St Francis of Assisi
by Helen Walker Homan
A story about St. Francis and St. Clare, captures all the excitement and beauty of the lives of these saints from their childhood growing up together in Assisi to their profound conversion and lifelong influence on the whole world.
Paperback, size 8" x 5.25", 190 pages, Illus.
by Anne Catherine Emmerich
In the first part the visionary provides details of the lives of 59 saints, among them Agatha, Anthony of Padua, Thomas Aquinas, Augustine, Benedict and Scholastica, Catherine, Dionysius the Areopagite, Francis and Clare of Assisi, Ignatius of Loyola (and Aloysius), Justina and Cyprian, Nicholas of Fluë, Perpetua and Felicity, and Paul and Thekla. Part two gives examples of Anne Catherine’s gift of recognizing relics and other blessed objects, leading into deep insights regarding those to whom they relate. Part three presents the fascinating story of two individuals unknown to history: Datula (along with her princely husband Pontianus) and the mysterious Judith of Africa, a Jewess living in a region called the Mountains of the Moon. The closing reflection is on Mary of Agreda.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 248 pages
Also available in hardcover on request (additional cost)
by Various
Men need the elevating example of Catholic heroes. Learning from the saints what it is to live and die for the faith is an essential element of a boy's Catholic character development. Start by giving them this easy-to-read compilation of short stories and inspire the boys of today to be the saints that inspire others tomorrow.
Lives of Saints include:
St Andrew, the Apostle | St Charles Borromeo | St Edward, King of England | St Francis of Assisi |
St George, Martyr | St Henry II, Emperor | St James, the Apostle | St Joseph |
St Louis, King of France | St Maurice and his companions | St Patrick | St Stephen, King of Hungary |
St Thomas Aquinas | St William, Abp, Confessor |
Paperback, size 6" x 4", 248 pages
by Rev P. Henry Matimore
The purpose of this beautiful book is to acquaint our children with biographies that will have some particular influence on the development of their characters. Each story has been planned as a real character training project, not merely as a reading lesson, to inspire admiration for faith and religious heroism.
"To accomplish this purpose, we have endeavored to stimulate interest in each saint by presenting him or her as a real human being who lived in a real world among real people and not as a super-being surrounded by miraculous wonders. We have tried to make the saints human, admirable, and lovable, and therefore imitate-able." (from the Foreword). Questions and Things to Do are found at the end of each story.
St Cecilia | St Sebastian of Rome | St Agnes of Rome | St Monica | St Patrick |
St Columba | St Boniface | St Thomas of Canterbury | St Francis of Assisi | St Hedwig |
St Hyacinth | St Louis IX | St Gertrude | St John Nepomucene | St Joan of Arc |
St Thomas More | St Franis Xavier | St Aloysius | St Vincent de Paul | St Issac Jogues |
St Gerard Majella | The Cure of Ars | St Theophane Venard | St Damien of Molokai | St Therese of Lisieux |
Ages: 9 - 12
Paperback, size 8.2" x 5.8", 302 pages
by Pierre and Germaine Noury
Last but not least in this trilogy of illustrated books about the saints, this wonderful retelling of the life of St. Francis has surprising depth for a children’s book. The story of St. Francis is full of inspiration for both young and old, for in his life, we see the triumph that the Holy Spirit can achieve through us when we say yes despite the weakness of our human nature.
When Francis was born, a mysterious visitor predicted that he would become one of the greatest men in the world. His father expected that this would be a worldly greatness, but God had a different plan. If Francis Bernardone had been merely a great merchant, we would likely have never heard of him. Instead, today he is among the most beloved of saints…all because he first said yes to God in little things, and this led to ever greater things.
Other titles in this series include: The Blessed Virgin: Mary our Mother and Saint Nicholas Patron Saint of Children.
