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Mug St Michael
Consecration to the Immaculata
With an introduction and 13-day preparation according to St Maximilian Kolbe
$4.00 Inc Tax
Consecration to the Immaculata
With an introduction and 13-day preparation according to St Maximilian Kolbe
by Fr Karl Stehlin
In this brief work you will find everything you need to prepare and consecrate yourself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Includes practical instructions, daily preparatory prayers and meditations and readings for the 13 days.
Also covered are the ceremonies of Reception into the Militia Immaculata according to St. Maximilian Kolbe.
There is simply no easier way to full Our Lady's wishes as given to the three children at Fatima.
Booklet, 40 pages
With an introduction and 13-day preparation according to St Maximilian Kolbe
by Fr Karl Stehlin
In this brief work you will find everything you need to prepare and consecrate yourself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Includes practical instructions, daily preparatory prayers and meditations and readings for the 13 days.
Also covered are the ceremonies of Reception into the Militia Immaculata according to St. Maximilian Kolbe.
There is simply no easier way to full Our Lady's wishes as given to the three children at Fatima.
Booklet, 40 pages
- Availability: 1 In Stock