Sheen, Archbishop Fulton J.
by Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Fulton J. Sheen was remarkable in his ability to uncover many layers of meaning in the life and words of Jesus of Nazareth. The Seven Beatitudes and The Seven Words from the Cross—both were delivered from a mountain, but the connection runs deeper than that. As Bishop Sheen points out, Our Lord began His Public Life on the Mount of the Beatitudes and closed it on the Mount of Calvary. On the first He uttered the words central to His message; on the second He spoke to the deed central to His mission. Two avenues were thereby opened: one for spreading the Good News throughout the world, the other for reconciling all men to God through Christ. Fulton Sheen’s profound meditations will slake the spiritual thirst of all who desire a fuller understanding of the Gospels and seek to draw closer to Christ.
Paperback, size 7.9" x 5.1", 94 pages
Also available in Hardcover on request (additional cost)
by Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Fulton J. Sheen turned his voice and pen to many subjects during the course of a long and remarkable apostolate. But nothing was closer to the heart of his message than bringing the words of Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother to bear on the problems of modern life and the modern world. In this book, Archbishop Sheen explores the connection between the seven words spoken by Mary in the Gospels, and the seven last words of Jesus on the Cross. Fulton Sheen was unparalleled in his ability to combine theology, devotion, and the profoundest reflections on the central events of the Christian narrative. Displayed here in full are the literary and rhetorical skills of one of the greatest preachers of the 20th century. Sheen’s meditations will slake the spiritual thirst of all who desire a fuller understanding of the Gospels and seek to draw closer to Christ and Mary.
Paperback, size 7.9" x 5.1", 80 pages
Also available in Hardcover on request (additional cost)
Victory Over Vice
by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
Fulton Sheen claims that since all seven deadly sins led Christ's enemies to nail Him to the Cross, we can find in the example of His suffering and death sure means to overcome each of those sins, plus the key to understanding — and to nurturing in our own soul — each corresponding virtue.
So, for example, in these pages filled with wisdom and hope, Blessed Sheen teaches us not only how to conquer our gluttony; he shows us how to satisfy our spiritual hunger. We learn not merely how to overcome pride; we discover what we must do to grow humble. From Christ's holy response to each of the seven deadly sins that led to His Crucifixion, Blessed Sheen draws a lesson in how you and I must deal with those same sins, whether we meet them in others or in ourselves.
Day after day, Christians struggle to do good, to avoid evil, and to take up with patience and love the crosses that threaten to crush them. For those of us who still know more of sin than sanctity, Fulton Sheen's revelation of the light that vice sheds on virtue affords a way to understand even better, and a means to attain it. If you abide by the holy counsel of these pages, enduring virtue will soon be yours: you will have achieved your own long-sought-after victory over vice.
Paperback, size 7" x 5", 128 pages
by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
In the face of a world crisis, which is manifestly deeper than one can imagine, many are inclined to ask: “Has Christianity failed?” Fulton Sheen’s Thinking Life Through seeks to answer this critical question. The conclusions the author proposes are far-reaching and touch upon subjects as diverse as the truth and meaning of human sexuality, the purpose of life, discordant marriages, angels, alcoholism, the vocation of the soldier, materialism, parenting, and even the question of spanking children.
On the critical subject of freedom, Sheen writes, “The true definition of freedom is the right to do whatever one ought, and oughtness implies law, goals, purposes, and perfection. Freedom is a moral power and not a physical one. It revolves around what man is rather than what man does. We are more free within the law than outside of it.”
Thinking Life Through also addresses the world’s political climate, something that in many ways mirrors the present political discourse. Focusing on the tragic decline of post-Christian society, Sheen gives special attention to both the threat of communism and the dangers of socialism. Sheen also gives clarity to the role of the individual and the family while living in a time of moral and political uncertainty. Finally, Sheen addresses good manners and politeness as he states in his quintessential style, “Another effect of materialism is to be seen in the decline of courtesy. There is politeness and decorum and a desire to please others when it is generally recognized that every person bears within himself an image of the Divine.” For anyone seeking to grow in wisdom, Thinking Life Through will be your guide.
