I want Holy God

Life-Story of Little Nellie of Holy God
$27.00  Inc Tax
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I want Holy God
Life-Story of Little Nellie of Holy God
by Fr Bernard Des Ronces

When the nuns of the Good Shepherd Convent in Cork, Ireland, welcomed the little three-year-old invalid Nellie Organ on May 11, 1907, little did they think that the great Pope Saint Pius X would say of her a few short years later:

È un angeletto, she’s a little angel. Her patience was admirable, her resignation in suffering was so perfect. And then, she understood supernatural things in a superior manner. As for her innocence, no one can doubt of it. She’s an angel who lived with the Angels”.

Writing very shortly after her death, Father Bernard des Ronces bases his account of Little Nellie’s life on the most reliable sources. The result is possibly the most complete biography of the child who was chosen by God to encourage Pope Pius X to allow little children to receive Holy Communion. As the same Pope remarked when he was given Father de Ronces’ book in a private audience in 1912: “You’ve made a big book out of this small life!”

In it, the strands of Little Nellie’s life are interwoven with appropriate texts from the Saints and spiritual writers as well as beautiful poetry from Saint Therese of Lisieux and other authors.

“May God fill with every blessing all those who recommend frequent Communion to little boys and girls, proposing Little Nellie as their model” - Pope Saint Pius X

Paperback, size 8" x 5.25", 278 pages

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