St Thomas More of London

$25.00  Inc Tax
St Thomas More of London
by Charles A Brady

he fascinating story of St. Thomas More of London Town is interestingly told by the author and is generously illustrated by S. Ohrvel Carlson.As described in the introduction in Chapter One “This is the story of a great saint who was born almost five hundred years ago.....One may still see his handwriting and a portrait of him painted by his friend Hans Holbein. A visitor may pluck a leaf from a mulberry tree growing in what was once Sir Thomas’ garden on the river Thames. He may even hear the tick of a clock that once hung on the wall of his beautiful Chelsea home. But if any young reader really wants to hear that great heart beat again, he or she may read this little story of St. Thomas More’s large life. (Imprimatur 1969)

Ages:  10+

Hardcover, 56 pages
  • Availability: 1 In Stock