Saints' Lives - Collections

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The Roman Martyrology
$60.00  Inc Tax
Out of Stock
$25.00  Inc Tax
Out of Stock
$23.00  Inc Tax
Their Lives and Faces
Their Lives and Faces
$47.00  Inc Tax
$12.00  Inc Tax
Great Penitents
$33.00  Inc Tax
Nine Desolate Souls Made Strong by God
$31.00  Inc Tax
Short Biogaphies of Joyful Saints
Out of Stock
Great Wives and Mothers
Out of Stock
$43.00  Inc Tax
The Sinner's Guide to a Righteous Feast
Saint Claude de la Columbiere, Saint Margaret Mary Aloocoque, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus
$32.00  Inc Tax
$27.00  Inc Tax
The Brave Lives and Holy Deaths of the Eight North American Martyrs
$30.00  Inc Tax
$25.00  Inc Tax
$28.00  Inc Tax
Sitxty-three Saints of the Western Church from the First to the Twentieth Century
$32.00  Inc Tax
Revelations of Our Lord to Saints: Teresa of Avila, Catherine of Genoa, Gertrude the Great and Margaret Mary Alacoque
Christmas Cocktails for Sinners and Saints
$38.00  Inc Tax
Saints and Martyrs of the Christian Faith
$30.00  Inc Tax
The Golden Legend
Readings on the Saints
$63.00  Inc Tax
$40.00  Inc Tax
Saints Who Raised the Dead
True Stories of 400 Resurrection Miracles
$50.00  Inc Tax
$22.00  Inc Tax
A Traditional Franciscan Book of Saints
$58.00  Inc Tax
They Lived the Faith: Great Lay Leaders of Modern Times (paperback)
They Lived the Faith: Great Lay Leaders of Modern Times
by Thomas P. Neill

They Lived the Faith is a truly uniqe work, combining the biographies of numerous Catholic lay leaders in the 19th and 20th century to illustrate the singular theme of Catholic Action in both social and political life.

While many books focus on clerical leaders, They Lived the Faith looks at laity, who worked in politics, literature, and social life to bring the light of the Gospel to ameliorate society’s evils. Featuring biographies of Daniel O’Connel, Count Montalembert, Ludwig Windhorst, Gabriel Garcia Moreno, Bl. Pauline Jaricot, Bl. Frédéric Ozanam, Albert de Mun, Joseph de Maistre, Joseph Görres, Donoso Cortés, Orestes Brownson, Luis Veuillot, and Wilfrid Ward.

In this work, you will learn how these thirteen Catholic lay leaders confronted the aftermath of the French Revolution; attempted to address Church and State relations; fought the onslaught of Liberalism, Socialism, and Communism; and so much more.

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 444 pages

Also available in Hardback (with dust jacket) on request (additional cost)

The Roman Martyrology
The Roman Martyrology
The Roman Martyrology

As an official book of the Roman liturgy, the Martyrology is read during the canonical office of Prime or at the evening meal in the refectories of most monasteries and convents.

Hardcover, size 8.5" x 5.5", 384 pages
$60.00  Inc Tax
Illustrated Lives of Patron Saints for Girls
Illustrated Lives of Patron Saints for Girls
by Mary E Mannix

Learn about the interesting lives of some of your favorite female saints, some of the great things they accomplished, and how they became saints!

Includes in lives of:
St AnneSt AgnesSt Teresa of AvilaSt Rose of LimaSt Cecilia
St HelenaSt Bridget of IrelandSt Catherine of SienaSt Elizabeth of HungarySt Margaret of Scotland

10 different saints and a short story averaging 24 pages per saint.

Paperback, size 5.8" x 4.15", 240 pages
Out of Stock
$25.00  Inc Tax
Patron Saints for Catholic Youth
Patron Saints for Catholic Youth
by Mary E. Mannix

This book is written in language that a child can understand and yet will be appreciated by adults as well. Includes the stories of St. Bernard, St. Martin of Tours, St. Blaise, St. Michael, St. Cecilia, St. Helena, St. Monica and St. Bridget, told with suspense and excitement.

Also includes a black and white colour picture for each saint. 

Paperback, size 5.7" x 4", 198 pages
Out of Stock
$23.00  Inc Tax
Modern Saints I
Modern Saints I
Their Lives and Faces
by Ann Ball

Saints are not phenomena of the past; they are with us in all eras of the Church's life, for God does not leave His Church bereft of holy witnesses. In this first volume of Modern Saints: Their Lives and Faces, Ann Ball provides brief but substantive biographies on 45 saints, blesseds, and other holy men and women from the past two centuries. Included for each is a portrait, typically an actual photograph—a true blessing for Catholics of our time. This volume contains the lives and faces of saints including:

St Julie BilliartBl Philippine DuchesneSt Joaquina de Vedruna de MasSt Dominic SavioSt John Neumann
St Gabriel of the Sorrowful MotherSt BenildusHenrette DelilleFrancis C. SeelosSt Peter Julian Eymard
St Anthony Mary ClaretSt Bernadette SoubirousSt Mary Domenica MazzarelloSt Charcles Lwanga & CompanionsSt Maria Soledad Torres Acosta
St John BoscoVen Damien de VeusterVen Augustus CzartoryskiBl Agostina PietrantoniVen Andrew Beltrami
St Charbel MakhloufBl Maria Droste zu VischeringMother Angela TruszkowskaBl Gregory & CompanionSt Maria Goretti
St Gemma GalganiLaura VicunaVen Zepherin NamuncuraVen Mother Mary Magdalen BentivoglioSr Teresa Valse Pantellini
Bl Br MiguelBl Michael RuaBl Louis GuanellaBr Isidore of St JosephVen Charles de Foucauld
St Frances Xavier CabriniBl Mary Fortunata VitiMother Mary WalshSt Raphaela Mary de PorrasRose Hawthorne Lathrop
Sr Miriam Teresa DemjanovichFr Miguel ProFr Lukas EtlinBishop Luigi Versiglia and Fr Callisto CaravarioSr Carmen Moreno and Sr Amparo Carbonell
Bl Br AndreBl Louis OrioneSt Maximilian M. KolbeTitus BrandsmaEdith Stein
Sr AlphonsaVen Maria Teresa QuevedoMary Ann LongPadre PioBr Elias

Let these holy men and women, so close to us in time, bring guidance and encouragement on your earthly sojourn, as we wait to join them in Heaven with God and all of his elect from throughout the ages. Impr.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 536 pages
Their Lives and Faces
Modern Saints II

