O'Sullivan, Fr Paul

Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, EDM OP, STL was born in Tralee, Ireland in 1871 and died in Lisbon, Portugal in 1958. At the age of 16, he entered the Dominican Novitiate and, then, he went on to Rome to complete his priestly studies and be ordained. He was sent to Lisbon for a period of convalescence. The moment he set foot on the soil of Portugal, his health improved and he undertook an apostolate, the likes of which is rarely the part of a single priest’s accomplishment.
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Including The Wonders of Confession
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$18.00  Inc Tax
The Wonder Worker
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$9.90  Inc Tax
The Holy Ghost, Our Greatest Friend
He Who Loves Us Best
$10.00  Inc Tax
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$38.00  Inc Tax
$26.00  Inc Tax
The Secret of Confession
The Secret of Confession Including the Wonders of Confession
Including The Wonders of Confession
by Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, EDM OP, STL 

Probably the most intriguing and consoling book ever written about the Sacrament of Confession.

This little gem contains a host of true stories about Confession, plus quotes from the Bible and the Saints of the early Church. Shows how even Protestants admire Confession, how it comes from Our Lord Himself, and gives renewed courage and youthfulness of spirit to the heart and soul.

Says that by means of weekly Confession any sin can be conquered! Filled with warmth and love.

Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 94 pages
Including The Wonders of Confession
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$18.00  Inc Tax
The Wonders of the Holy Name
The Wonders of the Holy Name
by Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, EDM OP, STL

“Read this booklet slowly and with attention, not once but many times, and you will thank God all the rest of your life.” (Page xi)

Do you know how powerful the Holy Name of Jesus is?

With this booklet in hand, you will be able to pray “without ceasing,” as you learn to see the great gifts that God bestows on those who glorify the name of His Son.

In this booklet, Fr. Paul O’Sullivan explains Jesus’s Name is much more powerful than most Catholics would ever guess. He demonstrates how easily frequent repetition of the name of Jesus can:
  • Glorify God
  • Call on His aid
  • Pay spiritual debts
  • Assist souls in Purgatory
  • Obtain many graces
  • Protect us from the devil
  • Help us die a happy death
  • And much more!

God is always offering His grace to us, and making use the most holy Name of His Son is a traditional and remarkable way to open yourself up to His many gifts. Habitually praying the Name of Jesus, Fr. O’Sullivan explains, is the least-known secret to a happy and holy life.

“For which cause God also hath exalted him, and hath given him a name which is above all names: That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those that are in heaven, on earth, and under the earth.” 

Booklet, size 6" x 3.75", 64 pages
$9.90  Inc Tax
Saint Philomena
Saint Philomena
The Wonder Worker
by Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, EDM OP, STL 

St. Philomena is perhaps the most extraordinary Saint in the history of the Catholic Church. When the relics of this 13-year-old virgin martyress were discovered in the Roman Catacombs in 1802, she became almost overnight one of the most popular saints in the Church, earning the nickname of "the Wonder-Worker" because of the countless remarkable favors that she sent to those who prayed to her. For a century and a half there was a worldwide Catholic devotion to St. Philomena, approved by many Popes. But amazingly, since the 1960s, she has been almost forgotten.

This little book by beloved TAN mainstay author Fr. Paul O'Sullivan gives the fascinating story of St. Philomena. Fr. O'Sullivan tells of her martyrdom, her miracles, her relics, her partnership with the Curé of Ars, and the great miracle involving Pauline Jaricot, as well as recounting many other true stories of "the dear Little Saint's" generous answers to those who invoke her.

God obviously wishes to give out His gifts and favors through the hands of St. Philomena, and it is His will that that we ask her for them. These pages will give new hope to all who need a special friend in Heaven to answer their prayers.

May this little book help to open up the floodgates of heavenly gifts so that once again this sweet young Saint will become known by that beautiful title: "Saint Philomena the Wonder-Worker!"

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 170 pages
The Wonder Worker
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The Wonders of the Mass
The Wonders of the Mass
by Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, EDM OP, STL 

The Holy Mass is the single greatest thing on Earth—and in Heaven. For the Eucharistic Sacrifice is the bridge between the two; it is the eternal self-oblation of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Father, the same sacrifice of the God-Man as on Calvary, applied anew everywhere the Mass is prayed. The Mass unites us with God; it acts as a propitiatory sacrifice and brings God into our midst; it heals our soul and transforms us by God's grace; it offers the only satisfactory thanksgiving possible to give God, for it is God offering Himself to Himself; and far, far more—the wonders of the Mass are literally measureless.

