TAN Books
by Cardinal Giovanni Bona
Amid the shortness and uncertainty of life, Guidance to Heaven shows why we should live in anticipation of and preparation for death. Cardinal Bona advises us not to live in such a way that we are afraid to die because we are unprepared; but rather, realizing that death is our grand entrance into true life, we should make it our life's work to get ready. This spiritual text has been compared to the Imitation of Christ for its simplicity, clarity, and potency of doctrine, which befits the Cistercian formation of the author. And yet Cardinal Bona, a consummate liturgist and classicist, cannot fail to exude some of that scholarly erudition in his writing on the ascetical life. His Guidance to Heaven is short and powerful, coming from the heart of a man dedicated to the Lord in prayer and humility.
Giovanni Cardinal Bona was born in 1609 in Mondovi, Piedmont, Italy, near the border with France. He became a Cistercian monk at the age of 15, exhibiting an extraordinary erudition in his studies, as well as exceptional humility and sanctity. His qualities led him to be called as a prior, then abbot, and finally superior general of the Cistercians in Rome. While there, he served humbly and fervently, declining even offers of the episcopate, and hoped to retire into a life of study: instead, he was made a consultor to the Holy Office. When he became a cardinal, his extreme simplicity shone forth: his lifestyle did not change at all, and all of his surplus wealth he donated to needy priests at the Missionary College in Rome.
Let the words of this holy man reach you and bring you to an ever-greater zeal for pursuing the Lord in preparation for death.
Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 188 pages
From Saint John Bosco's Biographical Memoirs
by St John Bosco
These fascinating dreams involve prophecy and reading of hearts, with a powerful spiritual message. Includes: To Hell and Back, Two Boys Attacked by a Monster, The Snake and the Rosary, and many more. These dreams led to many conversions and will instruct, admonish and inspire today!
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 240 pages
Patron Saint of Parish Priests
by Rev. Fr. Bartholomew J. O'Brien
At the time of his death in 1859, over 100,000 people a year visited the little village of Ars, northwest of Lyons, France, and its beloved parish priest, St. John Vianney—known everywhere as the "Curé of Ars." Today over 500,000 people a year visit this simple farming town in the middle of France, where they come to see the incorrupt body of one of the greatest saints in the history of the Church and to visit in prayerful meditation the simple parish church where the holy Curé converted thousands and reconciled to Jesus Christ and His Church tens of thousands of souls.
Yet this is a most improbable story, for here is a saint who, with only two years' formal education before entering upon his priestly studies, had the greatest difficulty passing his examinations and becoming a priest. He had enormous troubles with Latin, as well as other subjects, and he at one time was obliged to give up priestly studies as a result of being drafted for military service (his brother at length volunteered in his stead). And even when he was ordained, he was given one of the poorest, most remote, and most run-down parishes in all of France. But within a few short years, he had reformed his parish and his town, in the process establishing such a reputation that the world began to seek him out to confess to him, witness his preaching, and hear his Masses. Finally they beat a path to his door, coming from all over France and even other nations. He heard confessions 16 to 18 hours a day, healed the sick, divined knowledge of the past and future, and mortified himself to an inhuman degree. The Devil himself once revealed to St. John Vianney that if there were three men like him alive at one time, the diabolical kingdom would be destroyed. Just four years after his canonization in 1925, Pope Pius XI named him "Patron Saint of Parish Priests."
Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 144 pages
by Rev. Peter J. Arnoudt, SJ
Recommended to us as even better than The Imitation of Christ. Jesus speaks to the reader - through the author, of course - in short, easy-to-understand chapters that are filled with wisdom. Thereafter the soul speaks to Jesus.
This book thoughtfully covers every way in which we can perfect ourselves through devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Not only that, but it warns us against every pitfall we face in the daunting task of attaining holiness. It includes important chapters on:
- The dissatisfaction worldly goods provide
- Salvation and the Sacred Heart
- Perfection and imitation of the Sacred Heart
- Cleansing of mortal and venial sins
- Sanctifying grace
- Jesus’s life and the Sacred Heart
- Jesus’s suffering and the Sacred Heart
- Unity with the Sacred Heart
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 576 pages, Impr.
by Thomas à Kempis
After the Bible, The Imitation of Christ is the all-time favorite book of Catholics throughout the world. And of the English editions, none can equal this inspiring translation by Bishop Richard Challoner.
This book speaks to the soul of every true Christian, reminding us of the fleeting nature of earthly joy as opposed to the eternity of happiness with God.
The guide of the saints since it first appeared in 1418, it was the sole spiritual reading of St. Therese of Lisieux, who loved it and knew it by heart.
Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange asserted that the true mysticism of which it speaks is accessible to all, if they are willing to follow the way of humility, the cross, continual prayer, and docility to the Holy Ghost.
Other versions also available.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 430 pages
by Thomas à Kempis
The book that has made more saints than any other, after the Bible.
Countless saints from Therese of Liseux to Ignatius of Loyola have kept this book on their nightstands, used it to direct their minds during adoration, and carried it in their pockets as a soldier carries his weapon into battle.
This classic and treasured edition, aptly entitled My Imitation of Christ, is crafted specifically for the busy person in the modern world. Here's why it is "My" Imitation of Christ:
- Pocket size: Perfect for purse, pants or jacket. Having this book on your person reminds you to imitate Christ always - without exception.
