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Catholic Morality
Sin, Virtue, Conscience, Duties to God, Neighbor, Etc
A Course in Religion III
by Fr John Laux, M.A.
Fr. John Laux's timeless text thoroughly explains the philosophical and theological foundations of Catholic doctrine regarding human action, free will, the Natural Law, sin, virtue, conscience, and duties to God and neighbor.
Catholic Morality provides high schoolers with a firm understanding of the principles of Catholic morality, covering a wide range of topics ranging from doubts against the Faith to the evangelical counsels. Students will grasp that the basis of all divine law is the reality that God is the True, the Good, and the Beautiful.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 184 pages
Sin, Virtue, Conscience, Duties to God, Neighbor, Etc
A Course in Religion III
by Fr John Laux, M.A.
Fr. John Laux's timeless text thoroughly explains the philosophical and theological foundations of Catholic doctrine regarding human action, free will, the Natural Law, sin, virtue, conscience, and duties to God and neighbor.
Catholic Morality provides high schoolers with a firm understanding of the principles of Catholic morality, covering a wide range of topics ranging from doubts against the Faith to the evangelical counsels. Students will grasp that the basis of all divine law is the reality that God is the True, the Good, and the Beautiful.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 184 pages
- Availability: 1 In Stock