Modern Saints II
Their Lives and Faces
by Ann Ball

Saints are not phenomena of the past; they are with us in all eras of the Church's life, for God does not leave His Church bereft of holy witnesses. In this second volume of Modern Saints: Their Lives and Faces, Ann Ball provides brief but substantive biographies on 45 saints, blesseds, and other holy men and women from the past two centuries. Included for each is a portrait, typically an actual photograph—a true blessing for Catholics of our time. This volume contains the lives and faces of saints including:

St Elizabeth SetonSt Joan Antida ThouretBl Magdalen of CanossaSt Andrew Kim & CompanionsSt Vincent Mary Strambi
St Vincent PallottiMother Theodore GuerinSt John VianneyVen Pauline JaricotSt Joseph Cafasso
St Madeleine Sophie BaratSt Euphrasia PelletierFr John Joseph LatasteBl Mary of ProvidenceSt Catherine Laboure
Bl Maria of Jesus CrucifiedCornelia ConnellyBl Jeanne JuganSt Mary Joseph RosselloBl Pauline von Mallinckrodt
St Paula FrassinettiSt Therese CoudercSt Vicenta LopezSt Therese of LisieuxBl Maria Assunta
Bl Elizabeth of the TrinityPope St Pius XBl Bro Mucian of MalonneMother Marianne of MolokaiFrancisco Marto & Jacinta Marto
Bl Mary Theresa LedochowskaDom Columba MarmionSr Josefa MenendezFr Louis VariaraVen Matt Talbot
Bl Bartolo LongoEve LavalliereConcepcion Cabrera de ArmidaFr Felix RougierEdel Quinn
Ven Mother Josephine BakhitaArtemide ZattiBl Katharine DrexelFr Mateo Crawley-BoeveyTherese Neumann

Let these holy men and women, so close to us in time, bring guidance and encouragement on your earthly sojourn, as we wait to join them in Heaven with God and all of his elect from throughout the ages. Impr.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 510 pages, 177 Illus

Their Lives and Faces
$47.00  Inc Tax
Picture Book of Saints #11
Picture Book of Saints #11
by Fr Lawrence G. Lovasik

St. Joseph Picture Book Series, Part 11 of 12 books on the "Super-Heroes of God"--commonly known as Saints--by beloved author Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D. introduces Catholic children to 15 of the most well-known Saints. Among the features of this book are:

  • a full-color illustration of each Saint
  • short, easy-to-understand lives of the Saints that offer a window on what made them so special in the eyes of God
  • the feast day for each Saint in accordance with the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church
  • concluding prayer.

Saints included in this edition are:

St. AlbericSt. Mutien Marie WiauxSt. Margaret of CortonaSt. Angela Guerrero
St. Clement Mary HofbauerSt. HermenegildSt. WiboradaSt. Epiphanius of Salamis
St. Madeleine Sophie BaratSt. John of SahagunBl. Osanna of MantuaSt. Macrina the Younger
St. GrimoniaSt. Eulalia of MeridaBl. Jutta of Diessenberg

Paperback, size 7" x 5", 32 pages
$4.00  Inc Tax
Picture Book of Saints #10
Picture Book of Saints #10
by Fr Lawrence G. Lovasik

St. Joseph Picture Book Series, Part 10 of 12 books on the "Super-Heroes of God"--commonly known as Saints--by beloved author Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D. introduces Catholic children to 15 of the most well-known Saints. Among the features of this book are:

  • a full-color illustration of each Saint
  • short, easy-to-understand lives of the Saints that offer a window on what made them so special in the eyes of God
  • the feast day for each Saint in accordance with the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church
  • concluding prayer.

Saints included in this edition are:

St. ErmengildSt. John OgilvieSt. ZozimusSt. George the Youger
St. Fructuosus of BragaBl. Helen of UdineSt. Eugene de MazenodSt. Monegundis
St. MildredSt. Justin de JacobisSt. Moses the BlackSt. Beatrice da Silva
St. Catherine of GenoaSt. Gerard SagredoSt. Mary Soledad

Paperback, size 7" x 5", 32 pages
$4.00  Inc Tax
Praying with the Saints - Autumn
Praying with the Saints - Autumn
(Sept. 22 - Dec. 21)
by Fr. Patrick Troadec

“The best way to celebrate the saints is to imitate them. Why not try to live as they did if only for one day, their day, the day consecrated and blessed by the Church, when they are ‘on duty’ to help us?” – Monsignor Ghika

This book of daily meditations is the first on a four-volume series entitled Praying with the Saints by Season: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn. These books serve as a brief daily guide to following in the footsteps of the saints through the liturgical year as well as on our life-long journey to eternity. The example of a new saint everyday will surely direct and motivate souls to a deeper union with God and a habitual higher level of sanctity.

Begin your day with the following inspiration:
Life of the Saint ٠ Brief Meditation ٠ Prayers ٠ Thoughts ٠ Invocations ٠ and Three Resolutions to aid in concrete, daily, spiritual growth.

If you are looking for a way to integrate prayer or spiritual reading into your daily life or want a daily reminder that sanctity is not only achievable but in fact our sole purpose here on earth, then this is the series for you. Short, profound, daily meditations on the saints and the liturgical year.

Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 250 pages
The Saints Who Pray with Us In The Mass
The Saints Who Pray with Us In The Mass
by Archbishop Amleto Cicognani

The eminent author of the book, Archbishop Cicognani, answers this question in his chapter, "Heavenly Assistance" which explains the value of invoking the intercession of the Saints:

The Saints unite themselves with us in the Mass, while we pray and implore. How could the Church Militant pray if alone it approached God? Those of the Church Triumphant always see the Lord in eternal glory, and the priest invokes their intercession.

Other Saints accompany us every day, so to speak, in the celebration of the Mass and are recalled in the Canon. Names from many centuries are found there. Chosen and assigned to assist the celebrating priest, they implore together with us that we too may be able to attain through their merits the ends of the Mass those which our Lord had in instituting it, and also those which they have who celebrate it.

In addition to a brief sketch of each Saint who join us daily at our Masses, there are short chapters on The Sacrifice of Praise, The Altar, The Value of the Mass, and on Jesus Christ, who as the author states is "the principal offerer or celebrant of the Holy Sacrifice" and the "first intercessor who prays with us and for us."

Originally published in 1958 as a short booklet dedicated to priests, this reprint edition has been expanded in several ways to amplify the book's contents. The additions include an:  
  • Author's biography  
  • Entries for St. Joseph (not inserted into the Roman Canon until 1962) and the Prophet Isaias (apparently overlooked in the original edition)
  • 15 pictures
  • Latin-English texts of the Roman Missal wherein the Saints are mentioned
  • Extracts from the Roman Martytrology for each Saint

This easy-to-read book is perfect for any Catholic who would like to gain a better appreciation and devotion to the Saints who pray with us during the Mass!

