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Messengers of God
Phsyical Apparitions of Angels Throughout Church History
Messengers of God
Phsyical Apparitions of Angels Throughout Church History
by Dom Bernard-Marie Maréchaux
The Angels are pure spirits. Therefore, they do not have bodies. However, Sacred Scripture is very clear – Angels appeared to men in physical form right throughout the New and Old Testaments.
Would these kinds of apparitions come to an end when the Church began to grow and expand? Not at all, Dom Maréchaux tells us. And he proves this with countless examples of historically recorded instances of Angels appearing to the saints and servants of God down through the ages.
The learned Benedictine brings his readers on a tour of the history of the world and especially of the Church showing that in every age the Angels have condescended to appear to men in a form perceptible to their senses.
Protectors of the budding Church, consolers of the martyrs, guardians of the virgins, companions of the anchorites, custodians of the churches and protectors of the monasteries, readers will discover the fascinating history of how the Angels have visibly accompanied the saints and servants of God from Saint Peter to the children of Fatima and beyond.
Paperback, size 8" x 5.5, 182 pages
Phsyical Apparitions of Angels Throughout Church History
by Dom Bernard-Marie Maréchaux
The Angels are pure spirits. Therefore, they do not have bodies. However, Sacred Scripture is very clear – Angels appeared to men in physical form right throughout the New and Old Testaments.
Would these kinds of apparitions come to an end when the Church began to grow and expand? Not at all, Dom Maréchaux tells us. And he proves this with countless examples of historically recorded instances of Angels appearing to the saints and servants of God down through the ages.
The learned Benedictine brings his readers on a tour of the history of the world and especially of the Church showing that in every age the Angels have condescended to appear to men in a form perceptible to their senses.
Protectors of the budding Church, consolers of the martyrs, guardians of the virgins, companions of the anchorites, custodians of the churches and protectors of the monasteries, readers will discover the fascinating history of how the Angels have visibly accompanied the saints and servants of God from Saint Peter to the children of Fatima and beyond.
Paperback, size 8" x 5.5, 182 pages
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