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Pray the Rosary leaflet $0.60 Inc Tax
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Brown Scapular $5.00 Inc Tax
St Michael Medal $0.60 Inc Tax
St Benedict Round Medal $0.60 Inc Tax
Sunday Missal Booklet $8.00 Inc Tax
Holy Face Medal $1.20 Inc Tax
The New Saint Joseph First Communion Catechism $14.50 Inc Tax
The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Baronius Press) $54.00 Inc Tax
Latin Mass Children's Missal Black Cover $35.00 Inc Tax
Holy Water Bottle with Cross 120 ml $3.00 Inc Tax
Catechism of the Council of Trent (hardcover) $86.00 Inc Tax
Mysteries of the Rosary Holy Cards 2"x4" $6.00
My See and Pray Missal $9.90 Inc Tax
Douay-Rheims and Clementina Vulgata [side-by-side] $220.00 Inc Tax
The Catechism in Pictures $58.00 Inc Tax
Catholic Songs for Children CD $5.00 Inc Tax
Divine Intimacy $118.00 Inc Tax
Jesus Make Me Worthy - White $32.00 Inc Tax
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Products meeting the search criteria
Resisting Temptation and Overcoming Sin
by Venerable Louis of Grenada
The Sinner's Guide is the most famous work of one of the most prominent and exceptional spiritual teachers of the sixteenth century. It has been compared to The Imitation of Christ for its breadth, intensity, and usefulness for devotion and has been translated into Italian, French, German, Polish, Latin, and Greek. Covering what many spiritual writers neglect, Venerable Louis discusses both virtue and vice—how to both do good and avoid evil.
Included in this volume are chapters on:
- Eleven motives for practicing virtue
- Twelve privileges of virtue
- Cautions against deferring conversion
- Remedies for the seven deadly sins and others
- Virtues and duties of our state
- And far more!
Venerable Louis stands as a master of the spiritual life throughout the whole Christian tradition. Born in extremely poor circumstances, his mother was widowed when he was five, and the pair subsisted on alms gathered from outside the gate of a Dominican priory. Eventually, Louis became a Dominican himself, and began a career of preaching that resulted, at length, in traveling throughout Spain and Portugal. He attained—despite the humble friar's best efforts—various posts in the Order of Preachers and served at courts of nobles and the queen regent of Portugal. He was offered bishoprics and the cardinalate, but declined all offers. He suffered much in his life, accused by the Spanish Inquisition of heresy unjustly; he was later vindicated by the Council of Trent and the witness of subsequent saints. Indeed, he counts among his readers and recommenders such pillars of sanctity as St. Rose of Lima, St. Vincent de Paul, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Charles Borromeo, St. Louise de Marillac, and St. Francis de Sales, who recommended Venerable Louis's works be read as a "second Breviary."
But Venerable Louis's primary mission, quite unusually for his time, was to write and preach for the laity. Indeed, a disapproving observer said Venerable Louis wrote for "wives of carpenters," maybe forgetting who the Blessed Virgin was. Let, then, the words of this venerable Spanish preacher illuminate your heart with the light of Christ, speaking, as it were, straight from the bosom of the Master.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 496 pages
Catechism of the Council of Trent (hardcover)
"That golden book known as the Catechism of the Council of Trent, or Roman Catechism … Noted both for the abundance and accuracy of its teaching and for elegance of style, this catechism is a precious summary of the whole of theology, dogmatic and moral." – Leo XIII, Encyclical Depuis Le Jour.
The Council of Trent was called to counter the Protestant Reformation by unambiguously affirming the distinctive truths of the Catholic faith. To disseminate these truths, the Council of Trent commanded a Catechism to be written. Composed under the supervision of St. Charles Borromeo and promulgated by St. Pope St. Pius V, its value as an authoritative exposition of the Catholic faith has only increased through the centuries.
While originally intended for priests to use alongside the Sacred Scriptures in defending the faith, its straightforward and logical explanation of Catholic doctrinal and moral teachings makes it a useful reference and guide for the laity more than 400 years after it was first published. Today, it continues to enlighten souls who seek to discern between true and false teachings.
This edition is the definitive translation of the Catechism of the Council of Trent from the original Latin. The book is divided into four parts which explain, respectively, the Articles of Faith, the Seven Sacraments, the Ten Commandments and the Lord’s Prayer. There are also appendices on the Immaculate Conception, Papal Infallibility, Christian Marriage and on Frequent and Daily Communion.
