Miraculous Medal $0.60 Inc Tax
Pray the Rosary leaflet $0.60 Inc Tax
Gift voucher $10 $10.00 Inc Tax
Brown Scapular $5.00 Inc Tax
St Michael Medal $0.60 Inc Tax
St Benedict Round Medal $0.60 Inc Tax
Sunday Missal Booklet $8.00 Inc Tax
Holy Face Medal $1.20 Inc Tax
The New Saint Joseph First Communion Catechism $14.50 Inc Tax
The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Baronius Press) $54.00 Inc Tax
Latin Mass Children's Missal Black Cover $35.00 Inc Tax
Holy Water Bottle with Cross 120 ml $3.00 Inc Tax
Catechism of the Council of Trent (hardcover) $86.00 Inc Tax
Mysteries of the Rosary Holy Cards 2"x4" $6.00
My See and Pray Missal $9.90 Inc Tax
Douay-Rheims and Clementina Vulgata [side-by-side] $220.00 Inc Tax
The Catechism in Pictures $58.00 Inc Tax
Catholic Songs for Children CD $5.00 Inc Tax
Divine Intimacy $118.00 Inc Tax
Jesus Make Me Worthy - White $32.00 Inc Tax
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by TAN Books
“The Holy Bible is like a mirror before our mind’s eye. In it we see our inner face. From the Scriptures we can learn our spiritual deformities and beauties. And there too we discover the progress we are making and how far we are from perfection.” — Saint Gregory the Great
The Douay-Rheims translation of the Holy Bible is the traditional English translation of the Bible for Catholics. Let our high-quality, leather-bound version of the Douay-Rheims Bible adorn your family’s mantle and bookshelves!
Its beautiful binding and stunning details make this the only copy of the Bible you will ever need to own.
In addition to the text, this copy contains:
- Elegant, readable typesetting with the Words of Christ in red
- A Calendar of Readings
- Favorite Catholic Prayers
- New Testament maps
- Illustrations depicting the life of Christ
- A historical and chronological index
- Family record pages
Faithfully rendering the Latin Vulgate, the version of Scripture used traditionally in the Liturgy and approved by the Council of Trent, the Douay-Rheims is historically the most important English translation of the Bible. The Douay-Rheims translation was the stand alone Catholic English translation of the Bible for over 300 years. Translated with profound respect for every word, the wonderful style of the Douay-Rheims Bible and the expansive annotations will make this Bible perfect for everyone.
Whether you are looking for a simple resource to help you encounter the word of God, to use in study, or to meditate upon the word of God, the Douay-Rheims translation is perfect for you!
“Let sleep find you holding your Bible, and when you head nods let it be resting on the sacred page.” — Saint Jerome
Deluxe Leatherette, size 8.2" x 5.5", 1408 pages
Large Print Leather Black
TAN Books
"The Holy Bible is like a mirror before our mind’s eye. In it we see our inner face. From the Scriptures we can learn our spiritual deformities and beauties. And there too we discover the progress we are making and how far we are from perfection.” —Saint Gregory the Great
The Douay-Rheims translation of the Holy Bible is the traditional English translation of the Bible for Catholics. Let our high-quality, leather-bound version of the Douay-Rheims Bible adorn your family’s mantle and bookshelves!
Its beautiful binding, gold foiling, and stunning details make this copy the only version of the Bible you will ever need to own.
In addition to the text, this copy contains:
- Elegant, readable typesetting with the Words of Christ in red
- New Testament maps
- Illustrations depicting the life of Christ
- A historical and chronological index
- Family record pages
- Font size 11pt
Faithfully rendering the Latin Vulgate, the version of Scripture used traditionally in the Liturgy and approved by the Council of Trent, the Douay-Rheims translation has historically been the most important English translation of the Bible. The Douay-Rheims translation was the stand alone Catholic English translation of the Bible for over 300 years. Translated with profound respect for every word, the wonderful style of the Douay-Rheims Bible and the expansive annotations will make this Bible perfect for everyone.
