Goodier, Archbishop Alban

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Meditations for Advent and Christmas
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Nine Desolate Souls Made Strong by God
$31.00  Inc Tax
Lessons in Living from the Son of Man Himself
$24.00  Inc Tax
Short Biogaphies of Joyful Saints
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The Public Life of our Lord Jesus Christ Paperback Set
The Public Life of our Lord Jesus Christ Set
by Archbishop Alban Goodier

The Public Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ, by bishop Goodier, takes the subject of Christ’s life from the coming of John the Baptist until his last day before Palm Sunday and the beginning of His passion.

In this work Goodier sets out not merely to write another life of Christ or follow the mold of a devotional work or a scientific analysis but to transcend both to apply logic and reason combined with Catholic faith to understand who Jesus was, and what was the impact of his public life, what was it like for those there, what did his disciples and enemies think?

Goodier’s text is descriptive, lucid, and original, not being loaded up with quotes from other authors. Moreover, it is entirely faithful to the text of the Gospels and harmonizes the four narratives into one account spanning the three years of Christ’s public life before His passion.

The second volume continues where the first left off in Our Lord’s life and continues the same original commentary and discussion all the way to passion week. The wonderful thing of Bishop Goodier’s narrative is that it does not make use of secondary sources or copious quotes, rather he simply quotes the Scriptures and organizes the teaching of the Gospels into the sequential occurrence of events. If you want to know more about our Lord and understand the places he is going to, what he is doing and why, this is the perfect work. The new edition includes wonderful depictions of events from Renaissance art.

2 volumes Paperback, size 9.5" x 6.25', 540 pages Vol 1, 612 pages Vol 2
The Public Life of our Lord Jesus Christ Hardcover Set
The Public Life of our Lord Jesus Christ Set
by Archbishop Alban Goodier

The Public Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ, by bishop Goodier, takes the subject of Christ’s life from the coming of John the Baptist until his last day before Palm Sunday and the beginning of His passion.

In this work Goodier sets out not merely to write another life of Christ or follow the mold of a devotional work or a scientific analysis but to transcend both to apply logic and reason combined with Catholic faith to understand who Jesus was, and what was the impact of his public life, what was it like for those there, what did his disciples and enemies think?

Goodier’s text is descriptive, lucid, and original, not being loaded up with quotes from other authors. Moreover, it is entirely faithful to the text of the Gospels and harmonizes the four narratives into one account spanning the three years of Christ’s public life before His passion.

The second volume continues where the first left off in Our Lord’s life and continues the same original commentary and discussion all the way to passion week. The wonderful thing of Bishop Goodier’s narrative is that it does not make use of secondary sources or copious quotes, rather he simply quotes the Scriptures and organizes the teaching of the Gospels into the sequential occurrence of events. If you want to know more about our Lord and understand the places he is going to, what he is doing and why, this is the perfect work. The new edition includes wonderful depictions of events from Renaissance art.

2 volumes Hardcover, size 9.5" x 6.25', 540 pages Vol 1, 612 pages Vol 2
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The Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ
The Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ
by Archbishop Alban Goodier

This absorbing account provides you with an intimate look at the sufferings of Our Lord through the minds and hearts of those closest to Him. You’ll see Jesus through the eyes of His apostles, of those who condemned Him, of His executioners, and of those He met along the way of the Cross. Drawing from historical research, culture, and his own profound spiritual insights, Archbishop Alban Goodier, S.J., masterfully intersperses scriptural accounts and narration to bring the Passion of Jesus fully to life.

You will be moved by subtle observations, emotions, and actions swirling around Jesus as He endures His most terrible and triumphant moments. You will come to understand Judas Iscariot’s thoughts and motives in betraying Jesus, St. John’s personal intuitions about the agony of Jesus’ Heart, St. Peter’s impetuousness, and Jesus’ unconditional love.

As he guides you through this introspective contemplation of the Gospels, Fr. Goodier reveals Jesus’ thoughts, feelings, and actions and explains the sufferings Jesus felt in His soul.

Most significantly, you will see who Jesus is for you and who He longs you to be both for Him and for others. We need “active compassion,” explains Archbishop Goodier, to unite our sufferings to those of Jesus and to relate to the anguish of His Heart. Reflecting upon the agony of Jesus in the garden, the travesty of His condemnation, and the diabolical tortures that He endured, you will see as never before the immense sufferings that only the God-Man could abide.