- 117 Illustrations: With seemingly miraculous power, Ariel Agemian's timeless depictions of modern man (in suit and tie) carrying his cross, tempted by Satan to vain pursuits but called by Christ to eternal life. Your soul will be forever imprinted by an image of man's attempt to be in the world - but not of it.
- Durable Flex Cover: far more resilient than your average book. If you use this book properly, it will take a beating.
- Reading Guide: In the back, 42 practical topics with references to guide you through your spiritual reading. Example: "Are you discouraged? Read Book III, Chap. 56", "Are you vain? Read Book I, Chap. 2, 7." With over 40 of these, you're bound to find yourself somewhere.
- Index: Not your everyday index. Hundreds of topics with every reference in the book cited. Here are your answers to nearly every spiritual issue - if you use it.
If you wish to be in the world, but not of the world, there is no better edition of this timeless classic than My Imitation of Christ.
Other versions also available.
Soft Leatherette, pocket size 5.25" x 3.5", 474 pages
by St Alphonsus de Liguori
Every Catholic wants to achieve the happiness of eternal life with God. But how can we practically live out the will of God in our daily lives? How can we be perfect? How can we become saints?
The way to perfection is simple—unite your will with God’s and put into action the prayer “Thy will be done.”
“A single act of uniformity with the divine will suffices to make a saint.” (Page 6)
St. Alphonsus lays out the steps to conforming our will with God’s in 7 short and easy-to-read sections. He explains how anyone can achieve uniformity with God and why it leads to authentic happiness.
Whether you are looking to have a pocket-sized prayerbook to improve your prayer life while on the go or for a lesson that you can repeatedly return to and gain more each time, this 32-page best-seller is a necessity for every Catholic.
Booklet, size 7" x 4.25", 32 pages, Impr.
edited by Maryknoll Sisters
The Treasure Box books present a wonderful combination of fun, innocence and the Catholic Faith. They teach the Faith in a simple way, and they inspire children's hearts to love God. The pictures are truly beautiful, unlike the cartoon illustrations found in many children's books today. These books are full of Catholic doctrine, presented reverently and simply at a young child's level, in a manner to capture the child's interest and raise the heart to God.
Paperback, size 8.25" x 10.25", 32 pages
Selected Passages from the Writings of The Cure of Ars
by St John Vianney
Catholic wisdom stated in a simple, sublime, penetrating way. St. Jean-Marie Vianney's sage counsel on 36 important topics, including the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Virgin, Prayer, Suffering, Hope, Envy, Grace, and Paradise.
Probably the most persuasive exhortation ever urging us to renounce sin. Highly recommended for every Catholic!
Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 184 pages
by Fr. Ignatius Schuster, D.D.
Fr. Ignatius Schuster brings the Bible to life in this powerful textbook for students in junior high. Used in Catholic schools for years, Bible History: Of the Old and New Testaments covers thoroughly and enjoyably the most famous events narrated in the Old and New Covenants. Students will have a wonderful time learning about salvation history—while growing in holiness and understanding of the Sacred Scriptures as well.
Nothing is more important to education than catechesis, and within it, there is arguably nothing more important than Scriptural competency. Give your students the best with Fr. Schuster's Bible History, a trusted mainstay for decades.
This text is suitable for use in Catholic grade schools and homeschool from sixth through eighth grades.
Paperback, size 7" x 4.5", 404 pages, 80 beautiful drawings of biblical events
Model of Christian Mothers
by F. A. Forbes
No one can love quite like a mother, as the Virgin Mary attests. And no one quite imitated the Mother of God's sorrowful love of her sinful children as much as St. Monica, whose daily tears for her son Augustine bore the fruit of a magnificent Doctor of the entire Church and a pillar of the Latin tradition. Truly, St. Monica was a suffering mother, even a martyr for the cause of her son's salvation; and as the Blessed Mother Mary is the cause of our salvation by giving birth to God the Word, so is Monica the mother of many souls in Christ by giving birth to the great Father Augustine, whose teachings have saved many.
Born in 333 to Berber Christian parents in North Africa, St. Monica married a pagan Roman official of the town of Tagaste. He seems to have been a cruel husband, but St. Monica bore her suffering with patience and ministered to other unhappy wives in the city. She had three children, the oldest of whom was Augustine. For a long time, Monica's pagan husband held out against their baptism. While Augustine was away studying at Carthage, however, the first fruits of Monica's tears blossomed: her husband became a Christian. He soon died, and St. Monica vowed to be a celibate widow and not remarry. However, her son Augustine was to cause her more pain than her husband ever had.
When he returned from Carthage, Augustine was a Manichean heretic, which sent Monica into tears of woe that persisted for seventeen years while he languished, moving between lustful living and heretical teachings. She followed him to Rome and then to Milan, a beleaguered and mournful mother crucified by the impious infidelity of her son. At last, under the auspices of St. Ambrose of Milan, she saw her son converted and even baptized after almost two decades of his waywardness. Soon after, she died in Ostia on the return trip to North Africa, exhausted by her years of supplication finally fulfilled. Her cult took a long time to become popular, but her relics eventually found their way to the Basilica of Saint Augustine in Rome.
In this short biography of an illustrious saint, find the moving and inspiring story of a mother so dedicated to her Faith and to her son that she spent her life in tears for both. Those tears were not in vain, and they produced bountiful fruit in due season.
Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 115 pages, 4 Illus
by F. A.Forbes
Saint Teresa of Avila, mystic, Carmelite reformer, and Doctor of the Church, is one of the greatest people to ever walk the face of the Earth—and even one of the greatest saints. Her position as a spiritual master is uncontested and, as this short, readable biography will attest, her life was one of astounding sanctity and humility.
Such was the soul of the great St. Teresa of Avila, reformer of Carmel. In her youth, Teresa had all but forced herself to become a nun, and in the ensuing years she would also make many other courageous decisions. Her life would include remarkable mystical graces, fears of delusion by Satan, a vision of her potential place in Hell, many travels to found new Carmelite convents, work with other great Saints and dealings with difficult persons, and more. She was zealous in mortification and frequently exerted herself to the point of illness. She experienced interior visions (i.e. without sensory manifestation) of Our Lord, levitations, and other graces, including the famous transverberation, where her heart was mystically pierced by a lance borne by a seraph.
But Teresa's principle work in life was to reform the Carmelites; she traveled all about Spain establishing new convents and, with St. John of the Cross, men's monasteries. Throughout all of her reform work, her attitude was joyful, saintly, and profoundly charismatic. The same personality shines through in her works on mystical theology, all of which are masterpieces, but the greatest of which is The Interior Castle, a guide of the spiritual journey of the soul through seven "mansions" of spiritual progress.
This is the story of St. Teresa of Avila, a woman of great heart and immense common sense, one of the most remarkable women in the history of the world. She reformed Carmel—thus making the Carmelite Order into a mother of saints—and leaving a tremendous mark on the Catholic Church even to this day.
Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 120 pages, 5 Illus
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque is one of the most extraordinary visionaries in the history of the Church. As the apostle of devotion to the Sacred Heart, her visions not only have full validation as authentic in virtue of their papal approval and her canonization, but have also experienced universal adoption in the Church with the promulgation of the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and widespread promotion of the First Fridays devotional practice, as well as the Thursday night Holy Hour. Her fascinating life is detailed in these pages, written by her own hand—a rare gift to the Church indeed.
Devout from youth, St. Margaret Mary vowed at a young age to become a nun, but she delayed until she was 24 and could no longer withhold herself from Christ. She suffered much in her life, but she was gifted with visions of Our Lord, visions which became the basis of her promotion of the Sacred Heart devotion. In addition to the harsh (and at times seemingly excessive) penances she placed on herself, she received opprobrium from her sisters, who doubted the authenticity of her visions and mission, and much opposition from others in the Church, too. Through it all, her mission from the Lord's Sacred Heart triumphed, and she became the ultimate advocate of the furnace of Divine Charity beating for souls in Our Lord's breast.
For anyone who wishes to know more about the Sacred Heart of Jesus and how to adore It, The Autobiography of Saint Margaret Mary—the source—is one of the best ways.
Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 150 pages
Catholic Wisdom on the Way of Salvation
by unknown author
Based on Sacred Scripture and the writings of the saints, The Soul Sanctified consists of 90 short meditations—2 to 5 pages each—on the eternal truths of the Faith we all should keep before our minds during our pilgrimage in this earthly life. A timeless spiritual classic first published in 1873, it is fondly dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and for generations has nourished the faith of English-speaking Catholics under anonymous authorship.
Topics covered include:
- Detachment from Creatures
- Sins of Habit
- Shortness of Life
- Resignation to the Divine Will
- Work and Ordinary Actions
- Mortification
- True Peace
- Necessity of Prayer
An ever-ready source of instruction, inspiration, encouragement, motivation, and hope, The Soul Sanctified will keep you focused on the abiding religious truths you should live by in order to help you grow in sanctity each day.
Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 287 pages
by St. Athanasius
No one can claim to be seeking the monastic ideal who does not seek to imitate St. Anthony of the Desert, justly called "the Great." Holy Abba Antony was the second of the Desert Fathers, learning from the primordial hermit himself, St. Paul the First Hermit. Illustrious in holiness, glorious in asceticism, magnificent in miracles, resolute against temptation, St. Antony remains unsurpassed by any monk as the greatest of Abbots, the original "Anthony" and namesake of St. Anthony of Padua.
The account is worth the read as much because of its subject—him who received the Jesus Prayer from Our Lady and mastered the swarms of demons that surround us all by humble invocation of the Name of the Savior—as because of the hand that wrote it: St. Athanasius, also called "the Great." The pious should consider that no other pen was deemed suitable to depict the life of the Father of Monasticism as the Father of Orthodoxy, who defended the Holy Trinity and the Divinity of Jesus Christ against the blasphemies of the Arian heresy. St. Athanasius's holy voice resounds throughout this most venerable of hagiographies.
Let St. Antony touch your heart (through the words of St. Athanasius) as his own heart was when he heard the words of the Savior: "If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in Heaven; then come, follow Me." Let us learn from holy Abba Antony just what this means for us.
Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 120 pages
by Fr Gerald T Brennan
These Angel Food books, frosted with Christ-like charm, simplicity, and attractive truths, are here served for the additional delight of the many who have enjoyed other Father Brennan books.
Angel Food for Boys & Girls Volume IV includes: "St. Peter Goes Shopping", "The Priest of Times Square", "Jesus' Workshop", etc...
