Liber Usualis

$152.00  Inc Tax
Liber Usualis

This reprinting that we brought out was the last printing of the Liber Usualis before the changes in the liturgy took place a few years after the Second Vatican Council. Our reprinted edition is from 1963 with the 1962 rubrics which are in English and not in Latin, as some of the more recent printings have been. We have kept the original Gregorian notation for the chant.

This reprinted edition is sewn with a hardback cloth black binding, This binding is reinforced at the hinges of the book and includes durable end sheets for long lasting use.  This book shouldn’t fall apart, in other words, after a year or two of constant or daily use. The spine and the cover are stamped with the name of the book in a Gothic script.  Six colored ribbon markers are included in this edition as well as red edges to avoid unsightly finger print marks to show up after being used for a while.

The actual paper is a cream white color so as to hide the back side of the page that may cause excessive shadows of notes from the other side to show through. This book is printed on thin paper so as to reduce the size or bulk of the book and real ink is used in the printing of it.

The publisher has added on the last pages of this edition a supplement for the “Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary” (celebrated on the 22nd of August); that is, we have added the tract to be said during Septuagesima season & Lent; and we have added the extra Alleluia to be said during the Easter season in place of the gradual. This addition was made at the request of those who use this Mass as a votive Mass during the liturgical year since these additions are not in the original Liber Usualis.

An updated table of moveable feasts is current to the year 2051.

Otherwise, this edition is an exact reprint of the original.

Hardcover, size 7.5" x 4.75", 1800+ pages
  • Availability: 6 In Stock