Booklet, size 8.5" x 5.5", 74 pages, Illustrated

The Peacemaker Who Went to War
The Peacemaker Who Went to War
By John Haffert

Saint Nuño of Portugal: The Founder of the Braganza Dynasty and Father of Modern Portugal was Beatified by Pope Benedict XV in 1918 and Canonized by Pope Benedict XVI in 2009.

Don Nuño Alvarez Perreira went to war, in defense of his country. He fought, he killed, and he received many decorations. He was wounded, but he was “lucky” enough to come home.

Five hundred years after he fought his battles, the Blessed Virgin made what was perhaps her most spectacular appearance on earth—her appearance on October 13, 1917, at Fatima, on the very ground on which Nuño fought, and holding in her hands the very symbols under which Nuño led his troops in that place, five hundred years before.

This amazing Nuño—Our Lady’s Knight—led a life bridging centuries, stranger than fiction, fraught with the mystery of war and evil, gold-touched by the sun of the promise made in 1917 by Our Lady at Fatima: “In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph and there will be peace.”

Paperback, size 8" x 5.25", 176 pages
A First Book of Saints
A First Book of Saints
by Fr. Gales

10 short, captivating stories about well-known saints:
St. Gabriel the Archangel, St. Joseph, St. Agnes of Rome, St. Patrick, St. Benedict, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Dominic, St. Margaret Mary, St. Therese, and St. Michael the Archangel.

A great introduction for little children! Beautiful illustrations on every page! 

Ages: 2-10

Paperback,  size 7" x 4.25", 32 pages
$12.00  Inc Tax
Great Penitents
Great Penitents
Great Penitents
by Fr Hugh Francis Blunt, LL.D.

In this selection of more unknown penitents, there is the design to show that every age is the age of penitence; that every day the Prodigal Son is coming back home to his father, in the twentieth century as well as in the third, joyfully testifying to the old truth that it profiteth a man nothing to gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his own soul. These men whose stories are told here are witnesses to the wisdom and the beauty of the penitential life. Their sacrifices were heroic. Yesterday their lives a scandal, today an inspiration to all.

Includes lives of:
The Fool of God - St John of GodThe Jesuates founded by Bl. John ColombiniThe Gambler - St Camillus de LellisAbbot De Rance
Silvio PellicoPaul FevalFather Hermann: Musician and MonkJ. B. Carpeaux
Francois CoppeeJ. K. HuysmansPaul VerlaineA Litany of Penitents

Paperback, size 7.5" x 5.4" 270 pages
$33.00  Inc Tax
Saints for Sinners
Saints for Sinners
Nine Desolate Souls Made Strong by God
by Archbishop Alban Goodier

God's grace can conquer every human flaw . . . Christ came not to call saints but to make them often out of weak, stupid, and sinful men. That's why the saints are not only models of holiness for us to imitate they're also reminders that God's grace can outshine every human flaw.

As Alban Goodier's classic Saints for Sinners shows us, even the greatest saints had to battle the same stubborn vices, temptations of the flesh, and bouts of spiritual dryness that afflict you and me today. In these pages, with a style that perfectly blends hagiographical detail, spiritual meditation, and a skilled storyteller's touch, Archbishop Goodier brings us the tales of:
  • The mercenary fighting man and itinerant gambler who left behind his rough soldier's habits and founded a religious order to care for the sick
  • The backward, sickly teenager, disowned by his family and dogged by the Inquisition, who became a miraculous healer and paragon of humble simplicity
  • The willful Tuscan beauty with a bad reputation who forsook vanity and lust to answer God's call to live in poverty and penitence<
  • The brilliant, brooding Spanish nobleman who gave up everything to be a missionary only to see most of his efforts fail
  • The royal chaplain and daring Counter-Reformer who escaped the gallows but had to endure a lifelong interior martyrdom of doubt and discouragement
  • The hedonistic heretic and womanizer who traded worldly pleasure for divine happiness, and became one of the Church's greatest theologians
  • And other inspiring tales of imperfect souls "made perfect in infirmity"
Read these stories and find in them delight and encouragement, as well as hope. You'll come to see that there is no one so sinful, weak, or desolate that God has not already raised another like him to the heights of glory.

St Augustine of HippoSt Margaret of CortonaSt John of GodSt Francis XavierSt John of the Cross
St Camillus de LellisSt Joseph of CupertinoSt Claude de la ColombiereSt Benedict Joseph Labre

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 178 pages
Nine Desolate Souls Made Strong by God
$31.00  Inc Tax
Saints Are Not Sad
Saints Are Not Sad
Short Biogaphies of Joyful Saints
complied by Frank J. Sheed

"The only tragedy is not to be a saint", wrote the French novelist Léon Bloy. And St. Francis de Sales said that "A sad saint would be a sorry saint." But what is a saint? One way to answer is to analyze sanctity, theologically and psychologically. Another way, which is the path Frank Sheed chose in creating this volume, is to show you a saint-or rather, since no two saints are alike-to show you a number of saints. In this book, you are shown forty saints.

The saints Sheed chose for this collection are from various time periods: six before A.D. 500, seventeen from then to the Reformation, and seventeen from the Reformation to the middle of the twentieth century. Many are well known, like St. Anthony, Francis, Augustine, Patrick and Bernadette, while others are lesser known, for example, Columcille and Malachy.

The same can be said for the various authors of these short biographies. Among them are the famous like Hilaire Belloc, Alban Goodier and G.K. Chesterton, as well as priests and laymen whose names may no longer be familiar but whose writing still brings to life men and women whose closeness to God gave them purpose, strength, and yes, joy.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", size 432 pages
Short Biogaphies of Joyful Saints
Out of Stock
Praying With The Saints - Summer
Praying With The Saints - Summer
(June 21 - Sept. 22)
by Fr. Patrick Troadec

“The best way to celebrate the saints is to imitate them. Why not try to live as they did, if only for one day, their day, the day consecrated and blessed by the Church, when they are ‘on duty’ to help us?”—Monsignor Ghika

This book of daily meditations is the second volume released in a four-volume series entitled Praying with the Saints by Season: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn. These books serve as a brief daily guide to following in the footsteps of the saints through the liturgical year as well as on our life-long journey to eternity. The example of a new saint everyday will surely direct and motivate souls to a deeper union with God and a habitual higher level of sanctity. 
Begin your day with the following inspiration:
• Life of the Saint 
• Brief Meditation 
• Prayers 
• Thoughts
• Invocations 
• and Three Resolutions to aid in concrete, daily, spiritual growth.

If you are looking for a way to integrate prayer or spiritual reading into your daily life or want a daily reminder that sanctity is not only achievable but in fact our sole purpose here on earth then this is a series for you. Short, profound, daily meditations on the saints and the liturgical year by best-selling author Fr. Patrick Troadec.

Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 240 pages

Great Wives and Mothers
Great Wives and Mothers
Great Wives and Mothers
by Rev. Hugh Francis Blunt

Inspiring biographies of Catholic wives and mothers from throughout history including queens, writers, teachers, poets, founders of religious houses, hospitals and orphanages from all ages of the Church.

Chapters and biographies include:
Mothers and Martyrs (126-313)Matrons of the Early ChurchSt. MonicaThe Queen SaintsSt. Elizabeth of Hungary
St. Rita of CasciaRoyal LadiesIsabella the CatholicMargaret RoperAnna Maria Taigi
St. Elizabeth SetonJerusha BarberMary O'ConnellLady Georgiana FullertonMargaret Haughery
Pauline CravenLiterary Wives and Mothers

Paperback, 426 pages
Out of Stock
$43.00  Inc Tax
Once Upon a Time Saints
Once Upon a Time Saints
by Ethel Pochocki

These stories, the author explains, are meant to show human and lovable people whose mysterious passion for God led them into preposterous escapades. With an eye on the taste of a child for concrete detail and no apologies for the embroidery of legend, each tale, in a style akin to fairy-tale, sets forth the unique qualities of these wonderful saints.

Saints included:

St Alice (Adelaide of Burgundy)St Ambrose of MilanSt AnneSt Barbara
St Barnaby of CompiegneSt Benedict the Black (of San Fradello)St ChristopherSt Clement I
St ComgallSt David of WalesSt DorotheaSt Edward the Confessor
St Elizabeth of PortugalSt Felix ISt GenevieveSt Hubert of Liege

Ages: 5+

Paperback, 96 pages
Dining with the Saints
Dining with the Saints
The Sinner's Guide to a Righteous Feast
by Michael P. Foley and Rev Leo Patalinghug

Michael Foley’s fans have been devoutly drinking with the saints for years. Now it’s time for dinner! The inimitable theologian and mixologist teams up with the priest and TV chef Leo Patalinghug in a culinary romp through the liturgical year. Want to get closer to the saints while upping your dinner game? Now every meal can be a family feast - with the Saints!

Dining with the Saints brings the Catholic liturgical year to life, pairing over two hundred saints' stories with an irresistible smorgasbord of international recipes.

Craving a breakfast treat? Join St. Benedict and learn to craft Eggs Benedict with Basil Hollandaise in March. Searching for a spicey dinner feast? Uncover the life of St. Catherine of Siena and serve up a delicious Pici Pasta with Pumpkin and Spicy Sausage during the month of April. Tempted by sweets? Honor St. Maria Goretti with Goretti Tiramisu.

Featuring dozens of new and exciting recipes, Dining with the Saints provides an unforgettable feast that sinners and saints will enjoy!

Hardcover, size 9.25" x 7.5", 500 pages
The Sinner's Guide to a Righteous Feast
Around the Year Once Upon Time
Around the Year Once Upon Time
by Ethel Pochocki

Ethel Pochocki, whimsically and unforgettably, presents a new set of  heavenly friends to readers young and old in this third collection of Once Upon A Time Saints stories. Beginning in the dark of December, the start of the Church Year, there are stories and poems for each month, all bursting with saintly—not to mention angelic—deeds and happenings. Each tale or verse—whether of mystical apparitions in a tiny Irish village or of friars who float in the air or of entire countries single-handedly converted to Christianity—makes it quite plain that heaven doesn't keep to its place at all, but is happily determined to spill over into earthly life—here, there and . . . all around the year.

Once Upon A Time Saints                     More Once Upon A Time Saints

Ages: 10 +

Paperback, 212 pages
$34.00  Inc Tax
The Book of Saints and Heroes
The Book of Saints and Heroes
by Andrew and Lenora Lang

Marvelous legends and exciting true stories of Christian saints and heroes will provide many hours of delightful reading to believers and non-believers alike!

Read the exciting stories of:

The First Hermits (St Paul the Hermit & St. Anthony of the Desert)The Roses from Paradise (St Dorothea)The Saint with the Lion (St Jerome)Synesius, the Ostrich Hunter (St Synesius)The Struggles of St Augustine (St Augustine of Hippo)
Germanus the Governor (St Germanus of Auxerre)Malchus the MonkThe Saint on the PillarThe Apostle of NorthumbriaSt Columba of Iona
Brendan the SailorThe Charm QuellerDunstan the Friend of KingsSt Margaret of ScotlandSt Elizabeth of Hungary
Saint and KingThe Preacher to the BirdsRichard the BishopColetteThe Apostle of the Japanese
The Servant of the PoorThe Founder of HospitalsThe Patron Saint of England

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 342 pages
$32.00  Inc Tax
These Three Hearts
These Three Hearts
Saint Claude de la Columbiere, Saint Margaret Mary Aloocoque, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus
by Margaret Yeo

“My pure love unites forever these three hearts.”

These were the words spoken to St. Margaret-Mary on Friday, June 21, 1675 by Our Lord as she received Holy Communion from the hands of St. Claude de la Colombière, just after they had knelt together before the Blessed Sacrament and dedicated themselves to serve the Sacred Heart. 

This was not the first time, nor the last, that Our Lord had spoken to her. Indeed, most of her life was lived in constant and intimate communion with the Sacred Heart of her spouse. The first time she laid eyes upon St. Claude Our Lord told her, “This is he whom I have sent you. He is My faithful servant and perfect friend.”

This book, unlike others about St. Margaret-Mary or the revelations of the Sacred Heart, contains the full story of St. Claude’s life and the role that he played in hers and in the task of “making known” the Sacred Heart and the promises made to those who live and promote that devotion. On May 31, 1992, Claude de la Colombière was canonized. His feast day is Feb 15.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 284 pages
Saint Claude de la Columbiere, Saint Margaret Mary Aloocoque, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus
$32.00  Inc Tax
Heroines of Christ

Heroines of Christ
edited by Fr Joseph Husslein, S.J.

For centuries the Catholic Church has upheld and celebrated her saints among the great holy women of history.  Even from the moment of the Fall of Man, God promised a Redeemer Whose power would conquer sin and reopen to us our heavenly home; and in that moment He also promised us a mother who would be so powerful as to crush the head of Satan and cooperate with her Divine Son in reopening those gates of paradise.  Womankind finds in Christ’s own Virgin Mother the perfect imitation of Christ, and in her is found all the treasures of virtue wanting in every woman.  Fittingly, God’s women saints imitate and copy Our Lady’s greatness through His omnipotent power.  Unlike pagan and Moslem cultures that often demean the female as something more akin to an animal, due to a naturalistic attitude of prizing the superiority of physical strength over spiritual strength, our Holy Mother, the Catholic Church has not hidden those loving sisters of Christ.  She has, conversely, sought to proclaim God’s glory and will through the artful hands of women, knowing full well God’s plan for them as capable of great spiritual strength, and even miraculous physical strength beyond comprehension.  All the while, the holy women in the life of the Church do not overshadow the great men, but rather compliment them beautifully in all their varied rôles.