Each volume also has a topical index relating various subjects in the stories to chapters in the Baltimore Catechism (No. 2).
Hardcover, size 7.25" x 5.5", 126 pages
by Fr Gerald T Brennan
These Angel Food books, filled with Christ-like charm, simplicity, and attractive truths, are here served for the additional delight of the many who have enjoyed other Father Brennan books.
Angel Food for Boys & Girls, Volume III, contains over two dozen short stories, including: "Is God Very Big?", "Jesus! Are You There?", "A Mother's Note," and many more.
Each volume also has a topical index relating various subjects in the stories to chapters in the Baltimore Catechism (No2).
Hardcover, size 7.25" x 5.5", 114 pages
by Fr Gerald T Brennan
These Angel Food books, frosted with Christ-like charm, simplicity, and attractive truths, are here served for the additional delight of the many who have enjoyed other Father Brennan books.
Volume II includes: "The Orphan's Plea", "A Surprise for a King", "Half Past Three", etc...
Each volume also has a topical index relating various subjects in the stories to chapters in the Baltimore Catechism (No. 2).
Hardback, size 7.25" x 5.5", 125 pages
by Fr Gerald T Brennan
These Angel Food books, frosted with Christ-like charm, simplicity, and attractive truths, are here served for the additional delight of the many who have enjoyed other Father Brennan books.
Volume I includes: "The Devil at the Door", "Marty's First Mass", "The Girl in the Shabby Dress", "The Boy Who Made God Smile", etc...
Each volume also has a topical index relating various subjects in the stories to chapters in the Baltimore Catechism (No. 2).
Hardcover, size 7.25" x 5.5", 114 pages
Catholic Stories For Boys and Girls IV
by Catholic Nuns in America
Finish off Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls with the last book in this classic series! In the final volume of this four-part series read:
- "The Dawn of Spring"—Old Louis's reflections on eternity looking forward to spring
- "The Land of Erin"—The adventures of Saint Patrick, from his homeland to heaven and St Brigid
- "The Flowery Kingdom"—Blessed John Gabriel’s zeal for sanctity
- "The Lion Tamer"—The faith and strength of Saint Martina in the face of the wild beasts and the pagan Emperor Alexander
- "A Shepherd and His Sheep"—The life of Saint Vincent de Paul
Written to be read aloud for the entire family’s entertainment, Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls offers four volumes each holding a handful of happy and courageous stories, compiled and written by Catholic nuns in the 1930's. Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls appeals to the whole family by using simple vocabulary to engage children but also providing well-developed plots to captivate adults’ interest.
Each story highlights a different virtue, and, to reinforce the virtue, every chapter closes with a two-line rhyming verse that provides both a chapter summary and a pithy message, all underlining the books’ main theme—the Church gives life to the soul through grace. Excellent when read by children, and even better when read to children by parents and older siblings, these timeless stories show the reward of virtue by the wondrous events that occur when one is generous with God.
As taken from the front cover of the book, the stories herein are republished in the hope that in a small way the Faith, Culture, and Tradition of the Holy Catholic Church may be preserved for our most prized possession, our children.
Our prayer for these books is the same as Baltimore’s first Archbishop, the Most Reverend Michael J. Curley, prayed when these books were first published:
“May our Divine Lord bless each boy and girl who reads these stories, as well as every one who helps to place them in their hands.”
Hardcover, size 7"x4.75", 144 pages
Catholic Stories For Boys & Girls III
by Catholic Nuns in America
Continue your family’s reading adventures with Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls, Volume III! In the penultimate volume of this four-part series read:
- “Begga’s Bracelet”—The Irish Princess Begga’s promise to live for God alone - St Begga
- “In the Tower of London”—The story of St. Edmund Campion, with the disguises he used and dangers he faced as a priest to keep the Catholic Faith alive in England
- “Joseph”—A fictional account of the life of Saint Joseph from boyhood to his holy, happy death
- “Louise”— The story of how Louise’s generosity and kindness from childhood led her to sainthood - St Louise de Marillac
Written to be read aloud for the entire family’s entertainment, Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls offers four volumes each holding a handful of happy and courageous stories, compiled and written by Catholic nuns in the 1930's. Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls appeals to the whole family by using simple vocabulary to engage children but also providing well-developed plots to captivate adults’ interest.
Each story highlights a different virtue, and, to reinforce the virtue, every chapter closes with a two-line rhyming verse that provides both a chapter summary and a pithy message, all underlining the books’ main theme—the Church gives life to the soul through grace. Excellent when read by children, and even better when read to children by parents and older siblings, these timeless stories show the reward of virtue by the wondrous events that occur when one is generous with God.
As taken from the front cover of the book, the stories herein are republished in the hope that in a small way the Faith, Culture, and Tradition of the Holy Catholic Church may be preserved for our most prized possession, our children.
Our prayer for these books is the same as Baltimore’s first Archbishop, the Most Reverend Michael J. Curley, prayed when these books were first published:
“May our Divine Lord bless each boy and girl who reads these stories, as well as every one who helps to place them in their hands.”