Windsor Tan Leather, Hardcover, size 8.5" x 5.5", 608 pages
by Various
Men need the elevating example of Catholic heroes. Learning from the saints what it is to live and die for the faith is an essential element of a boy's Catholic character development. Start by giving them this easy-to-read compilation of short stories and inspire the boys of today to be the saints that inspire others tomorrow.
Lives of Saints include:
St Andrew, the Apostle | St Charles Borromeo | St Edward, King of England | St Francis of Assisi |
St George, Martyr | St Henry II, Emperor | St James, the Apostle | St Joseph |
St Louis, King of France | St Maurice and his companions | St Patrick | St Stephen, King of Hungary |
St Thomas Aquinas | St William, Abp, Confessor |
Paperback, size 6" x 4", 248 pages
by Fr Lawrence G. Lovasik
St. Joseph Picture Book Series, Part 3 of 12 books on the "Super-Heroes of God"--commonly known as Saints--by beloved author Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D. introduces Catholic children to 15 of the most well-known Saints. Among the features of this book are:
- a full-color illustration of each Saint
- short, easy-to-understand lives of the Saints that offer a window on what made them so special in the eyes of God
- the feast day for each Saint in accordance with the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church
Saints included in this edition are:
St. Francis de Sales | St. Thomas Aquinas | St. Isidore the Farmer | St. John the Baptist |
St. Benedict | St. Clare of Assisi | St. Bernard | St. Augustine |
St. Charles Borromeo | St. Frances Cabrini | St. Elizabeth | St. Cecelia |
St. Francis Xavier | St. John of the Cross | St. Catherine Laboure | Our Lady, Queen of All Saints |
Paperback, size 7" x 5", 32 pages
by Brother Ernest, C.S.C.
Saint Charles Borromeo, born in 1538, was a great figure of the Counter-Reformation. Reading this story of Saint Charles can help see that we are called to be holy and to spend every moment we can for God!
Level 1
Paperback, size 8" x 6", 30 pages
The Life of St Peter Canisius, SJ
by Fr William Reany, DD
Among the Doctors of the Church, one of the least known in spite of his importance for Catholic life today, is Peter Canisius, one of the first Jesuits.
Canisius lived in an age of upheaval, confusion, wide distrust of the hierarchy, and warfare between christian princes. Through his learning, zeal, holiness, and zeal, he, more than anyone else, preserved the Catholic faith in Germany and Switzerland. His voluminous writings, though nearly unknown today, would take up numerous shelves. His catechisms have been praised by Popes for centuries. This is the story of an ordinary man called upon by God to work among the great men of his age, such as Philip Neri, Ignatius of Loyola, Charles Borromeo, Pius V, Francis de Sales, and countless others. The power of Reany’s biography is that it is simple to read while at the same time interesting and enlightening.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 195 pages
Also available in Hardcover on request (additional cost).
by Venerable Louis of Grenada
In Marvels of Creation, Venerable Louis of Granada writes beautifully and profoundly, so that we might see the wonders that God has put in plain sight and give glory to Him for them. Here is great spiritual fruit that has nourished the greatest saints for centuries and now will sustain you in prayerful reflection and wonder of all that God created in His perfect and awesome design.
One of the most prominent and exceptional spiritual teachers of the sixteenth century, this holy Dominican stands as a master of the spiritual life throughout the whole Christian tradition. Born in extremely poor circumstances, his mother was widowed when he was five, and the pair subsisted on alms gathered from outside the gate of a Dominican priory.
Eventually, Louis became a Dominican himself, and began a career of preaching that resulted, at length, in traveling throughout Spain and Portugal. He attained—despite the humble friar's best efforts—various posts in the Order of Preachers and served at courts of nobles and the queen regent of Portugal. He was offered bishoprics and the cardinalate, but declined all offers.
He suffered much in his life, accused by the Spanish Inquisition of heresy unjustly; he was later vindicated by the Council of Trent and the witness of subsequent saints. Indeed, he counts among his readers and recommenders such pillars of sanctity as St. Rose of Lima, St. Vincent de Paul, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Charles Borromeo, St. Louise de Marillac, and St. Francis de Sales, who recommended Venerable Louis's work be read as a "second Breviary."
Venerable Louis's Sinner's Guide has been compared to The Imitation of Christ for its breadth, intensity, and usefulness for devotion and has been translated into Italian, French, German, Polish, Latin, and Greek. Some of his books have even made it into Turkish and Japanese. But Venerable Louis's primary mission, quite unusually for his time, was to write and preach for the laity. Indeed, a disapproving observer said Venerable Louis wrote for "wives of carpenters," maybe forgetting who the Blessed Virgin was. Let, then, the words of this venerable Spanish preacher illuminate your heart with the light of Christ, speaking, as it were, straight from the bosom of the Master.
