Our Lady of La Salette

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The Story of La Salette
A Journey of Faith in the Infinite Mercy of God
The Apparition of Our Lady of La Salette
The Apparition of Our Lady of La Salette

First printed in 1951 with Imprimatur.On September 19, 1646, the Mother of God appeared high in the Alps of France, near the village of LaSalette. This books contains Hymns, Consecration to Our Lady of La Salette, Memorare to Our Lady of La Salette, Blessing of the Sick, Litany of Our Lady of La Salette, and Novena Prayers.

Booklet, size 7.75" x 4.75", 24 pages
$8.00  Inc Tax
Light on the Mountain
Light on the Mountain
The Story of La Salette
by John S. Kennedy

Through his own research and readings, John S. Kennedy creates a fantastically visual and accurate profile that slowly transports the reader to the very day of the apparition. Our Lady reveled herself to two iron-willed, overworked, discarded, and uneducated shepherd children. In her choosing of them, she chose all of us, for these children, were, in essence, a mirror for what we all were and unfortunately continue to be.

Paperback, size 7.2" x 5.2", 205 page, Impr 1953
The Story of La Salette
Prophetic Messages for Our Times
Prophetic Messages for Our Times
A Journey of Faith in the Infinite Mercy of God
by E. Mary Christie

In a world lost in darkness and confusion, our merciful God refuses to give up or abandon His beloved people. Even in these times of worldly skepticism and sinfulness, He continues to reach out through modern-day prophecies, revealed to His chosen messengers through the appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Four Apparitions
Prophetic Messages for Our Times, by best selling author E. Mary Christie, provides a brief and profound history and meaning of four of the most relevant Marian apparitions for our day: Quito, La Salette, Lourdes, and Fatima. The messages of Our Lady, while sometimes dire, offer hope and consolation to the faithful, yet more importantly reveal sure remedies for overcoming the evils of today and innumerable graces to those that follow her direction.

Our Mediatrix and Mother
How fortunate we are to have such a Blessed Mother, so desirous to draw souls into the heavenly embrace of her Divine Son.

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 120 pages
A Journey of Faith in the Infinite Mercy of God
Holy Mountain of La Salette
Holy Mountain of La Salette
by Rev. William Ullathorne

Written in 1854 after the English prelate's personal pilgrimage to the site (just eight years after the apparitions). The book contains interviews with Melanie and Maximin and others involved. Contains the messages and account of the sorrowing Mother of God. All with Rome's permission.

Paperback, 182 pages
$27.00  Inc Tax
The Children of La Salette
The Children of La Salette
by Mary Fabyan Windeatt

Over 50 years before three shepherd children in Fatima saw a beautiful, mysterious Lady, two similarly innocent children beheld the same Lady heartbroken, crying with her face in her hands. Maximin and Melanie might not be as well-known as Lucia, Jacinta, or Francisco, but their message is no less powerful or relevant now.

This vividly detailed, engrossing account from Mary Fabyan Windeatt reveals the depth of Mary’s pain over the sins of ungrateful men, as well as the perfect mother’s love that drove her to appear in tears to these faith-filled children. Mary’s message here, and the story of La Salette, will be familiar to anyone who knows the story of Fatima, reminding us that prayer, hope, and penance will always be the answer to the emptiness of sin and violence.

Maximin and Melanie quickly realize that their journey will not be easy, but instead of giving in to the constant, grating pressures of a harsh and unbelieving public, they win staggering amounts of people over through their virtue, their honesty, and especially their courage. With the law and even a local priest closing in on them from all sides, they refuse to dishonour Our Lady by revealing what she told them in confidence, remaining faithful to what they know is right in God’s eyes.

In their encounter with the heartbroken Lady at La Salette, these two little children have much to teach us about what trust in God really looks like. By casting themselves into Christ’s arms through His mother, they found peace in the midst of some truly unexpected stresses, confusions, and misunderstandings that surrounded their peaceful vision. As they won villager after villager to their side through faith and perseverance, they gave so many tired souls a sign of how much they are loved and sought-after by the Divine Lover—including all of us today.

Let this story of her humble appearance at La Salette encourage us in our own lives as we struggle with our crosses and look forward to the eternal hope of the Resurrection.

Paperback, 224 pages
$30.00  Inc Tax
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