The book was first published in 1939 and is an anthology of essays by Jesuits, retelling the brilliant histories of fifteen women saints throughout the course of the Catholic Church.  Starting with Saint Agnes in ancient Rome, and finishing with St. Thérèse in the twentieth century, the subjects covered are varietal.  Many geographical locations are visited, and almost every era of the Church and station in life are the setting for the accounts.  In storybook fashion, the various authors give inspiring and often dramatic accounts of these saints’ lives.  As the preface is forward in stating, the authors had sought to dramatize the events vividly to give the stories life and color.  They do this very well, giving the reader a sense of truly having lived among these women.  One can imagine easily each saint’s various trials and can have, therefore, a greater appreciation of their victories.  This writing is a tool that greatly inspires, because when these true-life stories are laid out in this fashion, one gets a sense of the reality of sainthood and how attainable heroic virtue can be.  After all, many of the same battles fought daily by modern-day women who aspire to holiness are no different than those battles also endured by yesterday’s holy-women

A common theme echoes in each story, which is that each chapter details for the reader the extraordinary love with which these ladies lived their daily lives.  While it is not a surprising reality that men and women who want to increase God’s glory on earth will have in common this great love, it appears obvious that this collection of stories was intended to make a march along this theme.  Heroines of Christ accomplishes well that to love Christ is to do all, lose all, and gain all for Him.

Among these pages, learn how the unwavering love and faithfulness to Christ are qualities which made the difference between any one soul and the souls of the saints.  It is through the example of the female saints that we come to the knowledge of what is truly necessary in the female soul.  If modern woman is to counteract and win the battle over liberalism and feminist philosophies, she must first be armed with the knowledge of the past champions of true femininity.  In their souls flames forth an unwavering constancy to the Christian Faith, and a wholesome obsessive love for Christ.  At first glance, there is nothing more extraordinary in the women saints of God than what is in any other woman’s capability, but due to their virtues, miraculous events and triumphs over the impossible mark their legacies.

The book is unique in that it not only instructs by giving a historical account, like some school-day lecture.  Heroines of Christ also entertains through the literary methods of artistic narration that is vivid in its images and sprinkled with probable dialogue.  Like any good work of historical fiction, the book certainly does give an excellent account of the lives of each saint while keeping the mind of the reader rapt in wonder.  Written in this way, the mind is sure to remember the new exciting details as never before when reading a lives of the saints collection which contains only brief summaries of historical fact.

  • Be inspired in your daily life by the attainable marvels that have been the lives of women saints since the time of the early Roman martyrs even until more recent times.
  • Be strengthened by these women’s constancy and victorious battles over daily sufferings and the powers of hell.
  • Look on as beautiful ladies choose their bridegroom to be Christ rather than highly eligible earthly suitors.
  • Wonder as common and obscure folk rise to the great heights of such fame as to be known even among non-Catholics.
  • Delight as little girls of no consequence bravely confound great rulers.

This true strength of woman gleams from among the pages of history, through the omnipotent power of Christ and His living Church.  We stand strengthened that so triumphant an army looks down upon us and intercedes for us to do the same, knowing full-well our weaknesses and needs, having had lived them before in greater or lesser degrees.  In reading Heroines of Christ, travel back in time with those women who would one day become saints, and walk with them along the road of this present earth toward sanctity and the reward of heaven.

St Agnes of RomeVen Maria de la Luz CamachoSt CeciliaSt Gemma GalganiSt Joan of Arc
St BernadetteSt Catherine of SienaSt EulaliaSt Margaret Mary AlacoqueSt Flora
St Catherine LaboureSt Catherine of AlexandriaSt LucySt Kateri TekakwithaSt Therese Lisieux

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 210 pages

Also available in Hardback with dust jacket upon request (additional cost)

$27.00  Inc Tax
Saints of the American Wilderness
Saints of the American Wilderness
The Brave Lives and Holy Deaths of the Eight North American Martyrs
by Rev. John A. O'Brien

French priests enter a war zone where captured Westerners are paraded before their captors, tortured, and then beheaded. Their desecrated bodies get dumped by the roadside.

Iraq in 2007? The Gaza Strip? Western Afghanistan?

No. A place more dangerous: Canada in the 1600s. On rivers and in forests, Iroquois slaughter Huron and Europeans kill for land and power. It's a landscape of blood and horror whose viciousness eclipses the terrorism that shocks us today. Into this iniquitous land go dozens of stouthearted Jesuits, the purest examples of Roman Catholic virtue our Western continent has ever seen.

Their purpose? To baptize souls and preach the gospel to savages whose degraded, vicious lives cry out for the light of Christ.

Many of these Jesuits were murdered, and today eight of them are saints. Six were priests: Isaac Jogues, Jean de Brébeuf, Gabriel Lalemant, Antoine Daniel, Charles Garnier, and Noël Chabanel; two were lay assistants: René Goupil and Jean Lalande.

They are the Jesuit Martyrs of North America, and this is their story.

From letters these brave men wrote to their superiors by the light of Indian campfires or while skimming lovely waters in swift canoes, John A. O'Brien has crafted the terrifying, inspiring, and true tale of the dangerous struggle they engaged in for enormous stakes: the salvation of countless souls mired in darkness.

O'Brien shows that in the best of times, these good men were surrounded by lasciviousness, pandemonium and demonic rituals. Bad times brought bloody war, upraised tomahawks, the shrieks of victims, and knowledge that their superstitious hosts might turn against them without warning, and bury a tomahawk in their skull.

Patient, charitable, and heedless of their own lives, these eight Jesuits spoke constantly of Jesus, baptized thousands, and even in the shadow of death brought them the consoling graces of the Sacraments. Between times they cared for souls dying of smallpox, cleaned festering wounds, and day in and day out returned love for hatred, blessings for curses, and prayers for abuse.

Ultimately, all were murdered. Some died from a sudden blow; the rest were mutilated and tortured until, with forgiveness in their hearts and Jesus name on their lips, they died in flames their persecutors had set around them.

Saints of the American Wilderness tells of these good men who sought nothing less than the conversion of a continent. Their zeal won for them the imperishable crown of martyrdom and sanctified with their holy blood the soil of North America.

Truly, they are models for those who would be saints in bloody times like ours.