Whether you are looking for a simple resource to help you encounter the word of God, to use in study, or to meditate upon the word of God, the Douay-Rheims translation is perfect for you!
“Let sleep find you holding your Bible, and when your head nods, let it be resting on the sacred page.” —Saint Jerome
Leather, size 9.25" x 6.25", 1408 pages
Standard Size Leather Black
TAN Books
"The Holy Bible is like a mirror before our mind’s eye. In it we see our inner face. From the Scriptures we can learn our spiritual deformities and beauties. And there too we discover the progress we are making and how far we are from perfection.” —Saint Gregory the Great
The Douay-Rheims translation of the Holy Bible is the traditional English translation of the Bible for Catholics. Let our high-quality, leather-bound version of the Douay-Rheims Bible adorn your family’s mantle and bookshelves!
Its beautiful binding, gold foiling, and stunning details make this copy the only version of the Bible you will ever need to own.
In addition to the text, this copy contains:
- Elegant, readable typesetting with the Words of Christ in red
- New Testament maps
- Illustrations depicting the life of Christ
- A historical and chronological index
- Family record pages
Faithfully rendering the Latin Vulgate, the version of Scripture used traditionally in the Liturgy and approved by the Council of Trent, the Douay-Rheims translation has historically been the most important English translation of the Bible. The Douay-Rheims translation was the stand alone Catholic English translation of the Bible for over 300 years. Translated with profound respect for every word, the wonderful style of the Douay-Rheims Bible and the expansive annotations will make this Bible perfect for everyone.
Whether you are looking for a simple resource to help you encounter the word of God, to use in study, or to meditate upon the word of God, the Douay-Rheims translation is perfect for you!
“Let sleep find you holding your Bible, and when your head nods, let it be resting on the sacred page.” —Saint Jerome
Leather, size 8.5" x 5.5", 1408 pages
by Mike Aquilina
Times change, but human nature does not. Neither do the daily struggles that all Christians experience in their walk with the Lord. Today as two thousand years ago we fight anger, pride, lust, spiritual sloth. Now as then we strive to be more diligent in prayer, more faithful to the commandments, more patient and charitable toward others. And in our time, no less than in the earliest centuries of Christianity, we need wise guidance to direct us on the road to holiness.
In A Year with the Church Fathers, popular Patristics expert Mike Aquilina gathers the wisest, most practical teachings and exhortations from the Fathers of the Church, and presents them in a format perfect for daily meditation and inspiration. The Fathers were the immediate inheritors of the riches of the Apostolic Age, and their intimacy with the revelation of Jesus Christ is beautifully evident throughout their theological and pastoral writings: a profound patrimony that is ours to read and cherish and profit from.
Learn to humbly accept correction from St. Clement of Rome. Let Tertullian teach you how to clear your mind before prayer. Read St. Gregory the Great and deepen your love for the Eucharist. Do you suffer from pain or illness? St. John Chrysostom's counsels will refresh you. Do you have trouble curbing your appetite for food and other fleshly things? St. John Cassian will teach you the true way to moderation and self-control.
A Year with the Church Fathers is different from a study guide, and more than a collection of pious passages. It is a year-long retreat that in just a few minutes every day will lead you on a cycle of contemplation, prayer, resolution, and spiritual growth that is guaranteed to bring you closer to God and His truth. From the Church Fathers we should expect nothing less.
Beautiful gift edition, with two-tone ultra soft leatherette cover, ribbon marker, and designed interior pages, size 8.5" x 5.5", 365 pages
by Michael Davies
A short, authoritative, enthralling history of the Roman Mass from the Last Supper to the "Tridentine Mass" as said today. Covers Low Mass, Sacramentaries, other Western Rites, etc. Highlights the reforms of Popes St. Gregory the Great (590-604) and St. Pius V (1566-1572). Says neither "reform" produced a "new" liturgy.
