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St Thomas Aquinas and St Francis of Assisi
by G.K. Chesterton
Here, together in a single volume, are the two biographies that many critics consider both Chesterton's best, and the best short portraits ever written of these two great saints. St. Francis of Assisi is a profoundly Catholic work, explaining and illuminating the life of St. Francis in a way no other biography has. The spiritual kinship the author felt with his subject enables the reader to delve into insights on the character of Francis that have eluded many.
St. Thomas Aquinas is enriched by the author's unique ability to see the world through the saint's eyes, a fresh and animated view that shows us Aquinas as no other biography has. Acclaimed as the best book ever written on Aquinas by such outstanding Thomists as Jacques Maritain, Etienne Gilson, and Anton Pegis, this brilliant biography will completely capture the reader and leave him desirous of reading Aquinas' own monumental work.
"No two lives are more interesting or diverse than St. Francis of Assisi and St. Thomas Aquinas. The St. Francis book is today especially significant because it addresses itself on how to reform a corrupt culture, while the St. Thomas book is important because it addresses the problem of disordered minds. Chesterton makes philosophy intelligible and poverty rich. No two books get at the heart of things better or in a more delightful manner."
Paperback, 320 pages
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