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When Sorrow Comes
When Sorrow Comes
by Fr Daniel A. Lord, S.J.
The saints dared to call sorrow a beautiful thing. And Christ, in one of His most startling paradoxes, cried out, "My yoke is sweet and my burden light." Sweet and light? Not, surely, when we struggle resentfully against that yoke and burden. Then it chafes our shoulders and rubs them raw. But when we let Christ place that yoke with His gentle hands, we know that a yoke is born by two, Christ and ourselves. Then we remember that even Simon of Cyrene did not carry the cross alone; he bore it behind our Lord, who carried the heavier share of the burden.
Booklet, size 8.5" x 4.9", 32 pages, Impr 1931.
by Fr Daniel A. Lord, S.J.
The saints dared to call sorrow a beautiful thing. And Christ, in one of His most startling paradoxes, cried out, "My yoke is sweet and my burden light." Sweet and light? Not, surely, when we struggle resentfully against that yoke and burden. Then it chafes our shoulders and rubs them raw. But when we let Christ place that yoke with His gentle hands, we know that a yoke is born by two, Christ and ourselves. Then we remember that even Simon of Cyrene did not carry the cross alone; he bore it behind our Lord, who carried the heavier share of the burden.
Booklet, size 8.5" x 4.9", 32 pages, Impr 1931.
- Availability: 2 In Stock