Paperback, size 8.25" x 5.5", 257pp
The Brave Lives and Holy Deaths of the Eight North American Martyrs
$30.00  Inc Tax
Dominican Saints
Dominican Saints
by Dominican Novices, St. Catherine of Siena

The Order of Preachers, purveyors of the Rosary, Hounds of the Lord—the Dominican order is one of the greatest jewels in the treasury of the Church. Such an illustrious band has produced numerous saints: confessors, nuns, popes, martyrs, preachers, mystics, and more.

In Dominican Saints, readers will find biographies of 14 of the most illustrious members of St. Dominic's lineage:

St DominicSt Peter the MartyrSt HyacinthSt Thomas Aquinas
St Raymond of PennafortSt Agnes of MontepulcianoSt Catherine of SienaSt Vincent Ferrer
St AntoniusSt Pius VSt John of CologneSt Louis Bertrand
St Catherine de RicciSt Rose of Lima

Pious tradition relates the story of St. Dominic's vision of the future of his order. One night, deep in prayer, he was granted a vision of the heavenly court, and the walls of Eternity parted to reveal Our Lord and Our Lady.

Suddenly, Dominic began to weep.

When the Lord asked him why he could be so sorrowful, St. Dominic replied that, although he could see so many members of other orders in heaven, he could find not one Dominican. Ever mirthful, Our Lord then indicated his Mother, saying that the order was in her care. At this, Our Lady raised her mantle and spread it wide, revealing a host of Dominicans so vast it seemed to fill the entire heavenly court. Here, come to know these holy men and women of one of the most privileged groups in history.

Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 452 pages
$25.00  Inc Tax
The Fourteen Holy Helpers
The Fourteen Holy Helpers
by Fr Bonaventure Hammer, O.F.M.

In 14th-century Rhineland, part of modern-day Germany, the Black Death had struck hard. Many were dying, and the situation was dire. But the faith of the Rhinelanders was strong, and they knew who turn to: fourteen holy helpers, saints of God with protective patronages against various maladies and hardships, including the plague itself. The fourteen had not been connected to each other in their earthly lives or by any devotion until then, but they had one thing in common: they would help whoever devoutly asked. They are here for us to now, as The Fourteen Holy Helpers.

St GeorgeSt BlaiseSt ErasmusSt PantaleonSt Vitus
St ChristopherSt DionysiusSt CyriacusSt AchatiusSt Eustachius
St GilesSt Margaret of AntiochSt Catherine of AlexandriaSt Barbara

In this short volume, you will find out just who these saints are (most are early martyrs), what their special patronages are, and why they are so close to God. The most wonderful aspect of the devotion to the Fourteen Holy Helpers is that it provides an example for how the oldest saints in the Church are never far from us but are always eager to help all generations of Christians. This book shows the greatest link between the earliest centuries of the Church and our own age: the communion of Saints. Most of all, these Fourteen Holy Helpers will not only aid you against all physical maladies but will also protect you from spiritual harm and will show you how to imitate them in ever deeper devotion to Our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 112 pages

$28.00  Inc Tax
The Young People's Book of Saints
The Young People's Book of Saints
Sitxty-three Saints of the Western Church from the First to the Twentieth Century
by Hugh Ross Williamson

Sixty-three Saints of the Western Church from the 1st to the 20th Century Saints are the men and women who best love Christ and His Church.

They may be kings or queens, statesmen or soldiers, scholars, visionaries, workmen or beggars. They teach us the real meaning of human history, and they show us how to live in any walk of life or set of circumstances. 

Many of these saints were martyrs, killed in periods of persecution. Others died trying to bring the knowledge of Christ to pagan tribes. Yet others built up the Church through their example and their teaching, but were never called upon to shed their blood.

St James the GreaterSt DenisSt HelenSt Ambrose of MilanSt Germain
St PatrickSt GenevieveSt Brigid of IrelandSt BenedictSt Gregory the Great
St Columba of IonaSt HermengildSt Isidore of SevilleSt AidenSt Audry (Etheldreda)
St Cuthbert of LindisfarneSt GilesSt BonifaceSt Eulogius of CordovaSt Swithun
St WenceslausSt WolfgangSts Henry & CunegundSt Edward the ConfessorSt Benno of Meissen
St Gregory VIISt NorbertSt Bernard of ClairvauxSt Thomas of CanterburySt Hildegard
St Hugh of LincolnSt Francis of AssisiSt DominicSt Anthony of PaduaSt Elizabeth of Hungary
St WilleboldSt Louis IXSt Albert the GreatSt Thomas AquinasBl Ramon Lull
St Elizabeth the PeacemakerSt Catherine of SienaSt John NepomuceneSt Bernadine of SienaSt Joan of Arc
St Jerome EmilianiSt Thomas MoreSt Ignatius LoyolaSt John of GodSt Francis Xavier
St Teresa of AvilaSt Peter CanisiusBl Edmund CampionSt Camillus de LellisSt Vincent de Paul
St Alphonsus LiguoriSt Benedict Joseph LabreThe Cure d'ArsSt BernadetteSt John Bosco
St Therese of LisieuxSt Pius XSt Frances Xavier Cabrini

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 239 pages
Sitxty-three Saints of the Western Church from the First to the Twentieth Century
$32.00  Inc Tax
Praying With The Saints - Winter
Praying With The Saints - Winter
(Dec 21 - Mar 20)
by Fr. Patrick Troadec

“The best way to celebrate the saints is to imitate them. Why not try to live as they did, if only for one day, their day, the day consecrated and blessed by the Church, when they are ‘on duty’ to help us?”—Monsignor Ghika

This book of daily meditations is the third volume released in a four-volume series entitled Praying with the Saints by Season: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn. These books serve as a brief daily guide to following in the footsteps of the saints through the liturgical year as well as on our life-long journey to eternity. The example of a new saint everyday will surely direct and motivate souls to a deeper union with God and a habitual higher level of sanctity. 
Begin your day with the following inspiration:
• Life of the Saint 
• Brief Meditation 
• Prayers 
• Thoughts
• Invocations 
• and Three Resolutions to aid in concrete, daily, spiritual growth.

If you are looking for a way to integrate prayer or spiritual reading into your daily life or want a daily reminder that sanctity is not only achievable but in fact our sole purpose here on earth then this is a series for you. Short, profound, daily meditations on the saints and the liturgical year by best-selling author Fr. Patrick Troadec.

Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 226 pages

Martyrs of the English Reformation
Martyrs of the English Reformation
Martyrs of the English Reformation
by Dr Malcolm Brennan

This is the bloody chronicle of 24 English saints who laid down their lives as a testimony to the truth of the Catholic faith during the English "Reformation." Champion men and women. Inspiring to the young. Find strength in the heroic lives of those who watched the destruction of the Catholic faith in their country. Through their death they planted the seed of restoration.

