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Life of Jesus Christ hardcover set
Life of Jesus Christ hardcover 4 vol set
by Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich
This four-volume set records the visions of the famous 19th-century Catholic mystic, Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich, a nun who was privileged to behold innumerable events of biblical times, going back all the way to the creation of the world. She witnessed the fall of the Angels, the sin of Adam, Noah and the Flood, the lives of St. John the Baptist, St. Anne, St. Joseph, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and St. Mary Magdalen.
Also includes the birth, life, public ministry, Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, as well as the founding of His Church. Besides describing persons, places, events and traditions in intimate detail, Anne Catherine Emmerich also sets forth the mystical significance of these visible realities.
Hardcover, 2144 pages
- Availability: 1 In Stock