Hardcover, size 7" x 4.75", 141 pages, Illustrated
by Catholic Nuns in America
Begin your family’s reading adventures with Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls, Volume I! In this first volume of the four-part series read:
- “The Best Deed”—A class of Confirmation students is challenged to find a remarkable deed to perform within the next week. To try and win the prize statue, one girl decides to give up candy, but her encounters with a dying man at her father’s hospital allow her to perform the most remarkable deed of all: helping another earn his salvation.
- “The Wreath of Flowers”—Angelo’s devotion to the rosary helps himself and others, both physically and spiritually, throughout his whole life.
- “Pedro of the Water Jars”—As an explorer with Christopher Columbus in 1492, young Pedro journeys to the New World to find a new home.
- “The Little Dove of Our Lady”—This story tells about the childhood of St. Catherine Labouré.
- “The Great Gift of Our Lady”—Continuing from the previous tale, "The Great Gift of Our Lady" tells about St. Catherine when she is a fully professed nun.
- “Black Robe”—See the dangers St. Isaac Jogues bravely faces to save souls in the wilderness.
Written to be read aloud for the entire family’s entertainment, Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls offers four volumes, each holding a handful of happy and courageous stories, compiled and written by Catholic nuns in the 1930's. Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls appeals to the whole family by using simple vocabulary to engage children but also providing well-developed plots to captivate adults’ interest.
Each story highlights a different virtue, and, to reinforce the virtue, every chapter closes with a two-line rhyming verse that provides both a chapter summary and a pithy message, all underlining the books’ main theme—the Church gives life to the soul through grace. Excellent when read by children, and even better when read to children by parents and older siblings, these timeless stories show the reward of virtue by the wondrous events that occur when one is generous with God.
As taken from the front cover of the book, the stories herein are republished in the hope that in a small way the Faith, Culture, and Tradition of the Holy Catholic Church may be preserved for our most prized possession, our children.
Our prayer for these books is the same as Baltimore’s first Archbishop, the Most Reverend Michael J. Curley, prayed when these books were first published:
“May our Divine Lord bless each boy and girl who reads these stories, as well as every one who helps to place them in their hands.”
Hardcover, size 7" x 4.75", 138 pages
Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls II
by Catholic Nuns in America
Continue your family’s reading adventures with Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls, Volume II! In the second volume of this four-part series read:
- “Ottawanta”—The story of Chief Ottawanta and the hardships he endured to live the Faith
- “Elizabeth Bayley Seton”—The life story of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
- “Anina”—The story of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s daughter, Anina
- “Silver Wings”—Mary Gertrude's airplane ride with her father—and God
- “John Philip”—John Philip’s adventure when he visits the circus
Written to be read aloud for the entire family’s entertainment, Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls offers four volumes each holding a handful of happy and courageous stories, compiled and written by Catholic nuns in the 1930's. Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls appeals to the whole family by using simple vocabulary to engage children but also providing well-developed plots to captivate adults’ interest.
Each story highlights a different virtue, and, to reinforce the virtue, every chapter closes with a two-line rhyming verse that provides both a chapter summary and a pithy message, all underlining the books’ main theme—the Church gives life to the soul through grace. Excellent when read by children, and even better when read to children by parents and older siblings, these timeless stories show the reward of virtue by the wondrous events that occur when one is generous with God.
As taken from the front cover of the book, the stories herein are republished in the hope that in a small way the Faith, Culture, and Tradition of the Holy Catholic Church may be preserved for our most prized possession, our children.
Our prayer for these books is the same as Baltimore’s first Archbishop, the Most Reverend Michael J. Curley, prayed when these books were first published:
“May our Divine Lord bless each boy and girl who reads these stories, as well as every one who helps to place them in their hands.”
Hardcover, size 7" x 4.75", 140 pages, Illustrated
by Eva K. Betz
Blessed Sebastian of Aparicio lived a humble and chaste life in Mexico in the 16th century. There was no job he could not do and no person he would not help. After accumulating a significant amount of wealth as a road builder, Blessed Sebastian gave away his possessions and entered religious life as a Franciscan at the age of seventy. Upon his death in 1600, many miracles were credited to him, and he was beatified by Pope Pius VI in 1789.
Your children will learn many lessons, including hard work and humility, through this story of Blessed Sebastian and his oxen.
One in the series of Easy Reading Books of Saints and Heavenly Beasts, Blessed Sebastian and the Oxen is written for the growing reader. Filled with beautiful vintage illustrations, it is no wonder this story has been beloved by children of all ages for generations. Be sure to check out the rest of the Saints and Heavenly Beasts series for more delightful and timeless stories.
Ages 5 to 10
Booklet, size 8.25" x 6.7", 48 pages
16 Papal Documents
Hard-Hitting Condemnation of Many of Today's Most Noxious Errors
arranged and edited by Anthony J. Mioni, Jr
In 1789, the French Revolution took place and launched a host of religious, political and social errors which the Popes for over 160 years afterwards wrote and legislated against. Yet most of these errors have spread and today have filtered down to the common man... with the result that most people now take for granted many fundamental assumptions that are positively false! But almost from the beginning of these errors, the Popes spoke out as with one voice, inveighing against them.