Mainstay author Fr. Paul O'Sullivan offers in The Wonders of the Massan astounding guide to the meaning and reality of the sacred liturgy, quoting the saints and Our Lord (via revelations to mystics). There is no capacity in which Fr. O'Sullivan fails to extol the Mass—for truly, because it is Jesus Himself present in the Sacrament, we may offer the same praise to the Mass as to God.

"The Mass is the greatest wonder in the world," says Fr. O'Sullivan, seconded only by "the next greatest wonder. . .the indifference and ignorance of Catholics regarding the Mass." Let The Wonders of the Massteach you how limitless is the love of God for man in the holy liturgy.

Booklet, size 6" x 3.75", 42 pages
$9.90  Inc Tax
The Holy Ghost, Our Greatest Friend
The Holy Ghost, Our Greatest Friend
The Holy Ghost, Our Greatest Friend
He Who Loves Us Best
by Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, EDM OP, STL 

A beautiful little book "all about the Holy Ghost," including prayers to Him. Gives quotes from many famous Saints and holy authors. Shows how the Holy Ghost really and truly dwells in every soul that is in the state of grace. He aids all Christians without exception -- not just Apostles, martyrs, and missionaries -- if only we will ask His help. This book helps us to undestand the Incomparable Treasure we Christians possess in our souls. Enlightening and encouraging!

Booklet, size 6" x 3.75, 78 pages
He Who Loves Us Best
$10.00  Inc Tax
An Easy Way to Become a Saint
An Easy Way to Become a Saint
by Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, EDM OP, STL 

While attaining sanctity is the most important thing in the world (for ourselves and for others, because everyone benefits from one's personal sanctification), sanctity need not be seen as the hardest thing in the world. It is always the greatest challenge, but nothing "extraordinary" is required of us. In fact, the perfection of the ordinary is precisely where God calls most of us to grow: "Whoever is faithful in the least thing also will also be faithful in greater things" (Luke 16:10).

Thus, in An Easy Way to Become a Saint, Fr. Paul O'Sullivan offers an optimistic book showing how any ordinary Catholic can become holy—and supremely so. Every day there are innumerable opportunities to become holier, hidden for us to find. Father O'Sullivan shows us how, writing with an assurance of success that is totally convincing and infectious.

Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 105 pages
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$38.00  Inc Tax
How to Be Happy, How to Be Holy
How to Be Happy, How to Be Holy
by Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, EDM OP, STL 

Everyone wants to be happy. While not everyone wants to be holy, we all should—especially because this is the surest way to become happy. Christ Himself gave us very clear directions on how to be happy when He sat down and pronounced the Beatitudes. Since then, all the Saints have sought to follow the advice of their Divine Creator and Redeemer in the way of true joy.

In How to Be Happy; How to Be Holy, Fr. Paul O'Sullivan offers guidance on how to achieve both sanctity and happiness, showing how the two go hand in hand. Providing lovely anecdotes from the lives of the Saints, Fr. O'Sullivan shows us in a warm, encouraging, and inspiring way the importance of prayer and the ease with which we can all derive great benefits therefrom. While not yet Saints ourselves, we will surely make it there following the advice of this little book. Among the contents are expositions on all the major prayers (and some lesser-known ones), explanations of the Mass, meditations on the mysteries of the Rosary, and more. This book is a pocket method for approaching heaven and thus true happiness.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 234 pages
$34.00  Inc Tax
All about the Angels
All About the Angels
by Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, EDM OP, STL 

"Their angels in the heavens gaze always upon the face of My Father, Who is in the heavens." —cf. Matthew 18:10

Angels are often the first to go when people begin to question Catholic doctrine. However, it is a definitive tradition of the Faith that the angels and other spirits are real and present—even more so than we are—in Creation. Not to mention that Our Lord said so Himself! Each one of us has a guardian angel, and there are myriads of other angels from all ranks of the nine choirs ready to aid us if we but call upon them, our "bigger brothers and sisters," as it were, in heaven.

In All about the Angels, author Fr. Paul O'Sullivan offers a wonderful exposition on the bodiless spirits of heaven, showing how they visit people many times in the past and present. They would do so still if we but asked! Fr. O'Sullivan relates how the angels:
  • Prevent accidents
  • Comfort us
  • Help us
  • Protect us from the devils

All about the Angels contains beautiful stories about the great archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, along with stories from the lives of St. Gemma Galgani, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. John Bosco, and many others! Let Fr. O'Sullivan's words inspire in you a desire for greater communion with the angels, who reflect the glory of God most perfectly.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 148 pages
$26.00  Inc Tax
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