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A Little Child's First Communion
A Little Child's First Communion
by Mother Margaret Bolton
Mother Margaret Bolton began her career in 1892 as a public school teacher in New York City before entering the Convent of the Cenacle of St. Regis in 1913, where she soon became Director of Religion. To prepare younger children for the series, while also readying them for reception of the sacraments, she developed this series of six booklets called "A Little Child's First Communion."
Book One: God is Love
Book Two: God Loves Truth
Book Three: God Sent His Own Beloved Son
Book Four: The Holy Way, The Straight Way
Book Five: Temples of the Living God
Book Six: Come, Lord Jesus
All six booklets are included in this one volume.
Intended to be used either in parochial schools or in parish catechesis programs, this series involves the parents in their child's formation through stories and activities. When paired with its manual, called Foundational Principles for Catholic Doctrinal Action, the parent or teacher is supplied with an overview of the didactic methods as well as the basis for each of the concepts taught in the series, including quotes from Scripture, the Catechism and the Church Fathers.
Paperback, size 9.25" x 7.5", 256 pages
by Mother Margaret Bolton
Mother Margaret Bolton began her career in 1892 as a public school teacher in New York City before entering the Convent of the Cenacle of St. Regis in 1913, where she soon became Director of Religion. To prepare younger children for the series, while also readying them for reception of the sacraments, she developed this series of six booklets called "A Little Child's First Communion."
Book One: God is Love
Book Two: God Loves Truth
Book Three: God Sent His Own Beloved Son
Book Four: The Holy Way, The Straight Way
Book Five: Temples of the Living God
Book Six: Come, Lord Jesus
All six booklets are included in this one volume.
Intended to be used either in parochial schools or in parish catechesis programs, this series involves the parents in their child's formation through stories and activities. When paired with its manual, called Foundational Principles for Catholic Doctrinal Action, the parent or teacher is supplied with an overview of the didactic methods as well as the basis for each of the concepts taught in the series, including quotes from Scripture, the Catechism and the Church Fathers.
Paperback, size 9.25" x 7.5", 256 pages
- Availability: 1 In Stock