Saints Who Saw Mary

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Saints Who Saw Mary
by Raphael Brown

"How lovely is Thy Dwelling-Place, O Lord God of Hosts!" —Psalm 83 (84)

To gaze upon and speak with Our Lady is one of the tenderest longings of the pious Christian soul. Our Lord could not have conceived of a greater human creature than His own Mother, and so it is one of the most sublime graces to be granted a vision of that Heavenly Garden, the True Eden and New Eve. It is no wonder, then, that those most blessed souls who have loved Christ most have merited to see her, who only leads us deeper into His love.

Saints Who Saw Mary recounts the stories of 17 canonized saints who kept company with the Ark of the New Covenant, the Mother of God. Their stories are profound, enlightening, inspiring, and tantalizing. Learn of Our Lady's dealings with such luminaries of the sanctoral patrimony as:
  • Gertrude the Great
  • Francis of Assisi
  • Bridget of Sweden
  • Catherine of Siena
  • Teresa of Avila
  • John of the Cross

It is no coincidence that Our Lady appeared to these who are among the greatest saints in the history of the Church. For anyone who does not love His Mother, who bore God, can merit to bear Christ and His glorious resurrection. Let these accounts move you not only to longing for the sight of the Mother of God and her Son, but, what is far more important, to a deeper love and longing to be united to Him through her who is most blessed.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 160 pages

  • Availability: 1 In Stock