Lord, Fr Daniel A., SJ

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A Modern Discussion of an Unpopular Subject
Nineteen Stories that Really Happened
$22.00  Inc Tax
A Story of Christ, Yourself and Your Job
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Fashionable Sin
Fashionable Sin
A Modern Discussion of an Unpopular Subject
by Fr. Daniel Lord, S.J.

Father explains that in older days the same sins could be found as we have today, but the sinner would accuse himself of the sin and confess it; now, the same sin is not recognized as such, but is seen as a virtue! The sinner is not happy and receives no comfort from the world; it is left for the merciful, sin-crucified Christ to clasp the penitent sinner to His heart.

Booklet, size 8.5" x 4.8", 28 pages, Impr. 1929
A Modern Discussion of an Unpopular Subject
I Don't Like Lent
I Don't Like Lent
by Fr Daniel A. Lord, SJ

A tale about a group of people, Catholic and non-Catholic, discussing Lent with a Priest in a warm, inviting setting in front of a fireplace. Father Hall explains the reason and importance of Lent. Easy to follow and entertaining booklet.

Booklet, size 8.25" x 4.9", 32 pages, Impr 1937
These Tales are True
These Tales are True
Nineteen Stories that Really Happened
by Fr Daniel A. Lord, SJ

Truth is often stranger than fiction.

This book is a collection of true tales, sometimes incredible, fantastic tales. Many of them highlight a principle of Catholic life in a way no mere explanation can achieve. All of these stories appeared first in a magazine from many years ago and are collected here in convenient form so that they can be easily enjoyed by the whole family.

Some of the stories are based on incidents which involved the personal experience of the narrator, Father Lord. In other cases the tale was told to Father Lord and he retells it here in his own inimitable fashion.

The fact that these tales are true, that they really did happen, must be emphasized. The lessons they point will help you to enrich Christian living.

Paperback, size 8" x 5", 98 pages, Impr 1947
Nineteen Stories that Really Happened
$22.00  Inc Tax
Don't Hate Your Job
Don't Hate Your Job
by Fr. Daniel A. Lord, S.J.

A story of Christ, yourself, and your job. About how a young man, in line to be a surgeon, is forced to quit medical school when his father suffers an untimely death. He hates his job until a walk with a priest makes him think. The story goes on to show that even Jesus, the divine physician, was a hard-working carpenter. “Whatever my job, it’s a good job. Christ the carpenter, help me to do my job as well as you did yours.”

Booklet, size 8.5" x 4.75", 32 page, Impr 1941
A Story of Christ, Yourself and Your Job
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When Sorrow Comes
When Sorrow Comes
by Fr Daniel A. Lord, S.J.

The saints dared to call sorrow a beautiful thing. And Christ, in one of His most startling paradoxes, cried out, "My yoke is sweet and my burden light." Sweet and light? Not, surely, when we struggle resentfully against that yoke and burden. Then it chafes our shoulders and rubs them raw. But when we let Christ place that yoke with His gentle hands, we know that a yoke is born by two, Christ and ourselves. Then we remember that even Simon of Cyrene did not carry the cross alone; he bore it behind our Lord, who carried the heavier share of the burden. 

Booklet, size 8.5" x 4.9", 32 pages, Impr 1931.
Christ and Women
Christ and Women
by Fr Daniel A. Lord, S.J.

“Writers have sometimes stated that women had little place in the life of Christ.” What is the answer to the question mark that this statement by Father Lord puts in your mind? Will you remain satisfied with such a pronouncement? Or will you, with Father Lord, go back to the life of Christ and see what women really meant to our Lord... and what He should mean to you today?

Booklet, 32 pages, Impr 1928
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Story of the Sacred Heart
Story of the Sacred Heart
by Fr. Daniel A Lord, S.J.
Beautifully illustrated with full page, traditional Catholic artwork and written in a simple language that makes it ideal for little children. Introduces children to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque and the story of how Christ appeared and showed her His heart burning with love for mankind. “Behold the Heart that has loved men so much and been loved so little in return.” She remembers how little mankind has returned the love that Our Lord has shown for us. She wants everyone to love His Sacred Heart so she goes out to tell every one that would listen about His love for us. The story tells about how everyone stops loving sinful things and start showing that they love Jesus!

Booklet, 10 pages, Impr
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