Hardcover, size 11" x 8.5", 36 pages
by Fr. Charles Mortimer Carty
Fascinating accounts of a much misunderstood reality, describing well-known and well documented cases: St. Francis of Assisi, Padre Pio, Therese Neumann, etc. A scientific and theological examination. Sparks the interest of all.
Booklet, size 6" x 3.75", 32 pages
A Biography of St Francis of Assisi and Stories of His Followers
by St Bonaventure
"Francis, go and build up My house, which as thou seest, is falling into ruin." To fulfill this command of Our Lord, St. Francis of Assisi (c. 1181-1226) began by restoring physical churches and continued by building up the spiritual Church. Francis humility, purity, and true joy inspired many to conversion and a deeper faith.
Never ordained a priest, St. Francis nonetheless was a preacher and a miracle-worker of the first ordercuring, prophesying, casting out devils, turning water into wine, and raising people from the dead.
The Life of St. Francis of Assisi by St. Bonaventure conveys a picture of the Saint that renders an indelible impression of a man totally transformed in God and by God.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 184 pages
by Amy Steedman
Engaging stories for children of:
Ages: 9+
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 162 pages, attractively illustrated
by Fr Lawrence G. Lovasik
St. Joseph Picture Book Series, Part 6 of 12 books on the "Super-Heroes of God"--commonly known as Saints--by beloved author Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D. introduces Catholic children to 15 of the most well-known Saints. Among the features of this book are:
- a full-color illustration of each Saint
- short, easy-to-understand lives of the Saints that offer a window on what made them so special in the eyes of God
- the feast day for each Saint in accordance with the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church
- a concluding prayer
Saints included in this edition are:
St. Edward the Confessor | St. John Neumann | St. Benedict Labre | St. Catherine of Siena |
St. Barnabas | St. Bonaventure | St. Maximilian Kolbe | St. Gabriel the Archangel |
St. Jerome | St. Francis of Assisi | St. Ignatius of Antioch | St. Anthony Mary Claret |
St. Pius V | St. Martin of Tours | St. Ambrose of Milan |
Paperback, size 7" x 5", 32 pages
by Edward M. Long
This illustrated work for children narrates one of the most extraordinary incidents in the life of Saint Francis of Assisi, his heroic act to save the village of Gubbio from a ravenous wolf. Since Saint Francis loved God and lived a virtuous life, God used him as an instrument to tame the wolf and save the village.
Age range: 9-12 years
Booklet, size 11" x 8.5", 22 pages
Rev. Clementine Deymann, O.F.M.
From the Preface: For twenty years St. Francis’ Manual for the Third Order Secular, compiled by the late Father Clementine Deymann, O.F.M., was regarded with favour, and extensively used by the Religious Directors and members of Tertiary Fraternities. Yet, there were some objections to the size and arrangement of the book. In this edition the publishers have aimed to reduce the size, without omitting anything essential, and to make the arrangement more convenient for use. The First Part treats exclusively of the Third Order and matters of spiritual progress. The Second Part is intended to serve as a Prayer-book, not only for Tertiaries, but for Catholics generally. We join in the Compiler’s devout wish: “May this Manual add its mite to propagate the Third Order. In this desire it is laid as a filial gift, at the feet of the great Patriarch St. Francis of Assisi.”
Paperback, 583 pages. Impr 1896.
by Jason Millet
The Saints Chronicles bring vividly to life the stories of courageous Christians from the earliest days of Christianity to modern times. All five volumes of this Graphic Novel Series are packed with engaging texts and dramatic images that captivate and inspire readers of all ages.
In this second volume, you'll dive into the life of Christianity's boldest heroes of the Faith, including:
- St. Nicholas, the orphaned boy who generously ministered to the sick and the poor, and eventually became the wise and just bishop of Myra.
- St. Francis of Assisi, the rough soldier who put down his weapons, renounced his possessions, and went on to establish two great religious orders.
- St. Brigid of Ireland, the young girl who fled from an impending, arranged marriage to become a nun, and devote her life completely to the Lord.