Today, as we see these errors bearing evil fruit, many thoughtful Catholics are returning to those Papal documents which condemned these modern errors, to examine what the Popes have said all along about them. Here, in one handy volume, are the best and most famous of those papal denunciations: On Liberalism (Mirari Vos). Gregory XVI. 1832. On Current Errors (Quanta Cura). Pius IX. 1864. The Syllabus of Errors. Pius IX. 1864. On Government Authority (Diuturnum Illud). Leo XIII. 1881. On Freemasonry and Naturalism (Humanum Genus). Leo XIII. 1884. On the Nature of True Liberty (Libertas Praestantissimum). Leo XIII. 1888. On the Condition of the Working Classes (Rerum Novarum). Leo XIII. 1891. On Christian Democracy (Graves de Communi Re). Leo XIII. 1901. Syllabus Condemning the Errors of the Modernists (Lamentabili Sane). St. Pius X. 1907. On Modernism (Pascendi Dominici Gregis). St. Pius X. 1907. Our Apostolic Mandate (On the "Sillon"). St. Pius X. 1910. The Oath Against Modernism. St. Pius X. 1910. On the Feast of Christ the King (Quas Primas). Pius XI. 1925. On Fostering True Religious Unity (Mortalium Animos). Pius XI. 1928. On Atheistic Communism (Divini Redemptoris). Pius XI. 1937.
On Certain False Opinions (Humani Generis). Pius XII. 1950. After this book, the reader will be forced to conclude: "The Popes were right all along!" Only by heeding the advice and counsel of these enlightened Roman Pontiffs will the world be able to cast off its yoke of error and enjoy once more the true freedom Our Lord spoke of when He said, "If you continue in my word, you shall be my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:31-32).
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 365 pages
God, Christianity and the Church
A Course in Religion IV
by Fr John Laux, M.A.
Fr. John Laux's perennial text Catholic Apologetics presents readers with well-reasoned answers to classic objections against the Catholic faith. This text covers the "motives of credibility": how it is reasonable to believe in God, to believe in Jesus Christ, and to believe in the Catholic Church. Superficial objections to these three core beliefs are decisively and logically refuted in this well-written presentation on apologetics, a powerful tool to help souls hold fast with firm confidence to their Faith.
One of the best apologetics books we have ever seen. Covers the nature of our knowledge, justifications for our belief, proofs for the existence of God, Immortality of the soul, proofs of Revelation, reasonableness of our belief in the Church, primacy of the Pope, etc.
Recommended for 10th grade students.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 134 pages
Creation, Original Sin, Christ, Faith, Grace, Eternal Life, Etc
A Course in Religion I
by Fr John Laux, M.A.
Deeply penetrating and delightfully concise, this outline of the Catholic Faith is the perfect instruction tool for those who do not know about the Catholic Faith, as well as a stimulating read for the educated Catholic who wishes to learn more.
Fr. Laux never fails to capture and retain the reader's interest while giving in-depth explanations of topics such as the following (and dozens more):
- The sources of Faith (pg. 1)
- The Nature and Attributes of God (66)
- The Nature and Origin of the Human Race (91)
- The Immaculate Conception (103)
- The Hypostatic Union (114)
- Sanctifying and Actual Grace (145)
- The Resurrection of the Dead and General Judgment (170)
Includes a comprehensive Index to easily locate many topics and their explanations, such as exorcism, evolution, Biblical interpretation, Limbo, Science and the Bible, and more! Every chapter divides each article of Faith into the parts which make it up, and diligently analyzes each part. Also, the end of each chapter provides thought-provoking Suggestions for Study and Review.
Although originally written as a high school study guide, Chief Truths of the Faith provides an educating and intriguing read for high school students, college students, and adults alike. All will come away from this book more knowledgeable and happier for the experience.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 200 pages
Sin, Virtue, Conscience, Duties to God, Neighbor, Etc
A Course in Religion III
by Fr John Laux, M.A.
Fr. John Laux's timeless text thoroughly explains the philosophical and theological foundations of Catholic doctrine regarding human action, free will, the Natural Law, sin, virtue, conscience, and duties to God and neighbor.
Catholic Morality provides high schoolers with a firm understanding of the principles of Catholic morality, covering a wide range of topics ranging from doubts against the Faith to the evangelical counsels. Students will grasp that the basis of all divine law is the reality that God is the True, the Good, and the Beautiful.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 184 pages
The Mass, Seven Sacraments, Indulgences, Sacramentals
A Course in Religion II
by Fr John Laux, M.A.
Fr. John Laux's timeless text thoroughly explains the philosophical and theological foundations of Catholic doctrine regarding the seven Sacraments, the Extraordinary Form of the Mass, indulgences, and sacramentals. After reading Mass and the Sacraments, students will enjoy a fuller, more profound grasp of the gift of our Catholic faith.
Topics include the Scriptural basis of each Sacrament, the matter and form, the development of doctrine, and the effects of each particular sacrament on the soul. Recommended for 9th grade students enrolled in TAN Academy’s Pre-Conciliar Theology.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 212 pages
by Janet Erskine Stuart
"We insist on the teaching of handicrafts, training of the senses in observation, development of knowledge, taste, and skills which are useful for life, and for girls especially on things which make the home."
A century after its first publication, Mother Janet Erskine Stuart's classic The Education of Catholic Girls is back, and it is as relevant and useful as ever! Practical as it is pious, witty as it is wise, this collection of counsels not only helps educators in school or at home meet Catholic girls' special intellectual needs, it offers sage strategies for whole-person formation, showing us how to help our girls grow into virtuous Catholic women.Catholic girls among other girls, writes Mother Stuart, and Catholic women among other women, have the privilege as well as the duty of upholding what is highest.
