Marmion, Bl Dom Columba

Dom Columba Marmion O.S.B, born Joseph Aloysius Marmion (1 April 1858 – 30 January 1923) was a Benedictine Irish monk and the third Abbot of Maredsous Abbey in Belgium. Beatified by Pope John Paul II on September 3, 2000, Columba was one of the most popular and influential Catholic authors of the 20th century. His books are considered spiritual classics.
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According to the Letters of Direction of Dom Marmion
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Their Lives and Faces
$47.00  Inc Tax
Christ in His Mysteries
Twenty Poems of Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity with Passages from Bl. Columba Marmion OSB
$33.00  Inc Tax
An anthology of the writings of Blessed Columba Marmion
$21.00  Inc Tax
An anthology of the writings of Blessed Columba Marmion
$28.00  Inc Tax
Union With God
Union With God
According to the Letters of Direction of Dom Marmion
by Bl Dom Columba Marmion, O.S.B.

Blessed Columba Marmion was much sought after throughout his life by those with questions on faith, prayer, or temptation; and his striking powers of spiritual counsel are on full display in this collection of letters exchanged between him and various members of the faithful. Union with God reveals a man speaking not only from the experience of the mind, but also from the depths of his own soul. These letters find Marmion employing his vast theological knowledge to give advice that is at once practical and profound, simple and extraordinary. The attentive reader will quickly understand why even popes and bishops looked to him for inspiration and counsel.

Paperback, size 8" x 5", 298 pages
According to the Letters of Direction of Dom Marmion
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Modern Saints II

Modern Saints II
Their Lives and Faces
by Ann Ball

Saints are not phenomena of the past; they are with us in all eras of the Church's life, for God does not leave His Church bereft of holy witnesses. In this second volume of Modern Saints: Their Lives and Faces, Ann Ball provides brief but substantive biographies on 45 saints, blesseds, and other holy men and women from the past two centuries. Included for each is a portrait, typically an actual photograph—a true blessing for Catholics of our time. This volume contains the lives and faces of saints including:

St Elizabeth SetonSt Joan Antida ThouretBl Magdalen of CanossaSt Andrew Kim & CompanionsSt Vincent Mary Strambi
St Vincent PallottiMother Theodore GuerinSt John VianneyVen Pauline JaricotSt Joseph Cafasso
St Madeleine Sophie BaratSt Euphrasia PelletierFr John Joseph LatasteBl Mary of ProvidenceSt Catherine Laboure
Bl Maria of Jesus CrucifiedCornelia ConnellyBl Jeanne JuganSt Mary Joseph RosselloBl Pauline von Mallinckrodt
St Paula FrassinettiSt Therese CoudercSt Vicenta LopezSt Therese of LisieuxBl Maria Assunta
Bl Elizabeth of the TrinityPope St Pius XBl Bro Mucian of MalonneMother Marianne of MolokaiFrancisco Marto & Jacinta Marto
Bl Mary Theresa LedochowskaDom Columba MarmionSr Josefa MenendezFr Louis VariaraVen Matt Talbot
Bl Bartolo LongoEve LavalliereConcepcion Cabrera de ArmidaFr Felix RougierEdel Quinn
Ven Mother Josephine BakhitaArtemide ZattiBl Katharine DrexelFr Mateo Crawley-BoeveyTherese Neumann

Let these holy men and women, so close to us in time, bring guidance and encouragement on your earthly sojourn, as we wait to join them in Heaven with God and all of his elect from throughout the ages. Impr.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 510 pages, 177 Illus

Their Lives and Faces
$47.00  Inc Tax
Our Way and Our Life
Our Way and Our Life
Christ in His Mysteries
by Bl Dom Columba Marmion, OSB

The present volume is a shorter edition of Christ in His Mysteries, Dom Columba Marmion’s profound reflection on the Mysteries of Christ’s birth, death, Resurrection, and Ascension as presented in the Gospels and the Liturgical Year. In Blessed Marmion’s words, the mysteries that Jesus lived were lived for us. In them He shows Himself as our model and wills to make Himself one with our souls as Head of the Mystical Body of which we are members. Each of Christ’s mysteries, representing a state of His Sacred Humanity, brings to us a special participation in His Divinity.