Through the eyes of the saints, the great lovers of God, you will begin truly to see Jesus, the pain He bore, and why He suffered. Our Lord’s words challenge and comfort contemporary believers as much as they did those who first followed in the footsteps of Christ and His apostles. Once you enter into Archbishop Goodier’s meditations, your understanding of the humility, mercy, and love of Christ will deepen, and you will never experience His Passion in the same way again.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 368 pages

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The Prince of Peace
The Prince of Peace
by Archbishop Alban Goodier

From prophecy to fulfillment, the Incarnation is the center of our holy Faith. This awe-inspiring classic will help you take a breath and ponder the hidden yet stupendous events surrounding this great mystery. You will be spiritually uplifted as you reflect upon insightful and stirring meditations — thirty each for Advent and Christmas.

Although the short reflections may be read in less than ten minutes per day, you may wish to spend time contemplating the mysteries and allowing them to nourish you again and again. Archbishop Alban Goodier provides a handy three-point summary for each meditation, as well as:
  • Meditations on an event in Jesus’ life that baffles human comprehension
  • An explanation of how God bestows His favors on you, as He did on the Holy Family
  • Popular prayers and devotions that sprang from Advent and Christmas
  • Ways in which Our Lady shows you how to live both the contemplative and the active life

Advent is a time to slow your pace of life, to be receptive, docile, and still, and to gaze at the beauty before you — Almighty God, present, waiting in the womb of His chosen Mother. The Christmas season, likewise, is a time to rejoice in tranquil adoration before our newborn Savior’s manger.

Archbishop Goodier’s masterful meditations on these sacred moments will awaken in you the powerful mystery of the Word made flesh. Archbishop Goodier guides you along from the Old Testament prophecies to the pure yes of Mary, from the stable birth to the daily life of Jesus in Nazareth. These soul-stirring meditations, drawing from the customs of the time, enliven the Gospel stories in a way that will enrich both your emotional and intellectual experience of the ultimate mystery of God’s love for you.

This keepsake book is a treasure for contemplating Our Lord as the Incarnate God who came to us little, poor, and vulnerable. Archbishop Goodier’s reflections will aid you in raising your mind and heart to God and will nourish your prayers to the Infant Savior. You will grow in knowledge and devotion as you contemplate Jesus’ hidden life and God’s mercy in dwelling among us.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 120 pages
Meditations for Advent and Christmas
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Overcoming Worldly Concerns
Overcoming Worldly Concerns
by Archbishop Alban Goodier

No matter how pure or virtuous your intentions may be, you can easily get so caught up in temporal pursuits — “the things of this world” — that you forget about God and His intimate, sustained involvement in your life. But with help from this book, you can turn that around by making an examination of your life that will orient you on the fertile path to Jesus Christ.

It's not enough simply to call yourself a Christian or attend Sunday Mass: you need to decide to live for God rather than for yourself. To help you do so, Archbishop Alban Goodier explains how giving yourself to God will ennoble you and bring you great rewards. He details the many ways in which you will gain happiness by rising above the concerns of this world, even amid the cares and duties of your daily life! He shows how the very fact of God's existence — to say nothing of achieving spiritual closeness with Him — gives meaning and dignity to your life in a way that worldly possessions or success never can.

Uncompromising, incisive, and comprehensive, Overcoming Worldly Concerns is a much-needed wake-up call for every “comfortable Christian.”

Abandon yourself fully to God and learn:
  • The little-known fact that will inspire you to resist sin with all your strength
  • The ways in which you've been throwing away God's grace
  • The secret of the saints that makes them such a powerful help for you today — if only you ask for that help
  • How you can be certain of God's love for you at any given moment
  • How you can arm yourself for the spiritual warfare that is sure to beset your soul
  • The many forms and levels of prayer (and why just knowing them is not enough)
  • The most common hindrances to prayer — and how to overcome them

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 144 pages
Saints for Sinners
Saints for Sinners
Nine Desolate Souls Made Strong by God
by Archbishop Alban Goodier

God's grace can conquer every human flaw . . . Christ came not to call saints but to make them often out of weak, stupid, and sinful men. That's why the saints are not only models of holiness for us to imitate they're also reminders that God's grace can outshine every human flaw.