Hardcover, size 8.75" x 5.75", 264 pages
by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
The modern crisis stems from a great divorce—a divorce between those who have the Truth and those who do not. In Philosophies at War, Sheen addresses the American people on the themes of government and politics not only as a bishop but also as a conscious citizen. He writes of war and revolution, the need of an absolute (God) and the roots of democracy, patriotism, and peace. He shows that the culture war is not merely political and economic but also theological.
Sheen warns that dangerous political currents are reactions against the excesses and defects of the secularist and materialist culture at large, the result of society turning into nothing but a crisscross of individual egotism. He brilliantly summarizes the false claims of recent totalitarian ideologies such as Marxist socialism, Nazism, fascism, and more. Of these dangers, Sheen explains what they have in common: they “demand power over the total man—the whole man, body and soul, and aim at control over the most intimate regions of the spirit.”
Sheen is further critical of certain aspects of the Industrial Revolution and Liberalism which have isolated man from all responsibility to the common good. He laments, “Such is the essence of our secularist culture: the supremacy of the individual man. In this way man is severed from his roots in God, his roots in law and his roots in the brotherhood of man, which can naturally lead to anarchy and the oppression of the weak and the unfortunate.” For anyone seeking to understand the current ideologies that seek to destroy our world, Philosophies at War will be your guide.
Hardcover, size 8.75" x 5.75", 150 pages
by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
Amidst the backdrop of World War II, the great Fulton Sheen wrote Preface to Religion, his first book published after the war ended. As the world was recovering from death, destruction, and despair, Sheen’s timely work tackles the most salient questions pertaining to happiness and sanity. With simplicity and frankness, Sheen declares, “If you do not worship God, you worship something, and nine times out of ten it will be yourself. If there is no God, then you are a god.” Throughout this work, Sheen addresses the perennial subjects of fallen nature, forgiveness, the four last things, how God remakes us, the role of religion in the process, and the gift of second chances.
Contrary to the modern world, God does not give us what “we want for our pleasure” but “what we need for our perfection.” Preface to Religion reminds us of education’s primary purpose, which is to train the mind to use freedom rightly. God chose to make a moral universe, but morality is impossible without freedom. And therefore, the reader will see that the body must always serve the soul.
Finally, Sheen writes on faith, that “the modern man who is not living according to his conscience wants a religion without a Cross, a Christ without a Calvary, a Kingdom without Justice,” and a pastor “who never mentions hell to ears polite.” For anyone seeking to find true happiness and true freedom, Preface to Religion will be your guide.
Hardcover, size 8.75" x 5.75", 184 pages
by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
Every human person seeks happiness, but few find it, because they have not discovered the source of all happiness: God. In Way to Happiness, Futon Sheen reflects on the most fundamental aspects of our lives: love, politics, motherhood, work, teens, forgiveness, rest, meditation, and more.
In a culture stricken with anxiety, boredom, despair, and fear, Sheen desires to reignite healing, hope, and contentment in the reader. While the secular world holds the mistaken belief that hunger for infinity can be satisfied by an infinity of material things, Sheen warns that they really wish for the infinity of divine love. Addressing the philosophy of pleasure, Sheen reminds the reader of the centrality of self-discipline and detachment.
At the heart of the Way to Happiness is heroically living out the spirit of charity: love of God and love of neighbor. To achieve a spirit of service and self-donation, a strong interior life is a perequisite. True peace is born in meditation.
Lastly, Sheen provides a blueprint to overcome bad habits through introspection, avoiding the occasion of sin, willing the good, and a right philosophy of life. In an age when so few people have time to make a retreat, allow the retreat master, Sheen, to take you on a spiritual journey that will spur you on to holiness. For anyone seeking a clear path to a happy and saintly life, the Way to Happiness will be your guide.