- St. Pachomius, the Roman soldier who became a Christian and ventured into the Egyptian desert to pray, establishing there numerous monasteries.
- St. Anne Line, the gentle Catholic convert in the Protestant England who was arrested and cruelly executed for hiding fellow Catholics from murderous anti-Catholic government agents.
The stirring adventures of these brave Christian souls remind us that God has in mind for each of us a unique mission, worthy of all our imagination and all our daring.
Appealing to readers of all ages, these five Graphic Novels will enhance literacy and promote content retention while introducing Catholic saints in a form that can be enjoyed again and again.
Paperback, size 10.25" x 6.5", 120 pages
by Raphael Brown
"How lovely is Thy Dwelling-Place, O Lord God of Hosts!" —Psalm 83 (84)
To gaze upon and speak with Our Lady is one of the tenderest longings of the pious Christian soul. Our Lord could not have conceived of a greater human creature than His own Mother, and so it is one of the most sublime graces to be granted a vision of that Heavenly Garden, the True Eden and New Eve. It is no wonder, then, that those most blessed souls who have loved Christ most have merited to see her, who only leads us deeper into His love.
Saints Who Saw Mary recounts the stories of 17 canonized saints who kept company with the Ark of the New Covenant, the Mother of God. Their stories are profound, enlightening, inspiring, and tantalizing. Learn of Our Lady's dealings with such luminaries of the sanctoral patrimony as:
- Gertrude the Great
- Francis of Assisi
- Bridget of Sweden
- Catherine of Siena
- Teresa of Avila
- John of the Cross
It is no coincidence that Our Lady appeared to these who are among the greatest saints in the history of the Church. For anyone who does not love His Mother, who bore God, can merit to bear Christ and His glorious resurrection. Let these accounts move you not only to longing for the sight of the Mother of God and her Son, but, what is far more important, to a deeper love and longing to be united to Him through her who is most blessed.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 160 pages
by Frank M. Rega
A book greatly needed in our era of false ecumenism! Tells the authentic story of St. Francis' trip to the Sultan in Egypt and efforts to convert him to the One True Faith. Also includes a brief biography of St. Francis; including his stigmata; the Franciscans; St. Clare; and St. Francis' opinion on the Crusades.
Paperback, 176 pages
by Dona Emilia Pardo Bazan
Much more than simply another life of Saint Francis, this book will dazzle and enthrall, and educate all readers, from the most erudite to those who have only rudimentary knowledge of (or interest in) the life of one of the greatest and most exceptional saints. Aptly titled, this author provides the reader with a deeply spiritual and radically historical framework in which she illumines the uniqueness of this soul and the depths of the effects upon the world produced by the sanctity of this one human being who cooperated so magnanimously with the ever present grace of God.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 434 pages
by Fr. Gales
10 short, captivating stories about well-known saints:
St. Gabriel the Archangel, St. Joseph, St. Agnes of Rome, St. Patrick, St. Benedict, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Dominic, St. Margaret Mary, St. Therese, and St. Michael the Archangel.
A great introduction for little children! Beautiful illustrations on every page!
Ages: 2-10
Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 32 pages
by G.K. Chesterton
Here, together in a single volume, are the two biographies that many critics consider both Chesterton's best, and the best short portraits ever written of these two great saints. St. Francis of Assisi is a profoundly Catholic work, explaining and illuminating the life of St. Francis in a way no other biography has. The spiritual kinship the author felt with his subject enables the reader to delve into insights on the character of Francis that have eluded many.
St. Thomas Aquinas is enriched by the author's unique ability to see the world through the saint's eyes, a fresh and animated view that shows us Aquinas as no other biography has. Acclaimed as the best book ever written on Aquinas by such outstanding Thomists as Jacques Maritain, Etienne Gilson, and Anton Pegis, this brilliant biography will completely capture the reader and leave him desirous of reading Aquinas' own monumental work.
