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Christ, the Ideal of the Monk
by Bl Dom Columba Marmion, OSB
This book on monastic spirituality ranks among the classics and has won for it's author, from theologians and spiritual writers belonging to various schools, the title of Master and even of Doctor of the Spiritual Life.
A superb and essential volume for those who wish to understand and live the monastic life.
Hardcover, size 9" x 6", 463 pages
by Bl Dom Columba Marmion, OSB
This book on monastic spirituality ranks among the classics and has won for it's author, from theologians and spiritual writers belonging to various schools, the title of Master and even of Doctor of the Spiritual Life.
A superb and essential volume for those who wish to understand and live the monastic life.
Hardcover, size 9" x 6", 463 pages
- Availability: 2 In Stock