libietis
"Give me some share of the sentiments of gratitude, esteem, respect and love, which Thou has in regard to Thy holy Mother, so that the more I imitate and follower her, the more I may love and glorify Thee" - St. Louis de Montfort
This book contains everything you need to make the 33-day preparation for the consecration to Mary according to the method of St. Louis de Montfort, including:
- Holy Scripture
- The Imitation of Christ
- True Devotion to Mary
- The Love of Eternal Wisdom
- The Secret of the Rosary
- The Secret of Mary
- Letter to the Friends of the Cross
The perfect guide to preparing for and making your consecration and so much more! You will return to it again and again as a source of meditation, for spiritual guidance, and as a regular prayer book to increase your love and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
There is perhaps no more perfect devotion to Mary than a complete and total consecration, and this book is the perfect book to help you achieve that!
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 420 pages