"No two lives are more interesting or diverse than St. Francis of Assisi and St. Thomas Aquinas. The St. Francis book is today especially significant because it addresses itself on how to reform a corrupt culture, while the St. Thomas book is important because it addresses the problem of disordered minds. Chesterton makes philosophy intelligible and poverty rich. No two books get at the heart of things better or in a more delightful manner."
Paperback, 320 pages
Sitxty-three Saints of the Western Church from the First to the Twentieth Century
by Hugh Ross Williamson
Sixty-three Saints of the Western Church from the 1st to the 20th Century Saints are the men and women who best love Christ and His Church.
They may be kings or queens, statesmen or soldiers, scholars, visionaries, workmen or beggars. They teach us the real meaning of human history, and they show us how to live in any walk of life or set of circumstances.
Many of these saints were martyrs, killed in periods of persecution. Others died trying to bring the knowledge of Christ to pagan tribes. Yet others built up the Church through their example and their teaching, but were never called upon to shed their blood.
St James the Greater | St Denis | St Helen | St Ambrose of Milan | St Germain |
St Patrick | St Genevieve | St Brigid of Ireland | St Benedict | St Gregory the Great |
St Columba of Iona | St Hermengild | St Isidore of Seville | St Aiden | St Audry (Etheldreda) |
St Cuthbert of Lindisfarne | St Giles | St Boniface | St Eulogius of Cordova | St Swithun |
St Wenceslaus | St Wolfgang | Sts Henry & Cunegund | St Edward the Confessor | St Benno of Meissen |
St Gregory VII | St Norbert | St Bernard of Clairvaux | St Thomas of Canterbury | St Hildegard |
St Hugh of Lincoln | St Francis of Assisi | St Dominic | St Anthony of Padua | St Elizabeth of Hungary |
St Willebold | St Louis IX | St Albert the Great | St Thomas Aquinas | Bl Ramon Lull |
St Elizabeth the Peacemaker | St Catherine of Siena | St John Nepomucene | St Bernadine of Siena | St Joan of Arc |
St Jerome Emiliani | St Thomas More | St Ignatius Loyola | St John of God | St Francis Xavier |
St Teresa of Avila | St Peter Canisius | Bl Edmund Campion | St Camillus de Lellis | St Vincent de Paul |
St Alphonsus Liguori | St Benedict Joseph Labre | The Cure d'Ars | St Bernadette | St John Bosco |
St Therese of Lisieux | St Pius X | St Frances Xavier Cabrini |
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 239 pages
by Joseph's Studio
St Francis Water font from Joseph's Studio is crafted by master artisans with incredibly attention to detail. This font makes an incredible gift all year long.
- Distressed cement look & feel!
- 9.75"H
- Includes keyhole on back for hanging
- Resin/Stone Mix
Joseph's Studio collection offers the highest quality and most intricately designed religious figurines, statues, busts and more. They are each hand-painted and made of the best materials.
by Joseph's Studio
- Material: Resin/Stone Mix
- Dimensions: 9.75"H x 4.5"W x 3.75"D
- Gift box
by Joseph's Studio
- Material: Resin/Stone Mix
- Dimensions: 8.5"H x 4.5"W x 3.75"D
- Gift box
By Candide Chalippe, OFM
The Life of St. Francis, by the French Franciscan Candide Chalippe (circa 1727) is now back in print, unabridged, with footnotes and pictures!
This is one of the best books we have read in English, not just with respect to St. Francis, but spiritually, theologically and historically it is an awesome work. In spite of all the miracles it relates, it also humanizes St. Francis in many ways, by depicting the outstanding virtues he practiced, humility, sacrifice, mortification and charity. There is a reason why St. Francis is one of the greatest Saints in the history of the Church. You won’t regret this!