Booklet, size 6" x 3.75", 53 pages
by Fr Lawrence G. Lovasik
St. Joseph Picture Book Series, Part 5 of 12 books on the "Super-Heroes of God"--commonly known as Saints--by beloved author Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D. introduces Catholic children to 15 of the most well-known Saints. Among the features of this book are:
- a full-color illustration of each Saint
- short, easy-to-understand lives of the Saints that offer a window on what made them so special in the eyes of God
- the feast day for each Saint in accordance with the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church
Saints included in this edition are:
St. Basil the Great | St. Anthony the Abbot | St. Isidore of Seville | St. Vincent Ferrer |
St. Gemma Galgani | St. Philip Neri | St. Camillus de Lellis | St. Christopher |
St. Ignatius of Loyola | St. John Eudes | St. Gregory the Great | St. Robert Bellarmine |
St. Paul of the Cross | St. Leo the Great | St. Peter Canisius |
Paperback, size 7" x 5", 32 pages
The Final Campaign Against the Saviour
by Fr. Vincent Miceli S.J.
Fiction and nonfiction books and movies speculate about end-of-the-world scenarios, proposing a rogue's gallery of corrupt leaders and a host of chilling, apocalyptic theories. Disillusioned by the crippled state of our Church and our world, people are increasingly placing faith in prophecies that claim to know details and dates about upcoming chastisements.
Will the “final confrontation” include unprecedented bloodshed or the subtle trickery of seduction (or both)? Have the current intellectual, political, and sexual “liberation” movements — including within the Church — created the platform required for the Antichrist to emerge?
In an age of diabolical disorientation, this captivating book provides much-needed clarity on relevant biblical prophecies — from Old Testament times to St. Paul and Revelation — and writings of early Church Fathers and Doctors of the Church, including Sts. Augustine, Gregory the Great, Jerome, and Thomas Aquinas.
This prescient book will enlighten you on whether there is more than one Antichrist, the types of leaders and societies that Cardinal Newman believed would be forerunners of the Antichrist, and how long the Antichrist will reign. You will also explore the Church's teaching on millenarianism and the prospect that the reign of the Antichrist is drawing closer.
A valuable and timely resource, this book will aid you in understanding views on the Antichrist through history and how they are linked to predictions about the end of the world, the Second Coming of Christ, the role of false prophets, and the devices the evil one uses to cultivate apostasy. You will also discover:
- What the persecution of the Antichrist will entail and events foretelling his coming
- How to avoid being deceived by the Antichrist
- Our Lady's role in the End Times
- The significance of sacrilege, idolatry, and the “abomination of desolation”
- The consequences of attacks on the Holy Eucharist, the Sacred Liturgy, and the Blessed Mother
- The correlation (if any) between Rome and the Antichrist
- How contemporary heresies, occultism, and immorality plant the seeds for evil
This book will empower and encourage you to hold fast to your beliefs, bear witness to the truth, and defend against false teachings that subvert the fortitude of the faithful.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 432 pages
Miracles of Father Paul of Moll
by Edward Van Speybrouck
Multitudes flocked to Father Paul of Moll, a Benedictine monk in Belgium in the 1800s, to benefit from his astounding gifts, including miraculous healings, reading of hearts, prophecy, and bilocation. The stories herein will greatly surprise the modern reader in revealing the reasons behind certain illnesses and afflictions, and some so-called “poltergeist” activity.
As miracles were often granted Fr. Paul through the intercession of the great Patriarch of the West, St. Benedict, with the use of Benedict’s Medal, also included in this book is a guide to that powerful Medal from Dom Prosper Guéranger’s Liturgical Year (also published as The Medal of St. Benedict), and the Life of St. Benedict, taken from the writings of St. Gregory the Great, with additions from the visions of Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich.
First published in French in 1898 as Quelques traits de la vie du Très-Révérend Père Paul, de Moll, bénédictin, 1824-1896. Translated into English in 1910 as The Very Rev. Father Paul of Moll. Republished August 29, 2017. Some material has been reorganized. Footnotes have been updated. Devotions noted in the text have been added in an Appendix. A novena in honor of Fr. Paul has been added.