Chapter 1
St John Houghton
St Robert Lawrence
St Augustine Wester
St Richard Reynolds
Chapter 2
St John Fisher
Chapter 3
St Thomas More
Chapter 4
Bl John Forest
Chapter 5
St Cuthbert Mayne
Chapter 6
St Edmund Campion
Chapter 7
St Ralph Sherwin
Chapter 8
St Alexander Briant
Chapter 9
St John Paine
Chapter 10
St Luke Kirby
Chapter 11
St Richard Gwyn
Chapter 12
Bl James Fenn
Chapter 13
St Margaret Clitherow
Chapter 14
St Margaret Ward
Chapter 15
St Robert Southwell
Chapter 16
St Philip Howard
Chapter 17
St Nicholas Owen
Chapter 18
Bl John Ogilvie
Chapter 19
St Edmund Arrowsmith
Chapter 20
St John Southworth
Chapter 21
St Oliver Plunkett

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 166 pages
$29.00  Inc Tax
Words of Hope
Words of Hope
Revelations of Our Lord to Saints: Teresa of Avila, Catherine of Genoa, Gertrude the Great and Margaret Mary Alacoque
edited by Craig Turner

Words of Hope recounts the words of Christ spoken to four great saints—Saint Gertrude the Great, Saint Catherine of Genoa, Saint Teresa of Avila, and Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque—who dared to receive the eternal message of Our Lord.

They lovingly and faithfully listened to His message, repeated through the centuries. It is a message of suffering, and yet it is overflowing with hope. Through the words these four holy souls received, we can see Christ’s message of peace and hope born out of suffering written anew.

Through these intimate words of Jesus and the example of the saints within these pages, the reader will be renewed and rejuve­nated with the hope and comfort of Christ in times of suffering.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 136 pages
Revelations of Our Lord to Saints: Teresa of Avila, Catherine of Genoa, Gertrude the Great and Margaret Mary Alacoque
The 35 Doctors of the Church
The 35 Doctors of the Church
by Fr. Christopher Rengers OFMCap, Matthew E. Bunson, PhD

The 35 Doctors of the Church presents the most comprehensive and fascinating collection available anywhere on the lives and labors of the saints who have been declared the Church’s Doctors.

From St. Athanasius (c. 297–373) to St. Thérèse of Lisieux (1873–1897), you’ll find the amazing stories of 35 extraordinary men and women who are honored both for their holiness and for the eminence of their teachings about the Faith.

Their work and witness are truly timeless; their lives and wisdom show us how to be holy in our own lives, how to confront the challenges of today, and how to proclaim the Gospel to a modern world hungering for Jesus Christ.

St AthanasiusSt EphremSt Cyril of JerusalemSt Hilary of PoitiersSt Gregory NazianzenSt Basil the Great
St Ambrose of MilanSt JeromeSt John ChrysostomSt Augustine of HippoSt Cyril of AlexandriaPope St Leo the Great
St Peter ChrysologusPope St Gregory the GreatSt Isidore of SevilleSt Bede the VenerableSt John DamasceneSt Peter Damian
St AnselmSt Bernard of ClairvauxSt Hildegard of BingenSt Anthony of PaduaSt Albert the GreatSt Bonaventure
St Thomas AquinasSt Catherine of SienaSt John of AvilaSt Teresa of AvilaSt Peter CanisiusSt Robert Bellarmine
St John of the CrossSt Lawrence of BrindisiSt Francis de SalesSt Alphonsus LiguoriSt Therese of Lisieux

Originally published as The 33 Doctors of the Church by Fr. Christopher Rengers, O.F.M.Cap., the 35 Doctors of the Church has been updated by Matthew E. Bunson, PhD, to include two new chapters about recently proclaimed Doctors, St. John of Ávila and St. Hildegard of Bingen. The revised edition also includes a new introduction with a detailed explanation of how the Church proclaims Doctors and their meaning for today. 

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 730 pages
$70.00  Inc Tax
Drinking with Saint Nick

Drinking with Saint Nick
Christmas Cocktails for Sinners and Saints
by Michael P. Foley

Raise your spirits and toast Saint Nick!

Hot gin toddies. Smoking rosemary old fashioneds. A "wet" Advent calendar. Now you can experience Christmas the way it was meant to be celebrated: with festive cocktails and a lively history of Saint Nicholas and other saints! Michael Foley, author of Drinking with the Saints, presents holiday drink recipes; beer, wine, and cider recommendations; and witty instruction on how to honour the saints in this exquisite gift book that will make your Christmas more spirited than ever before.

"With lively stories and delicious drink recipes, this book takes us on a rollicking journey through the lives of the saints. What a fun and fabulous way to engage with your faith during the holidays." -- Jennifer Fulwiler, author of One Beautiful Dream and host of the Jennifer Fulwiler Show on the Catholic Channel

Hardcover, size 7.3" x 5.4", 224 pages

Christmas Cocktails for Sinners and Saints
$38.00  Inc Tax
More Once Upon a Time Saints
More Once Upon a Time Saints
by Ethel Pochocki

Here are yet more of "those human and lovable people whose mysterious passion for God led them into preposterous escapades." Story-teller Ethel Pochocki follows up her book Once Upon a Time Saints and presents another collection of wildly distinctive saints - from Hyacinth to Zita to Longinus to Kentigern - and readers will again be charmed by the vivid immediacy of their settings. We find out what very real people they were, these saints who lived and breathed in a wold as hard, as wet, as hot, as enticing and as changeful as our own. Yet their heroism is all their own. Ethel Pochocki leads us through their adventures, joys and sorrows to the truly happy ending each one gained.

Saints included

St HyacinthSt Joan DelanoueSt Joseph of ArimatheaSt Kentigern
St LonginusSt MarthaSt MelangellSt Moses the Black
St Nicolas PostgateSt PharaildisSt RigobertSt Servulus
The Seven Sleepers of EphesusSt SimeonSt SwithinSt Zita
St Adauctus

Ages: 5 +

Paperback, size 8.4" x 7", 93 pages
$28.00  Inc Tax
Women of Faith
Be Brave & Love God

Women of Faith is an essential resource for parents, grandparents and godparents wanting to give children a taste of the historical, living Church. This book is a collection of stories of the women saints and martyrs of the early Christian Church. Featuring saints venerated in both Orthodox and Catholic traditions, this book will introduce children to amazing role models of the faith. Showcasing women who were light in a dark time, these stories are filled with courage, beauty and ultimately, a faith in God that transformed the world.

St GenevieveSt AgnesSt Brigid of IrelandSt ApolloniaSt Isidora
St DymphnaSt SunnivaSt Margaret of AntiochSt ParaskeviSt Hermione
St UrsulaSt BarbaraSt Lucy

Each saint is featured with a stunning watercolour portrait, a short story from her life and a prayer suitable for young children.