The Education of Catholic Girls will help you teach your girls, whether through math and science, needlework, Catholic philosophy, or good manners, to uphold what is highest; it will help you train them to live a perfectly honorable and fearless life.
This centenary edition of The Education of Catholic Girls features English translations of the original's foreign phrases and quoted sources (Mother Stuart's presumption about her readers' knowledge of Latin, French, and German points to something education has lost over the years), as well as a new preface by Catholic homeschooling author and speaker Susie Lloyd.
Chapters on: Religion, Character, Realities of Life, Lessons and Play, Mathematics, Natural Science and Nature Study, English, Modern Language, History, Art, Manners, Higher Education.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 266 pages
A Study of the Incorruption of the Bodies of Various Catholic Saints and Beati
by Joan Carroll Cruz
Continuously popular since it first appeared in 1977, The Incorruptibles remains the acknowledged classic on the bodies of saints that did not undergo decomposition after death. Many remained fresh and flexible for years, or even centuries.
After explaining both natural and artificial mummification, the author shows that the incorruption of the saints' bodies fits neither category but rather constitutes a much greater phenomenon that is unexplained by modern science to this day. The author presents 102 canonized saints, beati, and venerables, summarizing their lives, the discovery of their incorruption, and investigations by Church and medical authorities.
The incorruptible bodies of saints are a consoling sign of Christ's victory over death, a confirmation of the dogma of the Resurrection of the Body, a sign that the Saints are still with us in the Mystical Body of Christ, and proof of the truth of the Catholic Faith—for only in the Catholic Church do we find this phenomenon. Impr.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 342 pages
Including Prayers and Promises of the Seven Sorrows of Mary
by The Benedictine Convent of Clyde
“Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, 'Behold, this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be contradicted (and you yourself a sword will pierce) so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.'” (Luke 1:34-35).
The beautiful and spiritually enriching practice of devotion to the Sorrowful Mother will be illuminated for you in this powerfully written, pocket-sized booklet.
Although many Catholics today have forgotten about the great sorrows of Our Lady, her role as sorrowing mother grows ever more important with the increasing evils of the modern world. This booklet explains more about Our Lady’s sorrows than most Catholics will ever know. It shows you that being devoted to Mary is to grow in love for her and to obtain many special blessings for ourselves in this life and in the next—particularly, the graces that will be bestowed at the hour of our death, as we pray in the Hail Mary every day.
Based on Sacred Scripture, Holy Tradition, and the writings of the saints, this booklet outlines the four special favors promised to those who meditate on Our Lady’s tears and sorrows. Included to enrich your prayer life and deepen your devotion are many relevant prayers:
- The Stabat Mater
- The Litany of the Sorrowful Mother
- Seven prayers for the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin
- And many more!
Booklet, size 6" x 3.75", 80 pages
by Fr. Cajetan Mary da Bergamo
This is the greatest book on humility ever written and will likely be the best book you will read in the next 5 years (outside of Holy Scripture). If everyone in the United States would adhere to the advice in this book, we would convert the world.
Here is how the book opens up:
"In Paradise there are many Saints who never gave alms on earth: their poverty justified them. There are many Saints who never mortified their bodies by fasting or wearing hair shirts: their bodily infirmities excused them. There are many Saints too who were not virgins: their vocation was otherwise. But in Paradise there is no Saint who was not humble."
Below are a few more gems of wisdom contained in Humility of Heart. Fr. Cajetan da Bergamo has assembled in this incomparable Catholic classic every conceivable motive for us to practice the virtue of humility.
- "It is only by the measure of thy humility that thou canst hope to please God and save thyself, because it is certain that God ‘will save the humble of spirit.'" (Ps. 33:19—Page 60).
- "As paradise is only for the humble, therefore in paradise every one will have more or less glory according to his degree of humility." (Page 75).
- "Humility generates confidence, and God never refuses His grace to those who come to Him with humility and trust." (Page 93).
From every direction, he marshals up the reasons why this virtue is paramount in the lives of all saints and of all those on the way of perfection. As no one will enter Heaven who is not perfect and as no one will gain perfection who is not humble, it behooves us all to apprise ourselves of the requisites for gaining true humility of heart, for once possessing this virtue, we can then make great strides in the spiritual life. But without it, we are simply deceiving ourselves regarding our spiritual progress and postponing the great work of our own salvation.
“The prayer of him that humbleth himself shall pierce the clouds.” —Ecclesiasticus 35:21
Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 236 pages
Surrendering Oneself to God as a Way of Life
by Fr Joseph Schryvers, C.SS.R.
The Gift of Oneself discusses the giving of oneself completely to God, holding back nothing for ourselves. And in return, Almighty God in a special way concerns Himself with the sanctification of our souls and the care of our temporal needs. Jesus will work wonders in a soul so given over to Him, for He is the best of all spiritual directors.
Those who read this book derive a great feeling of peace and security from it. The Gift of Oneself will be a surprise and a delight to those generous souls who are ready to embark upon a secure and rewarding spiritual life!
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 180 pages
by St Catherine of Siena
St. Catherine of Siena's Dialogue describes the entire spiritual life through a series of conversations between God and the soul, represented by Catherine herself. Readers of The Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Siena will find her revelations from God as informative—and formative—as those who recognized her sanctity during her life.