Advent, Christmas, Holy Week, Paschaltide, the feasts of Corpus Christi and the Sacred Heart—following Christ in this way, uniting ourselves to Him, we share more deeply in His Divinity and His Divine life. This is why, writes Blessed Marmion, the contemplation of the mysteries of Jesus is so fruitful and why contact with the different phases of the life of her Bridegroom, into which the Church places us by means of the Liturgy, is so vital for us. Participation in the mysteries of Jesus requires the co-operation of the soul. If Christ opens to us the unfathomable treasures of His states and mysteries it is that we may draw upon them and make them our own. The Sovereign Pontiff Pius X wrote in his encyclical of November 23rd, 1903, that “the active participation of the faithful in the sacred mysteries and in the public and solemn prayers of the Church is the first and indispensable source of the Christian spirit.” There is no surer way, no more infallible means, of making us one with Christ.

Paperback, size 8" x 5.25", 135 pages

Also available in Hardcover upon request (additional cost)
Christ in His Mysteries
Christ the Life of the Soul
Christ the Life of the Soul
by Bl Dom Columba Marmion, OSB

Christ, the Life of the Soul is a modern spiritual classic. Drawing upon the Scriptures, the Liturgy, and the Doctors of the Church, Blessed Columba Marmion shows us the path towards freedom from self-bondage and the enlargement of our souls - to realize, with St. Paul, that "I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me."

As Blessed Marmion puts it, "Christ is the Alpha and Omega of all sanctity." The author shows how to die to sin and live for God, and the primary sources of our spiritual nourishment in the Eucharist and prayer, until the consummation of our adoption in Christ Jesus in the mystical body of Christ.

Perhaps Pope Benedict XV said it best: "Read this - it is the pure doctrine of the Church ... and singularly conducive to excite and maintain the flame of Divine love in the soul." "He bequeathed to us an authentic treasury of spiritual teaching for the Church of our time. In his writings he teaches a way of holiness, simple and yet demanding, for all the faithful." - Pope John Paul II "

The works of Marmion are outstanding in the accuracy of their doctrine, the clarity of their style, and the depth and richness of their thought." - Pope Pius XII "Abbot Marmion carries us back to a wider and more wholesome tradition, and many will rise up to bless him, as they find in his teaching new strength, and fresh vigor in their striving after God." - Francis Cardinal Bourne Born in Ireland in 1858, Blessed Columba Marmion became Abbot of Maredsous Abbey, Belgium, and one of the great spiritual masters of the 20th century. His conferences and books have influenced popes, cardinals, priests, monks, and laity alike.

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 384 pages
$28.00  Inc Tax
Christ, the Ideal of the Monk
Christ, the Ideal of the Monk
by Bl Dom Columba Marmion, OSB

This book on monastic spirituality ranks among the classics and has won for it's author, from theologians and spiritual writers belonging to various schools, the title of Master and even of Doctor of the Spiritual Life.

A superb and essential volume for those who wish to understand and live the monastic life.

Hardcover, size 9" x 6", 463 pages
$45.00  Inc Tax
Barb of Fire
Barb of Fire
Twenty Poems of Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity with Passages from Bl Dom Columba Marmion, OSB
by Bl Elizabeth of the Trinity
translated by Alan Bancroft

New and vivid translations of the twenty poems by Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity that were published in the Souvenirs shortly after her death in 1906. Accompanying each poem is a selected passage from Abbot Marmion, also newly translated. The editor and translator, Alan Bancroft, shows how strikingly the writings of the celebrated Benedictine Blessed Columba Marmion (beatified in 2000) and those of the young French Carmelite interlock. Elizabeth Catez, beatified in 1984, loved God with an astonishing intensity. These translations - of poems mainly unpublished before in English - together with a discerning introduction present to the reader an out-of-the-ordinary person indeed. She (like Abbot Marmion) answers in a direct manner a central question facing us all: 'What is our existence for?' Alan Bancroft is well known for his accomplished verse translation of, and commentary on, poems of St Therese of Lisieux.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 204 pages
Twenty Poems of Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity with Passages from Bl. Columba Marmion OSB
$33.00  Inc Tax
Christ in His Mysteries
Christ in His Mysteries
by Bl Dom Columba Marmion, OSB

Dom Columba Marmion's classic work Christ the Life of the Soul aims at showing forth "the fundamental character of the Christian life, according to the Gospel, the Epistles of St Paul, and the conclusions of theological teaching." Marmion wanted to emphasize that the "Christian life is essentially supernatural, and can only be found in Christ," who is both the model and cause of all holiness.