O Dymphna, you healed many bodies and minds. Comfort me when I am worried. Calm my mind when I am afraid. Pray to God for me that I will think clearly and that I will have your love for people whose minds are ill.

Paperback, size 11" x 8.5", 28 pages

Saints and Martyrs of the Christian Faith
$30.00  Inc Tax
The Golden Legend
The Golden Legend
The Golden Legend
Readings on the Saints
by Rev Jacobus de Voragine

Depicting the lives of the saints in an array of factual and fictional stories, The Golden Legend was perhaps the most widely read book, after the Bible, during the late Middle Ages. It was compiled around 1260 by Jacobus de Voragine, a scholarly friar and later archbishop of Genoa, whose purpose was to captivate, encourage, and edify the faithful, while preserving a vast store of information pertaining to the legends and traditions of the church. In this translation, the first in English of the complete text, William Granger Ryan captures the immediacy of this rich work, which offers an important guide for readers interested in medieval art and literature and, more generally, in popular religious culture. Arranged according to the order of saints' feast days, these fascinating stories are now combined into one volume. This edition also features an introduction by Eamon Duffy contextualizing the work.

Paperback, 788 pages
Readings on the Saints
$63.00  Inc Tax
The Desert Fathers
The Desert Fathers
by various authors
compiled by Helen Waddell

For several hundred years, in the youth of the Church, countless men, and a few women, fled the world and flocked to the deserted places of this earth wishing to found (and to find) their lives in God alone.Their experiences transformed not only their own lives, but also in many ways, the world they left behind.

The beauty and timelessness of their stories has captured the imagination of men throughout the ages that have followed. To live in search only of God and the eternal verities is a theme that men never weary contemplating and often imitate.The original of these translations is the Latin of the Vitae Patrum, a vast collection of the lives and sayings of the Desert Fathers, edited by the learned Rosweyde, and printed at the Plantin press in Antwerp in 1615.

The original ran to 1600 pages. These extracts assembled by Helen Waddell are among the best.

Includes short stories on
The Life of St Paul the First Hermit by St Jerome
The Life of St Pelagia the Harlot by James the Deacon
The Life of St Mary the Harlot by St Ephraem of Edessa

Plus more

Paperback, 312 pages
$40.00  Inc Tax
Saints Who Raised the Dead
Saints Who Raised the Dead

Saints Who Raised the Dead
True Stories of 400 Resurrection Miracles
by Fr. Albert J. Hebert, SM

"Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death and to those in the tombs granting life!"

When Christ rose from the grave, the curse of fallen nature—death—was overturned; His death and resurrection marked the final victory over sin and evil. For the God-Man knew His way out of the grave, and the chains of Hell could not hold Him down. 

Through the ages, Christ's Saints have manifested the glorious grace of miraculous resurrections, restoring to life those who have died and working wonders at times even greater than the Lord Himself—as He promised us in the Gospels.

Witness 400 miracles from such towering figures of sanctity as:

  • Patrick
  • Elizabeth of Hungary
  • Catherine of Siena
  • Teresa of Avila
  • Francis Xavier
  • Rose of Lima
  • John Bosco
  • And so many more!

In addition, readers will find descriptions of Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven, as well as other after-death experiences. 

When Christ raised Lazarus from the dead, he set the prototype for the most glorious kind of miracle he could grant His saints to perform: resurrection. Let these true accounts fill you with awe at the majesty of God, Who laughs, "O Death, where now is thy sting?"

Formerly published by TAN under the title "Raised from the Dead".

Paperback, 358 pages

True Stories of 400 Resurrection Miracles
$50.00  Inc Tax
God's Heroes in America
God's Heroes in America
by Catechetical Guild Comics

A “graphic novel” at its finest! Original copyright 1956! Contains 9 different short, wondrous tales about heroic martyrs, saintly nuns, and a great sorcerer!
  • Martyr of Christ - St Issac Jogues,
  • Quest of Honour, - Fr de Smet
  • The Great Sorcerer - Fr John de Brebeuf,
  • Saviour of Vincennes - Fr Pierre Gibault,
  • Lady in Grey - St Marguerite D'Youville,
  • America’s Mother Seton - St Elizabeth Seton,
  • Faith was His Sword - Fr Junipero Serra,
  • Revolt in the Sun - Fra Francisco Garces,
  • Mexican Martyr - Fr Miguel Pro.

Paperback, 66 pages
$22.00  Inc Tax
St Joseph Beginner\'s Book of Saints
St Joseph Beginner's Book of Saints
' A beautifully illustrated book containing the exemplary lives of nineteen great Saints of God. Children will be inspired by the clear text and full-color illustrations of each Saint in this pocket-sized, hardcovered book. 64pp, hardcover, Illus '
$16.00  Inc Tax
The Seraphic Order

The Seraphic Order
A Traditional Franciscan Book of Saints
by Fr Marion A. Habig, OFM and Sr Aquinas Barth 

Among the followers of St. Francis there were saints and teachers who were endowed by God with a natural and supernatural kinship with their holy founder. They developed the Franciscan spirituality which had its origin in the simple practical life and the rules of St. Francis; and they gave further, clearer expression to it both by their lives and their writings. Thus they pointed out the characteristic traits of Franciscan spirituality, both in a practical and a theoretical way.

Concerning the distinctive features of Franciscan spirituality, as contained in the Franciscan tradition, suffice it to say that its essence is doctrinal Christocentrism and practical imitation of Christ, conformity with Christ, prompted by love. Distinctive aspects of Franciscan piety are childlike love of God, our Father, devotion to the Humanity of Christ, His Sacred Heart, the Holy Eucharist, the mysteries of the Nativity and the Passion, His Virgin Mother Mary, and reverence for the Catholic priesthood. Franciscan love of God finds expression also in charity to our fellowmen, understanding them as our brothers, especially in aid to the poor and sick and in apostolic zeal for souls, Christian and pagan. Total poverty detaches the Franciscan soul from creatures, but at the same time it recognizes God in created things and uses the latter to mount to God. Emphasis is placed on the will, and hence on love and action above speculation. The atmosphere in which the Franciscan spirit develops is one of individual freedom of the spirit, absence of coercive and confining methods, love of enterprise, and a sense of realism. On the path of this traditional Franciscan way of life many have attained sainthood.

Thus, The Seraphic Order, which recounts their lives and virtues, can well serve as a practical textbook of Franciscan spirituality.

Paperback, 1026 pages

Also available in Hardcover upon request (additional cost)

A Traditional Franciscan Book of Saints
$58.00  Inc Tax
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