Davies, Michael

Michael Treharne Davies (13 March 1936 – 25 September 2004) was a British teacher and traditionalist Catholic writer of many books about the Catholic Church following the Second Vatican Council. From 1992 to 2004 he was the president of the international traditionalist Catholic organisation Foederatio Internationalis Una Voce and was responsible for the unification of Una Voce America
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The Rising in the Vendee
$35.00  Inc Tax
Defender of the Faith
$16.00  Inc Tax
A Defense of the Catholic Priesthood
$40.00  Inc Tax
$20.00  Inc Tax
For Altar and Throne
For Altar and Throne
The Rising in the Vendee
by Michael Davies

It is a matter of regret that very few English-speaking Catholics know anything whatsoever about the events that took place in the Vendee region of France during the French Revolution of 1789.

The aim of this book is to commemorate the visit of Pope John Paul II to the Vendee, where the people remained faithful to the Vicar of Christ and attached to their parishes and their priests, in spite of the cruelty of persecution to which they were subjected during the French Revolution. There is no more noble or inspiring story in the history of the Church than that of the heroic struggle of the people of the Vendee to defend their altars and their King.

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 100 pages
The Rising in the Vendee
$35.00  Inc Tax
Saint Athanasius
Saint Athanasius
Defender of the Faith
by Michael Davies

"The whole world groaned and was amazed to find itself Arian." So cried Saint Jerome. Athanasius was in exile (again), a compromised Pope occupied the Chair of Peter, hardly a bishop had the courage to confront Constantius. Twelve different creeds were competing for the allegiance of Christians; the Nicean Creed was forbidden.

The true Faith was being upheld by laymen, inspired by Athanasius, who held fast to what their bishops had taught them even though those same bishops had abandoned it by now.

Are there modern-day parallels in the Church and Her Churchmen?

Michael Davies' book provides a fascinating insight into one of the most troubled periods in the history of the Church and the life of one of Her greatest saints. Documents the facts on the "Fall of Pope Liberius," who confirmed the excommunication of Saint Athanasius, and signed an ambiguous formula of doubtful orthodoxy.

Mr. Davies reminds us that the Faith is not served by explaining away historical facts, but in understanding them in the light of Catholic teaching. The fact that the Church survives every crisis with the integrity of Her doctrinal teaching intact is a dramatic testimony to Her divine origin and the necessity of Athanasian perseverance.

Booklet, size 8.5" x 5.5", 96 pages
Defender of the Faith
$16.00  Inc Tax
The Order of Melchisidech
The Order of Melchisedech
A Defense of the Catholic Priesthood
by Michael Davies

On 30 June 1968, pope Paul VI pronounced his Credo in which the doctrine of the Sacrifice of the Mass "celebrated by the priest in the Person of Christ in virtue of the power he received in the Sacrament of Order" was very clearly, unambiguously, and correctly expressed. Twelve days earlier, Pope Paul VI had signed the Apostolic Constitution in which he approved and imposed the new ritual of the ordination of deacon, priest, and bishop. In this book the author examines the new rite of ordination to the priesthood and exposes its differences with the former one used in the Roman rite for a number of centuries, enjoying the highest authority.

There can be no doubt of the validity of the New Rite but there are certain features which the author deplores. A number of prayers and ceremonies have been suppressed which, in the Old Rite, served clearly to express the most essential character and duty of priesthood: to offer the Eucharistic Sacrifice of the Mass. This is a sign of a tendency which can be observed in other official liturgical innovations (not to mention illegal ones). It is a matter of great concern for many Catholics that this and similar things are done at a time when the sacrificial character of what is now commonly called the "celebration of the Eucharist" is questioned or even denied by many who do not leave the Catholic Church.

Mr. Davies gives an impressive exposition of the facts and the meaning he attaches to them in the light of Trent, the Pontifical letter Apostolicae Curae of Pope Leo XIII, other official documents, and also the Canterbury Declaration on Ministry and Ordination in the Anglican and Catholic Churches. He rightly rejects the latter completely as a totally ambiguous document.

This is a rich and scholarly book which should be in the hands of all who study post-conciliar developments in the official Roman Catholic Church, the Church of Christ.

Paperback, size 8.25" x 5.25", 255 pages
A Defense of the Catholic Priesthood
$40.00  Inc Tax
The Roman Rite Destroyed
The Roman Rite Destroyed
by Michael Davies

Twenty-five years ago when this work first was published, its purpose was to prove to the skeptic that the Roman Rite of Mass was in fact being dismantled. Its advertising copy asked, "The Roman Rite destroyed?" as though to surprise its reader. Over a generation later, the first-time readers of The Roman Rite Destroyed, who most probably have known only the New Order of Mass (i.e., the Novus Ordo Missae), have little or no memory of the Tridentine Latin Mass of the Roman rite which predated it. They are living proof that the Roman rite of the Latin Mass has been destroyed.

The newest readers of this small work are perhaps faintly aware of the Mass of their parents and grandparents. What was the Latin Mass? How was it destroyed? Why was it destroyed? Who led its destruction? Can the Novus Ordo Mass that replaced the Tridentine Mass be both similar and superior to it at the same time?

Learn why the Old and New Masses are not similar, and why the New Mass can only be superior to the Old in its consistency with the movement of the Conciliar Church towards a common liturgy with non-Catholics, which is the reason why, says the author, the Old was disposed of, and the New proposed and then imposed.

Booklet, size 8" x 5", 54 pages, Illustrated


$20.00  Inc Tax
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