Our Lady of Fatima

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A Journey of Faith in the Infinite Mercy of God
And Our Lady's Message to the World
$21.00  Inc Tax
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$48.00  Inc Tax
The Priest, His Dignity and Obligations
$25.00  Inc Tax
$26.00  Inc Tax
St. Joseph, Fatima and Fatherhood
Reflections on the "Miracle of the Sun"
$10.00  Inc Tax
Marian Grotto Kit - OL Fatima
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$12.00  Inc Tax
Rosary Holder OL Fatima
$12.00  Inc Tax
The Great Sign
$32.00  Inc Tax
The Flower of Fatima
$50.00  Inc Tax
Our Lady of Fatima

Our Lady of Fatima
by William Thomas Walsh

"The future of our civilization, our liberties, our very existence may depend upon the acceptance of her commands." --William Thomas Walsh

This was the conclusion reached by William Thomas Walsh, distinguished author, historian, and teacher, after he had thorougly investigated the miracle of Fatima. Here is the whole remarkable story of the appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary to three simple children at an obscure Portuguese village in 1917. Her prophecies of World War II and the rise of communism, her plea to humanity to do penance, her promise that world peace and the conversion of Russia would take place if her messages were heeded -- these are some of the dramatic events in this fascinating account of a modern miracle.

Our Lady of Fatima is a magnificent re-creation of an event whose effects are still reverberating throughout the world -- the appearance in person of the Mother of God with a "peace plan from heaven."

Paperback, size 8.2" x 5.3", 223 pages

Prophetic Messages for Our Times
Prophetic Messages for Our Times
A Journey of Faith in the Infinite Mercy of God
by E. Mary Christie

In a world lost in darkness and confusion, our merciful God refuses to give up or abandon His beloved people. Even in these times of worldly skepticism and sinfulness, He continues to reach out through modern-day prophecies, revealed to His chosen messengers through the appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Four Apparitions
Prophetic Messages for Our Times, by best selling author E. Mary Christie, provides a brief and profound history and meaning of four of the most relevant Marian apparitions for our day: Quito, La Salette, Lourdes, and Fatima. The messages of Our Lady, while sometimes dire, offer hope and consolation to the faithful, yet more importantly reveal sure remedies for overcoming the evils of today and innumerable graces to those that follow her direction.

Our Mediatrix and Mother
How fortunate we are to have such a Blessed Mother, so desirous to draw souls into the heavenly embrace of her Divine Son.

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 120 pages
A Journey of Faith in the Infinite Mercy of God
Fatima Meditations for the Five First Saturdays
Fatima Meditations for the Five First Saturdays
by Rev. L. Fooley, S.V.D.

Contains thoughts and reflections suitable for the fulfillment of the First Saturday meditations. All one needs to do is ponder on one, or more, or all, of the Mysteries, for the period of fifteen minutes. Also contains A Way of the Cross suitable for First Saturday meditations.

Booklet, size 8" x  4.6", 59 pages 

The Children of Fatima and Our Lady's Message to the World
The Children of Fatima and Our Lady's Message to the World
And Our Lady's Message to the World
by Mary Fabyan Windeatt

Every young Catholic should know the story of Fatima. The examples of the three children who were integral to the events, the message of love and repentance, and the many miracles of Fatima will teach your student the way to holiness. The events at Fatima have been called the most miraculous occurrences since Biblical times, with effects that spread across the entire globe. Through these events and their effects, God has communicated His love and His forgiveness to the whole world. Impr.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 162 pages, 15 Illustrations
And Our Lady's Message to the World
$21.00  Inc Tax
A Story of Our Lady of Fatima
A Story of Our Lady of Fatima
by Brother Ernest, CSC

On May 13, 1917, Our Lady appeared to three Portuguese children-Jacinta, Francisco, and Lucia. Asking them to return numerous times to the same spot on the 13th of each month, and telling them to say the Rosary with devotion. Reading this story can encourage us to follow in the footsteps of these three children who prayed the rosary with great devotion and honored Mary, the Lady of the Rosary. Has Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur

Level 1

Paperback, size 8" x 6", 30 pages
$14.00  Inc Tax
Our Lady of Fatima Statue 25 cm
Out of Stock
$48.00  Inc Tax
Our Lady of Fatima\'s Peace Plan from Heaven
Our Lady of Fatima's Peace Plan from Heaven

Our Lady of Fatima's Peace Plan from Heaven
by unknown

Our Lady of Fatima made several requests from each of us individually to bring about the peace of Christ in this world. This book gives you the clear, practical application of this to ourselves, and what we can do to have her Immaculate Heart triumph in our souls.

