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by Sister Mary Ambrose, OP
Additional text by Mother Mary Loyola & Rev Aloysius Heeg
A Child's True Story of Jesus is not merely a coloring book, or the usual activity book with mazes, word searches and other puzzles. This is an activity book in the truest sense of the word.
First created in 1928 by Sister Mary Ambrose, a Dominican Sister who was a Demonstration Teacher at the Loyola University Model School in the 20's and 30s's, this workbook found its genesis in the Montessorian principle of learning by doing. Here, rather than merely hearing each lesson, the child is encouraged to reinforce what he or she has learned, first by using a picture to repeat the lesson in his or her own words, then by coloring, cutting and assembling the lesson to be finally pasted in the book.
In this newly edited version, we have enhanced the activity portion of this book with lesson material for the teacher which the original lacked. Text supplied for the 57 lessons within has been adapted from works by Mother Mary Loyola (author of The King of the Golden City) and Rev. Joseph A. Dunney. These begin with the Life of Christ and His Sacrifice on Calvary, then proceed to Confession and Communion, and finally cover the parts of the Mass. All of these attributes make A Child's True Story of Jesus an ideal resource in preparation for the sacraments of First Confession and First Communion.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 11", 268 pages
- Availability: 1 In Stock