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Saint Athanasius
Saint Athanasius
by F. A. Forbes
St. Athanasius of Alexandria is one of the greatest saints in the history of the Church and perhaps the single greatest champion of the Divinity of Christ. From an early age, he was marked for the clerical life, and even for becoming the successor of the Patriarch of Alexandria. Although still a deacon under thirty years of age, he was present in 325 at the First Council of Nicaea as the secretary of Patriarch Alexander, playing a great part in the promulgation of the "consubstantiality" of the Son and the Father. Soon after, Athanasius succeeded in the Patriarchate and became the most prominent and aggressive defender of Trinitarian orthodoxy against Arianism, which said that the Son was not God but a creature.
He underwent no fewer than five exiles and multiple rigged trials, standing up to emperors and numerous Eastern bishops who supported some form of Arianism. It goes without saying that Athanasius's faith and dedication to Christ was undying to the last. Saint Athanasius: The Father of Orthodoxy details the life of this holy and excellent bishop, Doctor of the Church, and Champion of Orthodoxy in a way accessible to young and old alike. Let the reading of this great saint's life fill you with zeal for the truths of the faith and gain you a powerful heavenly intercessor.
Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 116 pages, Impr, 3 Illustrations
by F. A. Forbes
St. Athanasius of Alexandria is one of the greatest saints in the history of the Church and perhaps the single greatest champion of the Divinity of Christ. From an early age, he was marked for the clerical life, and even for becoming the successor of the Patriarch of Alexandria. Although still a deacon under thirty years of age, he was present in 325 at the First Council of Nicaea as the secretary of Patriarch Alexander, playing a great part in the promulgation of the "consubstantiality" of the Son and the Father. Soon after, Athanasius succeeded in the Patriarchate and became the most prominent and aggressive defender of Trinitarian orthodoxy against Arianism, which said that the Son was not God but a creature.
He underwent no fewer than five exiles and multiple rigged trials, standing up to emperors and numerous Eastern bishops who supported some form of Arianism. It goes without saying that Athanasius's faith and dedication to Christ was undying to the last. Saint Athanasius: The Father of Orthodoxy details the life of this holy and excellent bishop, Doctor of the Church, and Champion of Orthodoxy in a way accessible to young and old alike. Let the reading of this great saint's life fill you with zeal for the truths of the faith and gain you a powerful heavenly intercessor.
Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 116 pages, Impr, 3 Illustrations
- Availability: 1 In Stock