In this concise and thorough booklet, the entire story of Fatima and everything you need to know about it is covered. It explains everything from prophecies, to miracles, to messages, and finally, to Fatima’s meaning for the modern world— you will have all the information you need in your pocket!

Our Lady of Fatima’s requests form the “peace plan from Heaven,” our greatest hope for true Christ-like peace. These requests are:
      1) penance and reparation,
      2) the daily recitation of the Rosary,
      3) the five First Saturdays,
      and 4) consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

In one of the most important religious events in recent history, Our Lady of Fatima appeared to three children, asking them to pray for the salvation of souls and for an end to the many evils of the modern world. At Fatima, Our Blessed Mother showed her great love for her children and promised us eternal life and peace on earth if we will only place our hope in God.

Booklet, 32 pages

$1.90  Inc Tax
Our Lady of Fatima
Our Lady of Fatima
by Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D.

This book introduces children to the history of and the devotion to Our Lady of Fatima. Among the features of this book are:
  • an easily understandable synopsis of the Marian appearances at Fatima, Portugal in 1917
  • an explanation of the legacy of the Marian appearances at Fatima
  • three great prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God

Paperback, 32 pages, full colour illustrations
The Priest, His Dignity and Obligations
The Shepherds of Fatima
The Shepherds of Fatima
by Fr John De Marchi

In Heaven, where they know what is really important, they marvel that we fail to see that our Lady's coming to Fatima is the most tremendous event of the 20th century. Our Lady's message for the whole world was entrusted to three children: children, then, have the right to hear all about it, and are disposed to understand what our Lady wants and to cooperate with her requests. This book is for them.

Paperback, 168 pages
$25.00  Inc Tax
Our Lady Came to Fatima

Our Lady Came to Fatima
by Ruth Fox Hume

Who would have thought that the Blessed Mother would choose to come to Fatima, that remote farming village on a rocky slope in Portugal? No one was more surprised than Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco, the little shepherds to whom she appeared in 1917.

In this 27th volume of the acclaimed Vision Books series for youth, readers will be enthralled by the story of the village and its people, of the scornful neighbours and the puzzled parents. Above all, it is a warm story of three little ones who insisted that Our Lady had indeed come to Fatima, and from whose faith grew one of the greatest spiritual movements of our time. Illustrated.

Paperback, 190 pages

$26.00  Inc Tax
St. Joseph, Fatima and Fatherhood
St. Joseph, Fatima and Fatherhood
St. Joseph, Fatima and Fatherhood
Reflections on the "Miracle of the Sun"
by Msgr. Joseph A. Cirrincione

On October 13, 1917, before the "Miracle of the Sun," St. Joseph appeared holding the Child Jesus; both were blessing the world. The author draws profound, sobering conclusions. Learn about God's plan for St. Joseph, and how devotion to him is critical in this apostate age.

Booklet, 64 pages
Reflections on the "Miracle of the Sun"
$10.00  Inc Tax
Marian Grotto Kit - OL Fatima
Marian Grotto Kit - OL Fatima

Marian Grotto Kit
Our Lady of Fatima

This striking kit will allow your child to create his or her own miniature grotto for the Blessed Mother from wooden sticks, beautiful illustrations and polished semi-precious gemstones.

This kit also includes a short synopsis of the apparition, a history of grottos, and a list of the semi-precious gemstones used in this kit (Turquesite, Turritella Agate, Moss Agate and Yellow Jasper).

The finished grotto can stand freely on a tabletop or be hung on a wall, and is approximately 7" tall.

Other Designs Available: Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of the Snows.

Recommended for ages 6 and up.

Out of Stock
$12.00  Inc Tax
Rosary Holder OL Fatima
Rosary Holder OL Fatima
Wooden Rosary Holder Kit
Our Lady of Fatima 

Are you tired of searching for your child’s rosary among the clutter of their room? Why not let them make their own rosary holder? Then they will always know where to find their rosary when they need it!