Hardcover, size 8.75" x 5.75", 272 pages
by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
For decades, this book has been recognized as the finest book ever written by a Catholic on the subject of communism. Dedicated to Our Lady in prayerful hope for the conversion of Russia, this is one of Fulton Sheen’s most forgotten yet most important books. In Communism and the Conscience of the West, Sheen explains the problems with society stemming from socialism and communism, which continue to infect universities and political discourse today. This timeless book exposes communism’s defects, its attitude toward the family, the decline of historical liberalism, and the rise of the antireligious spirit that pervades our world.
Readers will be impressed as Sheen diagnoses the issues facing our once peaceful cities, with history being put on trial, scrubbed, rewritten, and explained in terms of class hate. While communism destroys human freedom, Sheen illustrates how man is free as a result of two guarantees: one economic and the other spiritual. The economic enables man to call something his own which is outside of himself. The spiritual is the soul, which makes man independent of an earthly tyrant or a political dictator. In short, man’s soul is his own on the inside, as his property is his own on the outside.
Sheen carefully illustrates how even though we are living at a time when man has all the material conditions necessary for his happiness, “having lost the purpose of life which religion supplied, modern man became increasingly frustrated as his disappointed hedonism turned to pessimism. Thus man, who isolated himself from the religious community, now by reaction finds himself absorbed by the political community as despair becomes the dominant note of contemporary philosophy and literature.” For anyone seeking to understand one of the greatest threats to the Faith and our world, Communism and the Conscience of the West will be your guide.
Hardcover, size 8.75" x 5.75", 260 pages
by Archbishop Fulton Sheen
A Wartime Prayerbook written for dangerous days like ours made to fit in pocket or purse! Our parents before us understood that strife is rarely far from even the best of us, and they girded themselves for warfare, actual and spiritual. Among the wisest of men who shepherded them was Archbishop Fulton Sheen, who won their hearts with his warm, engaging broadcast personality . . . but in secret he put on the armor of God. World War II thrust temptation, fear, danger, and death on the men and women Archbishop Sheen had formed through his popular radio shows in the 1930's. Knowing that many of his listeners were now beyond the sound of his voice, fighting and dying on battlefields afar, he wrote this pocket-size prayerbook so that they, too, could put on the armor of God as they faced their new trials, physical and spiritual. Recently, a friend showed us his tattered World War II copy. We recognized immediately that with the new dangers we face since September 11, the time had come to draft this old prayer book back into service. Yes, it's for soldiers (and you should send it to every soldier you know so he will have it in his breast pocket when he needs it); but it's for you and me, too. Archbishop Sheen knew that no matter what our circumstances may be, the deadliest enemy we face is armed not with a gun but with temptation. In dangerous, uncertain times like ours, the Devil lures us quickly into lust, anger, hatred, and despair. Fulton Sheen's Wartime Prayer Book will help keep you from these vices so that you, too, can put on the armor of God and triumph over evil in our day.
Paperback, size 4.4" x 2.9", 196 pages
by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
New Foreword by Fr. Andrew Apostoli. Anniversary Edition.
With his characteristic eloquence and brilliance, Fulton J. Sheen presents a moving portrayal of the Blessed Virgin Mary that combines deep spirituality with history, philosophy and theology. All the major aspects and events of Mary's life are lovingly portrayed in this word portrait that is a never failing source of information, consolation and inspiration. Sheen also gives profound insights into all the Marian beliefs ranging from the Immaculate Conception to the Assumption to the miracle of Our Lady of Fatima. While considering the different phases of Mary's life, Bishop Sheen discusses various problems common to mankind of every age and reveals clearly that every problem can be resolved. He emphasizes the unique dignity, strength and gifts of women and their ability to help heal the world's problems. Sheen stresses mankind's need of the Mother of God and her burning love for all her children. The great resurgence of devotion to Mary is God's way of emphasizing the worth and dignity of every person against the false doctrines that have so confused the modern world.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 276 pages
Three To Get Married
by Bishop Fulton Sheen
It takes three to make Love in Heaven—
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
It takes three for Heaven to make love to earth—
God, Man, and Mary, through whom God became Man.
