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St Teresa of Avila
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St Teresa of Avila
Story Colouring Book
by Mary Fabyan Windeatt
St. Teresa of Avila persuaded her brother to run off with her to Africa to become martyrs. The plan failed, but after a wordly youth, Teresa's life became one long quest to serve God better and better - as a Carmelite nun. Spirited and down to earth, St. Teresa once said, "May God deliver me from gloomy saints."
Paperback, 33 pages
Story Colouring Book
by Mary Fabyan Windeatt
St. Teresa of Avila persuaded her brother to run off with her to Africa to become martyrs. The plan failed, but after a wordly youth, Teresa's life became one long quest to serve God better and better - as a Carmelite nun. Spirited and down to earth, St. Teresa once said, "May God deliver me from gloomy saints."
Paperback, 33 pages
- Availability: 1 In Stock