As Alban Goodier's classic Saints for Sinners shows us, even the greatest saints had to battle the same stubborn vices, temptations of the flesh, and bouts of spiritual dryness that afflict you and me today. In these pages, with a style that perfectly blends hagiographical detail, spiritual meditation, and a skilled storyteller's touch, Archbishop Goodier brings us the tales of:
  • The mercenary fighting man and itinerant gambler who left behind his rough soldier's habits and founded a religious order to care for the sick
  • The backward, sickly teenager, disowned by his family and dogged by the Inquisition, who became a miraculous healer and paragon of humble simplicity
  • The willful Tuscan beauty with a bad reputation who forsook vanity and lust to answer God's call to live in poverty and penitence<
  • The brilliant, brooding Spanish nobleman who gave up everything to be a missionary only to see most of his efforts fail
  • The royal chaplain and daring Counter-Reformer who escaped the gallows but had to endure a lifelong interior martyrdom of doubt and discouragement
  • The hedonistic heretic and womanizer who traded worldly pleasure for divine happiness, and became one of the Church's greatest theologians
  • And other inspiring tales of imperfect souls "made perfect in infirmity"
Read these stories and find in them delight and encouragement, as well as hope. You'll come to see that there is no one so sinful, weak, or desolate that God has not already raised another like him to the heights of glory.

St Augustine of HippoSt Margaret of CortonaSt John of GodSt Francis XavierSt John of the Cross
St Camillus de LellisSt Joseph of CupertinoSt Claude de la ColombiereSt Benedict Joseph Labre

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 178 pages
Nine Desolate Souls Made Strong by God
$31.00  Inc Tax
50 Meditations on the Passion
Fifty Meditations on the Passion
Fifty Meditations on the Passion
by Archbishop Alban Goodier

Archbishop Goodier published these 50 Meditations in 1925. In his author's preface he wrote, "These notes were written a long time ago in Lent, 1909. At the time a certain religious, now dead, used often to speak with me about prayer, and about the labor she had experienced in prayer. I used to notice how easily she would fly along a line of contemplation if the tiniest suggestion were made to her, and several times I ventured to make such suggestions in the shape of points for meditation. The points here collected were written for this purpose. They were written for two only; but others who have seen them have found them useful and have asked that they may be printed. If they are a help to any in prayer, I can only be grateful to our Lord."

The publisher hopes that the modern reader will find in this little volume as much useful material for initiating meditation as did the original readers.

Booklet, size 8.5" x 5.5", 58 pages
$14.00  Inc Tax
The Good Galilean

The Good Galilean
Lessons in Living from the Son of Man Himself
by Archbishop Alban Goodier

In this new century, when each day brings us ever more salacious news about the evils of men and women, the life of Christ reminds us that goodness is not an illusion, holiness is worth striving for, and our existence has meaning and direction.

Jesus Christ – the Perfect Man that philosophers and storytellers have searched for since the dawn of history – was greater than storytellers have been able to imagine, more sublime than we had a right to hope.

In this modest little book, The Good Galilean, the holy bishop Alban Goodier highlights for us the quiet goodness of Our Lord, and in ways that place that goodness within our reach, too.

In it, we walk with Jesus, see him talking, answering questions, healing and consoling the men and women who are drawn to him – and in ways that Bishop Goodier shows are possible for us, whoever we are and wherever we live.

You know, the saints demonstrate that it’s possible, by grace, to imitate the model of goodness Jesus has provided us; Bishop Goodier shows how to do it.

Love as Jesus taught it was a new thing in the world. Love as he practiced it made the world another place. Now, with the help of The Good Galilean, it’s time for each of us to play our role in restoring to our suffering world the goodness purchased for it by Jesus.

Paperback, size 6.9" x 5", 97 pages

Lessons in Living from the Son of Man Himself
$24.00  Inc Tax
Saints Are Not Sad
Saints Are Not Sad
Short Biogaphies of Joyful Saints
complied by Frank J. Sheed

"The only tragedy is not to be a saint", wrote the French novelist Léon Bloy. And St. Francis de Sales said that "A sad saint would be a sorry saint." But what is a saint? One way to answer is to analyze sanctity, theologically and psychologically. Another way, which is the path Frank Sheed chose in creating this volume, is to show you a saint-or rather, since no two saints are alike-to show you a number of saints. In this book, you are shown forty saints.

The saints Sheed chose for this collection are from various time periods: six before A.D. 500, seventeen from then to the Reformation, and seventeen from the Reformation to the middle of the twentieth century. Many are well known, like St. Anthony, Francis, Augustine, Patrick and Bernadette, while others are lesser known, for example, Columcille and Malachy.

The same can be said for the various authors of these short biographies. Among them are the famous like Hilaire Belloc, Alban Goodier and G.K. Chesterton, as well as priests and laymen whose names may no longer be familiar but whose writing still brings to life men and women whose closeness to God gave them purpose, strength, and yes, joy.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", size 432 pages
Short Biogaphies of Joyful Saints
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