The universally applicable yet intimately personal messages she received from God are as much for us as they were for Catherine. We can read God's communications to His beloved daughter with detached awe, or we can receive His messages to us through her writings.
Do you long for certainty that Divine Providence exists in the midst of our chaotic world? Does your prayer seem too dry, or too routine? Have you sought guidance for the challenges of your life from unhelpful people or things? Or has pride kept you from humble obedience to the Church? If so, St. Catherine's Dialogue will provide consolation, encouragement, and hope.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 215 pages
by St. Alphonsus Liguori
St. Alphonsus Liguori, the Prince of Moral Theologians, was one of the greatest preachers in Church history. A religious founder, far-reaching theologian, and holy man of God, St. Alphonsus never fails to utter a stirring word that draws out a lively penitence and redoubled dedication to the work of God from his audience. He was also a great mariologist and a devout son of Our Lady (his congregation eventually gained custody of the icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help). One of the great doctors of the Church, in The Glories of Mary, he assembled the finest information on Our Lady from the many writings of the saints, holy authors, and Sacred Scripture.
The Glories of Mary is five complete books in one volume. The first book examines the words of the Salve Regina and shows how God has given Mary to mankind to be the Gate of Heaven. The second book explains Our Lady's principal feasts and reveals fresh truths about these mysteries. The third book explains the Seven Sorrows of Mary and why Our Lady's martyrdom was longer and greater than that of all other martyrs. The fourth book describes ten different virtues of Our Lady, and the fifth book provides dozens of famous prayers, meditations, and devotions to her.
Included are the theological proofs for the Immaculate Conception, explanations of the invocations in the Litany of Loreto, and a description of Our Lady's death. The Glories of Maryis the greatest compendium of nearly eighteen centuries of teaching on Our Lady and seeks to lead many souls to a greater love of Jesus through a more intimate knowledge of Mary and her exalted role in our salvation. To this end, St. Alphonsus quotes many Fathers and Doctors of the Church, including St. Bonaventure, who wrote, "No one can enter Heaven unless by Mary, as though through a door." St. Alphonsus explains that Mary is the Gate of Heaven, the portal through which mankind meets the Divine in Jesus Christ.
"Out of the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaketh," and St. Alphonsus's heart was only filled to the brim with genuine desire for innocence and purity of heart in all his spiritual children, most especially through devotion to the Blessed Mother. Writing to defend her against impious attacks and diminishments of Marian devotion, St. Alphonsus shows that devotion to Our Lady is a most certain mark of eternal salvation. His words gives profound encouragement and firm hope for eternal victory through Mary; the Mother of God—who can obtain from her Divine Son anything she asks.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 672 pages
compiled from Traditional Sources
Prayers within include:
- How to pray the Rosary
- How to practice the First Saturday Devotion
- Rosary meditations of St. L. De Montfort
- Seven Sorrows of Our Lady
- Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help
- Litany to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Christmas Prayer
- The powerful Thirty Days Prayer
- Fatima Prayers
- The Rosary in Latin
- Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary
- And so much more!
The perfect size to carry always, its daily use will aid your devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is the perfect gift for those faithful with a lifelong devotion to Mary, as well as for those who are just beginning to ask the Blessed Virgin to intercede on their behalf.
Booklet, size 6" x 3.75", 73 pages
How the journey of self-denial leads to perfect union with God.
by St John of the Cross
In Dark Night of the Soul, Saint John of the Cross presents for us a portrait painted from his own experience of one who advances successfully through the struggles of the spiritual life. The dark night that St John describes is not abandonment by God but special consideration from Him for those who desire to purify and perfect their souls.
With a soul purified from earthly attachments, we can advance through the much quoted but oft misunderstood dark night of the soul into unity with God. By accepting the desolation and difficulty of this process, the soul cooperates with God and opens herself to receiving and revealing more perfectly God's glory.
Be not afraid: Dark Night of the Soul, though austere and exacting in its instructions for holy living, is laced with St. John's charity and kindness, his love of all things beautiful and sacred -including you.
Also available in Hardcover.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 218 pages
Including The Wonders of Confession
by Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, EDM OP, STL
Probably the most intriguing and consoling book ever written about the Sacrament of Confession.
This little gem contains a host of true stories about Confession, plus quotes from the Bible and the Saints of the early Church. Shows how even Protestants admire Confession, how it comes from Our Lord Himself, and gives renewed courage and youthfulness of spirit to the heart and soul.
Says that by means of weekly Confession any sin can be conquered! Filled with warmth and love.
Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 94 pages
The Progress of the Spiritual Life
by Fr Frederick W. Faber
Perhaps one of his best books, Growth in Holiness presents Fr. Faber's thoughts on the spiritual journey of the Christian soul as she yearns for God. No slouch in the spiritual life, Fr. Faber experienced intense suffering both physical and emotional as he struggled to be Catholic in anti-Catholic England; his keenest insights are gathered here, including such topics as:
- Ruling Passion,
- Human Respect,
- Right View of Faults,
- Abiding Sorrow for Sin,
- Scruples,
- Spiritual Idleness, and
- True Signs of Progress in the Spiritual Life.
Let Fr. Faber's deep wisdom guide you through growth in holiness—the true goal of each of our lives, far more than our natural welfare!
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 380 pages