It takes three to make love in the Holy Family—
Mary, and Joseph, and the consummation of their love, Jesus.
It takes three to make love in hearts—
The Lover, the Beloved, and Love.
One of the greatest and best-loved spokesmen for the Faith here sets out the Church's beautiful understanding of marriage in his trademark clear and entertaining style in the book Three To Get Married.
Frankly and charitably, Sheen presents the causes of and solutions to common marital crises and tells touching real-life stories of people whose lives were transformed through marriage. He emphasizes that our Blessed Lord is at the center of every successful and loving marriage.
Three to Get Married by Fulton Sheen is a perfect gift for engaged couples, or for married people as a fruitful occasion for self-examination.
Paperback, 226 pages
by Bishop Fulton Sheen
"The search for pleasure is a sign of emptiness which the Divine alone can fill." - Bishop Fulton Sheen
In one of his most popular and best-selling books, the beloved Catholic prelate deftly strikes at the very heart and soul of humanity's universal predicament: overcoming roadblocks to genuine spiritual peace and union with God.
Lift Up Your Heart was written to help all those who struggle to ascend beyond the mere human (ego) level and I-level of existence to reach the supernatural or Divine-level. With clarity, logic, and unshakable faith, Sheen provides guidance in solving the problems caused by the tensions and stresses of living in a troubled modern world.
This treasured classic contains simple, practical advice on identifying and overcoming conflicts associated with empty pleasure, character weakness, self-discipline, false beliefs, and the fear of "letting go."
Above all, the book offers enduring words of wisdom on grace, prayer and meditation, sanctifying the present moment, and making up for the past.
Paperback, 280 pages
by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.
In this 1936 work, then Msgr. Sheen takes Our Lord's seven last words from the Cross and correlates them to appropriate parts of the Mass - the sacramental representation of that same sacrifice.
A fascinating book that will give you a new perspective on the Mass:
1)The Confiteor: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
2) The Offertory: Amen I say to thee, this day thou shalt be with me in paradise.
3) The Sanctus: Woman, behold thy Son...Behold thy mother.
4) The Consecration: My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me!
5) The Communion: I thirst.
6) Ite, Missa Est: It is finished.
7) The Last Gospel: Father, into Thy hands I commend my Spirit.
Bishop Sheen says, "Hence the Mass is to us the crowning act of Christian worship. A pulpit in which the words of our Lord are repeated does not unite us to Him; a choir in which sweet sentiments are sung brings us no closer to His Cross than to His garments. A temple without an altar of sacrifice is non-existent among primitive peoples, and is meaningless among Christians. And so in the Catholic Church the altar, and not the pulpit or the choir or the organ, is the center of worship, for there is re - enacted the memorial of His Passion." (from the Prologue).
Softcover, 71 pages
Over the course of Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s storied career, thousands approached him with a simple request: “Teach us to pray.” Now, for the first time ever, his wise teachings on prayer have been collected into a single volume to help you perfect your prayers and make them what they must become: a daily, holy habit.
First come Bishop Sheen’s insightful reflections on the Our Father and its indispensable connection to the Seven Last Words of Christ. Then Bishop Sheen unveils smouldering, oft-overlooked riches in other everyday Catholic prayers, transforming them from rote recitations into powerful moments of communion with God.
With his help, you’ll then journey through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, learning how to bring peace to your soul and grow more receptive to God’s grace. You’ll also discover how to make your Holy Hours more efficacious and master a variety of other techniques that Bishop Sheen employed in his own fruitful quest for holiness. Best of all, you’ll immerse yourself in an incomparable collection of Fulton Sheen’s reflections on the Mass, meditations for Holy Hours, and dozens of prayers he recommends for most occasions in the Christian life.
Prayer, meditation, Holy Hours, the Mass, and even a bit of philosophy: it’s all here in this delightful anthology of the works of the saintly archbishop Fulton J. Sheen!
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