With this updated and annotated edition of The Marvels of Creation, you can discover what the great saints have known: that we are to wonder and praise all things, great and small, which our creator God has placed in the world around us . . . and that Venerable Louis is a spiritual guide unlike any other.
Paperback, size 7" x 5", 160 pages
The House of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Miraculous Story of Its Journey from Nazareth to a Hillside in Italy
by Godfrey E. Phillips
Come to know the house of the Virgin Mary which, according to numberless saints, scores of popes, and many official documents of the Vatican (and to protect it from the depredations of the Saracens) was in the late 1200s miraculously transported from Mary’s village of Nazareth to a hillside in Italy.
In this house, the Virgin Mary herself was born, she was saluted by the angel Gabriel, and Jesus himself became flesh. There he spent the first twelve years of his life.
The House of the Virgin Mary, is the comprehensive tale of the Holy House in Nazareth, and its miraculous transport to Loreto, Italy – a delightful book that carefully lays out the evidence for the miracle and affords you detailed, convincing answers to those who have challenged it. You’ll learn about:
- Its veneration in Nazareth before it mysteriously disappeared, leaving only its foundation
- Its sudden, miraculous appearance on a hillside in Italy, dismaying local residents
- How amazed Italians used exacting detective skills in Italy and later in Palestine to discover where the house had come from
- How believers have venerated Our Lady of Loreto and revered her Holy House for over 700 years now (shouldn’t you, too?)
- The story of the fifteenth century erection of a magnificent basilica over the humble Holy House and the sixteenth century enclosing of the fragile structure in a grand marble encasement
- The cure in the Holy House of two Popes in succession (and the tale of many other miracles witnessed there)
Among the evidence brought forth in this powerful book are:
- Scores of quotations from 13th century witnesses, and from hundreds of scholars and visitors in the seven centuries since then
- Other original sources from three nations: letters, wills, testimony, summaries, official reports from ancient archives, and documents (including encyclicals) from the Vatican itself testifying to the authenticity of the miracle and the merit of devotion to the Holy House and Our Lady of Loreto.
Believers will be thrilled and consoled by the evidence presented here; sceptics will have their scepticism tempered and many will even come to see the truth about the Holy House: it is a miraculous dwelling, testimony in stone to the loving power of our God.
That’s why pontiff after pontiff has encouraged belief in the miraculous transport of the Holy House to Italy and why the same belief has been rapturously adopted by a host of saints including many Doctors of the Church.
Over 45 popes have sanctioned the story of the transport, including Popes Benedict XII, Blessed Urban V, Urban VI, Pope Paul II, Julius II, Leo X, St. Pius V, Gregory XIII, Sixtus V, Clement VIII, Clement X, Innocent XII, Pius IX, Leo XIII, Pius X, Benedict XV, and many others.
Countless saints, too, have gone on pilgrimage there, including St. Francis of Assisi, St. Francis Xavier, St. Ignatius, St. Charles Borromeo, St. Aloysius Gonzaga, St. Stanislaus Kostka, St. Francis of Sales, St. Benedict Labre, St. Alphonsus Liguori, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, and others.
Perhaps it’s finally time for you to learn about Our Lady of Loreto and her Holy House, and to receive from devotion to them the many new heavenly graces and benefits the Church promises will be yours.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 181 pages
Brother Deo Gratias: St Felix of Cantalice
by Lady Amabel Kerr
St. Felix of Cantalice was a Capuchin Franciscan in the 16th century. Placed among great personages such as St. Philip Neri, St. Charles Borromeo, and others, St. Felix lived a life of poverty and fidelity to the rule of St. Francis. Born in 1515, he lived as a farm worker until he was 28, when he became a Capuchin. He not only begged alms, but gladly distributed them to the poor. It was said that his alms sack was as bottomless as his heart. He walked bare-foot through the streets of Rome, and his response to anyone that gave him alms was “Deo Gratias,” or “Thank God.” Thus he earned his name. St. Felix also became known as a great healer.
Amabel Kerr writes a deep, spiritual account of the holy Capuchin which moves the reader toward the love of God page by page. You will discover:
-St. Felix’s deep prayer life and love of Christ and His Virgin Mother;
-St. Felix’s continual service to the poor, though owning nothing himself;
-How the saint reminded Church dignitaries and the wealthy of their obligations to Christ and the Church;
-The deep interior life of the saint.
This book is a must have for anyone that loves Franciscan spirituality as well as history.
Paperback, 119 pages
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