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Around the Year Once Upon Time
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Around the Year Once Upon Time
by Ethel Pochocki
Ethel Pochocki, whimsically and unforgettably, presents a new set of heavenly friends to readers young and old in this third collection of Once Upon A Time Saints stories. Beginning in the dark of December, the start of the Church Year, there are stories and poems for each month, all bursting with saintly—not to mention angelic—deeds and happenings. Each tale or verse—whether of mystical apparitions in a tiny Irish village or of friars who float in the air or of entire countries single-handedly converted to Christianity—makes it quite plain that heaven doesn't keep to its place at all, but is happily determined to spill over into earthly life—here, there and . . . all around the year.
Once Upon A Time Saints More Once Upon A Time Saints
Ages: 10 +
Paperback, 212 pages
by Ethel Pochocki
Ethel Pochocki, whimsically and unforgettably, presents a new set of heavenly friends to readers young and old in this third collection of Once Upon A Time Saints stories. Beginning in the dark of December, the start of the Church Year, there are stories and poems for each month, all bursting with saintly—not to mention angelic—deeds and happenings. Each tale or verse—whether of mystical apparitions in a tiny Irish village or of friars who float in the air or of entire countries single-handedly converted to Christianity—makes it quite plain that heaven doesn't keep to its place at all, but is happily determined to spill over into earthly life—here, there and . . . all around the year.
Once Upon A Time Saints More Once Upon A Time Saints
Ages: 10 +
Paperback, 212 pages
- Availability: 1 In Stock