Faber, Fr Frederick W.
by Fr. Frederick Faber
Sharp penance for remembered sins helps stouthearted Christians seize heaven, but gentler souls like Our Blessed Lady and scores of her saints have trod a different path. Their souls are possessed by gratitude, inspired by the remembrance of past benefits, and filled with wonder at the abundant loving-kindness of God.
As Father Faber shows, gratitude is the fertile soil from which springs an ardent, exuberant love of Christ – a love that can be yours as well. These wise pages reveal the critical role that gratitude plays in your sanctification, and they'll remind you of the many things the Lord has given you for which you should be grateful each moment of every day. Here you'll also learn:
- That thanksgiving is the very essence of Christian worship
- Why gratitude is easiest way to heaven and the surest path to joy
- How gratitude dissolves pride even faster than penance
- How gratitude can make you like the Angels themselves
- That ingratitude is the hidden sin of too many good people (What about you?)
- Why you should even be grateful — yes — for blessings received by your enemies
- How gratitude often wins souls more quickly than preaching
- Why it's scandalous that we neglect gratitude more than prayer
- Why you should even be grateful for your troubles
- That gratitude brings far more blessings than most of us ever suspect
Hear in this small book the voices of so many saints who knew that gratitude is the very key to holiness: St. Alphonsus de Liguori, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, St. Bonaventure, St. Bridget of Sweden, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Francis de Sales, St. Francis Xavier, St. Gertrude, St. Gregory of Nyssa, St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Jane Frances de Chantal, St. Jerome, St. John Chrysostom, St. John of Avila, St. John of God, St. Lawrence Justinian, St. Louis of France, St. Peter Faber, St. Philip Neri, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Thomas Aquinas, and many others
Paperback, size 7" x 5", 128 pages
The Progress of the Spiritual Life
by Fr Frederick W. Faber
Perhaps one of his best books, Growth in Holiness presents Fr. Faber's thoughts on the spiritual journey of the Christian soul as she yearns for God. No slouch in the spiritual life, Fr. Faber experienced intense suffering both physical and emotional as he struggled to be Catholic in anti-Catholic England; his keenest insights are gathered here, including such topics as:
- Ruling Passion,
- Human Respect,
- Right View of Faults,
- Abiding Sorrow for Sin,
- Scruples,
- Spiritual Idleness, and
- True Signs of Progress in the Spiritual Life.
Let Fr. Faber's deep wisdom guide you through growth in holiness—the true goal of each of our lives, far more than our natural welfare!
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 380 pages
The Sacred Infancy of Our Most Dear and Blessed Redeemer
by Fr. Frederick W. Faber
In Bethlehem, Fr. Faber explores the hidden meanings of Our Lord's Incarnation, birth, infancy, and early life, based on the Four Gospels' accounts. Throughout this characteristically perspicuous and sagacious treatise, he also expands his theme to a wide-ranging discourse on the entire Catholic Faith from the point of view of the Sacred Infancy. Everything in Our Lord's life is relevant to our salvation, and every particularity takes on a greater significance and sanctifying value in relation to the whole.
Whatever Jesus did or allowed Himself to undergo is utterly perfect, because every action He, God, takes is perfect. Fr. Faber explores the hidden meanings of Our Lord's earthly life, exposing with profundity and clarity hardly seen in a man of these later times the mysteries of Christ's life. Let Fr. Faber take you on a journey through the early life of Our Lord, and meditate on His Divine Providence's unspeakable wisdom.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 438 pages
The Works and Ways of God
by Fr. Frederick William Faber
Fr. Faber's brilliant work on the Eucharist, The Blessed Sacrament: The Works and Ways of God considers the magnificent gift Our Lord has given us in this holiest of mysteries: the Mystery of His very Body and Blood. His aim is to inspire a reverential awe and love for God's greatest work, the compendium of all miracles, and Summit of the Sacraments. Included are Fr. Faber's insights into the theology of transubstantiation (rendered all the more useful by Fr. Faber's upbringing in and countering of Protestant denials of this truth), as well as descriptions of Our Lord's five Eucharistic sufferings. Fr. Faber urges reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
As usual, Fr. Faber ranges over the entire Catholic Faith in this work, not limiting his wisdom's scope, and enlightening our minds and inflaming our souls with a more deeply Catholic outlook on life.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 464 pages
The Price of Our Salvation
by Fr Fredrick William Faber
Fr. Faber calls it the price of our salvation, for Our Lord died from loss of blood. Says, it is out of the Precious Blood that men draw martyrdoms, vocations, celibacies, austerities, heroic charities and all the magnificent graces of high sanctity.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 278 pages
The Two Catholic Views Of Purgatory Based On Catholic Teaching And Revelations Of Saintly Souls
by Fr. Frederick William Faber
In Purgatory: The Two Catholic Views of Purgatory Based on Catholic Teaching and Revelations of Saintly Souls, Fr. Faber is at it again explaining Catholic doctrine in a clear and engaging manner rare in modern times. Considering the different views Catholics have had about Purgatory over the ages, Fr. Faber asks: What is Purgatory like? Is it almost like Hell? Or is it a place of relative peace and even joy? Emphasizing that Catholicism has no definitive answer for such mysteries, Fr. Faber explores the traditions about this place of God's Mercy that nevertheless involves pain. He bases his discussion on teachings and revelations from saintly souls, including St. Catherine of Genoa's well-known Treatise on Purgatory (available in The Spiritual Doctrine of St. Catherine of Genoa).
As always, Fr. Faber's prowess as a writer and teacher of the Catholic Faith shines admirably. His work is thorough, concise, and, as ever, deeply moving on account of the holiness of his own soul and the beauty of the words that spring from it.
Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 96 pages
All for Jesus
The Easy Ways of Divine Love
by Fr. Frederick William Faber
In All for Jesus, Fr. Faber provides one of his most tender and encouraging spiritual treatises, because the subject of his discourse is Divine Love. He urges us to save our souls by "serving Jesus out of love," for "everything comes easy to love." In addition to powerful motives for the love of God (something we have been preached since youth and can take for granted without stopping to contemplate), Fr. Faber shows how Christian perfection is not nearly so difficult as it seems, because true love will transform all of our actions. For the yoke of the Lord is easy, and His burden is light.
In short, Fr. Faber shows that, if we love God, it will be with us as it was with Jacob working to earn the hand of Rachel: "Years would seem but days; for the greatness of our love." This is Fr. Faber at his finest. Let his rare wisdom, characteristic of a more ancient Christian sage, guide you through the "easy ways of Divine Love."
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 328 pages
The Devilish Perils and Divine Possibilities of Self-Knowledge
by Fr. Frederick William Faber
One of the greatest contradictions in the Spiritual Life is that it is very important you should know a great deal about yourself, and at the same time, that you should think very little about yourself.
In A Right View of Yourself, the esteemed Rev. Fr. Frederick Faber will lead you through a journey of self-knowledge. With gentleness, candor and wisdom, he digs deeply into the normal state of a soul, the effects of fatigue, the necessity for spiritual rest, struggles with temptation and scruples and how to view rightly our faults. He provides instruction on how to avoid devilish perils that you may encounter along the way: heightened sensitivity, emotionalism, and worst of all sentimentality.
Throughout his work, he remains consistently optimistic about the divine possibilities self-knowledge can reveal. He prepares you to begin this journey governed by faith, humility and confidence in God’s mercy and love.
No knowledge in the world can be more interesting than to know how you stand with God and A Right View of Yourself will help you see yourself as He does.
Hardcover, size 7" x 5", 120 pages
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