Each kit contains everything required to make one wooden rosary holder (including the brush and sealant!) and takes about two hours to complete. The finished rosary holder measures 3" x 5".

Other Designs Available: Our Lady of GuadalupeImmaculate Heart of Mary, Sacred Heart of Jesus, St. Joseph, and St. Michael.

Recommended for ages 5 and up.

$12.00  Inc Tax
by Francis Johnston

The story, the message, and the meaning. Penetrates deeply into the theology of Fatima: the Rosary, daily duty, Eucharistic reparation, consecration and reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Hell and the prophecies, etc. Spells out the repeated papal pronouncements on the crucial relevance of Fatima to the entire world. As Pope Pius XII said, "The time for doubting Fatima is past; it is now time for action." One of our most popular titles.

Paperback, 148 pages
The Great Sign
$32.00  Inc Tax
The Flower of Fatima
by Cardinal Humberto S. Medeiros

This book made Our Lady of Fatima known to the world! Written shortly after the apparitions, the account here relies on the living memory of eyewitnesses and on the words of Lucia herself, who had been specifically interviewed for this book. Truly, this is a moving firsthand account of the life of the youngest saint of Fatima--and one the newest saints of the Church--Jacinta Marto. Jacinta, newly canonized in March 2017, is unique among the seers of Fatima in her ready, childlike enthusiasm to fulfill Mary's request, that they love God and offer reparation for sin. From then, Jacinta's life was consumed by an atoning love which made sacrifices of the biggest and the smallest things she experienced. Despite much persecution and suffering at the hands of both strangers and family, this little girl overcame her fears and attachments and became a saint, offering her life completely for love of Jesus and Mary. Told delightfully against the charming backdrop of the peaceful, natural beauty of Fatima, this is the intimate story of how the young Jacinta overcame her childish selfishness to become one of the most selfless saints of our day. It is a testimony to the power of her intercession, for the voice of the littlest, most innocent, and most fiercely loving saints of God has swayed him, time and again, to heal bodily ills and touch the most hardened of sinners.

Hardcover, 218 pages
The Flower of Fatima
$50.00  Inc Tax
Blessed Jacinta Marto of Fatima
Blessed Jacinta Marto of Fatima
Blessed Jacinta Marto of Fatima
by Msgr. Joseph A. Cirrincione

"And taking the hand of the little girl, he said to her, 'Talitha khoum,' which interpreted means, 'Little girl (I say to thee) arise.'"—Mark 5:41

Jacinta Marto was a happy-go-lucky little girl who loved to play; but along with her brother Francisco and her cousin Lucia dos Santos, she experienced the monumental apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima—proving that even an illiterate shepherd girl can become a pivotal figure in world history, as well as a great saint. And indeed Jacinta did become a saint, for our times and for all.

Excerpted from the letters and memoirs of Sr. Lucia dos Santos contained in Fatima in Lucia's Own WordsBlessed Jacinta Marto of Fatima describes the life of this little girl whose visions, along with her brother and cousin, radically changed the world. Jacinta was the youngest of the three shepherd children, aged seven at the time of the apparitions. She loved to dance and play, and everyone enjoyed her sweet affect. But upon experiencing the visions of Our Lady and her requests for penance, and especially after the vision of Hell, Jacinta took to heart the message of mortification and conversion. More than her brother and Lucia, she persisted in physical penances and mortifications, like giving up lunches and not drinking water, for the sake of sinners. Along with Francisco and Lucia, she suffered at the hands of the local Freemasonic authorities. After the Miracle of the Sun, many requested her intercession, and she complied willingly.

Finally, in 1918, she and Francisco contracted the Spanish flu. Francisco died first, while Jacinta was taken to two hospitals (as Our Lady had told her) to suffer for souls. When she predicted she would die the next day, the hospital chaplain did not believe her, and so he did not give her the las Sacraments. But she died as predicted; in1935 she was found incorrupt. Pope Francis canonized her in 2017, a hundred years after the first apparition of Our Lady. Let your children learn the lesson of this humble saint, the Church's absolute youngest non-martyr—and learn yourself just what it means to become like a child to enter the Kingdom of God.

Saint Jacinta Marto, pray for us! 

Booklet, 80 pages
$10.00  Inc Tax
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