St. Francis de Sales said, that while many saints should be imitated, some of the saints are to be admired more than imitated. The life of St. Francis gives us some of both. On the one hand, his extraordinary love of God, his humility, his penance, his charity, his prudence and his detachment from and loathing for the world, are all virtues that every Christian should seek to emulate throughout his life. On the other hand, his discernment of spirits, his miracles, his extraordinary fasting and mortification of his body, his ecstasies and the stigmata are all things God performed in St. Francis for our wonderment, to give glory to Him for what He brought about in his servant. We have provided a spiritual classic, Fr. Candide Challipe’s Life of St. Francis, translated by the Oratorians of London into English. The value of Challipe’s narrative, having compiled all of the sources available at the time of his writing (1700’s) is that he balances the narrative between the two different elements which made Francis one of the greatest saints in the history of the Church.
Challipe’s work is not only a spiritual tour de force, but is also a great work of theology, as he unfolds the life of St. Francis with respect to the subsequent theology of the Church through St. Bonaventure, St. Thomas, The Council of Trent and St. Robert Bellarmine. He quotes frequently not only from the Franciscan sources, but also from the Holy Scripture, the Fathers, and the great Theologians of the Middle Ages and the early modern period.
Also available in hardcover on request (additional cost)
by Brother Ernest, C.S.C.
As a child, the mother of Francis told him stories about the Infant Jesus and His Mother. He learned to love the poverty of Jesus and wanted to be poor like Jesus. As he grew older he made a promise to never refuse to help the poor. He gave a beggar his fine clothes and wore those of the beggar. He returned to his father all that belonged to him, including the rich clothes he wore. He lived a life of poverty and penance, owning nothing and serving God in holy joy.
Level 1
Paperback, size 8" x 6", 30 pages
The Seraphic Order
A Traditional Franciscan Book of Saints
by Fr Marion A. Habig, OFM and Sr Aquinas Barth
Among the followers of St. Francis there were saints and teachers who were endowed by God with a natural and supernatural kinship with their holy founder. They developed the Franciscan spirituality which had its origin in the simple practical life and the rules of St. Francis; and they gave further, clearer expression to it both by their lives and their writings. Thus they pointed out the characteristic traits of Franciscan spirituality, both in a practical and a theoretical way.
Concerning the distinctive features of Franciscan spirituality, as contained in the Franciscan tradition, suffice it to say that its essence is doctrinal Christocentrism and practical imitation of Christ, conformity with Christ, prompted by love. Distinctive aspects of Franciscan piety are childlike love of God, our Father, devotion to the Humanity of Christ, His Sacred Heart, the Holy Eucharist, the mysteries of the Nativity and the Passion, His Virgin Mother Mary, and reverence for the Catholic priesthood. Franciscan love of God finds expression also in charity to our fellowmen, understanding them as our brothers, especially in aid to the poor and sick and in apostolic zeal for souls, Christian and pagan. Total poverty detaches the Franciscan soul from creatures, but at the same time it recognizes God in created things and uses the latter to mount to God. Emphasis is placed on the will, and hence on love and action above speculation. The atmosphere in which the Franciscan spirit develops is one of individual freedom of the spirit, absence of coercive and confining methods, love of enterprise, and a sense of realism. On the path of this traditional Franciscan way of life many have attained sainthood.
Thus, The Seraphic Order, which recounts their lives and virtues, can well serve as a practical textbook of Franciscan spirituality.
Paperback, 1026 pages
Also available in Hardcover upon request (additional cost)
by Joseph's Studio
- Material: Resin
- Dimensions: 4"H x 2"W
- Gift box with Holy Card
In the ages of knight and kings, Francis' wish was to become a mighty warrior and conquer a mighty castle! One day he gave up everything to follow the Gospel. This deep faith and humility brought about a change in himself, his friends, his town and the Church.
Running time 30 mins, animated, DVD Region 1 (USA)
by Fr Lawrence G. Lovasik
Relates the life and influence of this beloved Saint.
Paperback, 32 pages, full colour illustrations
- 1