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Mug St Michael
True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin hardcover
True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin is one of the greatest books ever written about Our Lady. Praised by popes, mystics and theologians, this profound and powerful book presents Mary as the essential and infallible key to the heart of Jesus. Nowhere will you find a deeper and more life-changing book on that quintessentially Catholic doctrine: the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the life of the Christian and the life of the Church.
Unpublished during the saint's life time, it has enjoyed the endorsement of the many outstanding popes the Church has been blessed with since its discovery in 1842.
The key to De Montfort's Marian spirituality is that he considered Our Lady to be the infallible and chosen gate to the heart of Christ – To Jesus through Mary: it is Christ Himself Who is at the centre of True Devotion.
176 pp, leather hardcover
- Availability: 4 In Stock