Christ in His Mysteries continues this teaching, demonstrating that Christ's life is manifested to us in the mysteries of His incarnation. Marmion shows why Christ's mysteries are ours: He lived them for us; in them He is our Exemplar; and in them He unites us with Himself. Following the great feasts of the Liturgical year, Marmion treats of traits of the Person of Jesus, Who comes to redeem the world by His Sacrifice, contemplating the mysteries of the God-Man. Of these pages, Dom Marmion says: "Written for Him, they speak only of Him. May they further reveal to souls the secret of the love of a God who appeared amongst us! May they lead souls to drink more often at the fountains of living water which have sprung up, for our salvation and joy, from the pierced Heart of Jesus!"

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 420 pages
With Christ (Hardcover)
With Christ
An anthology of the writings of Blessed Columba Marmion
by Bl Dom Columba Marmion, OSB

With Christ is an anthology of writings from Blessed Marmion’s outstanding trilogy: Christ, the Life of the SoulChrist in His Mysteries; and Christ, the Ideal of the Monk; as well as from his letters in Union with God and personal notes on his own spiritual life—focused on the theme of suffering and sharing in the Passion of Our Lord.

In the words of the editor of this volume, Dom Raymund Thibaut, “It is most important to know how to accept suffering; and surely the supreme work of mercy is that difficult science, that delicate art, of teaching men to carry their cross. Not everyone can excel in this art or teach this exalted science effectively, but only he who has a great heart and the supernatural experience of sorrow.” Dom Thibaud continues, “Wherever Dom Marmion goes, he sheds light; he lends a helping hand; he calms and comforts; he inflames hearts, strengthens wills, and sanctifies souls. This overflowing charity, this beneficent zeal, as well as the ring of conviction in his faith and the authority acquired from experience in guiding souls—all these made his words singularly persuasive.” Wholly surrendered to the love of Christ, he wanted only to give Christ to souls and souls to Christ. “We must contemplate Jesus,” Blessed Marmion wrote, “He is God revealing Himself to us. Through a humble faith in Him we have the solution to all our difficulties.” Dom Marmion often thought of Christ as “the Man of sorrows” and his devotion to the Passion of Jesus is well known. He knew also that nothing is so fruitful as union with the source of living water which flows from Calvary and gives every trial a sovereign virtue and an indefinite power to purchase redemption for the entire world.

A book to be read especially during the great penitential seasons of the liturgical year, and in times of temptation, trial, and loss—here are words that can restore or strengthen confidence, bestow peace, and stabilize the soul in the supreme security of abandonment to God.

Hardcover, size 9" x 6", 240 pages
An anthology of the writings of Blessed Columba Marmion
$21.00  Inc Tax
With Christ (Paperback)
With Christ
An anthology of the writings of Blessed Columba Marmion
by Bl Dom Columba Marmion, OSB

With Christ is an anthology of writings from Blessed Marmion’s outstanding trilogy:
Christ, the Life of the Soul; Christ in His Mysteries; and Christ, the Ideal of the Monk; as well as from his letters in Union with God and personal notes on his own spiritual life—focused on the theme of suffering and sharing in the Passion of Our Lord.

In the words of the editor of this volume, Dom Raymund Thibaut, “It is most important to know how to accept suffering; and surely the supreme work of mercy is that difficult science, that delicate art, of teaching men to carry their cross. Not everyone can excel in this art or teach this exalted science effectively, but only he who has a great heart and the supernatural experience of sorrow.” Dom Thibaud continues, “Wherever Dom Marmion goes, he sheds light; he lends a helping hand; he calms and comforts; he inflames hearts, strengthens wills, and sanctifies souls. This overflowing charity, this beneficent zeal, as well as the ring of conviction in his faith and the authority acquired from experience in guiding souls—all these made his words singularly persuasive.” Wholly surrendered to the love of Christ, he wanted only to give Christ to souls and souls to Christ. “We must contemplate Jesus,” Blessed Marmion wrote, “He is God revealing Himself to us. Through a humble faith in Him we have the solution to all our difficulties.” Dom Marmion often thought of Christ as “the Man of sorrows” and his devotion to the Passion of Jesus is well known. He knew also that nothing is so fruitful as union with the source of living water which flows from Calvary and gives every trial a sovereign virtue and an indefinite power to purchase redemption for the entire world.

A book to be read especially during the great penitential seasons of the liturgical year, and in times of temptation, trial, and loss—here are words that can restore or strengthen confidence, bestow peace, and stabilize the soul in the supreme security of abandonment to God.

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 240 pages
An anthology of the writings of Blessed Columba Marmion
$28.00  Inc Tax
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