Hardcover, size 8.75" x 5.75", 352 pages
Sitxty-three Saints of the Western Church from the First to the Twentieth Century
by Hugh Ross Williamson
Sixty-three Saints of the Western Church from the 1st to the 20th Century Saints are the men and women who best love Christ and His Church.
They may be kings or queens, statesmen or soldiers, scholars, visionaries, workmen or beggars. They teach us the real meaning of human history, and they show us how to live in any walk of life or set of circumstances.
Many of these saints were martyrs, killed in periods of persecution. Others died trying to bring the knowledge of Christ to pagan tribes. Yet others built up the Church through their example and their teaching, but were never called upon to shed their blood.
St James the Greater | St Denis | St Helen | St Ambrose of Milan | St Germain |
St Patrick | St Genevieve | St Brigid of Ireland | St Benedict | St Gregory the Great |
St Columba of Iona | St Hermengild | St Isidore of Seville | St Aiden | St Audry (Etheldreda) |
St Cuthbert of Lindisfarne | St Giles | St Boniface | St Eulogius of Cordova | St Swithun |
St Wenceslaus | St Wolfgang | Sts Henry & Cunegund | St Edward the Confessor | St Benno of Meissen |
St Gregory VII | St Norbert | St Bernard of Clairvaux | St Thomas of Canterbury | St Hildegard |
St Hugh of Lincoln | St Francis of Assisi | St Dominic | St Anthony of Padua | St Elizabeth of Hungary |
St Willebold | St Louis IX | St Albert the Great | St Thomas Aquinas | Bl Ramon Lull |
St Elizabeth the Peacemaker | St Catherine of Siena | St John Nepomucene | St Bernadine of Siena | St Joan of Arc |
St Jerome Emiliani | St Thomas More | St Ignatius Loyola | St John of God | St Francis Xavier |
St Teresa of Avila | St Peter Canisius | Bl Edmund Campion | St Camillus de Lellis | St Vincent de Paul |
St Alphonsus Liguori | St Benedict Joseph Labre | The Cure d'Ars | St Bernadette | St John Bosco |
St Therese of Lisieux | St Pius X | St Frances Xavier Cabrini |
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 239 pages
by Pope St. Gregory the Great
The famous, classic life of St. Benedict, filled with miracles, holy stories and inspiring idealism. Delightful reading for all ages. Describes much of what is known about St. Benedict, including the founding of the Benedictine order.
Booklet, 76 pages
by Fr. Christopher Rengers OFMCap, Matthew E. Bunson, PhD
The 35 Doctors of the Church presents the most comprehensive and fascinating collection available anywhere on the lives and labors of the saints who have been declared the Church’s Doctors.
From St. Athanasius (c. 297–373) to St. Thérèse of Lisieux (1873–1897), you’ll find the amazing stories of 35 extraordinary men and women who are honored both for their holiness and for the eminence of their teachings about the Faith.
Their work and witness are truly timeless; their lives and wisdom show us how to be holy in our own lives, how to confront the challenges of today, and how to proclaim the Gospel to a modern world hungering for Jesus Christ.
St Athanasius | St Ephrem | St Cyril of Jerusalem | St Hilary of Poitiers | St Gregory Nazianzen | St Basil the Great |
St Ambrose of Milan | St Jerome | St John Chrysostom | St Augustine of Hippo | St Cyril of Alexandria | Pope St Leo the Great |
St Peter Chrysologus | Pope St Gregory the Great | St Isidore of Seville | St Bede the Venerable | St John Damascene | St Peter Damian |
St Anselm | St Bernard of Clairvaux | St Hildegard of Bingen | St Anthony of Padua | St Albert the Great | St Bonaventure |
St Thomas Aquinas | St Catherine of Siena | St John of Avila | St Teresa of Avila | St Peter Canisius | St Robert Bellarmine |
St John of the Cross | St Lawrence of Brindisi | St Francis de Sales | St Alphonsus Liguori | St Therese of Lisieux |
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 730 pages
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