Catholic Songs for Children CD

$5.00  Inc Tax
Catholic Songs for Children CD
Featuring: The Mullen Sisters; John Redmond; The Loyola Seminary Choir; The Four Knights; The Kelly Kids; and John Ward.

A fun, easy way for children to learn their Catholic Faith. Now digitally enhanced and remastered, this outstanding collection of songs has been providing the little ones with a solid introduction to the foundations of the Catholic Faith for generations.

All the songs collected on this CD were originally recorded in the 1950s and do not compromise or water-down the Faith.

The Song List: Morning Offering; Who Made the World?; Why Did God Make Us?; Three Persons in One God; Gather Round the Crib at Christmas; Mary is My Mother, Too; Look Out Little One; Jesus Our Redeemer; I Believe in the Catholic Church; The Apostles' Creed; Ten Commandments; The Works of Mercy; Daniel in the Lion's Den; God Lives in Me; I'm a Soldier in Christ's Army; The Living Christ; WHose Sins You Shall Forgive; Why do We Tip Our Hats to a Priest?; For Better, For Worse; Exremem Unction; In the Eyes of God; I Assist at Mass; Anima Christi; and One Fold and One Shepherd. 

Also available as a DVD, colouring book and Sheet Music products.

Compact Disc, 57 minutes playing time
  • Availability: 3 In Stock